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Lawrence Schnapf

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Everything posted by Lawrence Schnapf

  1. @Pat Speer i was wondering why Willens had taken down his materials from his website. They were very useful. Luckily, I downloaded most of them. I'm not surprised he continues to defend the WC. It takes a big man to admit that a major assignment of his career was deficient or flawed.
  2. @Douglas Caddy very interesting. I presume you have read Geoff Shepard's books? he makes a strong case for misconduct and abuses by the parties you suggest along with the Senate Watergate counsel....
  3. @Michael Griffith entirely agree- as i generally do with your thoughts. it was hard to determine where the CIA rogues (operational level)/CIA-trained exiles ended, and where mafia began. I dont think the CIA "suits" (upper CIA management) had anything to do the the planning but helped orchestate the coverup. But i would not be surprised if Roselli tipped off Harvey about agitation/threats among the exiles or mafia. they talked alot and Roselli knew alot.
  4. @Michael Griffith there is alot of important information in the HSCA report and Blakely's book pointing to the mafia being behind the assassination. Rankin tried to investigate this area in March 1964 but was shutdown/obstructed by Hoover.
  5. @Michael Griffith I have to disagree with you. Russia was asked to withdraw its nuclear weapons from Ukraine. In exchange for that agreement, the US gave a firm promise. it was not conditioned on who was in power or the form of Russian government. Coupled with this promise is the fact that our russian experts in our government and those of our allies are fully cognizant of Russia's long history of paranoia about its borders. They surely knew that extending NATO eastward was provoking the bear. There could have been other ways to provide assurances to eastern european countries without triggering the Russians. The US and its allies are not pure in this matter.
  6. one needs to be very careful drawing conclusions from old photos . Different lighting, focal points, etc. Even modern facial recognition technology has problems.
  7. I believe LHO used "photography" as his occupation when he applied for his Mexican visa.
  8. very disappointed in Russ Baker. RFK jr is his white whale.
  9. RFK Jr has announced a healthcare forum for next week for those who want to learn more about his views: https://www.kennedy24.com/health-policy-roundtable?utm_campaign=health_policy_rountable_non_rs&utm_medium=email&utm_source=joinkennedy i wonder if this post might not belong on this thread. I'm not sure wheret the other political forums are located. can someone point that location to me? Thanks
  10. @W. Niederhut first- i resent your statement that my comment about Harris is a racist slur. has nothing to do with her race or her sex. you dont know me so how dare to you accuse me. you dont know anything about my work and my volunteer activities. How dare you but I guess that is typical for your ilk. Throw around the racist word whenever someone criticizes a person of color on the merits. And I am not suggesting you get you medical information from Rogan. you have been making statements about RFK Jr's views which are based on snippets or headlines from the news. I said that if you were truly an open minded person- which it now appears you are now- and want to learn about the candidates, then I suggested you listen to his podcast. but this is the last time i respond to anything you write until you apologize for your disgusting insult.
  11. @Greg Doudna JFK was trying to chang the direction of the Cold War and was murdered. RFK said he would continue the effort and was murdered. What has followed is 50 years of war. RFK Jr now wants to pick up the mantle of his father and uncle. Dennis Kucinich is his campaign manager, If he was elected, he would pick like-minded people for his cabinet and to lead the intelligence community. can he be successful after 60 years of entreanch warfare? I dont know but it is worth a chance. we owe it to future generations to try. This country cannot withstand a Trump or Harris presidency. anyone voting for Biden in 2024 must understand that the odds are they will also be voting for Harris. Who would you rather have as POTUS- RFK Jr or Harris?
  12. @Michael Griffith and others. NATO created the Ukraine problem when it extended its membeship easterly to the Russian border. When James Baker negotiated the removal of nuclear weapons from Ukraine, he promised the Russians that NATO would not extend itself eastward. NATO broke that promise. The Russians have always been paranoid about enemies to their west. One does not have to be a Kremlin-expert to know what would happen if we poked the bear. This situation is beginning to creep towards a Cuban Missile Crisis. Khrushev wanted to send a message to JFK about the missiles surrounding his country so he put missiles 90 miles away from us. There were several times where a miscalcuation could have triggered a nuclear war such as when our destroyers were depth charging a soviet submarine. their captains were authorzed to fire their missiles while under attack (i dont think we knew that at the time).a different captain on the submarine could have been provoked. If you want to read about other near-misses, the recent book "The Declassification Machine" has lots of scary examples. Since NATO created this problem, the unfortunate solution has to be negotiating restoration of a buffer to assuage the Russians. That my friends would be eastern Ukraine. I know you raised Munich but the difference is now there is a European Union, not individual weakened countries like in 1939. They can respond to any further aggression. we have a record level of debt that is going to impact future generations of our citizens. We cant keep sending billions of dollars of aid to Ukraine. Indeed, i question if Ukraine has the political infrastructure to absorb this aid. They had corruption problems before and I dount those have all be weeded out. It is time to force Ukraine into a settlement in exchange for its entry into NATO. Query- why is NATO even necessary anymore. there is an EU.
  13. @Benjamin Cole I believe there are only two living witnesses remaining to the Walker shooting. One of the sons of Surrey(sp?) and the 15 year old kid who saw two cars drive away. take your pick
  14. @David Von Pein i dont know about other CTers as you call them. I'm a lawyer who follows the evidence. There have been 7 mock trials held by law schools or bar associations since 1967. Six of them resulted in acquittals or hung juries because of the problems with the evidence. No one was stupid enough to write down instructions how to manufacture the case against Oswald. But we have plenty of examples of how the FBI intimidated witnesses to change their testimony, altered the 302s to put witnesses in perjury traps, pressured the doctors, and they distorted the meaning of the evidence in their testimony. The innocent project has demonstrated how often law enforcement manufactures cases against defendants and those cases did not involve a murder of a president. but you are smart enough to read the signals from Hoover if you were so incllned and understand how this happened. What is silly is believing in the Lone Gunman. You might has well believe in Santa Claus.
