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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Which one is supposed to be Saul? The larger gentleman looks a little like him, but it's not the same man as photographed outside the Russian Embassy in MC in September of 1963.
  2. Perry Raymond Russo, plays a part in the movie JFK as a patron in "Napoleons" bar. He is one of few who applaud and cheer (in the movie) once Kennedy's death is announced on TV. I assume the applauds were somewhat common, as we may gather from the expereinces conveyed in this thread. Too bad the US was already so divided in 1963.
  3. John, A&E and the History channel are in essence part of the same corporation. Apparently programs with a historical aspect are broadcast on History Channel and the other "junk" on AETV. See below: http://www.aetn.com/global/corporate/ A&E Television Networks, a joint venture of The Hearst Corporation, ABC, Inc. and NBC Universal, is an award-winning, international media company offering consumers a diverse communications environment ranging from television programming, to home videos/DVDs and music CDs, to Web sites, as well as supporting nationwide educational initiatives. AETN is comprised of A&E Network®, The History Channel®, The History Channel International®, The Biography Channel®, The Military History Channel, The History Channel en Español, Crime & Investigation Network, AETN International, and AETN Consumer Products. The A&E web site is located at www.aetv.com, the Biography web site is located at www.Biography.com and The History Channel® web site is located at www.HistoryChannel.com
  4. Yes, Sir. You're welcome. That's one of my favorite movies. I regularly watch this movie as well as other war movies on DVD.
  5. Like so many records in this case, I suspect the ones mentioned above have also been sanitized.
  6. Gentlemen, I am relying pretty much on the testimony of Mr. Aubrey Rike, ambulance driver of the O'Neal ambulance service in Dallas. His testimony on TMWKK seemed very clear, to the point - without hesitation he told what he had experienced that day. He went into detail in discussing the coffin, which was filmed on multiple occasions before, and whilst it was loaded onto AF 1. Further I am relying on the testimony of the gentleman (whose name escapes me) who was the assistant at Bethesda during the autopsy. His testimony on TMWKK also seemed very honest and vivid. I don't think that anyone who is somehow involved in the autospy or the transportation of the body of the President will suffer major memory loss and relate their experiences from that day very differently to what actually happened. Please remember these men work with caskets, bodies and wounded victims all the time. They know how to distinguish shipping caskets from ornamented funeral caskets, and bodybags from sheets etc. If I were involved, I think I'd remember a lot more detail if I was dealing with a dead President than with just any old Jack. The point is a lot of the information related by the Bethesda staff directly contradicts the information related by the Dallas witnesses. In fact, this entire case is so full of it, that I can't even understand how there can be doubts about a major cover up.
  7. http://www.battleshipcove.org/aircraft-huey.htm THE IROQUOIS NATIONS: US military helicopters are frequently named after Native American tribes, (e.g., Apache, Chinook, Comanche, etc.), and the Bell Iroquois, or "Huey," UH-1 helicopter derives its name from the Iroquois. The Iroquois Nations occupied a region from central New York westward to the Illinois River. Comprising five (later, six) tribes of peoples with closely related languages, the Iroquois confederacy comprised the Mohawk, Oneida, Onotague, Cayunga, and Seneca tribes, and then absorbed the Tuscarora in 1712. Despite the enmity that frequently existed between Native Americans and the early English settlers, the Iroquois were allies with the British during the French & Indian Wars. Largely due to the diplomacy of Sir William Johnson, the British Superintendent of Indian Affairs, this alliance continued into the American Revolutionary War, when nearly one half of the New York Iroquois fled to Canada to enlist in the British service against the Americans. To learn more about the Iroquois, visit the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. -------------------------------------- http://www.helis.com/60s/h_h1.php In the original helicopter designation series, the first three aircraft received the XH-40 designation. First flight of the new design was in October 1956, development and production following. When the US Army adopted its own two-letter designation system, the H-40 became the HU-1 (Helicopter Utility). From this designation came Huey, the name by which it has remained known. The US Department of Defence ( DOD ) standard designation system reversed this to UH-1, the first designation in the new DOD helicopter series. With larger engines and increased capacity, the UH-1 was developed through successive models. Officially the UH-1 series is the Iroquois. But its unofficial name, Huey, became so commonly used that the AH-1 attack version was officially named the Huey Cobra. The Huey story traces back some four decades. In 1955, with an interest in a utility helicopter designed around a turboshaft engine, the US Army had the US Air Force develop a new helicopter for its use. At that time the US Army did not have its own aircraft development capability. The design selected, Bell's Model 204, was to be powered by a new Lycoming T-53 engine of some 850 shaft horsepower and featured a typical Bell two-blade