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Bernice Moore

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Posts posted by Bernice Moore

  1. I read Kelin's book when it first came out, and am gratified to see it is finally getting some attention. It is well-written, and includes a lot of background on the early researchers. For those, like myself, intrigued by not only what happened in Dallas, but how the official story has changed, and the public's perception has changed, this book is a real treasure. I'd like to see it turned into an HBO movie...oh, that's right, HBO has poured all its money and credibility into Bugliosi's book telling us these early researchers were all sorely misguided and/or cranks.

    The war drags on.


    Hi Pat:

    Yes, I read his book also when it was first released, it is one that is well worth the money, which

    seems to be seldom......these days.

    And has now and I think perhaps with some, will become somewhat of a reference book......you are correct when you mention how the official story has changed, in many areas......

    It certainly has many gems within....

    Movie, naw, they are all too busy with leading the public astray, to ever complete a worthwhile



    P.S..Cliff: The Bug doesn't know xxxxe from brains...he was paid to do so imo......no surprise..... :huh:

  2. The car that takes up much of the Weigman frame is the so-called telephone car, the fifth car behind JFK's limo.

    It therefore appears that the two cars shown ahead of it on the left are LBJ's security car and whichever car was behind it.

    I can't make much sense of the blurry objects to the left of the cars, except for what looks like an unmanned motorcycle. I first thought that it could be Hargis's, where he left it to run across the street, but it appears to be too far down Elm to be Hargis's.

    Ron...the "so-called telephone car" was called the Press Pool Car carrying the reporters

    from the major news services, including AP's Merriman Smith. It was on loan from the telephone

    company and did have a mobile phone (rare in those days).

    If you check, as I did, there were four HARDTOP cars at the front of the parade...

    1. Pilot Car...white Ford

    2. Lead Car...white Ford

    3. Halfback...pale yellow Mercury (seen in Altgens behind LBJ)

    4. Press Pool...gray Chevrolet

    The Pilot Car was ahead of the lead motorcycles, and cannot be in Wiegman.


    in the foreground.


    convertibles. Check it out, and tell me what the two sedans are ahead of the

    Press Pool car.



    These may help...........


  3. Yet Another Eyewitness

    by John Kelin


    A newly-discovered document is providing additional corroboration to the claim that Lee Harvey Oswald left Dealey Plaza in a Rambler station wagon in the aftermath of the JFK assassination --- and not as the Warren Commission claimed.

    Kansas researcher Chris Courtwright recently came across an FBI document at Archives II in College Park, Maryland, which tells the story of eyewitness Roy Cooper. This important document, an FBI affidavit, provides new corroboration to former Dallas Sheriff's Deputy Roger Craig, who in 1963 reported an observation virtually identical to that reported by Cooper.

    The Cooper document states:

    To: SAC, Dallas

    From: SA Earle Haley

    Subject: Assassination of President Kennedy

    Mr. Roy Cooper, Route 1, Box 135A, Euless, Texas, phone Butler 3-2640, furnished the following information at 12:15 p.m. this date [ll-23-63]. He related an incident about a Nash Rambler being seen leaving the building at Elm and Houston on 11/22/63. He was driving his car and following his boss who was driving a Cadillac. They were coming south on Houston and had to wait for the parade and the incident happened shortly after they reached this intersection. Cooper observed a white male somewhere between 20 and 30 years of age wave at a Nash Rambler station wagon, light colored, as it pulled out and was ready to leave from Elm and Houston. This station wagon pulled out real fast in front of the Cadillac driven by his boss and his employer had to stop abruptly and nearly hit this Nash Rambler. Cooper could not see who was driving the Nash Rambler and could not furnish any further description of the man who jumped into this car. They drove off at a rather fast rate of speed and went down toward the overpass toward Oak Cliff.

    Cooper was following his immediate supervisor Mr. Marvin C. Robinson who was taking his Cadillac home to Oak Cliff. Cooper was then to pick up Robinson and they were to go back to their employment in Garland in his car. He advised that Marvin C. Robinson resides on Marsalis Street in Dallas and that the house is five doors off Loop 12 but he does not have the exact residence.

    Cooper and Robinson are both employed at Ling Temco Vought at Garland, Texas. He stated that Robinson would either be at home today or might be on duty at the Naval Air Station at Grand Prairie. He believed that Robinson could give further information about the Rambler station wagon, also the driver and the rider.

    Marvin Robinson is long known to have filed a report supporting Deputy Craig's story. Robinson's FBI statement (CD 5, p. 70, though not published in the WC material; see also HSCA vol. 12, p. 18) says:

    MARVIN C. ROBINSON, 5120 South Marsalis Avenue, telephone number FRanklin 4-5834, advised that approximately between 12:30 and 1:00p.m. on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, while traveling west on Elm Street he crossed the intersection of Elm and Houston Streets shortly after the assassination of President KENNEDY. ROBINSON stated that after he had crossed Houston Street and was in front of the Texas School Book Depository building a light colored Nash stationwagon suddenly appeared before him. He stated this vehicle stopped and a white male came down the grass covered incline between the building and the street and entered the stationwagon after which it drove away in the direction of the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. ROBINSON stated he does not recall the license number on the stationwagon or whether or not it bore a Texas license plate.

    He stated further that he did not pay particular attention to the individual who entered the stationwagon and would be unable to identify him.

    ROBINSON was unable to furnish any pertinent information concerning the assassination of President KENNEDY.

    Roger Craig told the Warren Commission he saw a man he identified as Oswald flee Dealey Plaza in a Nash Rambler station wagon driven by a second man, ten to fifteen minutes after Kennedy's murder.

    Just who was driving this vehicle, and who owned it, could go a long way toward explaining what really happened to President Kennedy. See the article, Possible Discovery of an Automobile Used in the JFK Conspiracy, by Richard Bartholomew, in this issue of Fair Play.

    Craig's assertions appear in three different documents published in the Warren Commission volumes, two of them dated 11-23-63 and the third dated 11-25-63. Each specifically mentions a Rambler, although his published testimony before the Commission, taken April 1, 1964, does not. Craig said his references to a Rambler were changed to "station wagon."

    Officially, Oswald fled the area minutes after the slaying by foot, bus, and finally taxicab, which took him to within blocks of his Oak Cliff rooming house. The Commission states on page 160 of its Report that it "could not accept important elements of Craig's testimony," and that while Craig may have seen someone fleeing, "this man was not Lee Harvey Oswald."

    Craig has been a favorite target of Warren Commission apologists, in spite of a growing body of evidence he was telling the truth. He was fired by the Dallas County Sheriff's office in 1967, and committed suicide in 1975 at the age of 39.

    The Roy Cooper in these FBI documents is not to be confused with the former KTVH cameraman of the same name. Cooper the cameraman rescued outtakes of assassination coverage from the wastebasket. This footage was largely unknown until the spring of 1996.


    Officer Seymour Weitzman, part of the Dallas police search team, later described the discovery of the rifle on the afternoon of November 22. He stated that it had been so well hidden under boxes of books that the officers stumbled over it many times before they found it. Officer Weitzmann, who had an engineering degree and also operated a sporting goods store, was recognized as an authority on weapons. Consequently, Dallas Homicide Chief Will Fritz, who was on the scene, asked him the make of the rifle. Weitzman identified it as a 7.65 Mauser, a highly accurate German-made weapon. Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig was also there and later recalled the word "Mauser" inscribed in the metal of the gun. And Deputy Sheriff Eugene Boone executed a sworn affidavit in which he described the rifle as a Mauser. As late as midnight November 22, Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade told the media that the weapon found was a Mauser.

    … when the smoke cleared and all the law enforcement authorities in Dallas had their stories duly in order, the official position was that the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Depository was the Mannlicher-Carcano, which allegedly was linked to Oswald under an alias, and not the Mauser, which disappeared forever shortly after it reached the hands of Captain Fritz.

