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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Michael, I have read that memo too. In fact the first "official reports" out of Dallas said the weapon was found on the 5th floor.
  2. I believe in the theory that Lee's true political leanings were to the right, and his "role play" was the leftist, pro-Castro type persona. If one considers the magazines he subscribed to, his pro-Castro activities, statements he made etc. you get a very leftist view of him. On the other hand, many individuals close to him, describe him as an anti-Castro, right winger.
  3. Dave Powers' film has been shown and if I recall accurately is part of some documentaries. The version that has been publicly available is one where the film conveniently ends shortly before the Elm street turns. The explanation was that Dave Powers ran out of film. I have suspected that this statement is baloney. I'm sure Gary Mack knows exactly what the official story regarding this film is, he may even have a copy at the 6th floor museum. Apparently the film mentioned in the message you received is the full length Dave Powers film, which has never been shown to the general public, also it's existence has been denied by Mr. Powers and associates.
  4. I believe this video's "strongest case" would have been to duplicate "Oswald" leaving the 6th floor at 12:31 or whatever and to see if he could wipe prints off the rifle, hide it and run down stairs (in any case the point is to see if they could duplicate Oswalds alledged movements after the shooting up to the M. Baker encounter) in less than 90 secs, which they didn't seem to time. Also another strong point would be to focus on the timing of Oswald leaving the north bound bus station outside of his N. Beckley boarding house at 1:03 p.m. (or whatever the most reliable time for this event would have been) and whether he'd make it to the Tippit crime scene by 1:15. In my opinion it would be a close call, yet interesting to see. The time of about 12 minutes for the walk from N. Bekley to 10th and Patton, was about 12 minutes if I'm not mistaken.
  5. Entirely possible, however, the CIA never bothered to correct this "little mishap", by providing accurate photos, or otherwise. As far as I know everyone was photographed that went in or out of those embassies.
  6. Thanks Kathy, Yesterday there were 5 videos listed (the ones I quoted above). Now Mr. Gil Jesus has 33 videos listed, also the ones I was looking for are there now. I didn't need to move or scroll anything. Great resource, just fantastic stuff.
  7. Works for me directly by clicking on it. Didn't need the additional steps John Dolva kindly posted.
  8. Hi, Couldn't find the police interviews there, behind this link. Just Bay of Pigs part 1 and 3 versions of was JFK trying to cough up a bullet, also Zap film. Any chance you could report a link to the DPD interviews? Very interesting to me . Thanks.
  9. John, I doubt anything sinister. Your website is quite a useful one and has had (hundreds of) thousands of visitors, which means your website and you are gaining popularity. On a different note, this was a fairly tough question, I doubt many would make the Spartacus connection from Rosa Luxemburg and "a film from 1960"; just curious did anyone get the right answer? Rosa Luxemburg was a founder of the German communist party and a leftist activist who was jailed for some time for apparently political reasons, and she was kidnapped and killed in 1919. Who would make the connection to the "Spartacist League" which she co-founded with Karl Liebknecht? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Luxemburg For the 1960 Oscar's (Academy awards) Spartacus did obtain the Oscar for "Supporting Actor", and the award went to PETER USTINOV who played a part in "Spartacus". In my opinion it would take somone very knowledgeable in 1960's films to know of the Spartacus connection. Therefore I would guess if they successfully answered "Spartacus", it must have been by way of knowing of your website.
  10. Hi, I have had a somewhat similar experience. I used get those messages too, some of his messages were very informative, and definitely added value to the discussion (although he didn't post here himself), then again at times Mr. Mack's messages seemed to focus quite heavily on suggesting explanations towards the less sinister, and the LN direction. As I recall, in many instances, (in my opinion) making such conclusions wasn't the same as taking an objective stand. He must have gotten his feelings hurt or something, he gave up on me a couple of years ago. Makes you wonder what's going on.
  11. Thanks Gil, I didn't immediately make the GJJ dude connection to you. Great resource for those like me who aren't too diligent about reading books.
  12. Sid, if you mean the white haired fellow, he's probably Dallas DA Henry Wade, he is also in the beginning of the same 3 minute video. At one point there is Chief Curry, who says something like he's been very arrogant about Oswald.
  13. No problem Trygve. For a fee there is more info available on these individuals,(on ussearch.com) I think there is another one, peoplesearch.com or something like that. These are US based databases with data from various public records which has been made available on-line. Mr. Daniel G. Arce was easy to find, for instance, just by doing a search in the whitepages.
