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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Perhaps he meant to say that Lee went down to the 1st floor, from the 6th (5 floors) to buy the drink, then went back up to the 2nd floor lunch room to enjoy it, but was stopped by Baker and Truly once he was on the 2nd floor.... all this within 90 seconds. He was fast and in shape .
  2. Yes, no doubt there was someone in the same area that looked a lot like Lee Oswald. No doubt there was someone who tried to impersonate Oswald or at the least ensure that he would be remembered by a few witnesses. Off hand I do recall examples, such as the hitchhiker who obtained a ride from Oak Cliff to the TSBD with a rifle a day or so prior ! Also a fellow who bought beer near the TSBD before noon and was carded, the clerk thought the ID showed the fellow was born in 1938 and that the last name on the ID was Oswald. Couldn't have been Lee in either case as he was working at the TSBD during the morning and didn't drink. Also the night before Lee was in Irving at the Paine's. I suspect the rifle range impersonations of "Oswald" etc. were all by the same impersonator as the other incidents described above.
  3. 2 cents: The fact that she did not immediately report seeing a man with a rifle on the 2nd floor of the TSBD on 11/22/63 shortly before the shooting, is highly suspect. Who would keep something of this nature to themselves, considering the circumstances? There was of course at least one further report of Oswald (or a look-a-like) stepping into a station wagon (Roger Craig).
  4. John, I am all for option 2. (Moderation). All those who repeatedly fail to follow the rules need to be placed on moderation or banned from the Forum all together. The restricting of posting rights seems to be the only method that efficiently gets rid of the problem. This Forum is a key resource for researching and discussing evidence, therefore it should not even be considered for shutting down (IMO).
  5. The man in the photo's here is probably in his early-mid forties. If these photos were taken in 1963, the man would have been roughly 35-40, in 1958-1959 or around that time, when LHO was in Atsugi, Japan. However, the man from the Marine Corps photos looks more like he'd be 20-25.
  6. Dixie, the last sentence, I believe should say: "....located at an old Navy seaplane port on the Pasquotank River near Elizabeth City, North Carolina." Thanks, Antti
  7. Tim, were you considering career opportunities there?
  8. I would like to correct a misstatement here: The population of Iraq is around 27 million, the 43rd most populated country in the world, not a country with 100's of millions of people. The USA by the way is the third most popluated (around 300 million), following China (1.3 billion) and India some (1.1 billion). Source: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_pop-people-population (Len Colby Sep. 14th 12:06 a.m.):
  9. Yes, Quite so Bill. Clint Hill was running to the Lincoln by the time of the second? shot (at any rate well before the headshot). This is quite evident from the numerous photos and video footage from that day.
  10. The gif posted by Mr. MacRae will not be reposted. It had nothing to do with researching this topic.
  11. James, From Dougherty's testimony taken in April 1964, he says he is 40 years of age. So unless my math's gone all rusty, he's born in about 1924. That would make him 13 years of age in 1937. He confirms the sunset graduation in his testimony. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/doughert.htm An interesting passage from the Dougherty testimony: Mr. BALL - Did you hear Mr. Truly yell anything up the elevator shaft? Mr. DOUGHERTY - I didn't hear anybody yell. Mr. BALL - Or, did you see Mr. Truly? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, when the FBI men---I imagine it was who it was---he showed me his credentials, but he asked me who the manager was, and I told him, "Mr. Truly." He told me to go find him. Well, I didn't know where he was so I started from the first floor and Just started looking for him, and .by the time I got to the sixth floor, they had found a gum and shells. Mr. BALL - When you went up to the sixth floor, it was after they found the shotgun and shells? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes, sir; and I found out later he was on the fourth floor, which I didn't find. Mr. BALL - Did you ever see a gun around there? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No, sir; I sure didn't. Mr. BALL - Did you ever see anybody with a gun in the place? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No, sir. Mr. BALL - Did you see any strangers in the building that day? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No, sir.
