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Bernice Moore

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Everything posted by Bernice Moore

  1. fwiw information from....... OVERLOOKED MEDICAL EVIDENCE-RELATED GEMS Compiled by Vince Palamara vmplac@telerama.com As of June - 2003, write Vince Palamara at vincebethel@yahoo.com Dr. Charles Crenshaw--- Vindication: WC references to his presence on 11/22/63: 6 H 40 (Baxter), 6 H 31-32 (McClelland), 6 H 80-81 (Salyer), 6 H 141 (Henchcliffe), 6 H 60 (Curtis)+15 H 761: index; :-) :-) :-) Completely overlooked WC reference to his presence on 11/24/63: 21 H 265(report by Parkland Administrator Charles Price)---"Dr. Charles Crenshaw was in the corridor and said they had been alerted. He said, 'You're not going to put him [Oswald] in the same room the President was in, are you?' told him I surely was glad he had thought of it and by all means, not to."; January 1964 "Texas State Journal of Medicine" article entitled "Three Patients at Parkland", p. 72---"Dr. Jenkins recalls that the following physicians were members of the resuscitation team: Drs. Jenkins and Akin…Drs. Gerry Gustafson, Dale Coln, and Charles Crenshaw, all residents in surgery, who were prepared to introduce cannulae into the veins via cutdowns or percutaneous puncture…three members of the staff were performing venous cutdowns, one in each lower extremity and one in the left forearm. These were performed by Drs. Coln, Crenshaw, and Gustafson." ???--- Geraldo's "Now It Can Be Told", 4/2/92 (excerpt inc. on James Fetzer's video "JFK: The Assassination, The Cover-Up, and Beyond", 1994; see p. 93 of Michael; Benson's "Who's Who on the JFK Assassination")--- G. Robert Blakey of the HSCA makes the claim that they did talk to Crenshaw but he "was not the best witness" (?); ---------------- vindication re: Dr. Williams--- some have doubted he was there... 21 H 215 (Nurse Bertha Lozano's report)---"Then the president's body was escorted out. The crowd vanished, and then I felt so confused that I just had to leave the desk for a few minutes. I later went to the dining room with Pat Hutton AND A DR. WILLIAMS and had coffee and afterwards, went home." --------------- Maybe Burkley wasn't all bad--- 22 H 93-97: 11/27/63 report of his activities surrounding the assassination of JFK [see also Manchester, p. 670]---(22 H 94 and 97)"[at Parkland]It was evident that death was imminent and that he was in a hopeless condition."; [at Bethesda]"…his appearance in the casket gave no evidence of the injury he had received.": perhaps because the wound was in the BACK of the head? 11/22/63 Press Conference by Asst. WH Press sec. Mac Kilduff (please see "Best Evidence", pp. 330-331 and photo 28 [Kilduff Press Conference, 11/22/63, Transcript 1327B-LBJ Library; USSS RIF# 154-10002-10194]: "Dr. Burkley told me, it is a simple matter, Tom, of a bullet right through the head": he then points to his right temple! Question: "can you say where the bullet entered his head, Mac?" "It is my understanding that it entered in the temple, the right temple."; "They [the shots] came from the right side." [see Thomas Atkins' film clip as shown in "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", "The Jim Garrison Tapes" video 1992, "JFK: The Case for Conspiracy" video 1993, "High Treason 2", p. 290, Groden's "TKOAP", p. 59; "POTP", p. 408] This information was repeated by Chet Huntley on NBC that day: ""President Kennedy, we are now informed, was shot in the right temple. 'It was a simple matter of a bullet right through the head,' said Dr. George Burkley, the White House medical officer." [NBC video, 11/22/63, 1:47 p.m. CST; clip repeated in Prof. James Fetzer's video "JFK: The Assassination, The Cover-Up, and Beyond"]; "Reasonable Doubt", p. 49 (1982 interview by Henry Hurt+letters of 10/6/82 and 10/14/82)---believed that President Kennedy's assassination was the result of a conspiracy; ---------- Larry O'Brien: overlooked--- His book entitled "No Final Victories: A Life in Politics from John F. Kennedy to Watergate" (1974) [see also "Reflections on JFK's Assassiantion" by John B. Jovich (1988), pages 35 and 37]---At Parkland Hospial: "It was chaotic, doctors, nurses running in and out. Medical equipment being wheeled into the room. At one point Jackie and I stepped into the adjoining room where the President's body lay. All I recall is ***I thought he looked as he always had.***" MAYBE BECAUSE THE DAMAGE WAS TO THE REAR OF THE HEAD? ------------ Dave Powers...no, not him, too?!--- Interviewed for Ralph Martin's "A Hero For Our Time" (1983): see esp. pages 519 and 545---Powers appears strongly to be the source for the following sentence: "The third shot tore off the ***top back half of his head "and we could see the hair and all the stuff go right up in the air", an aide said."***; ----------- Elizabeth Wright, WIFE of O.P. Wright--- 21 H 198: page from lengthy/ 10-page (21 H 193-202) 12/11/63 report on activities 11/22-11/24/63 [see also Manchester, p. 675]---"Mr. Wright had somewhere down the line asked me if I could ascertain the path of the bullet---or bullets---determine the path, and find out where the instrument of injury actually was." (!); Chief of Security O.P. Wright-- 21 H 229-332: report of activities 11/22/63---NOTHING about CE399! Part 4 of "CBS News Inquiry: The Warren Report" 6/28/67 [see also "Post Mortem", p. 46]---"...I got hold of a Secret Service man and THEY[sic?] didn't seem to be interested in coming and looking at the bullet in the position it was in then. So I went back to the area where Mr. Tomlinson was and picked up the bullet and put it in my pocket, and I carried it some 30 or 40 minutes. And I gave it to a Secret Service man that was guarding the main door