    But even this revision of the official story did not explain the third rifle. A film taken by Dallas Cinema Associates, an independent film company, showed a scene of the Book Depository shortly after the assassination. Police officers on the fire escape were bringing down a rifle from the roof above the sixth floor with the tender care you might give an infant. When the policemen reached the ground, a high-ranking officer held the rifle high for everyone to see. The camera zoomed in for a close-up. Beneath the picture was the legend, "The Assassin’s Rifle." When I saw the film, I noted that this rifle had no sight mounted on it. Thus it could not have been either the Carcano or the vanished Mauser, both of which had sights.

    I was not surprised to find that this third rifle, like the Mauser, had disappeared. But its existence confirmed my hypothesis that Lee Oswald could not have killed John Kennedy as the American public had been told. Setting aside the evidence of two other weapons on the scene, the incredibly accurate shooting of an incredibly inaccurate rifle within an impossible time frame was merely the beginning of the feat we were asked to believe Oswald had accomplished.

    (Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 113 -

    Below Roger Craig on the right.......


  4. Searh for "Two men In Dallas" on Youtube or Google video.

    Great stuff!


    Thank you for that. I suggest all members watch this 5 part video.

    Yes, it make you mad to realize what the bastards did to good men like him. I suggest to give Roger Craig posthumely the "David Atlee Phillips award". That would be a laugh.

    Mr. Spencer served as co-counsel for Bush/Cheney in the Florida Recount 2000. He is an election lawyer and frequently lectures on election law and litigation.

    He is a member of the Overseas Security Advisory Council, United States Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

    Mr. Spencer was appointed by the Bush Administration to the Presidential Rank Review Board of the Office of Personnel Management, 2001.

    Mr. Spencer received the David Atlee Phillips Award 2001 from the Association of Former Intelligence Officers. The Award is made to an individual who advances the interests of the American Intelligence Community. He is the founding President of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, Theodore Shackley Chapter (South Florida).

    I don't know who he is , but all the stuff of that user is good.


    Maybe you could send him an invitation.

    Does Bernice have a clearer copy of that photo? With some less harsh contrast maybe?

    This is the photo of the man, that Jim Garrison showed to Roger Craig.....it is originally from the Garrison files......it became available through the Marsh collection......


    What is the Marsh collection? Is this Anthony Marsh? When did this picture exactly come available?


    Little doubt in my mind we're talking about this man:



    Yes it is from the Anthony Marsh collection, and as far as I know it is the only one available..

    as is.......and has been available for a numbers of years now.....


  5. Anybody know what photograph this is?

    'A photograph turned up a few years after the assassination showing the TSBD about ten minutes after the shooting. The Hertz clock on the roof reads 12:40. That photograph shows what appears to be a Rambler station wagon in the traffic on Elm--lending support Craig's story.'

    Maybe somebody can see oswald in the rambler going West on Elm Street towards

    the triple underpass.




  6. This is the most significant discovery I have made in a very long while.

    The famous single clear frame in Wiegman shows the Curry lead car

    stopped by the south curb and two motorcops standing in the street

    beside it...as the JFK limo is about to enter the underpass. This

    demolishes the Zapruder film.

    It fits precisely the testimony of officers Chaney and Ellis.

    I am sending the graphic to Bernice to post for me as soon

    as she can.


    PS...I will soon have a new computer and will be able to

    post images again.




  7. "I'm just wondering where everyone is , and if there is a problem with the forum software, as only 4 people including myself have posted anything in the past 24 hours which is VERY unusual?


    They have gone Dunc, one other place or playing elves.....??


  8. ???

    - One MC cop stopped on Elm st and dismounted.

    - Two are passing under the UP.

    - Four preceded and of those, two are ahead of the pic, and the MC cop in question has gone ahead and joined, formed the trio.(after doing what he said).

    - Clint's head is low leaning out to shout to the initial lead car (Curry's) hence can't be seen above visors.

    - The right MC is gearing, the middle has just signalled, the left is not gearing,

    - The right has two stripes.


    Hi John.....

    Two MC riders stopped on Elm, Clyde Haygood parked his bike just in front of the turnpike sign, on the right hand side , looking at the overpass....

    and ran up the knoll to the corner of the fence and Overpass..

    ...Bobby Hargis parked his bike on the left hand side of the street, ran across the road and up to the cement wall on the left of the Pergola..Zapruder



    OK, thank you Bernice. Part questions answered. Thank you. Back to the 'drawing board'...



    I have found this Couch frame.....I believe it is one of Chris Davison's.....

    Chris correct me if this is in error....thanks...

    I believe it is correct.....



    That is either from Couch or Darnell.

    Robin did the labeling for us.

    Please remember ALL MC cops in Couch/Darnell are NOT part of the 8 MC (lead group) that we see in earlier footage.

    Part of the lead group is, who we see in McIntire, Bell and Daniels.

    Of course this is based on the existing footage that we have.

    The MC in Bell that Robin has supplied, is part of the lead group.



    Thanks Chris:

    I have not my books at hand, and I knew you would be able to fill me in....

    Robin thanks, and here is another frame from Bell ..FWIW.....

    Bests B.....

  9. ???

    - One MC cop stopped on Elm st and dismounted.

    - Two are passing under the UP.

    - Four preceded and of those, two are ahead of the pic, and the MC cop in question has gone ahead and joined, formed the trio.(after doing what he said).

    - Clint's head is low leaning out to shout to the initial lead car (Curry's) hence can't be seen above visors.

    - The right MC is gearing, the middle has just signalled, the left is not gearing,

    - The right has two stripes.


    Hi John.....

    Two MC riders stopped on Elm, Clyde Haygood parked his bike just in front of the turnpike sign, on the right hand side , looking at the overpass....

    and ran up the knoll to the corner of the fence and Overpass..

    ...Bobby Hargis parked his bike on the left hand side of the street, ran across the road and up to the cement wall on the left of the Pergola..Zapruder



    OK, thank you Bernice. Part questions answered. Thank you. Back to the 'drawing board'...



    I have found this Couch frame.....I believe it is one of Chris Davison's.....

    Chris correct me if this is in error....thanks...

    I believe it is correct.....


  10. Per studies...backing...suddenly appears...

    Harper Fragment Information



    Hi Bernice - I reviewed the frames again - I don't believe that this isn't a fair analysis. It seems clear that frames are missing - at a minimum between z312 and z313. So the movement of the film here jerks forward some one foot or so for the background. The paper backing doesn't 'appear' suddenly, it is jerked into our view. Using Moorman as my reference point.

    - lee



    Now we meet again, at missing frames...

    I have been studying this particular gif...and I believe I am seeing what could be a " now you do Not see it,

    then a sudden Now you do."...? In reference to the backing....

    ....Have a look at the distance all appears to move between

    these two frames...# 312 & 313....and the suddeness of it.......the head shot also appears what, painted in.??

    or is it moi..?

    .....I know little of film cameras, except for what I have tried to comprehend, through the studies

    so my marginal knowledge is not reliable....

    Perhaps you understand their workings more fully.... or someone

    who does, could give us a grain from their brain.... :blink:

    .David perhaps?..Jack ???..


    Bernice, since we know the Zappy film is a crappy fake, I no longer

    study anything in it. Nothing is real. Why waste time?



    Right Jack.....

    I put it away a long time ago, but every now and again it has a habit of popping up....

    I am trying to figure out, with very little knowledge of cameras, if this was possible,

    to suddenly appear as the backing did in the Gif I posted ,or

    it is another sign of cut frames......


    Frank : Below I do believe the paper backing in Bothun......


  11. ???

    - One MC cop stopped on Elm st and dismounted.

    - Two are passing under the UP.

    - Four preceded and of those, two are ahead of the pic, and the MC cop in question has gone ahead and joined, formed the trio.(after doing what he said).

    - Clint's head is low leaning out to shout to the initial lead car (Curry's) hence can't be seen above visors.

    - The right MC is gearing, the middle has just signalled, the left is not gearing,

    - The right has two stripes.


