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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Steve, You may want to add to your comments describing the fantastic carbine, the fact that the claimed owner and exceptional marksman, Lee H. Oswald, didn't possess rifle cleaning equiment for this exquisite piece of weaponry. Oh, perhaps this high quality rifle possesses a self cleaning mechanism.... which no one knew about. Or, maybe the ever so smart Oswald hid the cleaning equipment and the rest of the bullets, and only kept what was enough to do the crime and to be accused of it. Too bad he forgot to hide the Minox camera, bummer.
  2. I believe the WC testimony of Marina does not include the Nixon episode at all. It can be found in the HSCA testimony of Marina Porter, however. It makes an interesting addition. Mr. Carroll, I agree that no one should pick on Marina, she's been through a lot in her life, on the other hand I haven't seen anyone here harassing her, nor insulting her, there has only been pure debate and discussion regarding her testimony - so I don't see why you're on the defensive. In my mind her individual testimonies against Lee (WC and HSCA) were by far the most detrimental. Also on many instances, I find it hard to believe that she is being totally truthful. It's quite evident that some of the testimony has to be bogus. Feelings aside, her testimony is a key element in the case, I see so reason why it shouldn't be debated on this forum. Afterall, she may have been coerced to testify in the way she did.
  3. Could Gordon Campbell have been the notorius Mr. Bishop instead of David A. Philips? From Spartacus JFK site, Phillips pages: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKphillips.htm In 1976 Antonio Veciana was interviewed by Gaeton Fonzi of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The founder of the anti-Castro organization, Alpha 66, he told the committee about his relationship with his Central Intelligence Agency contact, Maurice Bishop. He claimed that in August, 1963, he saw Bishop and Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. Veciana admitted that Bishop had organized and funded the Alpha 66 attacks on the Soviet ships docked in Cuba in 1963. Veciana explained the policy: "It was my case officer, Maurice Bishop, who had the idea to attack the Soviet ships. The intention was to cause trouble between Kennedy and Russia. Bishop believed that Kennedy and Khrushchev had made a secret agreement that the USA would do nothing more to help in the fight against Castro. Bishop felt - he told me many times - that President Kennedy was a man without experience surrounded by a group of young men who were also inexperienced with mistaken ideas on how to manage this country. He said you had to put Kennedy against the wall in order to force him to make decisions that would remove Castro's regime." Richard Schweiker, a member of the committee, speculated that Bishop was David Atlee Phillips. Schweiker asked his researcher, Gaeton Fonzi, to investigate this issue. Fonzi arranged for Veciana and Phillips to be introduced at a meeting of the Association of Retired Intelligence Officers in Reston. Phillips denied knowing Veciana. After the meeting Veciana told Schweiker that Phillips was not the man known to him as Bishop.
  4. http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/history/the_d...eed/Holmes.html From the web site above: Harry D. Holmes U.S. Postal Inspector Born in Indian Territory in 1905, after having moved to Kansas City in 1917, Harry Holmes worked his way through his early school years in a toy factory, a bakery, and as a lamplighter. After taking an examination, he eventually became a mail handler and attended school part-time to become a CPA and later attended dental college. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Holmes, who was still working with the post office, was encouraged to take the postal inspector’s examination. Upon acceptance, he was stationed first in Lake Charles, Louisiana, then to Monroe, Louisiana, and eventually to Dallas in 1948. Because of his position with the post office., Holmes was responsible for much of the investigative work in tracking down the money order used to purchase the rifle which was allegedly used in the assassination. He was also a central figure in the last interrogation of Oswald shortly before he was murdered in the basement of the Dallas City Hall. ----------------------------------------- (Indian Territory=Oklahoma.) The website also includes the interview of Holmes by Sneed.
  5. Nevertheless, the US government has presented two Mannlicher Carcano rifles numbered C2766 as evidence. A close evaluation of the serial numbers in published photographs of the rifles, clearly shows differences in the configuration of the numbers 2766 and the letter C. Whether there are several Mannlicher Carcanos with this particular serial number or not, is of little significance, when the key point in this case is there is ample proof of evidence tampering and other foul play, i.e. a massive cover-up and frame-up.
  6. "Edited", like so much of the evidence we see has been "edited". Usually we are given a simple explanation, like "edited for brevity".