into the emergency room..."; for more on this issue, see- http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/palamara.htm ----------------------- DR. WILLIAM ZEDLITZ'S PRESENCE AT PARKLAND HOSPITAL ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, AS VERIFIED BY DR. MARTIN G. WHITE (WARREN COMMISSION VOLUME 6, PAGE 83): Arlen Specter: "And what doctors were present at the time you left the room?" Dr. White: "Well, it would be impossible for me to tell you all the people that were there, but I knew Dr. Carrico, Dr. Baxter, Dr. Perry, and Dr. Zedelitz, Z-e-d-e-l-i-t-z (spelling)---I know they were there." Arlen Specter: "Doctor who---what is his first name?" Dr. White: "William Zedelitz." Arlen Specter: "To what extent did he participate?" Dr. White: "I don't believe that he did any---I don't know what he did other than the fact that when I was doing the cutdown he assisted me by just placing some tape over the catheters we used to do this with." Arlen Specter: "Is he an intern as you are?" Dr. White: "He is a surgical resident here at this hospital." [This is the reason why no one has ever contacted him before---he misspelled his last name!] 11/4/98 mletter from Dr. William Zedlitz to Vince Palamara--- "At first glance the president seemed to be in extremely serious condition as he was not responding to any of the stimuli around him, and obviously had a massive head injury to the right occipito-parietal area (right posterior-lateral) of his cranium. This area was a mass of bloody tissue with multiple skin, hair, and bony fragments matted together with blood and brain tissue and covered an area approximately ten by twelve centimeters in diameter. His left eye also seemed to be bulging from his eyesocket. At this point, Dr. Carrico indicated that he was unable to effectively ventilate the patient via the endotracheal tube. Dr. Baxter and Perry immediately began to perform a tracheostomy. Prior to making the incision, it was noted that a small (5mm to 7mm) hole in the front of the neck below the thyroid cartilage was present. This was in the exact location where the tracheostomy was to be performed. Dr. Baxter and Perry decided to do the procedure by extending the transverse incision on either side of this hole so that the tracheostomy tube ended up being inserted in the site of the former hole." -------------- Robert E. Schorlemer, M.D.--- "I was a senior medical student making rounds in the E.R. (at Parkland Hospital) with second-year surgery resident, Dr. James Carrico, to evaluate who was to be admitted from the night-shift holdovers. We were moving from one stall to another when we heard banging of doors from the triage station at the front of the ER. Shortly thereafter, we heard screaming from the front asking for more stretchers, and right after that Gov. Connally was pushed through the hall door on a gurney. He was wearing a gray silk suit with alligator shoes and was moaning and gasping for air. Red Duke, the chief resident in surgery manning the ER, jumped up from the nurses' station, and we all moved into ER operating room #1 to take care of him. I opened his shirt to see a chest wound on his right side sucking air. Red directed that a Vaseline gauze pad be placed over the wound to help seal the pneumothorax that was produced by this until they could get a chest tube placed. I did this. At that point, Jim Carrico said, "Let's go to the next room to get ready for the next case coming in." As we walked out of the room, President Kennedy was wheeled into the hallway separating the two rooms. In my disbelief, I figured that this had to be his double as no one could believe that the president could be placed in such jeopardy. As one could see, half of the calivarium of the skull had been blown away with the underlying brain exposed and the flap produced lying behind his head. Some agonal movements were being made, and Jim directed that I get the IV started while he tried to intubate him. His comment was, "Boy, I'm lucky to have been able to intubate him because the trachea was severed by one of the bullets." http://www.chron.com/content/chronicle/special/jfk/index.html [memories: San Antonio/ Houston] ----------- Dr. Donald Curtis--- 9/30/98 letter to Vince Palamara---"1. The wound involving the right posterior lateral surface of the skull appeared to me to be an exit wound or a tangential entrance wound. 2. I am unaware as to the details of the "official story" therefore I am unable to comment on my interpretation." ----------- Dr. Donald Seldin--- 8/27/98 letter to Vince Palamara---"The bullet struck the President in the forehead and literally exploded in his skull, so that the entire frontal, parietal and temporal bones were shattered…I believe that the official story is accurate in all details." [!] ---------- FOR THE DYING/ "DEAD" AGENT, PERHAPS?--- Nurse Bertha Lozano: 21 H 213-215: report of activities 11/22-11/24/63 [see also Manchester, p. 672]---"…obtained a carriage from Booth #5, with the help of Dr. Bill Midgett who helped me roll it out to the entrance."; SEPARATE from JFK and Connally: "A technician came to the desk and asked me to expect a private pateint who was bleeding…Blood technicians came to ask me who "Mr. X" was who did not have an E.R. number. Hematology also came with the same problem and was told the same thing." ------------- Milton T. Wright, Jr. :Texas Highway Patrolman(driver of Mayor Cabell's car): a) 18 H 802: report dated 11/28/63---"At the hospital we unloaded the Governor first and then the President. Then we were instructed to keep the news media away from the car."