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Bernice Moore

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Everything posted by Bernice Moore

  1. Steve i am using your short post to reply to Tom in case he has not as yet found below...thankyou for the use of...b http://karws.gso.uri.edu/Marsh/Jfk-conspiracy/ecc.htm Issue #1 "Case Closed or Posner Exposed?" 100 errors .
  2. :lol:But Kathy, you would have the files, instead...take care b..
  3. Thanks Martha, your kind words will be appreciated by all, and yes, there are some good researchers here, that are really amazing in what they continue to uncover,and produce, there is so very much at times, please visit more often good to see you and you certainly can add to the information with your knowledge also.....thanks again for all.best b. Hello Robert, good to get your input, always, the longer i have been in this, the more and more i am coming to wonder just how many of the reports of seeing lho, were real, really.....simply put, there are just too many, they seem to go on forever,he could not have possibly been in all... i posted the photos thinking of blonde, but whomever set him up and i am thinking now they , all the photos of strangers were a set up, keeping in mind, how they tried to pull off that business about the voice tape that proved not to be him and also just how many planes did take off for cuba, it seems also too many, too many siteings, too many planes, too many people, names involved and on and on...perhaps someone could come out with an article who knows better than i do, just ""how many too manys there"" were involved in some of these areas and siteings etc.......thanks always appreciated...take care b...
  4. hi marty; good to see you. there were not any cleaning supplys to clean a rifle with, that has been threaded in the past, some time ago on here, he had really very few belongings, loved the rummage sale suggestion, perhaps he did visit them, who knows, but too little of not much seems to have not turned up upon research, it appears..thanks for the information. take care best b
  5. John is correct. It's the flag on the front left side of the Limo, flapping in the wind Hi Bernice Curry and Sorrels testimony doesn't corrolate with what we see in the available images. ? Sorrels " And by that time we had gotten almost in under the underpass, and the President's car had come up and was almost abreast of us. When I saw them get so close, I said, "Let's get out quick," or "Get going fast," or something to that effect. In other words, I didn't want them to pass us, because I knew we were supposed to be in front. And that is when they floor-boarded the accelerator on the police car and we got out in front That isn't what the McIntire photo or the Daniel film show. ? And this is what Curry told Gary Mack in 1979 Quote: As Chief Curry told me in 1979, he spoke with Chaney on the access ramp to Stemmons. At that time, the McIntire photo was unknown, but now I know that the area to which Curry referred was past McIntire's location. And Mel McIntire's photos were never out of his possession at any time. They were first published in 1983 in a Dallas Times Herald 20th anniversary special. Gary Mack Contradicting statements from Curry ? We may never know what really happened after the limo went through the Underpass Robin, i have been trying to reply to you, the loading on here appears to be really slow this evening and then not taking, ????? agreed we may never know, and agreed as a major problem is the differences not seen in comparison to the photographs to the witnesses statement, also gary sees the mcintire and all of a sudden he is overwelled to the point he contradicts Curry ??? has anyone checked within Curry's book to see if he has related any info in this regard..?? i tend to go with the witnesses statements, as they were there, we and others were not, thanks b..am trying one more time...
  6. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/sorrels1.htm............Testimony Of Forrest V. Sorrels I just said, "What's that?" And turned around to look up on this terrace part there, because the sound sounded like it came from the back and up in that direction. At that time, I did not look back up to the building, because it was way back in the back. Within about 3 seconds, there were two more similar reports. And I said, "Let's get out of here" and looked back, all the way back, then, to where the President's car was, and I saw some confusion, movement there, and the car just seemed to lunch forward. And, in the meantime, a motorcycle officer had run up on the right-hand side and the chief yelled to him, "Anybody hurt?" He said, "Yes." He said, "Lead us to the hospital." And the chief took his microphone and told them to alert the hospital, and said, "Surround the building." He didn't say what building. He just said, "Surround the building." And by that time we had gotten almost in under the underpass, and the President's car had come up and was almost abreast of us. When I saw them get so close, I said, "Let's get out quick," or "Get going fast," or something to that effect. In other words, I didn't want them to pass us, because I knew we were supposed to be in front. And that is when they floor-boarded the accelerator on the police car and we got out in front. And someone yelled loudly to go to the nearest hospital.