teetering rotor. ---------------------------------- Now, the Howard Hughes helicopters are the Cayuse OH-6A type or Hughes Helicopters 500 series. The "egg shell" -type chopper. http://www.rotaryaction.com/history.html The Hughes Helicopters 500 series was derived from the US military's OH-6A Cayuse, which first flew on 27 February 1963, and was chosen by the army as their preferred 'Light Observation Helicopter'. Many variations of the 500 family (aka: 369), were built from 1960s to 1990s, for military and civil use, and the 'flying egg' (as it's nicknamed) became one of the most popular helicopters ever seen in cinema and TV. Hughes Helicopters (founded by the legendary Howard Hughes), was bought out by McDonnell Douglas in 1984, though MD itself merged with Boeing in 1997, only for its commercial line to be sold off by Boeing two years later.
  8. Pat, Ron, Jack, thank you for your contributions. I'm sure you've all spent a lot more time with this than I have. I am merely trying to explain what facts and testimony I have based my opinion on. I do believe that I've read and examined just about all that has been readily available, and my layman's opinion is that an awful lot of unanswered questions remain before I will accept that all the related coincidences and cases of poor memory are the reason for the confusion regarding the questions related to the body and it's autopsy. To me it's just not possible! Photo and x-ray manipulation aside we still have all the questions related to the body and coffin itself which do not compute. Why was the throat wound so different in Bethesda compared to Dallas? Why was the body not received in the same coffin in Bethesda as it had been placed in, in Dallas? How did the body get placed in a zip up plastic body bag, when it wasn't put into one in Dallas? Why are there such different recollections regarding the head wounds on the body? Why did the Dallas, Parkland BRAIN SURGEON recall seeing Cerebellum protruding from JFK's head, if the wound was above the right ear? Cerebellum, see link below. It's that purple bit at the bottom of the brain...... Cerebellum
  9. The sideburns suggest to me that it is not Oswald. They seem to be the only distinguishable feature of this individual other than: male, with dark hair and caucasian skin tone. Age estimate 20-40 years.
  10. Interesting subject! Ron, Pat others, I hope you don't mind my jumping in. Well, I'll do it anyway.... IMO You are discussing and debating one of the very key controversies of the case! On and around 11/22/63 Parkland Dr.'s and nurses etc. in DALLAS pretty much all testified the wound to the head was occipital - parietal, and also demonstrated the location of the wound by placing the palm of their hand on their own heads to the location of the wound. This location is clearly behind the right ear, more towards the back of the head, rather than directly above the ear. Whether one is lying down, standing up or on one's head will likely not confuse a physician when one is asked to describe the location of an injury on a subject. The controversy and the debate going on in this thread is the result of altered physical evidence. Proof of evidence manipulation is in abundance. Some here: The coffin Kennedy was loaded into in Dallas - Parkland was different than the one he was received in, in Bethesda MD. The throat wound had clearly been cut/manipulated with (beyond what was done by Parkland staff for the tracheotomy) and before it was received in Bethesda. Based on the witness statements, the body (most particularly the head and neck wounds) were worked on. Hence the discrepancy between the physician's statements in Dallas and Bethesda. The X-rays and photos were taken after the body had left Parkland, and do therefore support the new, altered location of the head wound. Based on anomalies in the Zapruder film, I would not be surprised if the head wound frames have been worked on as well to help make the illusion more believable. Years later it is hard for Custer, Reed and Riebe to distinguish what was actually on the film/x-rays they took in 1963 and what is on the ones presented to them in 1976. Even if they were the same exact copies, many unanswered issues remain unresolved with regards to what happened to the body between Parkland and Bethesda. Add to this the fear and threats placed on these witnesses, it is hardly a suprise how their testimony came out during the HSCA. Having read numerous testimonies (probably all testimonies available) from eye witnesses at the plaza on that fateful day at 12:30, I would estimate that roughly 90% of the debris, brain matter and blood was sprayed into the rear left of the presidential limousine. Not least because the car was moving forward and therefore anything thrown out of the car would fall back, but also because the reaction of the body just can't be explained by some reflex reaction resulting in a jerking movement... That explanation is in the same category as the SBT. Or Ridiculous Bullet Theory. - What direction did Jackie go to to pick up that piece of skull again????? - What did motorcycle officer Hargis who was on the left flank of the limo at that time testify? Just a few people who were THERE right WHEN IT HAPPENED. Why did the conspirasists go through the trouble with this? Well simply because they knew they'd be in deep sh** when it came to explaining a massive exit wound in the back of the victim's head, when that was supposed to be the point of entry according to the LN scenario. Remember they already had their man at this point in time and therefore had to make sure the evidence would jive with the rest of the story.