---nothing specific about the wounds; 8/28/98 letter to Vince Palamara---"…I do recall helping to move the President from the car to the stretcher. As I recall about a 1/4 [quarter] of his head was missing, mostly to the left of the back of the head. I believe he died instantly from the wound I saw."; c) 9/3/98 e-mail to Vince Palamara---" the wound was left ear to back of head, generally." ----------- Dr. Robert Shaw: did he work for LIFE???--- 11/29/63 "Houston Post"---"The assassin was behind him[JFK], yet the bullet entered at the front of his neck. Mr. Kennedy must have turned to his left to talk to Mrs. Kennedy or to wave to someone."... 12/6/63 "Life Magazine" article by Paul Mandel: "the 8 mm. film shows the President turning his body far around to the right as he waves to someone in the crowd. His throat is exposed---towards the sniper's nest---just before he clutches it." (reproduced in "Reasonable Doubt" by Henry Hurt)] ---------- Evelyn Lincoln & Bill Greer: Parkland autopsy???--- Lincoln: 4/21/91 interview with Harry Livingstone for "High Treason 2", pp. 435-437---"…I remember coming into Parkland Hospital, and Dr. Burkley telling me that he [JFK] had gone, and Jackie was sitting outside of the place where he was being kept---they were doing the autopsy or whatever they were doing, and I went up to her and tried to console her."; "I never looked at any of that [the autopsy materials]. Nothing. I kept it, and then Bobby [Kennedy] moved it into another room. It was all sealed up. I never saw any of it…I had no access to it."; "It was a conspiracy. There was no doubt about that...J. Edgar Hoover was involved in it."; "Bloody Treason" by Noel Twyman, p. 831 and "Assassination Science" by James Fetzer,p. 372: 10/7/94 letter to Richard Duncan---"As for the assassination is concerned [sic] it is my belief that there was a conspiracy because there were those that disliked him and felt the only way to get rid of him was to assassinate him. These five conspirators , in my opinion, were Lyndon B. Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, the Mafia, the CIA, and the Cubans in Florida. The House Intelligence Committee investigation, also, came to the conclusion that there was a conspiracy."[Lincoln conveyed the same thoughts to Anthony Summers: see "The Fourth Decade" journal, May 1998 issue, p. 14]; Greer: "The Asheville (NC) Citizen-Times", 11/6/83 interview of Greer (see "High Treason 2", p. 572 [Palamara provided this to the author] and "The Third Alternative-Survivor's Guilt; The Secret Service and the JFK Murder" by Vince Palamara, p. 22)- "I stayed with (JFK) through the examination and then through the autopsy, and was with him when they put his body in the coffin and took him to Air Force One." --------- Secret Service agent Andy Berger: FBI & CIA at Parkland--- 18 H 795: Secret Service agent Andy Berger (who would go on to drive the hearse containing JFK's body out of Parkland) reported of meeting the following persons at Parkland Hospital shortly after the assassination: a. FBI agent Vincent Drain (sent via Hoover!), the same agent who would go on to accompany Agent Lawson during the transfer of critical assassination evidence later on that weekend; b. "a doctor friend of (Drain)" ; c. an "unidentified CIA agent" who had credentials (like the FBI man sent by Hoover, how could the CIA agent get to the Dallas hospital so soon after the murder?); [see Bill Sloan's "Breaking the Silence", pp. 181-185###; "The Man Who Knew Too Much", numerous--see esp. pages 570-571 [see also "Who's Who in the JFK Assassination" by Michael Benson (1993), pp. 40-41])] ### March 1993 interview of Parkland Hospital Chief telephone operator Phyllis Bartlett ("JFK: Breaking The Silence", p. 185)---"…Ms. Bartlett…recalled conversing at the time of the assassination with a man fitting Hugh Howell's description. "My little office was overflowing with as many as fifty people at once back then," she said, "but I do remember talking to a short man with a crewcut who identified himself in that capacity [CIA], and I do believe he said his name was Howell."; d. an "unidentified FBI agent" [J. Doyle Williams]who did not have credentials.; ---------- Another "J.D."...and this one ain't Tippit... Nurse "J.D.", from San Angelo, Texas: Page 69 of Abigail ("Dear Abby") Van Buren's 1993 book entitled "Where were you when President Kennedy was Shot?" [all writers were shielded with anonymity via initials]---"When Kennedy was shot, I was at Parkland---a student nurse. I heard all the department chiefs being paged. I saw all the press buses arriving; watched the E.R. grow crowded; saw Jackie in her bloodstained pink suit. Thirty years later, I find it hard to believe I was there."; ----------------------- Brad Parker has learned that the article, "Three Patients at Parkland", while based on the original reports made by the Parkland doctors, incorporated subtle changes which he was told were made by none other than Dr. Marion Jenkins! EXAMPLE--- WR 526-527 / 17 H 11-12 / CE 392: Dr. Robert McClelland's report written 11/22/63---"…a massive gunshot wound of the head with a fragment wound of the trachea…The cause of death was due to massive head and brain injury from a gunshot wound of the left temple."; d) January 1964 Texas State Journal of Medicine article "Three Patients at Parkland", p. 63---repeats the gist of his 11/22/63 report, but with one change"…a massive gunshot wound of the head with a fragment wound of the trachea…The cause of death was due to massive head and brain injury from a gunshot wound of the ***right side of the head.