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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Mr. Burton is quite right. I have even e-mailed Mr. White the instructions on how to proceed with attaching a working bio to his profile, I have had no reply from him, nor has he complied. If Mr. Burton does not set Mr. White's posts invisible, I will. That is until he complies with the rule regarding his bio.
  2. I have also asked Ms. Hansen to kindly post a proper avatar today, in fact moments ago. If a recognizable avatar is a requirement for one, it is a requirement for all members.
  3. Who can vouch that any one of us here are using their given names? Which member here can vouch for me? Why does Len Colby need to prove that his name is really Len Colby, and why does nobody else need to do this for their respective names? Why does he need to explain his responsibilities from a different website? I think he only needs to cite sources for what he posts here, not for what he has posted elsewhere. By the way Len's email address starts with LenBrazil, I think I have seen it on this Forum somewhere. What's the big deal? Why does he need to answer these?: "Who is the webmaster/editor-in-chief/publisher of the self-styled "journal"?" "What is a "nom de web" exactly? Please define." Isn't the answer to this, rather self evident? It is an alias used on the web, his call sign if you like. Len's bio is a fine example of a bio and IMO all you need to know about him (and more) is right there. Sure, Colby's opinions regarding conspiracies differ from many of ours, but is that a good reason to treat him like this?
  4. If, in fact it can be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt" (I suspect we can), that there were, in fact two Carcano's, a short rifle and a carbine, both with the same serial numbers, both entered into evidence, there is no option but to conclude that Lee Oswald was framed. I would continue this statement Tom, and say "....and to Alek Hidell's order, and therefore to Lee H. Oswald". Again, I would continue this statement Tom, and say "....and to Alek Hidell's order, and therefore to Lee H. Oswald". Doesn't the result of the study of the backyard photos by Jack White, in fact show that the rifle ordered by A. Hidell is different to the one seen in the backyard photos, and different to the one found at the TSBD?
  5. Gil, that was funny and sad at the same time. When did this speech take place? It'll be interesting to see if this hearing has any type of reaction or follow-up.
  6. Steve & J, I have a slightly different section of testimony by Det. Guy F. Rose, of the DPD. He is asking Oswald about his name (Hidell vs. Oswald), and he replies: "You find out." Here it is: Mr. BALL. What did you say to him or did he say to you? Mr. ROSE. Well, the first thing I asked him was what his name was and he told me it was Hidell. Mr. BALL. Did he tell you it was Hidell? Mr. ROSE. Yes; he did. Mr. BALL. He didn't tell you it was Oswald? Mr. ROSE. No; he didn't, not right then--he did later. In a minute--I found two cards--I found a card that said "A. Hidell." And I found another card that said "Lee Oswald" on it, and I asked him which of the two was his correct name. He wouldn't tell me at the time, he just said, "You find out." And then in just a few minutes Captain Fritz came in and he told me to get two men and go to Irving and search his house. ------------------- Mr. ROSE. I don't remember--I did see McDonald and I did talk to him, but I don't remember whether he was the one that was standing right there at the time or not. Mr. BALL. After you saw the cards, you asked him which one was his true name? Mr. ROSE. Yes; I did. Mr. BALL. What did he say? Mr. ROSE. He said, "You find out." 228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. BALL. Did you ask him what his address was? Mr. ROSE. Yes; but from there, he wouldn't tell me--he just said, "You just find out." http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/rose_g.htm Also from my memory (so, this is definitely not a worth 2 cents, but here goes): Det. Jim Leavelle, recalls the Oswald interrogation on the "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" -series (done in the 1980's, I guess) and says along the lines that: "When we asked Oswald whether his name was "Hidell" or "Oswald" he replied: "You're the cop, you figure it out.""