  11. Since I've joined this Forum the degree of wheeling and dealing and the amount of corruption in recent US history just keeps me amazed. My understanding is that in most western countries corruption of this nature is quickly weeded out and taken care of by the legal system and investigative journalism of the free press. Why were these individuals never prosecuted?
  12. Stephen, I'm not sure about this. The whole story is on Dankbaar's site, I just recall that according to Files, he was asked to fill in for someone who backed out that very day. Also part of the team drove into Dallas from New Mexico that day and that Files was walking around that morning getting to know the plaza and looking for a spot to shoot from. This would indicate to me that he hadn't been around the area before. With the exception of the bullet and the tooth marks on it, I have a hard time buying the Files story. Then again, it's better than some of the stories out there.
  13. Jimmy Files and Nicoletti story? Although according to Mr. Files, he didn't arrive there a week early, just that same morning. Perhaps other team members came earlier.
  14. Dean Andrews to Garrison: You're a mouse fighting a gorilla. Oliver Stone takes this account from Jim Garrison, whose 1988 memoir, On the Trail of the Assassins, contains a virtually identical exchange. This seems appropriate to John's post RE: R. Sprague of the HSCA as well.
  15. Nathaniel, I own copies of the series 1-6 on DVD and can say that as an introduction to various theories, this is a good product. However, the movie JFK (perhaps the director's cut) may be an even better product, I personally enjoyed it at age 19-20 (and still do) when it came out. Usually this movie sparks the intial interest in the subject in a few (particularly in the beginning the political setting and atmosphere of the late 1950's and early 1960's is presented by Martin Sheen, which may be informative to students, and relates to this case), and then as a second set of shows, perhaps the "TMWKK" series 1-6 might be appropriate. For the seasoned researcher, there is not much new stuff. However, the rare series 1-9, or I should say 7-9 provide a little more detail. The focus is on LBJ's involvement, the medical coverup done during the Andrews (Bethesda) flight from Love Field and on Oswald's lover in New Orleans. Series 7-9 were released in 2003 (40 th anniversary of the assassination). This product was quickly pulled from the market by some LBJ cronies (a lawyer whose name and association I do not recall and Ladybird Johnson) who pressured the history channel to no longer play the series nor to sell the DVD's. Some copies still exist, some are illegal copies. The original 1-9 (or 7-9) series sell for a high price. Series 1-6 is a more reasonable expense. A separate product is the Robert Groden assassination files (there are two separate DVD's, I can not recall their exact names), which will go into detail in analyzing the Zapruder film and the autopsy photos and related material, viewer discretion advised! I believe those are the best products available on the market. Others please add if I missed out any.
  16. Len and others interested, the site below seems to address your question quite well. Others may add and comment, of course. The Second Carcano "To err is human, to forgive is humane."
  17. James, I believe it could be realistic, the Library and Texas Theater are both in the same area of Oak Cliff as I recall. Now, whether that 45-60 minute period from the shooting of the president and the time to drive the cops from the trade mart to almost down-town and then down to 10th and Patton in Oak Cliff to the Tippit shooting makes sense I don't know. To me that sure sounds like the time line is faulty.....
