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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Mark Sobel told me a couple of years ago that his film the Commission would be played at film festivals only until, he can get it distributed. What he is encountering is the same problems as Michael Moore with Farenheit 9/11. I'd be intersted in a DVD version as well, but I fear his goal is movie theaters, and he will thus not release it on DVD for a while. I hope I'm wrong though.
  2. John, I believe this episode took place in Irving TX, a suburb of Dallas, some 10-15 miles away from Oak Cliff. Yes Greg, this is a good point. However, I just wanted to relay how the Paine's explained how they made the connection between the motorcade broadcast and Lee. But, yes, this is a fairly weak link.... since Ruthie didn't know if Lee worked at the other warehouse or at the actual TSBD.
  3. The motorcade was broadcast on radio, live. The shooting and the TSBD was mentioned immediately following this. According to the Paine's, the mentioning of the TSBD as a landmark near the location of the shooting caused them to immediately think of Lee Oswald. An arrest was announced later as well I believe... Quote continued: Note! Frazier says "mother just happened to glance up..." not his sister Linnie Mae, who, in turn was " and my sister, you know, was working over there around, you know the sink there". Nevertheless, there's a lot of odd testimony and ridiculous coincidences in this case.
  4. From John's site above: Seth Kantor 1) Seth Kantor was interviewed by Burt W. Griffin, on behalf of the Warren Commission (2nd June, 1964) Burt W. Griffin: During those months, did you have occasion to meet Jack Ruby? Seth Kantor: Yes. Burt W. Griffin: Had you met him before September 1960? Seth Kantor: No; I had not. Burt W. Griffin:When did you first meet Mr. Ruby? Seth Kantor: Well, it was within a very few months after I joined the Times Herald. I was a feature writer for the paper. I think by nature of the stories that I wrote, I sort of attracted Jack Ruby. He came up to my desk one day and introduced himself and said that he owned a club or clubs in town, and that he thought he might have some stories for me from time to time, and he did. Over the next several months, he provided me with maybe as many as half-a-dozen feature stories, on characters in town. Burt W. Griffin: Can you tell us what those stories are? Seth Kantor: One was with an entertainer in his club, a lady who managed to charm snakes while she was stripping. She was also a housewife in the suburbs by day. Burt W. Griffin: Was that story published? Seth Kantor: Oh, yes. Burt W. Griffin: Why don't you just go through these 6 stories, if you would, and tell us what they were, and if they were or were not published. Seth Kantor: Well, each was published. I might have some difficulty remembering them at this point. I remember a limbo dancer who he brought up from the Caribbean and said that he was helping in getting his citizenship. I did a story with the limbo dancer. We got a picture of him at the U.S. Naturalization Service office in Dallas passing under a low bar. I did a lot of stories. I am really not sure off the top of my head. I wish I could have gotten out some old clips and prepared for this, if I had realized. But they were stories of that nature, anyway. -------- As we can see, the Warren commission uses up valuable time in asking totally irrelevant questions. Better questions for Kantor would have been questions about where he had seen Ruby before 11/22/63 and with whom he had been seen? Also a question that might have provided insight; Why would Ruby deny having been at Parkland and having had a conversation with Kantor, many other spectators were there too? Since Kantor knew Ruby, he would have been able to detect discomfort, or agitation at Parkland, in case Ruby did not want to be noticed while there, the agitation or discomfort might not have been present at other times. Instead they chose to ask Kantor questions about the articles he wrote.
  5. His name was Steve Kangas. His "suicide" seemed quite odd. Found lying down on the restroom floor of the bldg. at 11 p.m. by a security guard, counscious not shot. Guard goes to get help and soon finds Steve sitting up, on the toilet, with a gun shot wound to his head. No one seems to know why he was in Pittsburg, on the other side of the USA (he was living in Las Vegas), nor what he was doing in this office building at such a late hour. Sadly his roommate had sold his computer, and the new owner cleared Steve's hard drive with possible clues.
  6. In The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Aubrey Rike, the O'Neil ambulance driver? conveys a convincing account of what took place in Parkland, before the coffin was taken away. He also took part in placing JFK into the coffin which was eventually carried onto AF1.
  7. RE: Rubenstein's dog Well, people see things in different ways from different angles and with time will testify slightly differently to what actually occurred. A small Dachshund may have remained unseen at times and he may have wondered to the police station and then to the animal shelter and eventually to Armstrong's on it's own. This clearly explains what happened - nobody lied and nobody picked the dog up and then again everybody did what they said and saw at different times. It all sums up, makes sense just like the head wound confusion. When testimony doesn't add up, it's starts to smell like fish...
  8. Yes, perhaps Jackie participated in the cover up and her doings resulted in the nototrious autopsy photos and x-rays, which just about all Parkland Dr.'s would later deny were of the President they had treated in the same hospital on 11/22/1963.