    Hi John.....

    Two MC riders stopped on Elm, Clyde Haygood parked his bike just in front of the turnpike sign, on the right hand side , looking at the overpass....

    and ran up the knoll to the corner of the fence and Overpass..

    ...Bobby Hargis parked his bike on the left hand side of the street, ran across the road and up to the cement wall on the left of the Pergola..Zapruder



  12. Hi




    If you carefully examine the video taped recording of Files 2003 confession you will see & hear Files say that the sign in question is to the LEFT of a Moorman 5 photo which Files is scrutinising.

    Now, this means that Files is not confused in his recollection, but tentative & cautious, yet definite.

    That adds strong & telling evidence of basic verisimilitude.

    The criticism cited by Bernie above is just as questionable as Files' account.

    Those dogs don't hunt, EITHER!


    Miles :

    Blue does nothing for you......I believe you need to get up to full research within Mr File's information..on your own.

    Do not try to put Mr.Files into the Duncanman area, he is simply not there....and never was...according to his first stated information..

    if he ever was in Dealey let alone behind the fence...

    I have the 2003, his other confession...

    I would suggest that you purchase Mr.Files 1994 video..." Confession of An Assassin" ....and Examine......

    The 2003 version contained changes that occurred...within his story..after.....94...

    What is it they say about first reports...??

    He says all freely, and when not asked a question continues to speak of his own thoughts.........Below is from some notes I had taken.......

    He says they ( he and Nicoletti ) parked in the parking lot beside the Dal Tex, there was no parking lot......the Dal Tex had none...

    Nicoletti asks approximately two hours before a Presidential hit, where he would postion himself, if he were him...

    ..Files tells him the Dal Tex....and where would...he.....

    "Well, I said, from looking everything over & walking in the week that I've been down here, (LHO was his tour guide ), I think

    I would choose up there behind the tree behind the stockade fence behind the high ridge on the knoll up there"....

    He and Nicoletti walked around the area, the parking lot........walked back to the car....

    He was asked if he would back up Nicoletti....

    They went back to the car, where he got the suitcase containing the fireball....shortly before noon...turned his jacket inside out, to the red plaid side...

    Went to the area walked down the grassy knoll, looked things over..no one paid any attention to him and he went back up....

    Went behind the fence the big tree ...15 feet from the end of the fence...

    The shots......He states......Looking at JFK it was his , JFK's, left side.......

    He zeroed in on J.F.Ks left eye, it came (the shot ) in on the left side of the temple..left side of the head...

    He says .....Nicoletti's shot, hit him an instance before his shot...moving him forward like we see, ( Zapruder film ) and then Files shot..

    that is why his shot hit him in the left temple.......Nicoletti hit him in the left hand side of the back of the head...and blew a hole out...?????

    But then that is confusing also, as then he then speaks of and motions a shot from the front to the back..blowing out the back left hand side of

    the President's head......??

    He says ........Looking at him (Files...) the right hand side of the head?????????

    After the hits, there were two men about 15 feet down from him, and they turned people away as they came into the parking lot.....??

    ...He then turned his jacket to the correct side out, put a cap on his head, and walked away with the suitcase, with the fireball.........

    He then walked to the end of the stockade fence, around down the steps.....carrying the suitcase, walked back over across the grass to the dead end street there by the parking lot..and he proceeded to cross Houston to the Dal Tex parking lot.(.That never existed ) ...they all get in the car, he drives out of the none existing parking lot, makes a right turn, which did not exist either........

    He recalls after being asked about, he bit a shell and left it on the ( railing ) of the fence.....

    Earlier he is told that the interviewer ( B.V) has a Moorman photo, that shows him at the fence....and he is asked would he autograph it for him, he says on Sunday..

    That is all and enough that concerns the fence....

    William Bonnano, in his book "My Life in the Mob", stated that John Roselli confessed to him that he had shot JFK from a sewer manhole.??


  13. This Willis 6 below is Jack's copy....It came originally from Gary Shaw....

    The one I have posted abive, has a black arrow on such..that

    Wilis marked on them....when he sold his sets of photographs.

    Jack's is earlier or closer to the original....though the copy I have

    appears to be a better quality...?..above..

    That is M/O Clyde Haygood's motorcyce parked that can be seen....

    and his white helmet just showing on the left, bottom

    under the Fort Worth, Turnpike sign.....he was on his way up the knoll

    to the overpass south corner of where the overpass meets the

    wooden fence......So the Cabluck photo taken of him standing up on

    such from the bus has not passed as yet..

    I have no idea if this may help but here is information on Jimmy Darnell

    from POTP : Trask......on some of the timing....

    Jimmy Darnell: POTP : Trask

    He had been at Love Field, WBAP had Bureau Chief Kerr and cameraman/reporters

    Robert Welch and Jimmy Darnell on

    assignment. and had been instructed if any incident occurred

    during the motorcade that he was to stay at the scene.He was

    their representative in the motorcade, earning a degree in a

    double major in Journalism and Education and had been working

    for WBAP-TV since Jan.61.His wife Ruth worked for the Burglary

    and Theft Bureau of the DPD, as a secretary.

    In camera car #3 ,some 8 cars behind the Presidents ,allocated

    for the local press, a 1964 Chevrolet Impala, grey, Darnell sat

    in the rear drivers side of the seat, with Bob Jackson and Tom Dillard.

    He jumped from the car at the time of the shooting along with James

    R. Underwood and still cameraman Tom Dillard. (Just before the car

    was moving around the corner onto Elm. page 423 ).In two brief FBI

    reports dealing with Darnell's activites, it relates: Darnell "....stated

    he heard the first shot and thought it was a back-fire from an

    automobile. The second shot he thought was a firecracker. He stated,

    however, after the second shot he realized from the confusion that

    something had happened and he jumped out of the car and ran

    towards the President's car. However,he was unable to see anything

    and did not get any photographs. He said he noticed parents were

    throwing their children to the ground and covering them with their

    bodies and that he took photographs of this activity." ...

    ( FBI report by

    agents Richard E. Harrison & George W.Carlson. 11/29/63).page 422

    After jumping from the car Darnell ran down the South side of

    Elm Street ,westerly towards the area where he had seen bodies


    Raising his camera to his eyes, he managed to record some 9-1/2

    seconds of activity in two film sequences. In the first five second

    shot Darnell has pointed his camera across Elm St. as first a car

    and then the station wagon (the 11th and 12th cars behind the

    President's vehicle.)-(page 422...also shows a frame of Darnell's,

    across the street can be seen AP photographer Jim Altgens looking

    to his right, ...........

    apparently waiting for a chance to cross the street. To Altgens right

    can be seen the Newman family on the grass. Bill Newman is on his

    knees and with his right hand hits the ground three hard whacks

    venting his frustration. A man runs by from camera right down the

    sidewalk ,while a young boy runs down the grassy incline towards

    the same direction. This view was also made by still photographer

    Harry Cabluck from aboard a press bus in the motorcade as it passed


    Just after this Darnell shoots a shorter clip as the third bus in the

    motorcade carrying the "official" party and a black and white police

    cruiser passes in the foreground. Panning to the left Darnell follows

    the vehicles as they speed towards the railroad overpass while

    people dash across the street towards the grassy knoll.This film

    and other brief clips made by Darnell were shown on NBC, coupled

    with other films and narrated by Robert MacNeil as part of the days

    synopsis..........It was broadcast nationally at about midnight Eastern Time

    that Friday.page 423,

    He is seen on the South side of Elm, to his left in a long dark coat

    and white pants is Mary Moorman, now back on her feet, looking

    westerly down Elm St. her polaroid visible in her left hand. From

    the right the influx of people begin to pour into the area.The wood

    panel 1964 Mercury Colony Park station wagon that proceeds the

    first Bus ( it appears in Bond).........to me the distance dividing the two

    is approx. 25 to 30 feet .page 210) Seconds later Bond clicks off

    another shot as the first bus approaches the underpass. A sedan

    carrying Morning News reporters, had squeezed into the motorcade

    between the two buses......and are shown in the camera's view.