  7. Hi Robin, thanks for the underpass shot......rereading Curry it does not sound like the limo has passed the lead car as Curry states he looked behind and could see the commotion in the pres.car..''.And then about this time, I believe it was motorcycle Officer Chaney rode up beside of me and looking back in the rear view mirror I could see some commotion in the President's car and after this there had been two more reports, but these other two reports I could tell were coming behind instead of from the railroad yards.''
  8. Here is Curry's testimony...b.... http://mcadams.posc....mony/curry1.htm A sharp report as a firecracker or as it was it was the report of this rifle. We were just approaching an underpass, and there were some people around on each side of the underpass, up in the railroad yards, and I thought at first that perhaps this was a railroad torpedo, it was a sharp crack. Inspector--no, it wasn't Inspector, it was Lawson of the Secret Service and Mr. Sorrels of the Dallas office of the Secret Service, and Sheriff Bill Decker and myself were in this car. Mr. DULLES - I may be anticipating. Mr. RANKIN - That is all right, go right ahead. Mr. CURRY - I said what was that, was that a firecracker, or someone said this, I don't recall whether it was me or someone else, and from the report I couldn't tell whether it was coming from the railroad yard or whether it was coming from behind but I said over the radio, I said, "Get someone up in the railroad yard and check." And then about this time, I believe it was motorcycle Officer Chaney rode up beside of me and looking back in the rear view mirror I could see some commotion in the President's car and after this there had been two more reports, but these other two reports I could tell were coming behind instead of from the railroad yards. Mr. RANKIN - What do you mean by reports? Mr. CURRY - Sharp reports as a rifle or a firecracker, and looking in the rear view mirror then I could see some commotion in President Kennedy's car. Mr. RANKIN - You could distinctly hear and tell that the two later reports were from behind? Mr. CURRY - Behind. Mr. RANKIN - Rather than front? Mr. CURRY - That is right. Mr. RANKIN - You weren't sure whether the first one was from behind or in front? Mr. CURRY - I couldn't tell because perhaps of the echo or the---- Representative FORD - Where were you sitting in the car, sir? Mr. CURRY - I was driving. Representative FORD - You were driving? Mr. CURRY - Yes, sir. Representative FORD - When you heard the first report, did you grab a communications set and give this order? Mr. CURRY - Almost immediately. Representative FORD - What was the order that you gave? Mr. CURRY - As I recall it, "Get someone up in the railroad yard to check those people." There was already an officer up there. Mr. RANKIN - How do you know that? Mr. CURRY - They assigned officers to every overpass. We went with the Secret Service, Batchelor and Chief Lunday had went over this route with Secret Service agents Lawson and Sorrels and they had run the route 2 or 3 days prior to this and pointed out every place where they wanted security officers, and we placed them there where they asked for them. Mr. RANKIN - Did you see an officer there when you looked up? Mr. CURRY - I couldn't recognize him, but I could see an officer whoever it was. Representative FORD - Did you get this order over the PA system before the second and third shots? Mr. CURRY - I don't believe so, I am not sure. I am not positive. Because they were in pretty rapid succession. But after I noticed some commotion in the President's car and a motorcycle officer ran up aside of me and I asked him what had happened and he said shots had been fired, and I said, "Has the President been hit or has the President's party been hit? And he said, "I am sure they have." I said, "Take us to the hospital immediately," and I got on the radio and I told them to notify Parkland Hospital to stand by for an emergency, and this is approximately, I would say, perhaps a couple of miles or so to Parkland Hospital from this, and we went to Parkland and I notified them to have them to be standing by for an emergency, and we went out there under siren escort and went into the emergency entrance. As I recall, I got out of the car and rushed to the emergency entrance --
  9. i do not know what happened, two threads came up when i went to post, sorry.:unsure:so Curry's testimony is now posted in both:ph34r: threads.. ..... ..b