  9. John, I would have to disagree with what you state (in bold above) and I will argue that experienced MD's will not be confused about the location of any given victim's wounds, especially rather soon after the event. They all consistently stated occipital parietal, and well along the general area as I have summarized here: clearly towards the back and well behind the right ear, a grape fruit sized defect. Many of the Parkland Dr's have been consistent throughout the years with their statements regarding the wounds. Whether a patient is lying on his back or stomach will most likely not confuse a physician with regards to the location of a head wound. The president was treated for several minutes (I believe close to 30) before he was pronounced dead - attending Dr's did therefore not just glance at the wounds but remained with the patient for several minutes on average. The bottom line is there is a major discrepancy between the head wound when comparing the Parkland vs. Bethesda vs. Zapruder evidence. Foul play I say.
  10. I wish he would. I fear that the J. Valenti and Ladybird cronies will have methods and means to shut them up just like TMWKK "The Gulty Men". I wonder what Scott's take is on his fathers discoveries and theories.
  11. The film is indeed in existence and available in some format for instance on the site below: Personally, I doubt that Mr. Powers did in fact run out of film.... http://edition.cnn.com/US/9611/21/kennedy.lost.film/ WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly 33 years after President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, a three-minute amateur film showing some of the final minutes of the president's life was made public Thursday. Friday is the 33rd anniversary of Kennedy's assassination. The film of events during Kennedy's trip to Dallas on November 21 and 22, 1963, was made by his aide, Dave Powers. It does not show the fatal shooting.
  12. The Bethesda Naval Hospital and Medical School seem to be popular places to commit suicide. Refrence to Lt. CMDR Pitzer's death.....
  13. What are the chances that both Connally and Korth were Secretaries of the Navy, and each had daughters that committed suicide with a 20 gauge.... Correct me if I'm wrong, but... ....strange, very strange...
  14. Yes, This organization has been discussed on this Forum on a few occasions. There is quite a bit of info here. You should be able to find the relevant threads by using the "search" feature on this board.
  15. Hey Tim, That's probably from the same batch as the backyard photos, both seem just as authentic.
  16. What's your opinion John? I will not base my opinion solely on the Zapruder film. I have done my best at taking into account 1) witness statements, 2) physical evidence 3) photographic and video evidence. Order of significance above. My opinion is that Kennedy was shot at from at least 2 different positions. From the TSBD area or from behind Kennedy at the least, and probably from Kennedy's left front (the head shot). It is also a possibility that Kennedy was shot in the head twice, once from two different positions.
  17. Ok, thanks. In laymens terms would the location of the point-of-entry be in the bottom, right hand side in the back of the head at the hairline? I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time following the medical or x-ray jargon... On another note, have you discovered another possible/probable point-of-entry in any of the x-rays? I'm hinting at an entry on the other side of the head. I had hoped that the "Beyond the Magic Bullet" -film team would have attempted to replicate the head injury instead of the Magic bullet, as in my mind the head injury is more of a debate than the magic bullet, which would have been impossible considering the circumstances.
  18. Bill and Jack, Thanks for your comments. Interesting scenario from Penn Jones.
  19. I find it rather troublesome to think that anyone would have been positioned along Stemmons in the event that the assassination attempt in DP failed. The main reason is that the SS would have been on the car by then and Greer would have been racing at high speed to get out of the area. The chances of shooting JFK with a rifle at such a distance from the road at that point would be zero IMO. Do you believe that a professional sniper with a high powered rifle and scope could have fired from this location into the kill zone in Dealey Plaza? Meaning, before Greer and SS agents would have had adequate time to react.
  20. John, I have always wondered about this. I can not understand the American fear regarding communism. To me communism is simply a far left form of socialism, existing in a few countries around the world. In the last few decades communist regimes have been dwindling, so I can not see any meaningful threats regarding the spreading of communism. This tactic made a little more sense in the 50's and perhaps the 60's, but definitely not in the 21st century. As far as I can tell the threats to the traditional white republican Americans in the 50's and 60's were more visibly the rights of minorities, such as those of African Americans. With regards to Enyart and the lack of publicity with regards to his story, I can only guess, but perhaps it is operations such as Mockingbird, which control what is publicized and what is not.
  21. I didn't remember all the details of the RFK assassination. I have to say that I share the same sentiments as Senator Edward M. Kennedy regarding these three assassinations. One thing comes to mind when reading John's post: in my native language there is a saying which translates to English in the following way: "Something which has been well planned, is already half completed."
  22. Pat, have you seen evidence of the hairline entry you mentioned, in any of the x-rays?
  23. http://cuban-exile.com/doc_001-025/doc0017.html According to the above two people connect (an alleged) Oswald and Sylvia Duran in Mexico.
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