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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Thanks Gil. At 2.37 minutes on this clip, you can see the second rifle in the footage. It has been outlined in red. I'm sure this will be explained by the official voices as just simply being a police rifle.... What officer would lay their weapon down with the barrel pointing toward the ground and the stock pointing up? IMO this video proves with both the footage as well as Sheriff's Deputy Roger Craig's testimony, that two rifles were found in the TSBD. Also take into account the testimony of Sheriff's Deputy Seymour Weitzman, who was the first to identify the first rifle as a 7.65 mm. German made Mauser. Pretty solid evidence to try and debunk IMO.
  2. To me it seems like a reflection in the car's side window. It could be a reflection of something inside the car or of something that is in the street. Not clear enough to make out IMO.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_M._Rainach Willie Rainach.
  4. John, thanks for your thoughts. Much appreciated. I'm pretty confident that Lee walked a lot, from one place to another, since he didn't drive. However, the 4.5 mile distance to Harlandale Avenue is a bit of a stretch, I think it would take him at least an hour. I think Lee walking South, South-East from North Beckley was not just a random direction. What makes it a little odd is that he was last seen walking West on 10th Street, was he not? This is a bit odd because prior to this he must have been walking South, South-East for well over a mile. Why change directions? I wonder if he had spotted Tippit in his cop car a moment earlier and had reacted to that somehow? Perhaps Tippit had seen him then as well and was able to out-smart Lee and manouver his police car around a few blocks and thereby was able to confront him by approaching him from the opposite direction that he was walking towards. This may have allowed Tippit to observe Lee for a moment before confronting him. With regards to the dictabelt, I don't think it includes anything from the Tippit scene except Benavides' attempt to contact the dispacher, and the the other civilian's successful attempt to do so. By the time the shooting started, Tippit was out of the car, so there was no one in the car to press the "transmit" switch on the micophone.
  5. Where was Oswald supposedly going to, leaving from 1026 North Beckley Ave. on 11/22/1963 at 1 p.m.? If he was indeed at the Tippit scene at roughly 1:10-1:15 p.m. and having left from 1026 N. Beckley, where was he going? At about 4.5 miles from the Beckley address is 3128 Harlandale Ave, which is in the same general direction towards which he was headed to. The Texas theater at 231 W. Jefferson Blvd. is not his likely originial destination, if he was at or around the 400 block of E. 10th Street (it was out of his way in this case). He was roughly one third of the way to 3128 Harlandale Ave... jack Ruby's apartment was located at 323 South, Ewing, which would have also been in the same general direction Oswald's was heading for, at only 1.8-2.0 miles from Beckley. He almost made it there... if that's where he was headed. Any ideas where he was going? I couldn't locate another thread with the same discussion, so I started a new one. If an old one exists I can merge threads or add this as a new post to the old thread and clean this one up.
  6. I hope this may be of use to those who use plats and are trying to figure out the locations and distances of various building and objects in and around Dealey Plaza. By pressing your mouse button and dragging you may move around to nearby areas, even Oak Cliff.... It becomes easier if you select the "Road" option, which shows you the map with street names. Click on link below to see: http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&...0&encType=1
  7. Mr. Caddy, According to Mr. McAdam's web pages it was Warren Easton High in New Orleans until some time in 1956. In 1956 he moved to Ft.Worth TX and attended Arlington Heights High. Also he apparently attended Beauregard Junior High in 1954.