  12. Duke, I like where you're going with this. I agree in particular with the fact that there was way too much activity on the 5th and 6th floors of the TSBD, just before, during and after 12:30 on 11/22/63, for no one not to have seen any type of suspicious activity. Jarman, Norman et al. testified about the shots being fired from the 6th floor, whilst they were observing the presidential motorcade from the 5th floor. I can't put my finger on it, but I am willing to bet my hat that either some key observations were left out of their testimony on purpose or these gentlemen were told in advance what to say. For one thing, as mentioned not too long ago in a different thread, that foot steps would have been clearly heard from the 5th floor, whilst the alledged gunman was hastily taking his weapon to the other end of the floor to hide it between boxes. The steps would have been heard despite the presence of numerous boxes filled with books. After all at least one of the fellows on the 5th floor could hear the shell casings fall onto the plywood floor as the shots were being fired. http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.php/...s_the_Testimony Don Thomas' article above.
  13. The name Louis de Wit, reminds me of the name Louie Steven Witt, aka the Umbrella man. Pure coincidence that the names are rather similar, I'm sure.
  14. Some of the posts here are getting to the point where continuing this "debate" seems useless. Many of the same questions are asked again and again, many of the same answers are answered again and again. This seems to continue to the point where the debating parties become very annoyed with one another. This in turn leads to an escalation of very undesirable behavior in posts. If this "ridiculous" posting continues I will close this thread. The same will happen to other threads where this type of posting occurs. After that other moderation measures will be put into effect.
  15. This has apparently been removed since the poll was started a few years ago already. You can ask John Simkin if he still has the poll and results around, and if he could "revive it" if you so like. Antti
  16. John, Sounds very interesting. Do you know if this documentary is on dvd or if it will be shown elsewhere in Europe or on any international European channels any time soon?
  17. Thank you James. I'm still curious about E. Kolbe. I wonder what his original name was and how and why he ended up in the US.
  18. Of interest also is one Edmund Kolbe of none other than Florida. Supposedly a Finnish immigrant with involvement in Anti-Castro Cubans of the 1960's. It would be interesting to know what Edmund Kolbe's true background and activites are. I very much doubt the immigrant from Finland story as long as we don't know his original name and more of what he has done. I wonder if there are any ties to the Larry Kolb(e) mentioned in this thread?
  19. Robert (or anmyone else). I wonder if you know or can find out if the Stovall, as in Jaggars -Chiles -Stovall is related to Stovall, Richard S. Detective with the Homicide Bureau, City Police Department? Thanks. Antti
  20. I wonder if J. Walton Moore and Gen. Edwin Walker were in touch at any point prior to November 1963? It would be interesting if this was so. Does anyone have any information on contacts between these two men?
  21. Peter, As far as I know the correct way to say it would have been: "Ich bin Berliner." in English "I am a Berliner." Adding the "ein" word to his sentence changes the precise meaning of the sentence to your no. 2 translation. However, in my view, to the Germans the difference was so slight (considering that this came from a non-native speaker), that like Myra stated, they all cheered as they knew exactly what he wanted to say: "I am one of you guys."
  22. Some of the referrals to other members on this thread and this page leave quite a bit to be desired. Members with patronizing attitudes towards fellow members will not be tolerated. I will leave the posts here unedited. Treat each other with respect, if that is too much to ask, don't post.
  23. Tim, Allow me to take a quick stab at some of this: (1) No. Evidence excluding it is CE399, as well as the bullet trajectories, human anatomy, evidence of bullet holes in JFK's clothing, which all support separate bullet wounds to the throat and back. (2) I doubt that all were fired from the back. This is because the wound in the back is not connected to the wound at the base of the throat (this wound looked like an entry wound to experienced medical staff in Dallas). Also the existing Zapruder film seems to demonstrate a bullet striking Kennedy from the front and hitting him in the head. Further comments: I think the acoustic evidence you brought up is some of the weakest evidence in this case. The best evidence existed on 11/22/1963 and was collected and deposed that day and the few days following. All evidence pointing to a conspiracy, multiple shooters etc. was ignored, altered or destroyed. What was left, was used to blame this tragic event on a "silly little communist". The best evidence that should have been used impartially by the WC: witness testimony, ballistic evidence and proper forensic autopsy. Using all of these would have helped in finding out the true events that occurred that day.
  24. Regarding the Police report. Definitely, "Jacob Rubenstein W/M/39" is wrong - he was about 52 at the time. They're off by 13 years....
  25. Bill, "shooting the breeze" with a buddy no doubt, probably someone he knew from when he was in the military himself. C'mon he works fro the government, couldn't be nothing more but a cover-up visit to claim for mileage and expenses to go see his buddies.
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