    (Bond 6..page 211).

    The Newman family ( Bond 7..page 211), has gotten up from

    the ground.

    He remained in Dealey Plaza area for some time, filming and

    interviewing witnesses, along with Mary Moorman and Jean Hill.

    page 423..........

    One of the first broadcast witnesses was with Jean Hill. Jimmy Darnell

    had come upon her in the press room. At 1.21pm CST, WBAP's

    Tom Whalen played over the NBC network an interview arranged

    through Darnell, which he had just audio-taped a few minutes earlier.

    Darnell was later joined at the Court Building by NBC cameraman

    Henry Kokajan, who had brought with him WBAP's only sound camera

    which had originally been set up at the Trade Mart.........

    By about 3.16 CST

    ,NBC was again reporting through its WBAP affiliate on witnesses to

    the shooting, and Moorman's photo of the President was shown on

    camera followed by a filmed interview of the two women. (page 237-8).

    Following his work in Dealey, Darnell went back to Love Field and was

    able to film the President's coffin being loaded onto AF 1 at about 2.15pm.

    taking it from the perimeter of the secure area. Head of police security

    for Love Field, Newton Fisher ,is said to have confiscated Darnell's film,

    saying ...........

    "That's sacrilegious. !!" Three film clips shown on Fri. night by NBC

    along with other Darnell shots do show long shots of the ambulance

    arriving at AF1 ,and might in fact have been Darnell's work?.

    POTP.....page 423.


    From The Great Zapruder Film Hoax..re Love Field and filming the Coffin.

    Gary Mack ARRB statement 11/18/94.

    Dr.Hall: Do you have any knowledge , --snip--of any former public

    officials who took with them materials related to the assassination

    that are now held in private hands that would otherwise be deemed

    public documents?

    Gary Mack: One comes to mind, A local photographer who worked

    for the NBC affiliate named Jimmy Darnell, filmed the loading of the

    President's casket on to Air Force One........... He filmed it from close range,

    and after he was done, a Dallas Police Officer ( Newton Fisher) came

    up to him and said you shouldn't have done that, that is sacrilegious,

    give me your camera. Jimmy had just joined ( Jan. 61) the station

    and hadn't been in the business very long and he did turn over the

    camera or gave him the film, and the officer ---Jimmy knew the

    officer's name and he told me the officer's name, and I don't

    recall it. It will come to me in a minute..........

    I called him (the officer, Newton Fisher?)and he had no knowledge

    of such a film and didn't recall doing that, but was not really surprised,

    it was not the kind of thing he would be enthusiastic to admit..

    He said if he had done that, he would have given it to Chief Curry,

    which means it would have gone to the FBI, so the station filed a

    FOI request right away and got an answer within like four days

    that their files do not have any such film.......

    Since there is such controversy, and legitimate controversy, I

    should add about the condition of the President's body in Dallas

    versus the body in Washington, I would douibt very highly there

    would be anything significant in this film of loading the body

    onto Air Force One, but you never know, and what else was on

    that film has also vanished........

    From......page 477-8. TGZFH. Dr.Jim Fetzer


    After leaving Love Field ,Jimmy Darnell went to the DPD and stayed

    there into the early hours of Sat. morning." I filmed Oswald when

    they brought him into the "show up" room ".Oswald's brief showing

    to the hoards of press at an assembly room late that Friday.

    Darnell's wife Ruth had been re-assigned, temporarily into Chief

    Curry's office to help answer the deluge of phone calls from

    all over the world........

    Jimmy was off duty on Sat, and on duty Sunday,and at Parkland

    Hospital to catch up on Governor Connally's condition, he was there

    and filmed Oswald being brought in following his being shot by

    Jack Ruby.

    POTP: page 430.

    Jimmy Darnell also took footage of the TSBD's exterior view

    of the building and the unfolding activity around it. page 519.POTP.

    He also filmed the pool of red liquid, in a 5 second snippet of film

    for WBAP-TV, (which BTW later became KXAS-TV.) from the top

    of the knoll steps..panning left and tilting slightly down to show

    the pool,of liquid. A small crowd milling around, people walking

    around it, also filming the Police in and around the knoll, and

    railroad yard to the west. Filming officer James Foster on the

    sidewalk at the top of the steps near the red liquid, with the wood

    fence at his rear.... ....

    From......National Nightmare page 91.

    Below is a Wilma Bond photo...# 5 ??

    That is he, Jimmy Darnell, facing the bus filming, in the brown

    suit, Mary Moormen is seen to his left..

    No where, so far, have I noticed what particular type of

    Camera that Darnell used, would you or anyone know.?? ....


  14. Per studies...backing...suddenly appears...

    Harper Fragment Information



    Hi Bernice - I reviewed the frames again - I don't believe that this isn't a fair analysis. It seems clear that frames are missing - at a minimum between z312 and z313. So the movement of the film here jerks forward some one foot or so for the background. The paper backing doesn't 'appear' suddenly, it is jerked into our view. Using Moorman as my reference point.

    - lee



    Now we meet again, at missing frames...

    I have been studying this particular gif...and I believe I am seeing what could be a " now you do Not see it,

    then a sudden Now you do."...? In reference to the backing....

    ....Have a look at the distance all appears to move between

    these two frames...# 312 & 313....and the suddeness of it.......the head shot also appears what, painted in.??

    or is it moi..?

    .....I know little of film cameras, except for what I have tried to comprehend, through the studies

    so my marginal knowledge is not reliable....

    Perhaps you understand their workings more fully.... or someone

    who does, could give us a grain from their brain.... :blink:

    .David perhaps?..Jack ???..


  15. Hi


    It is not only that the parking pole is there, in his drawing ,that was not on Nov.22/63, but that the Pole Light is not on the grass,

    they were all on the sidewalk, next to the road..


    I checked the Bonds and others and there are no Parking signs on any separate poles , they were all attached to

    the Pole lights, which were located

    on the street in the cement sidewalk, next to the roadway.. within that strech that I have seen within the photos.....

    Miles : Quote "...If you are old enough, you will be among the millions who were shocked & stunned & who will remember what they were doing & where they were when the news of the assassination became known.

    If anyone should remember it would the assassin.

    Or would it?

    Was the assassin shocked or stunned?

    Maybe not. His mind works differently. There is no surprise for him. Only the blinkered trance of concentration.

    Now, in the case of Files, he never said that his drawing was drawn from memory.

    But, Files knew his field of fire well enough to identify the sign which he was concerned might interfere with his shot.""


    I do not agree Miles, as Files has stated he was behind the fence for some time before the Motorcade arrived, that

    I think would have given him more than sufficient time, to have studied and known his surroundings, where the light pole was,

    not on the grass,

    and that the parking pole did not exist.......This drawing must have come from a photo shown to him or seen within a book.

    article, program, whatever....See below.....

    ....... I also disagree with you, as you are now showing the sign in front of him, the sign has always been to his right, as he has shown

    in his drawing...and I thought you also agreed in the past, re the Holland photos etc...though I could be mistaken, I do think

    that is where you have situated him for some time now...??..before the sign......within many of the photos that you have posted......

    but then again, what sign ?? which was he meaning....obvious from his drawing, he meant the Freeway Sign right ??..But Not...

    apparently.........See below..

    It is curious somewhat to me that you have now moved his line of sight ,

    to below the sign....therefore it appears to be in his way.....?

    ........so please read below....and check your photo that you posted above ..

    Miles Quote "Now, in the case of Files, he never said that his drawing was drawn from memory.""

    But he has said and those that have supported him, have stated that he had never seen nor watched nor read anything

    pertaining to the assn.

    in the past......but.......See below.....

    Miles Quote "Was the assassin shocked or stunned?""

    No to the contrare so he was not nervous, therefore quite capable to pay his centred attention on his surroundings.