  10. here it is david, if not found.......b,,, http://mcadams.posc....mony/curry1.htm A sharp report as a firecracker or as it was it was the report of this rifle. We were just approaching an underpass, and there were some people around on each side of the underpass, up in the railroad yards, and I thought at first that perhaps this was a railroad torpedo, it was a sharp crack. Inspector--no, it wasn't Inspector, it was Lawson of the Secret Service and Mr. Sorrels of the Dallas office of the Secret Service, and Sheriff Bill Decker and myself were in this car. Mr. DULLES - I may be anticipating. Mr. RANKIN - That is all right, go right ahead. Mr. CURRY - I said what was that, was that a firecracker, or someone said this, I don't recall whether it was me or someone else, and from the report I couldn't tell whether it was coming from the railroad yard or whether it was coming from behind but I said over the radio, I said, "Get someone up in the railroad yard and check." And then about this time, I believe it was motorcycle Officer Chaney rode up beside of me and looking back in the rear view mirror I could see some commotion in the President's car and after this there had been two more reports, but these other two reports I could tell were coming behind instead of from the railroad yards. Mr. RANKIN - What do you mean by reports? Mr. CURRY - Sharp reports as a rifle or a firecracker, and looking in the rear view mirror then I could see some commotion in President Kennedy's car. Mr. RANKIN - You could distinctly hear and tell that the two later reports were from behind? Mr. CURRY - Behind. Mr. RANKIN - Rather than front? Mr. CURRY - That is right. Mr. RANKIN - You weren't sure whether the first one was from behind or in front? Mr. CURRY - I couldn't tell because perhaps of the echo or the---- Representative FORD - Where were you sitting in the car, sir? Mr. CURRY - I was driving. Representative FORD - You were driving? Mr. CURRY - Yes, sir. Representative FORD - When you heard the first report, did you grab a communications set and give this order? Mr. CURRY - Almost immediately. Representative FORD - What was the order that you gave? Mr. CURRY - As I recall it, "Get someone up in the railroad yard to check those people." There was already an officer up there. Mr. RANKIN - How do you know that? Mr. CURRY - They assigned officers to every overpass. We went with the Secret Service, Batchelor and Chief Lunday had went over this route with Secret Service agents Lawson and Sorrels and they had run the route 2 or 3 days prior to this and pointed out every place where they wanted security officers, and we placed them there where they asked for them. Mr. RANKIN - Did you see an officer there when you looked up? Mr. CURRY - I couldn't recognize him, but I could see an officer whoever it was. Representative FORD - Did you get this order over the PA system before the second and third shots? Mr. CURRY - I don't believe so, I am not sure. I am not positive. Because they were in pretty rapid succession. But after I noticed some commotion in the President's car and a motorcycle officer ran up aside of me and I asked him what had happened and he said shots had been fired, and I said, "Has the President been hit or has the President's party been hit? And he said, "I am sure they have." I said, "Take us to the hospital immediately," and I got on the radio and I told them to notify Parkland Hospital to stand by for an emergency, and this is approximately, I would say, perhaps a couple of miles or so to Parkland Hospital from this, and we went to Parkland and I notified them to have them to be standing by for an emergency, and we went out there under siren escort and went into the emergency entrance. As I recall, I got out of the car and rushed to the emergency entrance --
  11. If in the past you have been in touch with her, then you may receive a request for money, these are not from her....delete them...b:blink:
  12. Hi Daniel, in looking i found a couple of studies done by Jack White,and frank agbat a great imo, slo mo, gif of the motorcycles movements from nix i believe..... fyi........b
  13. Bernice, many thanks. That one can see something leaving the back of Kennedy's head in a film of rather poor resolution begs the question why this wasn't seen in the Z-film, which is so much better resolution. Since Bill Miller posted this, I would assume Bill, you have a good answer to this question. If so thank you for it. Best, DAniel your welcome Daniel, Bill made the first gif i posted for you,i know, i have it marked, i do not know now who made this second one, sorry bout that but whomever, it is a great little gif, i have asked in the past who made it for us, but no one has ever stated it was theirs so, i have no idea......thanks b ...agreed as they say, seeing is believing...good luck... b
  14. Daniel, found the wee other nix gif, that shows matter being seen,flying out of his head.towards the back.....b
  15. great snap of hill, thanks..i found chaney...http://www.history-m...Vol20_0255a.htm chaney...page 489 w/c b