  7. I find it intriguing that the two police officers at the TSBD, who both (initially) claimed that the rifle found there was a Mauser - became insane. A coincidence I'm sure..... 1. Seymour Weitzman http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKweitzman.htm 2. Roger Craig http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKcraigR.htm
  8. Mr. Caddy, It would be interesting if you could follow-up on your discussion from 20 years ago with Mr. Caro. I suspect Mr. Caro is familiar with the writings of Barr McClellan? According to Wikipedia, Mr. Caro is 72 today, up in age perhaps, but not too far imo. Regards,
  9. Interesting that the forthcoming Bugliosi book carries exactly the same title as this one: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=1364
  10. Steve, Thanks for all this info. I have not yet opened the links you have attached. In your post you mention Raoul Castro, I suspect he is a different Raoul than the current President of Cuba? The initial reason for starting this thread was to hopefully ID the man and the photo shown to Craig, hoping that this would lead to a clearer picture of the hispanic/latin people in and around Dealy Plaza on 11/22/63. Glad to see this old thread revived.
  11. Hmmm.... Sir, I think if you wish to point out someone's poor spelling or typos, you might want to make sure you type your comment correctly yourself. "BK, you can attempt to set me straight whenever you want but I suggest you first learn to spell.
  12. At the very least, the currently invisible posts by Mr. Colby and Mr. Guyatt, are off-topic. I don't see why such tit for tat sillyness should be allowed.
  13. Interesting thread. Just a layman's view: The dark area on the "clip" is not a spiral at all imo. It definitely looks like a photo of a man. One can make out that the picture has a face, the person is wearing a hat, also the white shirt sleeves seem to be present protruding from under the coat. The persons hands are in front of him. A photo, but not a typical mug shot.
  14. I don't know what the problem with the poll could be for Jack or Nathaniel. This poll worked normally for me, when I tried moments ago. I was the 7th participant. I suggest you try again, or try another computer from another location. I don't have the means nor the skills to investigate why this may not work for some members. Antti
  15. Ok, this is interesting. From this information I understand that there are two LHO impersonators in Mexico in 1963 - in addition to the authentic LHO. The man approximately Sylvia Duran's height at 5ft 3½in. The widespread mystery man (Saul Sage) photographed and mistakenly identified as Oswald in the early stages of the investigation. Also then the questions, why did the CIA release (to the FBI) the Saul Sage photo's and why were these initially identified as LHO? This is odd as it was early on assumed that LHO had indeed been to Mexico and that he had visited the Emabassies there. If Lee had indeed been there, why the fake LHO photos?
  16. I wonder if Sylvia Duran was ever shown a picture of the Mexico City mystery man? Some people have identified this man as Saul Sage. It would be interesting to know if she could/did identify this man, and what name she would give him.
  17. To add to this topic "The affidavit that destroys "With Malice"". How do members see the following facts related to the Topic and the Tippit killing in partular? http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKbenavides.htm Benavides says he was threatened by DPD. Benavides' brother Eddie was shot in the head in a Dallas club. Domingo Benavides is convinced that the assailant was targeting him (Domingo) and mistakenly attacked his brother instead. Shot in the head mid February 1964. Most interesting is also this from the Benavides page on Spartacus (link above): Domingo's father-in-law, J.W. Jackson, was so unimpressed with the police investigation of Eddy's death that he launched a little inquiry of his own. Two weeks later Jackson was shot at in his home. The assailant secreted himself in the carport, fired once into the house, and when Jackson ran outside, fired one more time, just missing his head. As the gunman clambered into an automobile in a nearby driveway, Jackson saw a police car coming down the block. The officer made no attempt to follow the gunman's speeding car; instead, he stopped at Jackson's home and spent a long time inquiring what had happened. Later a police lieutenant advised Jackson, "You'd better lay off of this business. Don't go around asking question; that's our job." Jackson and Domingo are both convinced that Eddy's murder was a case of mistaken identity and that Domingo, the Tippit witness, was the intended victim. Another Tippit case witness, car dealer, Warren Reynolds was the victim of a shooting soon after the Kennedy/Tippit slayings as well. Soon after his attack, Warren Reynolds changed his testimony. Shot in the head on January 23, 1964. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKreynolds.htm Question: What are the possibilities that two persons being witnesses in the Tippit slaying become victims of violent crimes (and/or threats) just by chance? The difference in the time elapsed beween the Benavides attack and the Reynolds attack was some 3 weeks? (Granted that in Benavides' case it was his brother who was the victim.) Reynolds' WC testimony is interesting to read as well. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/reynolds.htm http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/reynolds_w.htm I wonder how can anyone defend that there is nothing seriously suspicious related to the Kennedy and Tippit cases? In my opinion these related cases here provide additional evidence supporting a conspiracy, which unfortunately, it seems some members of the DPD attempted to conceal to the very end. Comments welcome!