  15. @Matt Allison i dont know the politics of folks on this website. I'm a right-leaning independent though in my younger hears I was a dem who worked for McGovern, Brown, Hart and Gore. I think RFK Jr has a chance to win the suburban voters and white middle class voters in the primaires who supported Trump in the general election. He is hoping to rebuiild his Dad's coalition. Nobody gave McCarthy or his father a chance in 68, McGovern in 72, Clinton in 92 or (gulp) Trump in 16. That's the fun thing about campaigns. Never know what will happen.
  16. @Matt Allison listen to his three-hour interview on Rogan where he goes into his views in detail. I'd be interested in your reaction. Your analogy to England is fair but Ukraine is not England. and Vietnam started with advisors. then we got a president who felt he had to show his tougness and gave into the generals. Biden is looking more and more like LBJ. I'm hoping RFK Jr plays the role of Gene McCarthy. I would imagine that running for President must be extremely healing for RFK jr. He was with his father when he died. Must be a terrible wound to have lived with coupled with the thought that the real assassin was not pursued by his own government.
  17. @David Von Pein Virtually all of the important evidence in this case has serious provenance or chain of custory cases. Hoover announced while JFK's body was in the air (i.e., before any autopsy and before the FBI had ANY of the forensic evidence in the case) that Oswald was the lone gunman. The agents had to find evidence to support their director's decision if they cared about their careers. So evidence was manufactured or planted knowing there would not be a trial so there would not be subject to cross-examination or their evidence subject to scrutiny. so yes- Marina was intimidated during 46 interviews held without benefit of counsel to throw her dead husband unde the bus if she wanted to stay in this country and not lose her babies. Even then, she denied Oswald had any role with the Walker shooting until she was confronted with the last discovered Walker Note after Sullivan had directed his agents to "bear down on her". You think this case has been solved so why do you spend so much time on it? Are you one of those guys who think they're defending America's honor by supporting the Lone gunman theory? Just curious
  18. @James DiEugenio In the 21st century, we dont kill candidates anymore. Instead, they engage in character assassination. this is what they're doing to RFK Jr. I suggested to russ baker and @W. Niederhut that if they were truly open-minded people and legitimately interested in learning what RFK Jr's real views are without being filtered/altered by the DNC media hit teams, all they had to do was to listen to his 3-hour interview with Rogan. I'd geninuely be interested in their reaction to that interview. @W. Niederhut RFK Jr. was right about mercury and vaccines. He does make a big issue about the rise of the incidence of autism since 1989. I heard this might be from a change in how it is now diagnosed. If you have more information about this, please share.
  19. @Mark Ulrik i dont trust a single word that Frazier or any other FBI agent said about the evidence or what witnesses said. They were under horrible pressure from Hoover to develop evidence to support the director's conclusion around 4 pm on 11/22/63 while JFK's body was in the air that Oswald was the lone gunman. Hoover rushed out the December 5th report in the hopes of cutting off the WC and as well as a Texas court of inquiry. He wanted the WC to basically accept the FBI report without doing any further investigation. Any FBI agent that did not go along with Hoover's directive would have jeoparadized their career. Indeed, several were disciplined by being re-assigned to FBI outposts. Hosty was banished to KC. I'm not saying that Frazier or the others were bad people. they simply had no choice- a decision made easy knowing there would not be a trial where they would be subject to cross-examination and their evidence would not be challened.
  20. @Joe Bauer RFk Jr is trying to rebuild his father's coalition that included conservatives as well as anti-war liberals. If all RFK Jr's campaign does is force Biden out of the race, then that is a victory for the country. we cant afford to have Harris or Trump become president. There are plenty of good democrats who could run if Biden steps down.
  21. @Matt Allison just like if the north vietnamese had left but they didnt and it tore our country apart. Putin wont either. we should let Putin keep his sliver of Ukraine and stop bleeding our Treasury. we have problems at home that need to be fixed. @W. Niederhut i am now supporting RFK Jr. just sent his campaign a big check. I worked on George McGovern's campaign when i was in college so my views are consistent. I think we have given enough support to Ukraine. It's time to stop draining our treasury and arms but force a settlement. let Putin keep his sliver of Ukraine. As for Chamberlain, he had no choice. the British peope were not prepared to go to war so the Munich agreement was his only option. did you see Munich: The Edge of War? (https://www.netflix.com/title/81144852). interesting perspective on Chamberlain's political reality.
  22. Baker's series on RFK Jr amounts to a 21st century reputation assassination. @W. Niederhut and yes- my reference to Russ' RFK Jr derangement syndrome was intentional. Baker's critiques are based on biased views. and I seem to remember you declined to listen to RFK Jr's 3-hour discussion of his views on vaccination. you and Baker would benefit from learning what his real views are and why he believes them. Biden is a tool of the military-intelligence industrial complex and is running an undeclared proxy war in Ukraine. Re-elect him and we will end up with another Vietnam.
  23. Frazier was an employee of the FBI whose director concluded while JFK's body was enroute to DC and before the autopsy was started that Oswald was the lone assassin. Any FBI agent concerned about their career (and pension) knew what testimony was required. and once Oswald was killed so that there would be no trial, no cross-examination and no motions to exclude evidence, quality-control measures were no longer in effect. None of the FBI testimony can be trusted. NONE.
  24. I think Russ Baker who is otherwise a good journalist is suffering form RFK Jr. derangement syndrome and beginning to resemble Capt Ahab when it comes to RFK Jr. I could understand one article but 5?
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