  7. Lee, do you have the entire photo from post #20? The one where you have the spotter and shooter marked? Looks interesting. I'm wondering if you could post that photo in it's entirety, or e.-mail it to me. I can PM you my e-mail. Thanks. Antti
  8. In her testimony Sylva Odio discusses 3 the three men, one of which in her mind (and her sister's mind) was Lee Oswald. The two seemed to be Mexican rather than Cuban.... Didn't these men come by twice, and only once inside the apartment? The Cisneros story smells like disinfo to me.... but since we don't know, someone better check it out.
  9. Yes, exactly right. I received the same reaction from Mr. Mack. First he was eager to correct me and many times he was right and rather helpful. I did engage in minor debate with him after which his "guidance" stopped suddenly. I understand he is a busy man and may have more important things to do, nevertheless, I had hoped for his assistance via future PM's, if not directed to me, perhaps to others engaging in the same discussions. He does seem to possess a wealth of JFK knowledge, not to mention his possibility to access the museums resources. I understand some members do receive still "corrective" information from him. To me this is an unfortunate turn. (Sincerely submitted, not sarcastically)
  10. There were others that infiltrated this investigation as well. In my mind most had CIA ties and were there to misguide and to mislead the real investigators in order to waste their time and resources on false trails. They succeeded quite well, as Clay (Bertrand) Shaw was found, not guilty, Ferrie and others died conveniently. This tactic has continued subsequently, whenever any considerable effort into the murder investigation of JFK has taken place. It still seems to be a valid and used tactic particularly for this case, in a number of ways. Therefore the best way to research this case is by sticking to the earliest witness statements and earliest evidence released. The later discovered evidence has been manipulated and contaminated and is of marginal value or of zero value IMO.
  11. Answers to questions: 1) I don't see any reasons to believe the WC conslusions, particularly not when it comes to their analysis of the shot sequence nor the fantastically ridiculous Single bullet theory. 2) (From what I've read) I believe the WC in only very few issues. Mostly because there have been open claims and some evidence of altered evidence and testimony. Question: How can the report be taken seriously when key evidence has been tampered with? Question: 1) How can there be only a single shooter, when there is photographic evidence and testimony by MD's that clearly shows at least 1 entry wound to the back of the president and at least one entry wound to the throat?
  12. No shells near the body. Maybe so. Here's an interview of Hill and others. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sh...etc/script.html Quote from the site above: Mr. MYERS : After the shooting, police found shells at the scene. They went on the radio and said they were .38 automatics. Later Oswald's arrested with a revolver that fires .38 specials, a shell that's clearly about a quarter inch longer. Besides, they're clearly stamped on the bottom. One says, ".38 special," one says, ".38 automatic." NARRATOR : Automatic shells would mean Oswald was not there and that the evidence could have been planted. INTERVIEWER : Did you actually pick up the shells yourself? Mr. HILL : Yeah, I got a mark in them. I put a mark in them. INTERVIEWER : But you still mistook the kind of shell it was? Mr. HILL : Yes, I did. In all the excitement that was going on then, you just looked to see if it was a .38. And if he'd been using an automatic, they could have been ejected. Nobody at this point had told the first officer to arrive that Oswald had stopped, deliberately kicked out shells from a .38 revolver before he left that scene. NARRATOR : Later, the FBI crime lab found that Tippit was killed by bullets fired from a gun with a bored-out barrel, a barrel just like Oswald's .38. Ballistics tests on bored-out guns can never be completely conclusive. However, marks on the cartridges allegedly recovered at the scene did match the hammer on Oswald's .38 revolver. End quote. So Hill says, he actually picked up the shells (note, plural) himself and put a mark in them. Gracious. I always thought that if anyone marked any of the Tippit shells it was Poe. What the hell is going on? None of the shells entered as evidence contained evidence of markings of any kind. Not by Poe nor by Hill. Clear as mud.
  13. Thanks for your comment. Ok, Tippit was shot with a revolver, initial radioed information regarding the Tippit murder weapon was erroneous. People do err. Garrison did a poor investigation and jumped to conclusions too quickly, too bad.... However, Whether it be Jim Garrison's presentation, or someone elses, there still are several issues relating to the eyewitness testimony and physical evidence that ought to be dealt with, with regards to the Tippit assassination. Albeit the Tippit evidence being weak/conflicting against Oswald, my personal view is that the evidence against Oswald in this case is much stronger than the JFK case. Anyone care to debate the timeline conflicts or the eyewitness testimony conflicts?