***" Re: Parkland Hospital circa 1963-1964: "It is adjacent to and is the major teaching hospital for the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. It is staffed by the faculty of the medical school and has 150 interns and residents in all medical specialties." ("Texas State Journal of Medicine", January 1964, Vol. 60, p. 61) [i have over 175---see below] January 1964 Texas State Journal of Medicine article "Three Patients at Parkland", p. 73---"The [Oswald] operating team consisted of Drs. Shires, McClelland, Perry, and Jones. The anesthesia team consisted of Drs. Akin, Jenkins, and Dr. Harlan Pollock, resident on anesthesiology." 9/8/98 letter from Dr. Donald Jackson [21 H 171, 205, 215] to Vince Palamara---"I continue to be dissatisfied with the explanation of the Warren Commission. The reason for my skepticism is linked to discrepancies in descriptions of the Kennedy wounds between the Parkland Emergency Room and the autopsy findings. Drs. McClelland, Perry, and Jenkins gave accurate descriptions of the wounds as they saw them in the Emergency Room."; 9/8/98 letter from Dr. William Risk ["JFK: Conspiracy of Silence", p. 183; 3 H 384; January 1964 Texas State Journal of Medicine article "Three Patients at Parkland", pages 72 and 73 re: involvement in treatment of LHO; "The Search For Lee Harvey Oswald" by Robert Groden (1995), p. 202]to Vince Palamara---"...as a physician, I have the feeling there was more than one "shooter" and more than one bullet involved because of the nature of the wounds. I would suggest that, if you have not already done so, you get a copy of an article from the Journal of the Texas Medical Association, January 1964, entitled "Three Patients at Parkland." This article is a MEDICAL version of those days. The wounds described there, to me, suggest entrance and exit wounds which differ from the "one bullet theory." 9/98 letter from Dr. Adolph Giesecke to Vince Palamara---"I did not examine the President's head and should never have said anything about the wounds. (I testified to the Warren Commission that the wound was on the left side. That was obviously wrong)…I hope you become convinced that there was only one gunman, Oswald, and all entry wounds were from the rear." [!] Ironically, Giesecke included with his letter a photocopy of the "Three Patients At Parkland" article that includes medical information that greatly contradicts this view. Vince More irony: 8/26/98 letter from Dr. Malcolm Perry to Vince Palamara---"I did not inspect the head wound---I was much too busy. The only person who carefully evaluated the head wound was Dr. Kemp Clark, Chief of Neurosurgery (no one could be better qualified). His testimony (and mine) is in the Warren Report. His findings are consistent with those described by Dr. Hume et al during the autopsy." PERRY, BEFORE POSNER GOT TO HIM: a) WR 521-522/ 17 H 6-7/ CE392: report written 11/22/63---"A large wound of the right posterior cranium…"; Parkland press conference, 11/22/63 [see "Assassination Science", pp. 419-427; silent film clip used in "Reasonable Doubt" (1988), "20/20" (4/92), etc.]---"There was an entrance wound in the neck…It appeared to be coming at him…The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat; yes, that is correct. The exit wound, I don't know. It could have been the head or there could have been a second wound of the head." (apparently, based off this conference, the Associated Press dispatch on 11/22/63 stated that Dr. Perry "said the entrance wound was in the front of the head," while all the AP wires for this day stated that JFK had a large hole in the "back" of his head.); c) UPI report published in the "New York World Telegram & Sun", 11/22/63 (see also the 11/23/63 "San Francisco Chronicle" [Groden's "TKOAP", p. 76])---"There was an entrance wound below his Adam's apple. There was another wound in the back of his head."; d) Filmed interview by Bob Welch, WBAP-TV/ NBC (Texas News), 11/23/63 [available on the video "Kennedy In Texas" (1984) and, in edited form, on "The Two Kennedys" (1976)]---"He had a severe, lethal wound"; "There was a neck wound anteriorly and a large wound of his head in the right posterior area."; "passage of the bullet through the neck"; "chest tubes were put in place"; mentions the presence of Drs. Seldin and Bashour [this was the second conference that weekend---21 H 265: "this was a final conference to give reporters who had missed earlier conferences a chance to hear from (the) medical team and to answer their questions."]; AND DR. KEMP CLARK: a) WR 516-518/ 17 H 1-3 / CE 392 [undated summary; see also 21 H 150-152 :Clark's 11/23/63 report to Admiral Burkley with the verbatim summary . In addition, see "Assassination Science", pp. 416-418: this is an FBI report dated 11/25/63 which includes the verbatim summary to Burkley from 11/23/63]---"..in the occipital region of the skull…"; "There was a large wound in the right occipitoparietal region…"; "Both cerebral and cerebellar tissue were extruding from the wound."; WR 524-525/ 17 H 9-10 /CE 392: handwritten report 11/22/63---"The President was bleeding profusely from the back of the head . There was a large (3 x 3 cm) remnant of cerebral tissue present…there was a smaller amount of cerebellar tissue present also"; "There was a large wound beginning in the right occiput extending into the parietal region…"; c) Parkland Press conference, 11/22/63, 3:16 PM CST ["Assassination Science", pp. 427]---" A missile had gone in or out of the back of his head…the back of his head…I was busy with his head wound…The head wound could have been either the exit wound from the neck or it could have been a tangential wound, as it was simply a large, gaping loss of tissue."; ----------------- 10/13/98 letter from Dr. Ronald Jones to Vince Palamara----"I recently testified on August 27, 1998 before the Assassination Review Panel regarding several issues including these that you ask. I was located on the left side of President Kennedy, the region of his left chest, where I inserted the left chest tube and did a cut down on the left arm