  18. Steve, I recall reading the story regarding the man arrested at the Library. According to the well put together explanation, it was a case of mistaken identity, and the reason why the man was arrested at the library was because he roughly fit the description. He was interrogated and released. The reason he caught the attention of authorities there was the fact that he was running from one place to the other outside the Library. If I'm not mistaken, this man was someone who worked at the library and was possibly also an individual with developmental problems. I could be wrong as this is something I read a good while ago. However, I do not recall reading about any Secret Service agents present at the time, perhaps DPD detectives. I also recall that this story has been posted on this Forum, or at least there is a link here somewhere. I'll try and locate it.
  19. Photographic evidence aside, please recall the Parkland staff (roughly 10-20? physicians and nurses) testimony regarding the location of the large gaping wound in President Kennedy's head; occipital-parietal. Now, if the wound as described above, would logically be caused by a rear entry (i.e. bullet entry to the same area as the defect), we can have a reasonable debate, if not, it's clear the critical head shot was fired from a separate (more likely frontal) location. From what I've read, a rear entry is near impossible in this case. However, if one were to also take into account the photographic and video evidence, it logically supports the statements by the Parkland staff.
  20. Looks like Iran is next on the list. It comes really handy since the troops are already in the region, doesn't it? Remember, the campaign was launched to create democracy and stability in the region... Pretty stable chaos if you ask me. Nice going.
  21. Ron, Your quote is likely accurate regarding Rio Grande Life and Guarantee Reserve. It is possible that such an acquisition took place e.g. in the 1970's. In my mind many of the smaller, or medium size life insurance companies have been bought out, or merged over the last 30 years. Not many left. Below is some of the history that relates to Kentucky Central, which was one of several Life insurance companies acquired by Jefferson-Pilot in the 1990's. Due to the fact that Kentucky central itself had probably acquired the afore mentioned Rio Grande LIC, which in turn had acquired Guarantee Reserve, as per you quote, there is not much at all about these on the web. I'm sure some of the "old policy holders" of Jefferson-Pilot, today, were initially policy holders of the Rio Grande LIC or the Guarantee Reserve LIC. In other words, their affiliation, is likely, most simply, one having acquired the other years ago and to further complicate matters the trend in the industry has kept booming, making it very complicated to track which company has been merged with which. https://www.jpfnet.com/Jpf/Public/contentNa...pository=Public History Jefferson Pilot Financial's beginning lies with two North Carolina insurance companies - Jefferson Standard, founded in 1907, and Pilot Life, founded in 1903. The two companies joined together under a new holding company, Jefferson-Pilot Corporation, in 1968. On January 1, 1987, the two companies merged to form Jefferson-Pilot Life Insurance Company. Since 1994, Jefferson-Pilot completed four major acquisitions, including Chubb Life Insurance Company of America (since renamed Jefferson Pilot Financial Insurance Company), Alexander Hamilton Life, Guarantee Life Insurance Company and in-force life insurance of Kentucky Central Life. In 2000, Alexander Hamilton Life and Guarantee Life Insurance Company were merged into Jefferson Pilot Financial Insurance Company. Our product offerings, already among the broadest in the industry, continue to expand as we reach out to people across the country. We are licensed to operate in 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The company's stock is traded on the New York, Midwest and Pacific Stock Exchanges.
  22. QUOTE p. 54 note 12 Warren DeBrueys, New Orleans FBI agent transferred to Dallas to assist in JFK assassination investigation, was (per CIA release) part of a covert operation called Project SEAL; another SEAL member was Sergio Arcacha Smith, former New Orleans anti- Castro activist (with links to Banister)whom Texas refused to extradite for Garrison. from Lee Forman post, 11/22/2005 As I recall Rose Cheramie identified Sergio Arcacha Smith as one of her attackers just prior to 11/22/63. If I recall correctly, for a reason unknown to me, after investigating this, Jim Garrison did not follow-up with it. Returning after a long break...
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