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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. The discrepancies with the wounds (Parkland, Dallas, TX, Vs. Bethesda MD), their altered locations, false testimony related to them, fudged autopsy report, missing pictures and x-rays, defects of alleged murder weapon, shooting sequence and timing of shots. Also LHO impersonations, Odio incident, Mexico city Oswald photos, backyard photos, conflicting testimony relating to these.
  2. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...lite=%2BTippitt Thank you. Above I attempted to attach a link, to search results relating to Tippitt, I counted at least 3 threads with Tippitt in the thread title. Further, Tippitt is sometimes mistakenly spelled Tippett or Tippet etc. meaning more searches may produce more threads. I'm not sure what you mean by making a comprehensive index to Tippitt... Nevertheless, I hope this helps. Here's the DPD dispatch thread. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6826
  3. Gentlemen, Please keep the thread on topic, use common courtesy when referring to each other, also when commenting each other's posts. At this point I'll leave it up to each of you to consider whether or not to edit your recent posts. Some of the remarks here are going beyond what has been established as Forum policy. There is a separate thread on member behavior, which is pinned. This thread is there in case you feel the need to comment on behavioral issues. If you have concerns about moderation and about posts of fellow members, please approach one of the moderators. Thank you for your attention. Antti
  4. As I recall the Tippit killing has been discussed on a few other threads and one of the valuable pieces of information (evidence) discussed were the DPD radio dispatch transcripts. My recollection is that the general conclusion was that these transcripts did not include all pertinent and accurate "timestamps". Forum member Mark Knight wanted to see if he could obtain an unaltered copy of the original recording to verify some of the times, from other researchers. Apparently such (sound/recorded)material was not readily available, unlike the (easily altered) transcripts which are available through a few sources. Gary Mack, any info on recordings of Dallas police radio dispatch from 11/22/63 early afternoon, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. would do nicely? It is entirely possible (even likely) that this evidence has been modified to help support the official Oswald timeline, allowing him just enough time to rapidly walk from his N. Beckley address to 10th and Patton to kill Tippitt.
  5. Greetings fellow members and moderators. I am looking forward to seeing this Forum (JFK section particularly), as the best source of information and discussion on the subject. Further, I do hope that I will not need to intervene as a moderator and that we can all use common courtesy and appropriate language when debating or discussing. The way I see it, it is just counterproductive and a waste of time and bandwidth. As a moderator, I will do my best to follow the moderator guidelines as issued by John Simkin. I am also looking forward to being in touch with my fellow moderators regularly. Let's all enjoy this wonderful source of information and the discussion board, which is provided for free my Mr. Simkin and Mr. Walker. If you have questions or concerns regarding moderation or whatever, please feel free to PM me, I do check in quite often. Sincerely, Antti Hynonen
  6. John, In my mind it is more important to focus on what they say, how they say it. I wouldn't support deleting someones membership merely because of a unidentifiable photograph, or due to a lacking bio either. In otherwords, your policy thus far, has worked fine.
  7. Brno, Not an abbreviation in this case, but a city in the CZ republic. Click here for details: http://www.brno.cz/index.php?lan=en
  8. Gentlemen, I would like to say that I read about this too and in fact according to my memeory it was in the testimony of one of the eye witnesses from the scene. To take it a step further, I would say that the poor fellow (whoever he was) actually drew more attention toward himself by turning around, rather than just walking in the initial direction. Cops are trained to look out for presicely such behavior.
  9. John, please go ahead and do whatever you think is best for the Forum. I do strongly support using warnings before completely banning a member. Too bad it has come to this. Antti
  10. Chris Davidson, great work. I don't recall this character being discussed before. Could it be Gordon Arnold by any chance?
  11. John, There is no photo (that I could see) on the Spartacus site, (Gordon Campbell), however, there is one on the forum, topic 6895, like you quoted.
  12. I can buy Ashton's presentation regarding the aligning of the shirt and the lower of the two back wounds, without hesitation. I think it is a simple demonstration, although it strikes me as outstanding work.
  13. Everyone is entitled to believe in whatever they wish to believe in. I would stick to the hard evidence, which when it comes to the notorious Carcano carbine, shows many discrepancies. The strongest evidence is in the different characteristics of the rifles presented as evidence, one of the most powerful differences being the two sets of serial numbers.
  14. The visual demonstration by Ashton is another powerful, yet simple demonstration showing what utter bullxxxx the SBT is. "Shirt and coat were crumpled up" = BS. The more I study this case, the more surprised I am at what the WC members supported and signed.
  15. Hi Smitty, Seemed like Pamela McElwain-Brown (forum member) knows just about everything pertaining to this vehicle, therefore likely also the answer to your question. I seriously doubt the dent was there before the limo got to Dealey Plaza. It would seem rather "unbelievable" if the official investigators were to claim that this rather obvious dent, most likely caused by a bullet, existed prior to Dallas. Then again, some entities never fail to surprise me. In otherwords, I don't recall hearing that theory.