to place an IV line. As a result I did not have clear view of the back side of the head wound. President Kennedy had very thick dark hair that covered the injured area. In my opinion it was in the occipital area in the back of the head. Because the scalp partially covered the wound I cannot give an exact size of the defect in the skull. There was no obvious injury to the face. The wound in the neck was very small, perhaps no larger than 1/4 of an inch and the wound in the back of the head was much larger. It was for this reason that I initially thought that the injury to the neck was an entrance wound. During the time the President was at Parkland Hospital the physicians did not roll him over after he was pronounced dead and thus did not appreciate the wound in the back which was discovered at autopsy." ---------- >From Life, Nov 1983 v6 p48(24) 4 days that stopped America; the Kennedy assassination, 20 years later. Doris G. Kinney; Marcia Smith; Penny Ward Moser.---- At 1:15 Doris Nelson was eating lunch with other nurses in the Parkland Hospital cafeteria. "We were talking about what would happen if the President was in a car wreck or something," she remembers. "I said they'd never bring him here, they'd take him to a hospital in town." When Nelson returned to the emergency room, the phone was ringing. "It was the switchboard operator. she said, 'Doris, the President's been shot, and he'll be here in five minutes.' I said, 'Yes, Phyllis [bartlett], so what else is new?'" At first, nobody believed Nelson either. "By the time I got two doctors and the head nurse convinced, they were rolling him down the hall." Nelson was emergency room supervisor. "As I looked around, I didn't see anyone from the higher echelon in the hospital, so I thought, 'Doris, you've got it.'" Connally came first. "He had been pretty badly wounded, and his skin was real pale. So I just ripped off his shirt to see where the injuries were. I put him in Trauma Two. Right behind him came the President. Jackie was walking beside him. A rose was lying across the stretcher. I put him in Trauma One." While physicians hovered over the President, Nelson stood at the door, screening the flow of nurses, doctors and Secret Service agents. "At one point, Jackie decided to go into the room when they were doing a tracheotomy on him. I though it was not in her best interest or in the best interest of the patient or the physicians. I suggested she wait outside. But the agent in charge said that if she wished to go in, that was her prerogative." Nelson was impressed by the First Lady. "Amazed at how poised she was. I asked her if she would like to remove her gloves and wash her hands, and she said, 'No, thank you, I'm fine.' She seemed almost in a trance.c Nelson herself was on automatic pilot. "About an hour after it was over, someone brought me a cup of coffee. My hands started shaking so, I couldn't hold it. That's when it hit me." (Doris Nelson dies last month of liver cander at 52, shortly after she gave this interview.) In the same article, Nurse Nelson showed a LIFE photographer the location of the head wound: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/nelson.jpg For more--- Medical evidence compilation (everything but the kitchen sink): http://www.mindcushion.com/jfk/MedEvEarly1.html For everything(!)-- MY NEW BOOK, "JFK: THE MEDICAL EVIDENCE REFERENCE" (339 PAGES), praised by Dr. Gary Aguilar, Robert Groden, John McAdams, Brad Parker, and many others, is available for $30 exclusively via "The Last Hurrah Bookshop": http://members.aol.com/jfkhurrah/ Andrew Winiarczyk Proprietor 849 W. Third St. #1 Williamsport, Pennsylvania 17701 717/321-1150 (Phone and Fax) Vince Palamara
  2. Hi Daniel, i did reply but ??? I lost it somehow...agreed Doug Horne's work is essential also imo today to be up to date more or less, it has been some years since i went through all this at rich's , till reading doug's so i am also taking it as a refresher course, have patience as i am trying to with myself, here is a bit from posted info saved, might be of interest..for now, thanks much b.. IF.......we and all are expected to believe the large extended wound that we see in the phony autopsy photos, of the slash to the President's neck is to be believed...well that is what they would like us to... Then WHY would a tracheostomy be needed to have been performed in the first place..Why ever would it have been necessary ....Would it not have been necessary by the medical personnel in attendance, to have had to have worked immediately to have at least tried to staunch that immense flow of blood into the throat..it also would have blown out the neck as they show, to such a degree, he would not have been breathing by any chance, or imagination, to warrant a trac....but no, all that was reported was a small trickle of blood appearing from a small entrance wound. And if it was such a huge open slash, would it not have been easily dissected and the wound probed,?? ......Instead Dr.Humes stated " Dissecting the neck was totally unnecessary and would have been Criminal."" Criminal ??.....Therefore a proper autopsy was not completed........and ...."none of the autopsy findings therefore suggested a penetrating wound to the back...." Even though Humes consistently claimed that the wound was obscured by the trach.....his pretended ignorance was contradicted by Ebersole , who more than oce said he was aware of the throat wound that night... Ebersole as well told Dr.Mantik that he was aware of such ..based on a call by someone to Dallas after 10.30pm, Nov.22/63.. Info of Dr.D.Maniks. At first at Parkland, the wound was described as just below the Adam's Apple, larynx, just to the right...approx 2 to 3 mm..which would mean above the tie and shirt