    I would think.....See also below....

    Bill : Quote ""Yeah ... Something is getting deeper and its smell is no mystery IMO. Thats like asking 'What if Ray Charles wasn't blind.'

    Or what if Files wasn't even in Dealey Plaza ... now things are starting to make sense. ""

    Could very well be....

    Below is a page from Files book, you will notice what he has stated about the "Sign" ???

    I know, it will in all likelehood, be put down to an editing error, that is the usual that is given, by some.....

    but what with all the changing of his postions down through time, and the reasons for such that we have read, that never quite

    seem to satisfy........

    there has been something wrong within.....and .......Bill..Quote ""now things are starting to make sense. ""....a very good possibility imo..



    James Files - The Early Days?

    Below, on the left side of the page, is a scan of a letter sent by James Files to Joe West on July 30, 1992. In light of the claims and counterclaims concerning Files' involvement in the assassination, this letter is rather curious. Assertions were made throughout the mid 1990s that Files was not well read on the facts of the Kennedy assassination and most of what he said came from his own personal experiences. However, this letter seems to contradict those claims. Here is what a review of the text shows:

    In the first paragraph Files says he can not "be of some help to you [West]."

    In the second paragraph Files affirms what he said in paragraph # 1 and maintains he knows so little about West's inquiry into the Kennedy assassination that his "knowledge of [West's] investigation is not worth the cost of your coming to see me."

    Although Files' supporters said he was not well read on the Kennedy assassination, in the third paragraph he admits to seeing movies and reading books about the event. He claims, incorrectly, that Phillips committed perjury. Phillips did what many government officials do to this day - they develop hazy recollections of events, parse their words, or place themselves in a position of plausible denial. This was and is done intentionally to AVOID the charge of perjury. Files then uses the Fallacy of Appeal to Popularity by claiming that West is probably already aware that Phillips is guilty of perjury.

    In the fourth paragraph Files suggests "the man in the beat up fedora type hat wearing the old brown leather bomber jacket" looks like Frank [Fiorini] Sturgis. Files spells Sturgis' name incorrectly and never reveals, to West, what personal information led him to his conclusion. Files records "The last I heard, he's [sturgis] alive and doing well." The fact that Sturgis was "alive and doing well" at the time of Files' letter to West was information available to anyone with an interest in the case. However, sixteen months later Sturgis would be dead of lung cancer. He died on December 4, 1993, just 5 days short of his 69th birthday.

    In the last paragraph he wonders "how my name surfaced for your investigation." From an article that appeared in the April 11, 1994 Beaumont [Texas] Enterprise it seems that in April of 1992, a Beaumont FBI agent Zack Shelton, most likely in deference to FBI policy, gave Files' name to Joe West, a private citizen.

    One can only wonder how Files went from an unknowing convict who doesn't know how to spell Grassy Knoll, into the "Grass Knoll" [sic] assassin and from obscurity to the subject of a 70 minute "documentary." See Confession of an Assassin. Chicago: MPI Home Video,1996 [iSBN# 1-56278-898-1]

    Dave Perry

    Joe West

    23 Campbell

    Houston, TX 77055


    30 July


    Dear Mr. West:

    In regards to your letter of 24 July, I sincerely wish that I could be of some help to you. But that is not possible. Please forgive me for not calling, but at the present time we are in total lock-down status. One shower, one phone call per week. I use that call, to call home, sorry.

    I realize investigations cost money, and my knowledge of your investigation is not worth the cost of your coming to see me.

    The two items that I know, outside of the movies and the books are, #1. David Phillips perjured himself while giving his testimony during the, "House of Assassinations Committee." And I'm sure that you already know that.

    Item #2, The Grass knoll, the man in the beat up fedora type hat wearing the old brown leather bomber jacket. I AM NOT saying it was Frank Sturgiss, but it sure looked a lot like him. The last I heard, he's alive and doing well. That's all I know.

    But I am rather curious as how my name surfaced for your investigation. At that time, I was under a different name, that [man deceased?] in 1964. Sorry that I cannot be of more help.




    .......from 1996..

    Reprinted courtesy of JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly.

    All Rights reserved.

    Used by permission

    THE MURDER OF JFK-- Confession of an Assassin

    by Edward Bell

    (This article originally appeared in JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly. July 1996)

    In the video--The Murder of JFK-Confession of An Assassin (MPI, #MP

    7148), James E. Files, an inmate of Joliet State Penitentiary, confesses to

    being one of two assassins firing at JFK in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

    According to Walt Brown's Treachery in Dallas, this makes him one of 28

    "suspected shooters in the Kennedy assassination."1 This confession is the

    result of an investigation launched by the late private investigator Joe

    West in 1989.2

    In a press release of May 11, 1990, West claimed he had new information

    from an unidentified source directly implicating John Roselli and Charles

    Nicoletti in the murder.3 This was followed by a November 1990 appearance

    on CNBC cable's Morton Downey Jr. show. On that program, West made the

    following revelations: "There was a firing squad in Dealey Plaza. That

    firing squad was made up of a coalition of the CIA and the Giancana crime

    family out of Chicago. The firing squad was sent well-trained to Dealey

    Plaza for one purpose. That was the assassination of the 35th President of

    the US--John Kennedy...The top hit man for the mafia in the Western

    Hemisphere--a part of the hit team that executed upon the Mafia

    Commission's orders. First of all Sam Giancana, secondly John Roselli,

    thirdly Charles Nicoletti. These men were interrogated before their deaths

    and each of of them confessed to this Mafia hit man. I have a video

    recording of him. I have a sworn affidavit from him in which he says each

    of them confessed that the Giancana crime family was working with Jack Ruby

    in Dallas for this assassination. It was all preplanned."

    In the 1996 MPI video, producer and interviewer Bob Vernon states: "In

    1989 Houston private investigator Joe West launched an independent

    investigation to find the true killer of president John F. Kennedy. After

    three years of disappoint-ments and dead ends...West suddenly received a

    tip from an FBI agent who asked to remain unnamed. The tip led West to

    Joliet and a prisoner named James E. Files...Through months of personal

    visits and detailed correspondence, Files began to reveal his participation

    in the JFK killing. Files was nearing a full confession when West took

    sick and passed away in 1993. It took 13 months after Joe West's death,

    but on March 22, 1994, associates of West videotaped an interview with

    Files, in which he admitted to being one of the shooters on November 22.

    He also implicated organized crime members--Charles Nicoletti, Johnny

    Roselli, and Sam Giancana."

    If Vernon is correct, West and Files did not meet until 1992. If this

    is true, it would be interesting to know whom West was alluding to in 1990

    in his press release and on the Downey show.

    James E. Files (Sutton) was born in 1942. He grew up in Chicago,

    gaining Mafia ties by being a driver for Giancana "hit man" Nicoletti.

    According to Files, he trained Cubans at No Name Key for the Bay of Pigs

    invasion of Cuba. This is where he met his CIA controller--David Atlee

    Phillips. It was through Phillips that he also met Lee Oswald in early

    1963 while running guns to Clinton, La. As a results of the efforts of Jim

    Garrison, we learned that it was in Clinton that numerous witnesses placed

    Oswald together with Clay Shaw.4 " "Lee Harvey Oswald had the same

    controller as I did--David Atlee Phillips." This statement may have

    validity if one believes Phillips and Maurice Bishop are the same person

    and that Antonio Veciana was accurate in his sighting of Oswald and Bishop

    when he spoke to Anthony Summers in 1978.5 It was also Phillips who

    allegedly gave Files the Remington Fireball pistol that he used to shoot

    JFK with in Dallas. Whether Phillips would have used his real name, not an

    alias, is a question to consider.

    In June 1963, Files was told by Nicoletti: "We are going to do Kennedy."

    According to Files-- "First we originally planned to do the assassination

    in Chicago, but a lot of people didn't like that idea so it was moved to a

    different location." It should be noted that neither Thomas Vallee nor

    Joseph Milteer are mentioned by Files.