  18. David, The fact that LHO had in his possessions a Minox camera and the fact that the official record has later been altered to indicate he did NOT have one in his possession, should indicate to all researchers that this is indeed a key point in understanding who LHO was. Further, the official investigation must have had a pre-determined outcome, which did not include LHO's Minox camera. This ranks right up there with the Odio incident and other key evidence disregarded by the Warren commission, all of which would have pointed the investigation towards a conspiracy - which of course was not part of the pre-determined single assassin conlcusion.
  19. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6282 Topic discussed here also. Wright's called an ambulance at 1:18 or 1:19 p.m. according to WC.
  20. Tim, your April 25 posts were approved by me on April 30th. Other moderators have the right to approve posts as well, when I'm off-line. You mailbox is full; ie you can not receive any Personal Messages.
  21. Hi, Each member has a pre-set limit for the total size of attachments they may use for posts on the Forum (that's a limit for all the attachments together that you have posted on this Forum). I recommend you go back to your older posts and delete some older attachments in order to release some more attachment space for the new files you wish to attach. If your file is still too large, you will have to look into possibilites to make the attachment smaller (for example using Zip or some other packing software), or you may post the attachment somewhere else on the internet and provide a link to it in your post here. The final option is to request more attachment space from the Forum Administrator, John Simkin. I hope this helps.
  22. The Wecht threads have now been merged. Antti
  23. Hi Paul, Here's some more useful evidence to consider regarding the debris from the head shot at 313. Officer Hargis' testimony. He was to the left of the President and behind him. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/jfkinfo/hscaharg.htm Hargis by the way has commented later, along the lines that at the time of the 313 shot, he thought he had been hit by a gunshot himself, of course this was a result of the power of the debris from JFK's head hitting him. As I recall this was something he related in one of the first 3 episodes from "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" (Nigel Turner series). On the Other hand there is evidence from Mrs. Connally http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/conn_n.htm and Mr. Connally http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/conn_j.htm Then there is of course the famous Harper fragment. A skull fragment found about 1 day later, by a medical student. The location of this fragment was approximately in line with a shot from the TSBD SE window. My personal take on this 313 issue is that the Harper fragment was a plant (because the general Dealey area was carefully searched 11/22/63). Also based on all the evidence (Zapruder film, witness testimony and medical records of the autopsy) the deadly shot at 313 came from the front or side. A good source for the exit wound (location) in JFK's head is to see what the first physicians to attend Kennedy had to say (aka Parkland Doctors). Further in my opinion numerous items of evidence seem to contradict each other. This leads me to believe that some of the evidence has been "fudged" deliberately in order for the official record to point only to one shooter from high and behind (TSBD) only. Antti
  24. Even tough I am far from an expert, I'd like to throw this question in the air: Don't you find it rather unbelievable that in this case, the experts have to rely on audiotape to determine whether a victim has been shot by two guns and therefore by two assailants? (The use of audio material reminds me of the HSCA findings and the subsequent JFK -case acoustics test relating to the alleged open mirophone of a motorcycle officer.) What happened to ballistics, forensic autopsy etc.? Wouldn't the traditional and normal methods relating to a homicide investigation reveal such basic facts, as the use of more than one weapon, bullet caliber, as well as the assumed position of the assailant and victims? These should, then in turn, result in a straight forward case against the gunman (gunmen) that is, considering that there were also numerous eye witnesses to this case, not to mention cameras and as we now know audio tape. No?
  25. Bar owner Mac Manual (Silver Slipper) also identified Sergio Arcacha-Smith as one of the persons accompanying Rose Cherami(e) from November 1963, prior to JFK's assassination. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKcheramie.htm http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.php/Rose_Cherami Arcacha-Smith had ties to Carlos Marcello, David Ferrie and Carlos Bringuier. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKarcacha.htm
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