collar that the President wore.....recall the autopsy photos are fabrications, they have moved their so called tracheostomy,also...not just the head wounds... to where they decided it should go,in their fabrication......... IMO.... Now in the Pathological Examination Report..from Bethesda Naval Hospital......they seem to have moved such to read...the low, anterior neck at approximately the third and fourth tracheal ring....also stating the wound is.......a long trachael wound with a 6.5 cm wound, ( that's what it states cm..) widely gaping irregular edges........page 432.."Assassination Science". By the time of the W/C and the testimony was taken, the wound has grown anywhere from approx 5 ... up to 8 mm.......except for Dr.Jones and Nurse Henchliffe perhaps... Dr. PERRY: This was situated in the lower anterior one-third of the neck, approximately 5 mm. in diameter. (3H372) Dr. CARRICO: This was probably a 4-7 mm. wound, almost in the midline, maybe a little to the right of the midline, and below the thyroid cartilage. (6H3) DR. CARRICO: There was a small wound, 5- to 8-mm. in size, located in the lower third of the neck, below the thyroid cartilage, the Adams apple. (3H361) Dr. PERRY: I determined only the fact that there was a wound there, roughly 5 mm. in size or so. (6H9) Dr. JONES: The wound in the throat was probably no larger than a quarter of an inch in diameter. . . . t was a very small, smooth wound. (6H54) Nurse HENCHLIFFE: It was just a little hole in the middle of his neck. . . . About as big around as the end of my little finger. (6H141 fwiw the testimony of http://www.history-m...HSCA-Lipsey.htm
  3. http://www.sacbee.com/2011/08/03/3804973/the-buzz-veterans-of-californias.html or http://tinyurl.com/4ysap6j from frog, thanks..
  4. Thanks Bernie! According to his testimony, he raced to the back of the TSBD because he thought the shots came from the top of the building. I guess Mr Lifton will now have to include him as one of Baker's cohorts in the conspiracy... Your Welcome Greg, I am thinking he is the one that noted the pigeons, at the tme, taking off from the roof, how come the pigeons have been left out in all this ?? seems rather picky.. I have noted a correction in my post , his second name was not Welcome, i have omitted it, though that is how it was sent to me,it was in error, i thought it rather neat, but not true, so please correct if copied...take care all.thanks....b
  5. Thankyou John for the heads up....take care...b
  6. hi zach; here is another comp done by james richards, you may be interested in..if not in your files, looking for the copy of original you posted but of course, never where you look.thanks for the information...and one of hargraves under arrest...and faces in dealey also..take care .b
  7. Daniel, you might be interested in this informative work of jerry mcknight...take care b.. http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.php/Essay_-_Bugliosi_Fails_to_Resuscitate_the_Single-Bullet_Theory
  8. http://www.jfklancer...pdf/Camelot.pdf INFORMATION FROM THE CAMELOT DOCUMENTS,, A week after cradling her slain husband in her lap in Dallas, Jacqueline Kennedy summoned a trusted journalist friend to her home in Hyannisport, Mass., "obsessed," to use her word, with the notion that her husband be remembered as a hero. Preface With clarity and political savvy of a master spin artist, the 34-year-old widow spoke to the writer, Theodore H. White, for four hours, urging him to tell the world -- through LIFE magazine -- that Kennedy was truly "a man of magic," that his presidency was truly special, that the era was, to use the words she borrowed from a Broadway musical, "one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot." A year after Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis' death of cancer at 64, the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston made public Mr. White's notes [see next article] from that Nov. 29, 1963, interview in which the romantic Camelot myth--one that would remain fixed in the public's mind despite ensuing revelations of chinks in the Kennedy armor -- was born. The newly released papers include Mr. White's handwritten notes from the interview and the typed manuscript of the essay -- with editing marks by Mrs. Kennedy -- that appeared in the Dec. 6, 1963, issue of LIFE. The writer donated the papers to the Kennedy Library in 1969, stipulating that they remain sealed until one year after her death. Called the "Camelot documents," they offer another small piece of the puzzle -- another glimpse into the mind and soul of a private woman who, even in death, has remained a source of endless fascination and mystery to so many. Perhaps most important, the papers reveal the extent to which the sad, wan, yet tearless widow had a hand in shaping the extraordinary Kennedy legacy. "She certainly wanted to take control of history," said presidential historian Stephen E. Ambrose, a critic of the rose-colored portrayals of the Kennedy years, " and in so many ways she managed to do so." Much of the substance of the Camelot interview appeared in the LIFE essay, "For President Kennedy: An Epilogue." The magazine held the presses that November night, at a cost of $30,000 an hour for overtime, while Mr. White talked with Mrs. Kennedy. He finally dictated his story to editors form the telephone in the Kennedy kitchen at 2 a.m., with his interview subject hovering nearby. Mr. White, who died in 1986, revealed many more details and impressions from the interview in his 1978 memoir, "In Search of History," '' White wrote in his memoir that Mrs. Kennedy wanted him to "rescue Jack from all these `bitter people' who were going to write about him in history. She did not want Jack left to the historians.''