  16. I'm sure Arlen Specter could add that dent to the doings of the good ole "magic" bullet. It must have bounced off of Connaly's wrist onto the chrome trim and back into Connaly's thigh.
  17. My guess of what went on with Perry: Perry's first impression when he saw the throat wound was that it probably was an unfinished tracheotomy incision (due to the convenient location). After consulting with others (Carrico?) he realised that JFK arrived in Trauma 1 like that, and judging by the looks of the wound that it most likely was a gun shot (entry) wound. Many others in Parkland arrived at the same conclusion. As resuscitation was critical he went ahead and performed the trach incision and intubation, never thinking twice about destrying evidence, but making his best attempt at saving a life, the President's. I'm sure he never intended to confuse us. In his testimony and interviews made his best attempt at trying to explain what he had seen.
  18. A sound theory regarding the back wound. As a slight deviation, I would suggest the possibility that the back wound could have been caused by a ricochet, thus explaining the lower velocity, possible tumbling at entry and therefore resulting in a shallow wound. An interesting follow-up question would be what element would cause such a ricochet effect? I believe one of the trees in the line of fire would do as potential candidates. This may have been a theory presented by other Forum members and/or researchers prior to this, so I apologize in advance if I'm re-phrasing someone's theory. FWIW
  19. Yes, I know, I'd make a lousy lawyer. Sir, you pose a very valid and appropriate question, (the general tone of which is) applicable to many issues within the case. The biggest problem I have with this is that I can not fathom a scenario where the Parkland witnesses are in on a conspiracy. Furthermore, I can not believe that someone would deliberately poke the dying President in the throat. The shirt, no, I can not make out a hole in it, where one ought to be, doesn't mean there isn't one present though. I'd much prefer to examine it in hand. I suppose it boils down to which witnesses you want to believe. No sir, totally sincere. Thank you, looking forward to reading you in the near future.
  20. Thank you for your reply Ashton. Don't get me wrong. I still believe the evidence is stronger for an entry from the front, and have not changed my mind. The more important point in my posting and quotes from yesterday was to show that at least some "official" entity (FBI, Rockefeller commission) had studied the evidence and concluded that both the tie and the shirt had in fact suffered damage (holes) which in all likelihood stems from a bullet (in my opinion a shot to the throat). Of course these entities will do their best to distort and manipulate the evidence to ensure LHO is guilty, firing from the TSBD, they'd never agree to a frontal shot. The statement by these parties: "The stumps of torn fibers of the material point to the outside....the ends of the torn threads around the hole were bent outward. These characteristics are typical of an exit hole for a projectile." was in my opinion a pretty lame attempt at showing where the bullet came from. The Zapruder film alone shows JFK reacting to something in his throat. I keep repeating myself, but when do you see someone grabbing for the exit wound of a "through-and through" wound? In my view the Zapruder film and the Parkland witnesses evidence is enough to show a frontal shot to the throat. What happened with the autopsy and analysis of the wounds thereafter, is rather questionable. Please do post the contradictory evidence, I might change my mind! Evidence pointing to the opposite direction of the bullet would be quite a welcomed addition to the debate. Summa summarum: holes were found in both the tie and shirt at the neck, corresponding with the (entry) bullet wound seen by Dr. Carrico and a handful of others at Parkland Hospital on 11/22/1963. By the way, I do greatly appreciate your participation in this Forum and do believe you are a great asset to us all here.
  21. The information below is from: "Report of Richard Lindenberg, MD to the Rockefeller Commission, signed May 9, 1975, p. 3. Retrieved from the Gerald R. Ford Library." "Excerpt of letter from Hoover to Warren Commissioner General Counsel J. Lee Rankin reproduced by HSCA in Report of the Forensic Pathology Panel, Vol. 7:90." In his report, Dr. Lindenberg wrote that, "In the front of [JFK's] shirt the bullet produced 1.2cm vertical slits in the overlapping parts of the collar just below the collar button. The stumps of torn fibers of the material point to the outside."30 In 1964, J. Edgar Hoover had advised the Warren Commission that the FBI lab had found the same thing: "The hole in the front of the shirt was a ragged, slit-like hole and the ends of the torn threads around the hole were bent outward. These characteristics are typical of an exit hole for a projectile."31 (emphasis mine) Quote Ashton Gray, Posted Today, 12:58 PM: If one had, the literature would say: "There's the bullet hole." Quote off.
  22. Interesting discussion. Not much to debate in my opinion. Kennedy had a wound in his neck, below the adam's apple, upon arrival at Parkland. This fact is based on the early descriptions of this wound by Parkland staff, it was most likely a bullet wound (entry wound). What is more interesting of a debate is what happened to the bullet after it hit the throat? Neck tie with a nick, most likely caused by a bullet. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/jfkinfo/jfk7/ce395.htm
  23. Seems like 68 yards would be enough to amaze most folks. Right?
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