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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Any connection to Clare Booth(e) Luce (serious), or John Wilkes Booth (not so serious). In fact Clare's daughter died in a car accident in 1944?.... hmmm....
  2. A question I had for Mr. Dankbaar, the former member of the Forum, whom I occasionally e-mail with: How do you think the knowledge of the identity of DT will affect the JFK case, if at all? His reply: None. But now that Felt has come forward, it would be interesting to ask him what Nixon meant with the "hanky panky" and "the whole bay of Pigs thing" Nixon: Of course, this is a, this is Hunt, you will-that will uncover a lot of things. You open that scab there's a hell of a lot of things and that we just feel that it would be very detrimental to have this thing go any further. This involves these Cubans, Hunt, and a lot of hanky-panky that we have nothing to do with ourselves. Well what the hell, did Mitchell know about this thing to any much of a degree? ---------------- Nixon: When you get in these people when you...get these people in, say: "Look, the problem is that this will open the whole, the whole Bay of Pigs thing, and the President just feels that" ah, without going into the details... don't, don't lie to them to the extent to say there is no involvement, but just say this is sort of a comedy of errors, bizarre, without getting into it, "the President believes that it is going to open the whole Bay of Pigs thing up again. And, ah because these people are plugging for, for keeps and that they should call the FBI in and say that we wish for the country, don't go any further into this case", period! ---------------------- Also, how did Felt feel about the cover up and Nixon's pardon by Ford? End Dankbaar reply. Any thoughts by Forum members regarding how the two cases may be connected and whether there may be any further Q/A by Felt and the press?
  3. Can anyone volunteer any opinions/theories on how the revelation of Mark Felt as DT, affects the JFK case, if at all.
  4. J. Raymond Carroll: might not that equally be evidence that someone was telling him what to do and where to go? I suggest that finding this route would take some planning and inquiry for the average 19 year old American, even today. ------- Goog questions Ray, but maybe I wasn't so clear. "The someone" telling him where to go and what to do, is where I meant him finding the best way to get to Russia and to get the visa. Afterall that was his objective. Well perhaps he just was smart enough to ask the right people the right things on his way, and therefore found his way to Russia in a matter of days... then again, maybe not. My second point is, when considering his moving about Europe, the route and means of transportation he chose, imply pretty much the fastest and most expensive way to travel. The fact that he chose to fly, when cheaper alternatives were available, indicates to me that 1) he was in a hurry OR 2) he didn't care about the cost OR 3) both. Those facts lead me to believe he wasn't just having a fun little trip getting across Europe, but that he intended to defect to Russia as fast and as smoothly as he could. Where he got his information and guidance, I don't know. It could have been the travel agent in New Orleans for all I know (though not likely). J. Raymond Carroll: I suggest that finding this route would take some planning and inquiry for the average 19 year old American, even today. Yes, you're absolutely right, traveling in a foreign part of the world requires some serious planning, for pretty much anyone. Oh by the way, Eurail, available since 1959..... from the Eurail site: Who are we? The Eurail Group G.I.E. was established in 2001, replacing the Eurail community which was managing the Eurail products since 1959. The Eurail Group G.I.E. is a legal entity, registered in Luxembourg under Luxembourg law, but with its head office in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The Eurail Group is owned by a number of train- and ship operating companies, referred to as the Eurail members. In addition to the members, other travel related companies offer special prices or discounts to Eurail travellers. Such companies are not members of the Eurail Group G.I.E., and are referred to as Bonus Partners. The Eurail Group G.I.E. offers Eurail Passes and Eurailtickets via authorized sales agents outside of Europe. The Eurail products are tickets for point-to-point travels (Eurailtickets) and passes for a number of countries (Eurailpasses and Eurail Selectpasses) valid for travel during a chosen time of validity in a number of the countries of the Eurail member's operation, depending on the pass purchased.
