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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Wim, yes I know of him but don't know him personally. I have sent you an e-mail regarding this. Kind regards, Antti
  2. US tax dollars at work, in the name of "national security".
  3. Wim, Tosh Plumlee names "Sergio" as someone who was with him on the flight to Dallas that day 11/22/63, and went with him to the South knoll of DP. Just wondering if this reference of "Sergio", could in anyway, be a reference to Jimmy Files? Trying to connect some dots... By the way, welcome back!
  4. Luckily my covert activities are all conducted in the Finnish language, so I should be ok. Or perhaps they have "assets" capable of understanding my home language as well....
  5. I believe Saul was his nickname, he was/is a.k.a. Saul Sage, the sniper/killer (in some literature). There is discussion regarding this character on this forum, and my recollections are based on those prior postings by many members. The older postings include the sources for this information.
  6. Didn't the one, published, uncropped Powell photo show the silhouette of a face on one of the 6th floor N/W windows? Nevertheless, the Powell photo seemed to be of high quality and in color, therefore it would be interesting to dig up the other photos he took. Or perhaps they reveal something which is once again a matter of "national security" and will remain unpublished.
  7. Yes sir. That's the one I was thinking of. Thanks.
  8. There is/was an anti Castro cuban with the last name Arce, active in the 60's and 70's, if I recall correctly. First name not Dan nor Daniel. Perhaps the document related to a background check on Daniel Arce to see if he was related to (the activities) of this other (Daniel) Arce, since he was working at the TSBD with Oswald?
  9. Can't say much about the photo in the middle. The left and the right sure seem to be of the same two guys. The fellow on the left sure looks like Rip.... I'd give it a 70% chance, so more likely than not.
  10. Bill, I don't know if you already have the Adele Edisen case (and Jose Rivera) of foreknowledge. I believe Adele Edisen is a member of the Forum as well. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKedisen.htm
  11. John, you said it, the full exchange must have included something of this nature, i.e. in order to prevent a nuclear war, they (the WC) had to resolve the case quickly and kill all rumors regarding Soviet/Communist/Cuban involvement, which equates to: find Oswald guilty.
  12. How about Karyn Kupcinet and the phone call....? http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKkupcinet.htm
  13. Honest opinion from non-expert=> not the same guy. By the way did Abe smoke? The guy in the street has a stogie in his mouth, seems to be a pretty cool cat, if he's Abe and just witnessed the President being assassinated.
  14. Your Spanish sentence made my day! Thanks... still laughing.
  15. To me it seemed more like something sharp might be protruding out of his neck, rather than his coat being bunched up.
  16. To me it seemed more like something sharp might be protruding out of his neck, rather than his coat being bunched up.
  17. FBI, Dallas Field Agent John Doyle Williams, WILLIAMS, John Doyle Birth: 9 MAR 1917 Italy, Ellis Co., TX Death: 20 MAY 1994 Houston, Harris Co., TX Gender: Male Parents: Father: WILLIAMS, Russell Sterling Sr. Mother: CANNON, Pearl Children: WILLIAMS, Jimmy Wayne Gender: Male WILLIAMS, John Michael Gender: Male WILLIAMS, Gary Gender: Male One of J. Doyle Williams' sons could confirm that their father indeed was the Agent involved in the scuffle at Parkland....
  18. Ashton, Have you seen Don Roberdeau's plat? This you may find useful aswell. http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg
  19. Thanks Pat, didn't know it was a LN myth, just at a quick glance it didn't seem quite right...
  20. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/neal.mccarthy/jfkvideos.htm The above site is one I have found to be of use. In particular the downloadable avi files are pretty good.
  21. Jack White: Thank you for making the videos available. As to the backyard photos, as I recall, there was at the least one more pose sent to one of the major media companies in NY? Gary Mack provided me with this information some time ago. Further, I recall him saying that this pose included no weapons. So that brings the total to how many different poses? And Marina stated she took one or two photos....hmmmm
  22. Why is there a bulge in the back of Kennedy's neck? The position of the coat does not look natural.
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