  16. Robin, just for the sake of argument: Chaney rides ahead, tells Curry of the shooting as the Limo then speeds up and with Curry they hightail it out of there with Chaney behind since the three other motorcycle officers are already ahead with Curry. This would explain Hargis' claim of Chaney riding forward, the limo stop, and the McIntire picture. Posssible? Best, Daniel The Bell film shows the lead car, the limo, and the follow up car going underneath the overpass. No Chaney The Daniel film shows the lead car, the limo, and the follow up car coming out from underneath the overpass. No Chaney Is that Chaney in the Bell film, or Martin, or neither?-- Daniel That is Martin seen in the Bell and Daniel films Robin did you notice on the penn jones print out, info, in the other thread on the official w/c pages info, there is no Chaney listed......??? Names of the motorcycle officers ( and apparently their numbers ) are given in Vol.XX, page 489, the three out front were Sgt.S.C. Bellah 190, J.B.Garrick 132, and G.C McBride 133, the five only half a block ahead of the President were, L.E Grey 156 E.D.Brewer 137 W.G.Lumpkin 152, and H.R.Freeman 135.Five of the Officers were instructed to fall to the rear at the underpass and cover the motorcade from the rear onto the Trade Mart . the burden for the trapping of the President falls , most likely on one of these five officers. We have only talked to three policemen , but we always get the same answer,'' We have been instructed not to talk about it at all''...Simmons said he believed it was the motorcycle cop at the left front of the automobile who got in the way . and who made it appear'' this is from the other zap faked thread.no chaney.....b
  17. Daniel, will this gif that bill miller did for all, some time back showing debris out the back of JFK'S head help, there is another re nix when i can find it, i will post it for you..you must click it on to work, for some reason, ..b
  18. That's much clearer robin, agreed, good on you...b:)
  19. I think the grey hair effect is just the sun hitting and backlighting her hair. hi duncan ; nellie did not have grey hair, but she still may have had on her pale pink hat...in the limo.........take care b
  20. phelps quote''... While all you have to go in is the Internet speculators, I don't rely on that as my resource.''...all we had was like 11almost 12 years of following judyth's stories on the web, to rely on....phelps quote..''I don't see any attacks on Ed Haslam's work, and it is basically the same details'' Jim you really do need to get out more, try a search or two within the threads here..try HASLAM ... ======= OK, I typed Haslam and got this: http://jamesfetzer.b...rys-monkey.html Then this: http://www.spartacus.../JFKhaslamE.htm Looks like his book gets excellent reviews: http://www.amazon.co...n/dp/0977795306 So, where is the issue? Is this a EF only issue? Do you know the science on SV-40 and the unkilled vaccine programs, which is what he talks about? Every read viral induced diseases research, and know the difference between and exogenous retrovirus and an endogenous one? Do you know the cellular immune system and enzyme processes? How about the Cytokine research? How did you come to be able to rate Mr. Haslam's theme? Sciences background? Show me examples of technical evaluation skills for sciences, for anyone that dismisses either Haslam or Baker. We can also take note that the big solve the case issue on JFK is this Lung Cancer and viral methods combined with radiation that would shut down big tobacco. Once you know who is trying to fake who out, you spot the crooks. I have seen the McAdam stuff and he and his associaties are a big problem on JFK research. They don't impress me at all. However, technical merits and sciences do. People that know science can sort out fakers easily. I have all her and his books, yes i have read them, and no i do not believe her or him.clear enough..no documentation by either of them that has been presented have proven their stories, ..as Pam mentions the two hats do not and haven't worked,and that's my opinion, and fyi i am not and have not been involved on the alts:blink:..his stuff never has impressed me either, hey we finally agreed on something:blink: .b try this one if you missed it....http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17536 Haslam-Baker Dr. Mary's Monkey
  21. http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v5n1/v5n1costella.pdfwhat the witnesses saw....
  22. phelps quote''... While all you have to go in is the Internet speculators, I don't rely on that as my resource.''...all we had was like 11almost 12 years of following judyth's stories on the web, to rely on....phelps quote..''I don't see any attacks on Ed Haslam's work, and it is basically the same details'' Jim you really do need to get out more, try a search or two within the threads here..try HASLAM ...
  23. JIM QUOTE ''stemming largely from the errant group that attacks the Zapruder Film's visial witness to the crime as being valid.'' jIM i WOULD SUGGEST YOU GET OUT MORE ON THE WEB, YOU ARE IN ERROR IN THIS INSINUATION, YOU DO MAKE MANYtoo many perhaps, ,,sorry caps......if and when you get around to and check outside of this particular forum, into others, past and present also including the alts, you will find that imo a large majority do not...believe judyth..see it is entirely up to whomever, as to what they believe or do not, no one can tell anyone what to believe and the more you try,plus throw around your continual insinuations, the less interested they are..in anything you have to say...b
  24. Thanks Ed for your badge research, it is very interesting, have you contacted Ian Griggs about them, he has done deep research studies and a book on the police agencies within Dallas, just a thought...b
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