  14. A couple more issues to consider from the site below: http://scribblguy.50megs.com/tippit.htm . . . here is some material from "On The Trail of the Assassins", by Jim Garrison. As I continued my research, I discovered that beyond the eyewitnesses there was other evidence gathered and altered by the Dallas homicide unit showing that Lee Oswald had been framed in the Tippit murder. For instance, I read transcripts of the messages sent over the Dallas police radio shortly after the murder. These were recorded automatically on a log. Just minutes after a citizen first reported the murder on Tippit's radio. Patrolman H.W. Summers in Dallas police unit number 221 (the designation for the squad car) reported that an "eyeball witness to the getaway man" had been located. The suspect was described as having black wavy hair, wearing an Eisenhower jacket of light color, with dark trousers and a white shirt. He was "apparently armed with a .32, dark finish, automatic pistol," which he had in his right hand. Moments later, Sergeant G. Hill reported that "the shell at the scene indicates that the suspect is armed with an automatic .38 rather than a pistol." So let's see, first cop (HW Summers) calls suspect in describing his weapon as an automatic. Based on eye witness testimony??? Then Hill calls the weapon in as an automatic, because he sees one shell near the body.... Of course this .38 automatic business had to change once Oswald was captured with a .38 Special. Further in this article the confusion with the bullets recovered from Tippit, the first one sent to the FBI didn't match, so then DPD sent them all. Then the FBI lab determined "three of them, it turned out, were copper-coated and had been manufactured by the Winchester Western company. The fourth, however, was a lead bullet made by the Remington-Peters company." The quote from the article above.... And following this, the DPD had to have shells that would match the lab results..... ..the article continues: " The F.B.I. Iab found that *two* of the cartridge cases had been manufactured by Western and *two* by Remington. Since the lab had already concluded that *three* of the bullets found in Tippit's body were copper-coated Westerns and *one* was a lead Remington, these numbers simply did not add up." I assure everyone, no foul play.....B.S! I bet someone at the DPD has been kicking themselves for that one... Like Homer Simpson would say"DOUGH".
  15. RE: Zimmermans achievement. Did he hit his target 2 times within the 7 seconds? Was it moving? Sounds too good to be true... From what I've read and researched, the alleged shots from the TSBD, given the conditions, angles and time constraints (let's not forget a poorly aligned Carcano) was near impossible. Additionally, considering the accuracy of Oswald that day (the Headshot)....errrr: No way! I am still convinced by the strong presentations demonstrating the shot sequence as having been impossible the WC way. Put in one or two more shooters from different angles, then in 7 seconds, I can believe the "10 point" headshot.
  16. This helps explain how he comes to his conclusion regarding the issue, as the witness testimony and much of the medical evidence supports the opposite.
  17. Mark, I think Gary Mack might be one to know if and where such recordings might be available. He's the Curator of the 6th floor museum in Dallas. I recall reading (the?) transcripts, but do not recall if it was stated anywhere, what recording they were based on, or where this recording would be located.
  18. Operation Mockingbird and the controlling of media - the Washington Post and Watregate are prime examples.
  19. Dave Powers claims he ran out of film before the fatal moments in DP. I wonder why ole Abe Zapruder didn't continue filming after the motorcade passed under the underpass. Surely there would have been plenty to film, many newsmen stuck around and took pictures. Don't tell me Zapruder ran out of film too.....
  20. What comes to mind is of course the recent Mark Felt admission regarding him being deep throat.... "limited hangout".
  21. Nevertheless, two or more different Carcanos have been presented as evidence against Lee Oswald. Perhaps Lee managed to obtain two Carcanos with the exact same serial numbers. Funny.
  22. Additionally, to expand a little bit, one of the officers (Poe?) on the scene of the Tippit shooting, recalled that he took the recovered shells from the location, and marked them with his initials (as was customary for him to do). However, later it turned out that these bullets did not have any markings on them. To complicate the issue, the officer could later not recall for sure if he had marked the shell casings.... probably because he couldn't explain how his markings could have disappeared.....
  23. Robin, I believe, the man with the gray hair and sitting down, is probably, "Bill" (James Eric) Decker, Sheriff of Dallas County.
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