  8. Mr. Caddy, Thank you for your reply. Chances that you might know Lee or any of his acquaintances from that era are slim, but sometimes it is a small world. Lee lived in (and around) New Orleans at a number of different addresses and at a number of different times, according to my information also from 1/1954- roughly 6/1956, before his military service. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/oswald1.htm During his early childhood and adolescence in New Orleans, Lee Oswald lived with his divorced mother at a number of different locations, usually in small rented houses or apartments in a moderateto-lower-income section of the city. (1) While the record of residences is not complete, one address was 126 Exchange Alley. (2) During her testimony before the Warren Commission, Mrs. Marguerite Oswald indicated that she and her son lived there when Oswald was about to 16 years old, roughly the years 1955-56. (3) They were "living at 126 Exchange Place, which is the Vieux Carre section of the French Quarter of New Orleans." (4) During her testimony, Mrs. Oswald noted that "the papers said we lived over a saloon at that particular address * * * that is just the French part of town. It looks like the devil. Of course I didn't have a fabulous apartment. But very wealthy people and very fine citizens live in that part of town. * * .. (5) While Mrs. Oswald correctly noted that "wealthy" citizens resided in some sections of the French Quarter, Exchange Alley was well known as the location of other elements; it was an area notorious for illicit activities. As the managing director of the Metropolitan Crime Commission of New Orleans, Aaron Kohn recalled, "Exchange Alley, specifically that little block that Oswald lived on, was literally the hub of some of the most notorious underworld joints in the city." (6). He noted further that Exchange Alley was the location of various gambling operations affiliated with the Marcello organization. (7) Noting the openness with which such activities were conducted there, (8) Kohn said, "you couldn't walk down the block without literally being exposed to two or three separate forms of illicit activities and underworld operations." (9) http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/jfkinfo/jfk9/Hscv9b.htm
  9. Jim, I hope I can answer your question. The Texas Theater is located at 231 W. Jefferson Blvd, and 10th and Patton is close to the 300 block of east 10th Street. By using www.mapquest.com, I get that the distance is roughly 0,5 miles. This is the distance if one was driving. Cutting through the yards and jumping fences it would be less. I guess the average speed walking this 0,5 miles would be 8 minutes. Running and cutting through using short cuts, maybe 5 minutes. Antti
  10. Mr. Caddy, You have told us that you had met Guy Bannister on a few occasion while your were living in New Orleans. Any chance that you knew or met any other individuals related to the JFK/Oswald discussions, such as David Ferrie, Dr. Ochsner, Dr. Sherman, Jim Garrison etc. If so, is there anything you could share with us, i.e. your impressions of them? I believe you are roughly the same age as Lee Oswald would be today. Did you by chance ever meet or know any of his acquaintances, his brothers or him? Thank you.
  11. For some reason Bill Kelly's post didn't register as the latest post on this thread. Just checking to see if this will help the thread along.
  12. George and Jeanne Demohrenschildt had at least (according to their testimony) seen a rifle in Lee and Marina's apartment. Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. And I believe from what I remember George sat down on the sofa and started talking to Lee, and Marina was showing me the house that is why I said it looks like it was the first time, because why would she show me the house if I had been there before? Then we went to another room, and she opens the closet, and I see the gun standing there. I said, what is the gun doing over there? Mr. JENNER. You say--- Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. A rifle. Mr. JENNER. A rifle, in the closet? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. In the closet, right in the beginning. It wasn't hidden or anything. Mr. JENNER. Standing up on its butt? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. Mr. JENNER. I show you Commission Exhibit 139. Is that the rifle that you saw? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. It looks very much like it. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/demohr_j.htm I wonder if she had visited yet another home in Oak Cliff, in which she had seen a gun or rifle.
  13. Len Colby Posted Today, 12:08 PM Well, by all means reply to them if you see this as the better option. Please just (everybody) follow Forum rules when doing so. Good, if you can clearly distinguish what is fraud and what is poor research, go ahead and submit a moderation report when you see intentional posting of misleading information. I suggest these cases from this section of the Forum then be dealt by Mr. Burton who is far more knowledgeable in this area than I. However, knowing who you are referring to I'm not sure distinguishing what is intentional and what is unintentional is clear cut. I could be wrong. He ought to give the numbers.
  14. Quite so. I have erased nothing in this section of the Forum, I merged the two Apollo threads, based on a suggestion by another member. Antti Hynonen moderator
  15. I merged the two threads as suggested by Mr. Colby. I thought it was a good idea. The reason why I all of a sudden moderated this thread was due to the moderation reports I received concerning the events here. As the moderation issue at hand involved the primary moderator of the conspiracy theory section (Mr. Burton), it was necessary for a "third party" moderator to step in. By doing this I read and reviewed postings by numerous members on this thread and the other merged thread. I have taken moderation action based on what I have seen and read here. Basically, normally I do not have the time nor the possibility to moderate any Forum's in addition to the JFK forum. Believe me, it will be my joy and pleasure to not venture here in the future, and will not do so voluntarily. As to the trouble and moderation issue's regarding Mr. White, I recommend that if he is consistently wrong in your (applies to all who feel this way) opinion and consistently avoids providing materials and proof for whatever he is posting, just simply ignore his postings and/or make such settings to your profile. You should learn to submit moderation reports when there is a clear cause for such, and not complain afterwards that moderation has been lacking due to lack of involvement of moderators. As for someone being wrong or failing to prove a statement they have made - I see little moderation options, perhaps one of my colleagues will know how to handle such issues better.