  5. Hi Ray, I think the cheapest and the most logical way for the frugal Oswald (unless he was in a hurry) to proceed from France was to find another vessel, bound for somewhere in Scandinavia. I'm sure some were available (probably via Germany though). Even if no vessels were leaving for Scandinavia from France (LeHavre, or Calais etc.) He could have jumped on a train there and traveled to one of the bigger German harbor cities (like Hamburg) and taken a ferry to Finland from there. I don't know how much cheaper it would have been to travel by boat, but I'm sure it would have been less than the airfare. John Geraghty, I'm sure the language barrier was one issue to consider, but Oswald was bound to enter other countries on his trip, like Finland, were English wasn't any more commonly spoken than in France (back in 1959). There is no hard evidence that Oswald was directed by someone, however, IMO some of his actions and some other coincidences suggest someone was telling him what to do and where to go.
  6. Considering the conversation related to Oswald's choice concerning the mode of transportation and his route choices, I would guess that some or all of the following contributed to his choice: * His goal was Moscow and/or the Soviet Union. * He decided to fly, because he needed to be in Helsinki at a certain time (quickly). To meet with someone? * He went via London, because he didn't know better, or had to go via London in order to meet someone there. He surely didn't spend enough time there so one could consider his trip a tourist trip. * He was probably told by someone what route to take and where to pick up information on how to continue his trip. * He spent about 230 dollars on a 5000 mile sea trip (New Orleans, LA, USA to LeHavre, France) and then about 109 dollars to travel about 1200 miles from London to Helsinki. Not to mention the fact that the first leg took him several weeks and for the second to the last bit he seemed to be in a hurry. Why the sudden hurry and spending money on an expensive flight? * Lee also stayed at relatively expensive hotels in Helsinki, and then spent almost all of his remaining cash on the tourist coupons for the Soviet Union and on a train ticket to Moscow. Just like he didn't mind running out of money.... Who was going to help him financially after that????
  7. Sorry can't help with the software or computer based analysis, however, I can offer my opinion, which is based on looking at various different photo comparisons re the tramps e.g. on this forum and other websites. Here goes: IMO most likely they are Gedney, Abrams et al. and probably not Hunt, Sturgis, Harrelson, or Holt etc. Why? Because photos from around 1963 show that the individuals named last do not resemble the tramps very closely at all. For example the old tramp is too old to be Hunt, also the tall tramp is about 5-7 years older than Harrelson was then. And who is Frenchy supposed to be? It doesn't mean that these guys are innocent or that they are not involved, it's just that I haven't seen a comparison yet that I could buy.
  8. Yes, I agree with what Ron says. Another alternative is the that the body alteration took place while the transport to Bethesda was supposedly taking place. I e-mailed with Dennis David not too long ago, hoping he would join the forum as an active member, unfortunately he has not had the time to join us here. He would be another valuable eye-witness to some of the events surrounding the autopsy. Disturbingly, the reasoning of "national security" seems to qualify as an all purpose excuse when in lack of a better one. I think I'll start using that myself.
  9. Marcel, I think the difficulty of these turns has been exaggerated by many. The real issue is, how much did the limo have to slow down in order to make both the right hand and left hand turns from Commerce, to Houston and then Elm. The SS have a recommended (required?) minimum speed for Presidential motorcades, and these turns caused the limo to slow down and become an optimum target for snipers. Also soon after the turns, the limo slowed down again and that's when.....
  10. Looking at the Dallas motorcade photos, I can't see any pictures of John Connally smiling. Did he not enjoy the cheering crowd, or was he worried about something? Have a look: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/MCade.htm
  11. and the BLOB, or parietal mass, is an addition to remove the front to back trajectory that was originally visible. Shanet Clark (from the above). This particular section of the film is the part that has also struck me as possibly being fabricated. What I can see on the film is an exit wound roughly above the right ear, perhaps slightly bigger than a man's fist. Also a flap of skull seems to be dangling. If I compare what I see on the film to what the Parkland staff said regarding the exit wound, there is a conflict of about 4-5 inches regarding the location (occipital-parietal vs. above right ear and toward the top of the head). Of course the quality of the Zapruder film is so poor, it is hard to make out detail. At any rate, this point is one that has stuck in my mind as being somewhat of a discrepancy between eye witness statements and physical evidence. As there are so many of these discrepancies, it is hard not to acknowledge evidence manipulation.