  9. Scott i did try , i blew it up but the wording was so distorted it could not be read,no go, sorry..b
  10. Zach: It is the same thread but thank you for your dilligence...b
  11. Hi Don, yes we have seen much whoop di do in the past, promising much, delivering nothing, in the end, of substance, relative to the assassination studies,I am thinking this will be another episode of the likes, i went to the jfk museum, to see what they had to say, see below, accordng to their information,there will be nothing pertaining to the many speculations, that have been made and hoped for by some, within their release..but there will be, some information of interest no doubt...take care..b:blink: http://www.jfklibrary.org/Exhibits/Special-Exhibits/In-Her-Voice.aspx In September 2011, the Kennedy Library will open a new exhibit highlighting Mrs. Kennedy’s 1964 oral history interview. Sealed for 47 years and scheduled to be published in September is a series of wide-ranging conversations with historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in which Mrs. Kennedy reveals her thoughts and impressions on topics spanning John F. Kennedy’s early campaigns to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The conversations cover Mrs. Kennedy’s impressions of world leaders and events, her role as First Lady, and her life as a wife and mother living inside the White House. In the exhibit, excerpts from these conversations will be presented alongside the objects, documents, and photographs that chronicle the events Mrs. Kennedy describes. This unique presentation, joining iconic treasures from the Kennedy Library with the words of Mrs. Kennedy, sheds new light both on the great events and personalities of the 20th century, as well as on the extraordinary sensibilities of the woman describing them.
  12. I don't think it is bullxxxx. It was also in the National Enquirer months ago, they may be a tabloid but are usually spot on (ask John Edwards for example). ABC likely edited that out of the tapes is my guess. The big story here is that Caroline is releasing them now, not 75 years after her death as her mother wished. One has to wonder why. I have my reasons. The book complete with cds can be preordered at Amazon. I ordered mine a few days ago. Dawn I think most of us in those first few days thought LBJ was involved. I sure did, at 14. Jackie refused to change her blood covered clothing. So that the "world can see what you did to my husband". One has to wonder to whom she was referring. And if she did not offer her private thoughts on the assassination why did the tapes have to be kept secret for so long? I think JFK Jr was murdered -(plenty of proof online, spend some time on google)- and that Caroline herself may have been threatened when she was about to run for office. Because this is entirely out of character for her. Dawn Hi Dawn; FYI they were to be held for 50 years,after her death, Jackie Kennedy had requested that the tapes, which total eight hours and were made just four months after her husband was killed, not be released until 50 years after her death. But her daughter, Caroline Kennedy, agreed to let ABC have access to the tapes now - just 17 years after her mother's death.yes there is much on the web re JFKjrs death, some information is quite interesting, but the same as with his Father, hard proof evidence is needed, perhaps some day...take care..b Read more: http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2011/08/08/2134378/secret-jackie-kennedy-tapes-not.html#ixzz1UsaAOwIT
  13. Coming in Sept; His Three Songs for America , settings of the words of Martin Luther King, J.F. Kennedy, and R.F. Kennedy http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/blogsburger/52373256-53/festival-september-music-amram.html.csp
  14. someone had asked. i believe, if abc actually had the tapes, according to this info, yes they do..b http://news.bostonherald.com/news/re...rted_abc_says/ The story quickly made the rounds of the Internet, but ABC, the network that actually has the tapes, dismissed the Mail’s claims as bogus .........