  16. Yes, but you were out of line and therefore reprimanded by 2 moderators. There seems to be a reason why for instance I am a moderator here and you are not, Sir. I seem to be more talented at distinguishing what is bad taste and what is not. Furthermore here are the Forum rules just FYI. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2243 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...amp;hl=Swearing
  17. I don't see how someones allegedly erroneous research or their inability to provide proof of claims has to be a moderation issue. I suggest either negotiating with the other party to obtain desired information, or just stating your opinion regarding the "misleading description" in a post of yours. I will look into merging the two threads shortly.
  18. Craig Lamson Posted Today, 02:07 PM QUOTE(John Geraghty @ May 22 2007, 03:04 PM) QUOTE(Craig Lamson @ May 22 2007, 02:31 PM) QUOTE(John Geraghty @ May 22 2007, 01:36 PM) QUOTE(Craig Lamson @ May 22 2007, 04:09 AM) QUOTE(Jack White @ May 22 2007, 03:55 AM) QUOTE(Evan Burton @ May 22 2007, 02:39 AM) I didn't lock the thread Jack; it's still open and has never been closed. I have not censored any of your posts (either via editing or deleting). It is YOU who is doing the slandering. OH, YEAH?...THE POSTING ABOVE HAD AN IMAGE ATTACHED. IT HAS NOW BEEN REMOVED. I DID NOT REMOVE IT. WHO DID? I suggest that we not review this whiners work until it is posted with image numbers, whenever that may be. If Jack can not extend the simple courtesy to post image numbers for the members of this forum he deserves to be ignored. Mr. Lamson, this is your opinion. I too think such name calling is unnecessary. The same rule applies to all. I am asking you to refrain from resorting to this in the future.
  19. As a response to the moderation report by Mr. White, I have now reviewed the latest postings and events on this thread. I can see that Mr. Burton has explained what took place with regards to double posting, and the deletion of the double. The easiest (only?) way to fix this is for Mr. White to re-attach the file/photo in question. As long as the postings on this thread are related to the subject and otherwise follows Forum rules, I see no reason to lock it. Of course if there are further moderation reports, I will consider locking this thread. As a general comment I'd like to point out that some postings directed at fellow members leave something to be desired. Personally, I'd like to see a change in attitudes and in the way in which you address each other.
  20. IMO we could delete this entire Topic (thread). Waste of bandwidth.
  21. Please see this thread and post #1 for more details on what mods do. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9319
  22. Myra, we can not control what every individual member posts. If there are obscenities or flat out insults or other Forum rule violations we will do our best to deal with them as fast as we can. From time to time, there may be moments when no moderators are present, like today. Personally, I will edit anything which I deem inappropriate. I will also not hesitate to send a PM to a member who clearly fails to follow Forum rules. It is likely that we will not see every issue that would need attention, therefore members are encouraged to report posts to moderators. I have already begun to deal with this issue and the half dozen reports and PM's that I have received from you these past few hours. Sorry for the delay.
  23. Tosh Plumlee can speak for himself. I don't think it is appropriate to accuse one member for the departure from the Forum of another. Please focus on discussing the topic at hand, and not unrelated items. Behavioral and administrative issues and problems can be discussed via PM's or other communication (report posts) with moderators. Thank you.
  24. Point 1) Why not disassemble the rifle and walk out of TSBD with it, but instead rather hide it in TSBD? Probably due to panic and lack of time, the better option in this state of mind and surrounding status would seem to hide the weapon. Point 2) Walking out of the TSBD with a 3 foot package just after the President has been shot, might just cause some co-worker, cop or other sharp individual to say: "hey, what you got in there?". Again safer to not walk out with a disassebled weapon, better to hide it. Hey, they might not find it among all those heavy boxes....
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