  12. He then went on to work for ABC national programs; first as a special correspondent for Good Morning America and then, in 1978, for the prime time investigative show 20/20. But his brashness led to controversies with the network and in 1985 he was fired after publicly criticizing ABC for canceling his report on an alleged relationship between John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe.
  13. But John, you have to understand that the information you have put together and published in various easily accessible places (internet) poses a threat to national security. It is only for the benefit of the people that they be shielded from this type of information, as it may cause unrest if discovered by the masses. Surely you understand.
  14. From what I recall occurred according to the Zapruder film, the limo starts to slow down, Kennedy gets shot in the head. Simultaenously the SS agent leaves the SS car and runs for the President's limo, and sees his head blown to pieces before he reaches the car. That's when Jackie climbs onto the trunk to pick up a piece of JFK's skull. In my view the limo was slowing down before the agent left the follow-up car. I don't think any radio traffic on the SS radio's or any of the testimony says anything about requesting the Presidential limo to slow down so another agent can reach it from the back. Afterall there were already two agents in the car. Another picture shows the break lights on as the agent has just left the SS follow-up car.
  15. John, I commend you on the action you have taken. Well done. Some things are too hot to handle. "However, all reference to Operation Mockingbird and the CIA had been removed."
  16. I hope you recover soon Sarge. Your writings regarding the Carcano have been particularly interesting. Best regards,
  17. Agreed. Exactly the point I made not too long ago; hard to imagine one would reach for an exit wound, rather than the entry.
  18. Do not forget: Lt. Cdr. Bill Pitzer Suicide of course.... http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKpitzerW.htm Lee Oswald Murdered...on live TV. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKoswald.htm Jack Ruby Cancer..... I didn't want Jackie to have to come to the trial. Was treated for a cold, hospitalized and within a month or so, died of cancer. Naturally. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKruby.htm
  19. Neither of these assassinations, nor the attempt on Walker have been proven as deeds committed by Oswald beyond reasonable doubt, in court or outside of court. Just about all the individuals that I've read about, who were acquainted with Oswald or somehow associated with Oswald did not describe him as a 'crazed psychotic' or anything of the like.
  20. Mel Ayton April 15th, 2005.Mr. Ayton, have any of the deaths of witnesses, either closely or remotely related to the JFK case, ever struck you as being one or several of the following: * convenient for a (potential) cover-up * quite un-natural * a series of unsolved murders * a very high ratio of suicides, murders, and other violent deaths considering the number of people investigating the case, or having otherwise been close to the case. What do you think of all the individuals, who claim to have been threatened not to discuss the case? I have read numerous papers and statements on the medical evidence related to JFK's autopsy. Considering the locations and the types of wounds, I have to say it is more likely than not that JFK was (also) hit from the front. What do you make of the discrepancy between the statements by the Parkland doctors and the autopsy physicians in Bethesda MD, inparticular to the location of the head wound? Surely these issues add to the probability of a conspiracy.
  21. http://www.ytedk.com/ The site above, although anti- Edward Kennedy, seems to provide a lot of information regarding the events of July 18th and 19th at Chppaquiddick MA. I think this was simply a DUI case that ended in Mary Jo's death. It could be that a combination of events led to this incident... maybe even some help from a third party.
  22. Not that it really matters, but a reporter, not a cop, as I recall. It was the ime before HIV and other stuff. Interestingly, neither the DPD or FBI really bothered to investigate the blood and whether it was related to the murder that took place within yards of it's location. Or if they did, they pretty much kept the result of that investigation to themselves. What an investigation!
  23. Pat, You could be right about the soda. However, there were two distinctly different pools of "blood". There was a thread not too long ago on this Forum where these two pools of "blood" were discussed. From what I remember, the pool by the TSBD, was actually identified as blood by a few reporters (one of them tasted it). As far as I recall the other pool was not "examined" as thoroughly, so as far as I know it could have been blood or soda or something else. In that thread there is a clip of video, including a few shots of the section of walkway by the retaining wall, with a glance at the concrete walkway which clearly contains some sort of liquid on it. It is impossible to say what this liquid is, but we do see someone in the clip, looking like Det. Buddy Walthers looking at this liquid. At any rate, it looked suspicious enough for Det. Walthers to look at it and for someone to film it.
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