    One week prior to the assassination, Files says he drove a 1963

    Chevrolet loaded with weapons to a motel in Mesquite, Texas. The day after

    he arrived, Oswald allegedly showed up and took him to a place south-east

    of Mesquite. There, Files "test fired the weapons and calibrated the

    scopes." Oswald was with him "for a few days" where they drove through

    Dallas, "so I would know all the streets." Files also claims: "Lee

    Harvey Oswald could drive; he didn't have a driver's license, maybe, but

    the man could drive! Hell, he drove military trucks even." (q.v. Benson,

    Who's Who in the JFK Assassination, pp. 44-45; re: A.G. Bogard)

    On Nov. 22, Files claims he went to the Dallas Cabana Motel where he

    picked up Las Vegas Mafioso John Roselli. They then drove to a Ft. Worth

    pancake house where Roselli met Jack Ruby. Here, "Sparky" allegedly gave

    Roselli an envelope containing Secret Service ID and a map of the motorcade

    route. When asked if the CIA had anything to do with the killing, Files

    said, "Someone in government organizations had a heavy hand in it because

    they supplied Secret Service ID for different people. I don't know who

    used it but I saw the ID that morning of the assassination." In this

    assertion, Files is either putting Ruby close to the CIA or contradicting

    his story.

    Files and Roselli drove back to the Cabana Motel in Dallas to pick up

    Nico-letti, who was conversing with Eugene Hale Brading when they arrived.

    Brading did stay at the Cabana the night of the 21st, and was photographed

    and arrested in Dealey Plaza on November 22.6 It should also be noted

    that Roselli and Nicoletti figure into the "Gemstone File" and Chuck

    Giancana versions of these events, respectively.

    Files says he then drove Roselli and Nicoletti to Dealey Plaza, where

    they parked next to the Dal-Tex Building. Files and Nicoletti walked the

    plaza. At 10:30 am, Nicoletti asked Files how he would feel about

    "backing him up on this." Files, who was "honored," was then asked where

    he would like to position himself, and where he thought the best place for

    Nicoletti would be. It's hard to believe two men involved in a conspiracy

    to kill the president would have waited until two hours before the

    assassination to decide where to locate themselves! It is also hard to

    believe that Nicoletti would casually ask Files to "back him up," only two

    hours before the hit on JFK. This is also in direct conflict with Joe

    West's statement in 1990 that "the firing squad was sent well trained..."7

    According to Files, the two men returned to the car where they picked up

    their weapons. Files got a briefcase containing the Remington Fireball

    pistol and Nicoletti took a rifle of unspecified make. Files claimed he

    turned his jacket "inside out--plaid side showing" and went to his firing

    position "Behind the tree, behind the fence" on the knoll. On the video,

    producer Bob Vernon tells Files "there was a picture made of you behind the

    fence. It was taken by Mary Moorman." Thanks to the efforts of Jack White

    and Gary Mack, the blowup of the Moorman photo apparently shows three

    people. One is most likely eyewitness Gordon Arnold, one appears to be a

    man in a t-shirt, and the other is the "badgeman" figure with a muzzle

    flash in front of him. The "badgeman" figure is wearing a police uniform

    and therefore cannot be Files, since he was wearing a jacket, plaid side

    showing. (See "The Men Who Killed Kennedy, pt. 2, The Forces of Darkness"

    for an in-depth look at the Moorman photo).

    Files is vague as to the exact number of shots and also does not specify

    what floor of the Dal-Tex Building Nicoletti was allegedly firing from. He

    also is not sure if anyone was firing from the Depository. He claims

    Oswald "never fired a shot...his plot [sic] was to plant evidence to

    mislead everybody." Files, along with Canfield and Weberman's book Coup d'

    Etat, claims Frank Sturgis was in Dealey Plaza on that fateful day. This

    was investigated and discounted by the HSCA (6 HSCA 260-261). According to

    Files, Ruby was also in the plaza that day. This has also come up in the

    recently unearthed Cooper footage and is well examined by Richard Trask in

    Pictures of the Pain, pp. 177-178.

    There is an interesting exchange be-tween Vernon and Files: V: "How

    much were you paid" for the assassination? F: "I had received $30,000."

    V: "Before you told me you received $15,000--you just said 30?" F: "In

    the beginning I said 15 because I didn't think it mattered much what the

    amount was...I never took checks, he gave me cash."

    Files was later asked if he knew who killed David Ferrie: "Yes I do

    know who killed ...Ferrie. He died of a ceverial [sic] brain

    hemorrhage,...brought on in a pacific [sic] way. (For a complete account of

    Ferrie's death, see DiEugenio, Destiny Betrayed, pp. 151-153).

    In this last exchange between Files and Vernon, Files leaves us with

    what is probably his only cohesive thought: V: "When people see this

    interview on TV, what do you think people with think?" F: "Most of them,

    I don't think they will believe me."

    I certainly don't....

    [ed. note: Our readers are asked to give their thoughts on this and the

    other (Morrow, Chauncy Holt) "confessions."]

    This article cannot be reproduced in any print or electronic medium

    without written permission from the editors of JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly

    PO BOX 174 HILLSDALE NJ 07642 USA. All rights reserved 1996.


    1. Brown, Walt. Treachery in Dallas (New York: Carrol & Graf, 1995) pp.343-344


    2. The Murder of JFK: Confession of an Assassin (MPI Home Video #MP7148.1996)

    3. Livingstone, Harrison Edward. Killing the Truth (New York:Carrol &

    Graf, 1993) pp.259-260

    4. Garrison, Jim. On the Trail of the Assassins. (New York: Sheridan Square

    Press,1988) pp.105-108

    5. Summers, Anthony. Conspiracy. (New York: Paragon House, 1991) pp.328-329

    6. Benson, Michael. Who's Who in the JFK Assassination. (New York: Citadel

    Press, 1993) pp.51-52

    (heading under "Eugene Hale Brading")

    7. The Morton Downey Show (cableCNBC-TV, Fort Lee, NJ. November 1990)


    JFK/DEEP POLITICS QUARTERLY. PO Box 174. Hillsdale NJ 07642 USA

    Editors: Jan Stevens, Walt Brown. "Let the word go forth..."


    And for now from 1994.........

    [[ Review and comments by Martin Shackelford ]]

    "Confession of an Assassin"

    James E. Files, Joliet State Penitentiary

    March 22, 1994: Notes on the Videotape

    (1996, Bob Vernon, UTL Productions/MPI Video)

    Introduction: James Files was interviewed by Joe West, who had been

    tipped off by an FBI agent. West tracked Files to Joliet State

    Penitentiary in Illinois, where he was serving a sentence for shooting a

    policeman. West died, and the investigation was delayed, but finally an

    interview with Files was arranged on March 22, 1994. After further

    delays, the interview was offered to MPI Video. James Files worked for

    Chicago organized crime figure Charles Nicoletti.

    The Interview: Files states that his name was James Sutton until late

    1963, when it was changed to James E. Files with the aid of the

    government, so that he could marry and live a normal life free of

    harassment and other risks which might have arisen from his activities

    with a radical Cuban group.

    Files served in the 82nd Airborne in Laos from 1959 for about 14

    months. He was involved in training people to do ambushes. After that, he

    did some race driving, and his abilities attracted the attention of

    Charles Nicoletti, who recruited him as his personal driver. At that

    time, Tony Accardo ran the Chicago Mob.

    On November 22, 1963, Files went to Dealey Plaza in Dallas about

    10 a.m. He checked the area, discussed the assassination plan with

    Nicoletti. It began with Nicoletti around five months earlier.

    Files had a connection with the Bay of Pigs operation. He was at

    No Name Key (gives two other names for it also). His CIA controller was

    David Atlee Phillips.