  14. According to USsearch.com there is data on a Charles Hodges, approximately aged 60, living in Dallas. Also a Charles R. Hodges, aged 60. This could be the same person or a different person though. On the downside this could be the same deceased person that Chris Newton has already found. Also, in total in Texas I believe there are 48 listings for the name "Charles Hodges" in the white pages.
  15. Yes, White and Hargis. Any chance that this might have been offcr. Roscoe White and Hargis as in the motorcycle cop Hargis riding on the back left side of the presidential limo during the 11/22/63 motorcade.
  16. Just my opinion. Craig probably didn't mean to confuse anyone, memory plays tricks on us all, once you get into details. If you want the closest statement to the truth, go to the early testimony and hope that it hasn't been changed by another party.
  17. Hi Myra, This is a question, which in my opinion, would be best directed to the Forum Administrators; Andy Walker and John Simkin. They run the Forum at their own expense. The moderators (as far as I know) have no part in the financing aspect. In the past John Simkin has declined the offers/suggestions of setting up any membership fee type arrangements to cover the expenses of the Forum. Perhaps a PM to Andy and John would be in place, if you wish to pursue this thought. Who knows, their minds may have changed in this respect. Kind regards, Antti
  18. Is there a 1963 picture of Carl Mather, of Garland, Texas? James Richards? Just my 2 cents: If someone spots a car near the site of a murder with someone "acting suspiciously", writes down the license plate no. and it turns out he wrote it down correctly (as the car is the same, based on the witness' description), how can it be that the driver from that point in time remains unclear? If there is a reasonable explanation, IMO the only options are that the eye witness indeed saw Mather, and for some reason thought it was Oswald, or someone used Mather's car with or without his consent. Either way, some type of sensible explanation out to come out of Mather. I do vaguely recall that there was a discrepancy regarding the vehicle description; the eye witness gave the description as white and green, when in fact the car turned out to be white and red.... If this is the case, someone may have used Mather's tags, or a copy of them, on a similar vehcile. => Dead-end investigation.
  19. Hi Thom, William Weston probably has done more research on these incidents than anyone else, published in Third/Fourth Decade. The Wisconsin incident involves Oswald leaving Marina and a baby in a parked car while he went off somewhere. He purchases a radio for her to listen to at an electronics store. A similar incident of Oswald and Marina and a baby stop by a Texas radio station. If someone has the articles I too would like more details. I think Weston is a member of this forum. BK ________________________________ Hi Bill, Fascinating stuff. I'd certainly like to learn more... Thanks, --Thomas _______________________________ Hi, I recall hearing/seeing that one or more of the Clinton LA witnesses claimed that Lee Oswald drove a car to some of the locations in Lousiana where he was spotted. I vaguely remember a testimony where one witness said that he left his wife and a young child in the car while he inquired about work opportunities in the area. This material was in one of the early episodes of The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Nigel Turner, if I'm not mistaken.
  20. http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.ad...&panelbtn=2 I looked up the addresses on Google Earth. 3128 Harlandale is across town from 2222 Harlandale. (Kathleen Collins) I Wouldn't say that 2222 Harlandale to 3128 Harlandale is across town. (Distance 0,8 miles). To verify you can do a route planner on www.mapquest.com I attempted to attach my search above. It's a mouthful but it should work.
  21. Robin, This serves as a very nice resource for researchers. This will go into my favorites list.
  22. The way I see it, "first round" testimony is the cleanest. Later testimony will always include something they read or heard in the news or from other testimonies. I believe that in situations like this, it is a human characteristic to want to give a thorough evaluation of what happened and the longer the time period between the event and the statement, the more 3rd party information it will include. That later testimony is kind of a realisation "Oh yeah, that's what happened". It may well be an accurate description of what actually took place, but it is not only what the witness saw, but it includes a little extra that makes sense to them. On another note, this makes the lack of a 1960's depostition by DCM and Umbrella man seem a little suspicious....
  23. Hi Thomas, Thanks for your comment. I do believe in the Saul Sage ID, and not in the Yuri? Moskalev ID, had it been a Russian, speaking Russian, the language would have been naturally flawless. In Mexico, this fellow spoke Russian and from what I recall the language was terrible, unintelligible.
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