  15. If Jackie believed LBJ had killed her husband, how does that explain the way she speaks to LBJ on the phone about 10 days after the Assassination? First she sounds like a little girl because he sent her something and she's thanking him. Then he starts talking flirtatiously with her and Jackie responds in the same manner. If she harbored any thought that LBJ was behind it, how does that explain her reaction to LBJ on the phone? Link:http://whitehousetapes.net/clip/lyndon-johnson-jacqueline-kennedy-lbj-and-jacqueline-kennedy Kathy C Hi KATHY; It is being reported now by abc that the original posting of that info was done and then picked up from a forum type site, and took off from there, this is about the latest, i am sure there will be much more coming.I'm waiting till I hear them like many others, and see a transcript, after the show, nothing is ever as whoop ti do, in all this as we are usually led to believe, anything for a head line with some, just wait for a bit longer they are to come out in SEPT.....take care b http://www.bellingha...-tapes-not.html Aug, 8, 2011 Secret Jackie Kennedy tapes not as sordid as reported, ABC says By DEBORAH NETBURN / Los Angeles Times LOS ANGELES -- The British newspaper the Daily Mail recently posted a story on its website claiming to have inside information on the secret tapes Jackie Kennedy made with historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. just months after her husband's death. According to the Mail story, the tapes are filled with sordid information - including tales of the president's affair with a 19-year-old intern, Jackie Kennedy's belief that Lyndon Johnson and a cartel of Texas businessmen were responsible for John F. Kennedy's assassination, and stories of her own affair with the movie star William Holden. The story quickly made the rounds of the Internet, but ABC, the network that actually has the tapes, dismissed the Mail's claims as bogus. "The tabloid reports about the content of the tapes are totally erroneous," a spokesperson from ABC said in a statement. "ABC News isn't releasing any content from those tapes until mid-September, at which point it will be clear how off base these reports are." The Mail updated the original story to include ABC's response, but did not remove the original story from its site. Jackie Kennedy had requested that the tapes, which total eight hours and were made just four months after her husband was killed, not be released until 50 years after her death. But her daughter, Caroline Kennedy, agreed to let ABC have access to the tapes now - just 17 years after her mother's death. The network is putting together a "20/20" special with Diane Sawyer in which Americans will get to hear the tapes for the first time. It's scheduled to air in September. The special will coincide with the release of a new book based partly on the tapes: "Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy." It has a forward by Caroline Kennedy and annotations by historian Michael Beschloss. "It is a great privilege to be able to share these recollections with the millions of people who admire my parents. My mother took very seriously the obligation to preserve and document the history of my father's administration - and these interviews are the result. I am honored to play a small part in that effort by bringing them forward in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy administration," Caroline Kennedy told ABC News.
  16. Scott i have found another of Carriles, very small, with no notation of those with him..b fwiw perhaps you will know..??
  17. small comp of roger craig. and fritz's outter office..
  18. My immediate response was to leave the comments on the web page. I don't take kindly to being threatened. However, as several people have pointed out, the woman is clearly disturbed and we should not take advantage of this. I have now removed all references to Craig's daughter on my webpage on Roger Craig. As you can from above, I was only doing what I was asked. You just cannot please some people. ok just so everybody knows deanna and her mom changed there names not for privacy they were the ones paranoid our family never seen then or knew what there name were i personaly seen deanna at roger funeral in 75 and my moms im 79 and her and her mom wore shades and kept to themselves talk about paranoia what does that tell you about there mental states roger never hid BUT MOLLY AND DEANNA DID so think about that and see who was disturbed Jerry; it wasn't a matter of roger being paranoid of they after him, following him etc...alone, if so, as his wife,i think his first was also positive she was being followed, i think her name was Hahn or similar at the time,see the documents below, that name in mentioned, i believe the information she related is after his death, when she was still in posession of his manuscript, his was discussed on rich's jfk forum at the time, and i believe that information came out..then again you would know the dates much better, than i or anyone, apparently, they, whomever were also sneaking around and continued to do so after ...i found these in a search a few years ago, within mary ferrell documents they may help in some way, to show that there were people after or at least following members of the family...and she had reported it to the police,...posted below, fwtaw..take care.. sorry the docs did not post 1 to 4, see the bottom of each to read in the correct order...b
  19. Are you in agreement that there are witnesses that support Craig's story, Todd? I think Greg is tucked up in bed right now but from my perspective the photographs of the station wagon on Elm and the Oswald lookalike walking down toward Elm Street past the concrete ornaments within the timeframes as detailed by Craig gives his story much more weight than Bledsoe's especially when combined with the addition of further corroborating witnesses. Mary Bledsoe never proved she knew Oswald. I don't believe for a second that she was a "landlady" of anyone, let alone Oswald. I'd like to think that Police today are a little more rigorous in confirming relationships between people during criminal investigations rather than just taking one person's word for it. If there was one other single witness on record that supported Mary's alleged relationship with Oswald then I would give it slightly more weight rather than shaking my head in utter disbelief. Her son may have been a good start. Or Cecil McWatters who remembered a lot about the events on his bus, but doesn't remember the memorable Mary. Or then again, maybe he did... FWIW...comp James Richards
  20. Chris; here's a short one, mentioning summers...fwiw...b http://educationforu...?showtopic=9357 there is another thread titled..Altgens Malcolm Summers..Purvis.. Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 but i cannot link to it...perhaps you can find in search i could not...b
  21. Sirhan Sirhan file now available at California State Archives http://www.sacbee.co...alifornias.html http://www.sos.ca.gov/admin/press-releases/2011/db11-030.pdf
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