    Nicoletti asked Files if he wanted to help him kill "a friend of

    yours," knowing that Files hated Kennedy. At first, files thought it was

    a local hit, but Nicoletti told him the target was JFK. John Rosselli,

    out of Miami, was involved. Files met Rosselli through Phillips. The

    original plan was to hit JFK in Chicago, but no one was comfortable with

    doing it there, so the idea was dropped.

    About a week before the assassination, Files drove to Mesquite,

    Texas, with the weapons for the operation, A day or so after he arrived,

    Lee Harvey Oswald came to him to show him around the area. Oswald also

    took him to locations where he could test and calibrate the weapons. As

    far as he knows, Oswald didn't know what the plan was. Files explored

    Dallas routes, with the idea of getaway options.

    On November 22, Files drove to the Cabana Motel, where he met

    Rosselli around 7 a.m.. They went to a pancake house in Fort Worth, where

    Rosselli met with Jack Ruby, while Files served as lookout. Ruby handed

    Rosselli an envelope, and left. They opened the envelope in the car: it

    contained Secret Service identifications and an updated motorcade route

    map; Rosselli commented that he saw only one change, the double turn in

    Dealey Plaza.

    They returned to the Cabana. With Nicoletti, Files went to Dealey

    Plaza around 10 a.m. They looked over the area further. Nicoletti asked

    if Files would back him up as an extra shooter, if needed, and Files

    agreed. As his location, he chose the area behind the fence on the grassy

    knoll. He suggested Nicoletti fire from the Dal-Tex Building (Nicoletti

    had a rifle).

    They separated, Files going to the railroad yard area and making

    preparations. He had a briefcase with a Remington Fireball inside. As the

    limousine began coming down Elm Street, Files heard shots from behind it,

    and assumed that was Nicoletti. He noticed JFK was hit, but only in the

    body; and that Connally seemed to be hit. If he was going to fire, he had

    to do it before he risked hitting Jackie, as they had been told not to

    hit anyone but JFK, and especially not to shoot Jackie. He fired-just

    after Nicoletti, it turned out, both hitting JFK in the head. Files'

    bullet hit JFK in the left (actually, right, as he later explained)

    temple. He put the gun into the briefcase, turned his coat from plaid to

    gray business suit (reversible), and walked away via the Elm Street

    extension to Houston Street. He had bit the shell casing, and left it

    sitting on the fence, as a calling card, but no one realized it had been

    bitten until 1994, he said.

    At Houston, he got into a 1963 Burgundy Chevrolet; Rosselli was

    in the back seat, and Nicoletti in the front passenger seat. They were in

    a parking lot, and exited turning right onto Houston, went 5 or 6 blocks,

    then turned left, and near the freeway dropped the two off at another

    car. Files returned to his room in Mesquite, cleansed himself with hot

    was to remove any traces of powder, showered, changed, then took care of

    the guns. Nicoletti's rifle was in the trunk, the briefcase was under the

    steering wheel; both were taken care of, then placed in a special gun

    compartment inside the car.

    The next day, he drove to Southern Illinois, and on Sunday, he

    drove on into Chicago. He had been instructed to drive only during the

    day and not to attract any attention. Sometime later, Nicoletti gave him

    $30,000 for the job, although they hadn't ever discussed money.

    Files said he first met Lee Harvey Oswald in early 1963, in

    connection with gun-running, in C.linton, Louisiana, via David Atlee

    Phillips. Both were doing CIA work at the time. There was obviously some

    government involvement in the assassination, as otherwise they wouldn't

    have gotten the Secret Service identifications Ruby gave them. Phillips

    had given him the Remington Fireball for an earlier job.

    Files said he saw Frank Sturgis among the crowd of people on

    Elm Street. He also saw Eugene Brading, whom he had seen at the Cabana

    with Nicoletti and Rosselli. Files knew Sturgis from anti-Castro

    activities, as did Rosselli. Files didn't see Oswald at all that day. He

    and Oswald never discussed the assassination plan.

    He would not comment on the murder of J.D. Tippit, except to

    say that Oswald didn't kill Tippit, and the man who did was still alive

    at the time of the interview (a later reference possibly referring to the

    same man indicated he is now in his '80s), and had originally been

    assigned to kill Oswald. The man came to see Files in Mesquite after the

    assassination, saying there was a screwup and he had killed a cop.

    Files said he saw Ruby in the Plaza, below the knoll near the

    sidewalk. He said everyone reacted slowly to the shots. As he walked away

    from the knoll, he noticed two men in suits behind him, turning people

    back. He said he didn't see Zapruder, and wasn't sure what he would have

    done if he thought he had been filmed, but he carried a Colt pistol, and

    might have shot him. He also didn't realize Mary Moorman's camera had

    photographed him, and declined the interviewer's request that he

    autograph a copy of the photo.

    The Remington Fireball was designed in 1961, but had a tendency

    to blow up, so was re-designed. It fired a .221 cal. long round. It was a

    bolt-action pistol with a telescopic sight, effective at 100 yards; not

    unlike a cut-down rifle. The shells were custom-made, with a mercury

    load, and fragmented on impact. They were fired at 3100 feet per second.

    Files believed Giancana gave Nicoletti his orders, and that

    Accardo had to know about it.

    In response to a question, Files said he was receiving no money

    for this interview. He talked about West's first contact, telling West he

    must have him confused with someone else. Then West calling, and getting

    into some things Files didn't want discussed in a prison-recorded phone

    call, so he told West to come and see him if he wanted to talk with him.

    First they talked only about sports and so on. The second time, Files

    felt more comfortable with West. As time went on, he began to open up to

    him more. West had a plan to reopen the case by getting Files to testify

    in court, first seeking immunity for Files.

    Files said he had been threatened by both government and

    organized crime people for discussing the case, but wouldn't specify

    individuals, as he refuses to give up the name of a living person for any

    offense. He said the FBI visited him.

    He had knowledge of the death of David Ferrie, but wasn't

    willing to discuss it, except to say the brain hemmorhage was caused

    intentionally, and he had identified the area in Ferrie's brain to look

    at .

    He had talked to Joe West because he came to like and respect

    West. He felt no remorse for his actions in Dallas. He was bitter about

    the Bay of Pigs. He knew Richard Helms. Antonio Veciana was a good

    friend, and not involved in the assassination.

    Nicoletti flew to Dallas via commercial airline. Rosselli said

    he had been in D.C. and caught a MATS (Military Air Transport Service)

    flight to Dallas, thanks to the CIA. Files didn't know any details

    because he doesn't ask questions; he only knows what he was told.

    In the 1970s, with Senate investigations, things began to get

    uncomfortable. Giancana didn't know Files had fired a shot, only that

    Nicoletti had. Files thinks Rosselli, who was in Chicago at the time, may

    have killed Giancana, as he was one of the few who would have had the

    access, and he left town right afterward. Rosselli was later killed.

    Files was involved in guarding Nicoletti, as there had been

    indications he was a target. In mid-March 1977, Nicoletti gave Files a

    package, which Files buried. Nicoletti was killed March 29. In April,

    Files was snatched and brutally interrogated, but didn't give up the

    package's location. After he was dumped, severely injured, and recovered,

    he carefully returned to the location where he had buried the package,

    dug it up, and found inside the Secret Service identifications, the

    motorcade route map, and Nicoletti's diary. He destroyed all but the

    diary, which he still has somewhere.

    He freely admits having worked for organized crime, though he

    says he was never a member of the Mob. He felt he had lived a good life,

    doing as much as "a hundred other guys." He was born January 1942 in

    Alabama, but his family soon moved to Chicago, where he grew up the only

    English-speaking kid in an Italian neighborhood, and soon became accepted

    by the community. He did little jobs for mobsters from the age of 11, as

    they tipped well. He became known as a kid who wouldn't give up anybody,

    who could be relied upon.. He had his first car at age 14.

    After his service in Laos, the CIA recruited him to train

    Cubans. He also raced stock cars. He loved Nicoletti, who was quiet and

    deadly. Rosselli was flashy, talked too much, loud, boisterous. Giancana

    was a lovable old man, but like a bulldog if you crossed him. Aside from

    Nicoletti, the other person he has been closest to is still alive, in his

    80s. David Atlee Phillips was cool, good-natured, and once told him he

    could "kill more people with a typewriter than you can" with a machine


    Lee Oswald was very intelligent, very quiet, and led a secluded

    life. Files believes Oswald planted evidence on November 22, but fired

    no shots. From what he knew of Oswald, he didn't believe Oswald would be

    a shooter. He never saw Oswald fire a weapon. Although Oswald didn't have

    a driver's license, he knew how to drive. Files didn't know why he went

    to Russia, but assumed the government was involved.

    Files stated that he didn't want to be a part of history. He

    hadn't picked the target. He just followed orders. He would rather no one

    had ever found him, and hoped they would forget about him. He didn't

    think people watching this interview on TV would believe him.

    Nicoletti hit JFK in the back of the head, Files hit JFK in the

    right temple. Files was "known for head shots." He declined to say how

    many people he had killed. He said the two great lies were religion and

    history. He said history was a self-serving account by a country to

    conceal its selfish motives. Religion killed more people than wars.

    "I never disobeyed an order." Besides, he said, nobody he knew

    really liked Kennedy, including military, Secret Service and FBI people;

    history later called him great because that's what they say about


    Files worshipped Nicoletti. Nicoletti was strictly Mob. Rosselli

    worked with both CIA and Mob. Files was told that Nicoletti was dirty,

    that he had talked, but he never believed it, especially as Nicoletti had

    given him his diary to hide. He said the government kills people, without

    question. He doesn't know who killed Nicoletti: if he had, he would have

    gone after them. He wasn't afraid of death, only of failure to complete

    whatever he set out to do.

    Epilogue: Deaths of Giancana, Rosselli, Nicoletti. The FBI dismisses the

    credibility of Files' confession..

    PROBLEMS with the James Files "Confession":

    1) David Atlee Phillips, CIA propaganda expert, would seem an unlikely

    case officer for a Mob driver and hit man on No Name Key. This seems to

    be an attempt to tie Files credibly in with Oswald (the Veciana sighting

    in Dallas of Oswald and Phillips, as Bishop, together), but is doubtful.

    Also, although John Rosselli was active in Florida preparations for the

    Bay of Pigs, it is likely that someone other than Phillips introduced him

    to Files, if Files was at No Name Key. The only thing that sounds much

    like the real Phillips is the quote near the end about the power of the


    2) Lee Harvey Oswald as tour guide.

    3) The plaid reversible coat and the bitten shell casing seem, on the

    surface, to provide confirmation, but both were details known prior to

    Files telling his story to anyone. I had heard about the shell well

    before Files says the fact that it was bitten was discovered (he says

    1994). Some people seem to have confused the bitten casing found in the

    Plaza with the dented casing found in the Depository-these are two

    separate shell casings.

    4) In connection with Oswald, Clinton and gun-running, David Atlee

    Phillips again seems inserted artificially into the story here. Oswald

    and Ruby were both connected to New Orleans people involved in

    gun-running, but inserting Phillips into the Clinton story is, again,

    highly doubtful. This is not to say Phillips' role was an innocent one,

    just that Files seems to be inventing things, or perhaps he was fed


    5) Files overlooks the fact that the Elm Street crowd was

    well-photographed. Frank Sturgis was not among the crowd; nor at that

    point was Eugene Brading in that area; nor was Jack Ruby on the sidewalk

    below the knoll. None of this is difficult to check. All the relevant

    photos are in Groden and Trask.

    6) The Secret Service man on the knoll now becomes two men in suits

    turning people away. There were men turning people away in the area

    BEFORE the assassination, but not after. It sounds as though Files

    flubbed some of his borrowed details.

    7) He HAD documentary evidence, but he destroyed most of it. How


    My guess is that Files was, indeed, Charles Nicoletti's driver, and was

    involved in the preparations for the Bay of Pigs, but that he is also a

    good con artist, skillled at blending fact and fiction, which I what I

    believe he has done here.



  16. Just to add something that may be obvious, but I want to say it.

    That James Files drawing (the one with some of the fence showing, the tree, roadsign etc.) is drawn from a photograph. It just has too much accurate detail to be drawn from memory. No doubt about it.


    James Files drawing is not correct in the least Antti....

    The detail has been copied from a photo

    that has been taken some years since.....

    That is not how the view appeared that day from behind the fence......

    on Nov.22.63.......not at all.......

    There was no separate pole with the parking sign, the sign was attached to the light post.

    The light post was on the outside of the sidewalk, next to the street, not on the grass......

    Compare for yourselves..

    Many things have changed

    again and again, since that day within Dealey.....



  17. Per studies...backing...suddenly appears...

    Harper Fragment Information



    Dear Bernice;

    Thank you very much for the cache of information available at Mary Ferrell. "Twenty five feet south" looks to be the first recorded location of the fragment and I think it fits accurately with what I'm trying to put across.

    I do want to take sharp exception in regards to your graphic that uses the frame number 312. There is no white spot in 312. As a matter of fact, I have thought that if this thing is a piece of paper, or Moorman's polaroid tab we would see the corner of in in 312. But we don't. No white spot until 313. No white spot until bullet impact. I have never seen a version of Zapruder that shows any white spot (or even hint of it) at 312.

    As I've said in my article; examine 327, 328, 329, 330. The reflection is in the trunk lid. Because something is flying over the trunk.

    "... a shot took off the right side of his head..." "His ear flew off." Jim Newman. There are numerous examples where eyewitnesses note things flying through the air; inclucing Ruby Henderson "saw what she" 'thought was a piece of paper fly out of the car'.

    Thank you again for your input; your thoughts ideas and knowledge are greatly appreciated.



    Hi Frank:

    That is correct, there is no white whatever in Zap frame 312..as per others and Dr.David Mantik's studies..

    I believe that is in the book.....Assassination Studies ...

    If you look more closely perhaps you will see that it is not there....and suddenly appears..

    There were a few witnesses that mention such as they thought they saw like a white confetti fly up...

    I do think this was the brain matter...along with parts of the skull....imo..

    and yes I agree with you there us definetely something seen ,

    flying up as well as to the back....over the the trunk..of the limo..


    Hello Bernice;

    First thank you for the nice, yet contrasty (whoops makin' up words again) frames of Nix. I've searched for a matched frame to try to see the flying skull fragment in both Nix and Muchmore. Very difficult especially with the copies I was using. Muchmore has people in the way of most of that action. I continue to work with Nix on a frame that shows the fragment right above the President and First Lady. Also difficult in the copies I have, but I'm hoping I can get a match. In my article I wrote about the fragment drifting to the back of the limo. I'm now more inclined to point out the car driving under the fragment; in addition to the drift backwards; I think that is more accurate. The wind created by the car itself; the bow wave if you will, could have had an added effect on the fragment.

    Thanks again, your expertise is amazing.



    Hi Frank :

    Contrasty, I like that one also... :rolleyes:

    I wanted to let you know the black Gifs, are not my work, I am a collector, and I have lost the name of the researcher

    who created them for us, so they are not to my credit, but I am a packrat..and do save the information...so a thank you to whomever....

    also I include a closer look at the black gif..

    I have here a couple of small gifs, also, that may help you in some way, they are of Jackie, reaching onto the back of the limo.

    In Zapruder as well as the Nix. They do not seem to correlate in some ways, though the filming angles were different I realise, so FWTAW.

    In the Zap gif I do think you can actually see her right hand, grasp the piece of his head, and start to return to the back seat ,

    as Clint Hill has reached her, that she held onto till she handed it to a Doctor at Parkland, telling him it might help.....

    .....there also appears to be other pieces that have flown backwards and landed on the trunk..

    The one that appears to be a larger piece that goes straight up, in the black gif.......I do

    wonder if that could be what they called the Harper fragment...that disappeared....?

    Many thanks carry on......


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