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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Tim, I would urge you to reconsider your decision. You have been an extremely valuable asset to this forum, your leaving would be a great loss to us all. I would like to better understand why you have made such a decision. Can you clarify what problems you have encountered, please?
  2. Greg, Ron and others. It was a cool day when Oswald died. Do you remember the incident at the jail when detective Jim Leavelle went to pick up Oswald for the transfer? The detectives offered Oswald a choice of two different sweaters, that his wife had brought him, because "it was a kind of a cool day". He contemplated on which sweater to wear, he chose the black one after all. I don't have much else to offer on this Sheba deal, but I think the whole killing of Oswald smells just as fishy as the entire investigation in Dallas and the Warren Report.
  3. Your question is a good one. I bet the protocol was the same, also the same type of Secret Service protection. To answer, I can only speculate. However, for the Dallas trip there had been several warnings. Examples of the warnings are Adlai Stevenson's visit to Dallas recently (the hostility expressed towards him) before JFK's visit, a letter given to the FBI warning of an assassination attempt on the President (sent to all FBI field offices prior to 11/22/63). Perhaps Anti-Castro Cubans were not involved in shooting at JFK at all, because they weren't interested in him when he visited Key West nor later when he visited Dallas. Another reason might be the fact that Dallas is possibly a more convenient location in terms of an escape (there's only one highway out of Key West, unless you want to fly out or escape by boat). Therefore a bigger city had to be chosen (many have speculated Miami and Chicago as other alternatives, based on information that became available through intelligence agencies, later.)
  4. Funny that Grandma waited almost 3 weeks to file a missing persons report. From January 11th when she expected her grand daughter back, to February 2nd.
  5. Not to be confused with William Colby, Deputy Director of the CIA back in those days. According to the Intelius site there is an Edmund Kolby, approximate age 67, living in Florida. Florida is the state with the largest number of Finnish immigrants.
  6. Aye. Braden claimed to be walking on Elm from the Cabana Motor home from the other side of the underpass... Wasn't there something fishy about the folks staying at that motel around 11/2263 anyhow. I don't recall if Braden's name was on the list, so if not, let his be added. Perhaps these fellows were in town on "business" together...
  7. Yes, but let's not look at what happened over on that knoll. We already have that commie Lee Oswald in custody and the rifle too. Lee was a rapid shooter, and accurate, and witnesses heard echoes when we need to explain some shots we can't... The single bullet theory explains everthing. Don't ask anymore. Yours Truly, The Warren Commission
  8. Tim; I don't have any evidence to prove LBJ was behind JFK's assasination in any way. However, there apparently was a heated discussion regarding seating arrangements regarding the Presidential limousine in Dallas. As I recall LBJ and JFK took part in it, LBJ wanted Senator Yarborough to sit with the President instead of Gov. Connally and his wife. This discussion/argument was heard and reported by someone close to Kennedy. I may be mistaken, but I believe it might have been Kenny O'Donnell. Someone wrote about this in a book. Furthermore, as we know LBJ was friendly with Connally and not so with Sen. Ralph Yarborough. Why Dallas, and why when Connally was next to the President, in the line of fire? I don't know.
  9. Shanet: Ferrie is next to the Captain, the second man from the left. Ferrie is the man in the white T-shirt, disturbingly close to the boy bent over to light a fire....
  10. Tosh, you bring up this character every now and then. You have aroused my interest in his work. Where and when will this material be available to researchers? Referring to: "His material is a must read". Thanks.
  11. Good call Tim Gratz! I had thought about is myself. Here goes... Top 5 reasons: 1.) It was impossible to cause the damage suffered by JFK and Connaly with the Carcano rifle and scope as specified by Warren Commission and LN theorists. 2.) The Single (ridiculous) Bullet Theory does not hold water and is a preposterous notion to begin with. Why? Look at the ballistic evidence, trace the bullet holes from the two victims and anyone with an IQ above 50 will see it doesn't quite add up. 3.) Lee Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City: a) a taped telephone call exists which clearly is not Lee Oswald's voice nor does the spoken language represent Lee Oswald's Russian languange skills. There are photos of Lee Oswald visiting the Russian and or Cuban Embassies in Mexico City. The man photographed and claimed to have been Lee Oswald, is clearly not Lee Harvey Oswald, the man accused of killing JFK. 4.) No one would keep such an amount of incriminating evidence in someone elses garage or house or anywhere else for that matter. This includes the "back yard photos", the letter which purportedly told Marina what to do in case Lee would have been arrested after trying to shoot at Gen. Walker. 5.) No reasonable motives have been presented.
  12. Considering everything that must have happened at the TSBD on and around 11/22/63, I also find it difficult to believe that all TSBD employees interrogated by the FBI, DPD and WC spoke the truth. I'm sure there are other flaws in other individuals' testimonies, such as Danny Arce's and the other men's that were on the 5th floor around 12:30 that day. So, who buys the TSBD testimonies that nobody saw anyone who wasn't an employee of the TSBD immediately before or after the shots were fired? I don't.
  13. C. David Heymann (a/k/a Clemens Claude Heymann) I think the real name of the author C. David Heymann is Clemens Claude Heymann, born 1949. He uses C. David Heymann as his name when he publishes. He lives on Manhattan in New York City, New York USA.
  14. Yet another normal, natural, perfectly innocent coincidence in the JFK case... which should not cause anyone to research the issue.
  15. John and others, I couldn't find very much with the information "C. David Heymann" Perhaps he is writing under and alias? Does anyone know? What does C. stand for in his name? I'd need a little more in order to dig him up.
  16. Thanks Larry, I had indeed missed that. However, now that we know that the Chevy -57 belonged to a Ft. Worth Walker supporter and that sometime after the photo was apprehended, the license plate number was scratched out, the only thing I can think of is, why? If the car belonged to a less important character in this case, why bother? That only made the photo look more suspicous than it actually was to begin with. Does anyone have a reasonable explanantion as to why the license plate number was sratched out? Thanks. Antti
  17. John Ritchson: Sorry, I believe Gunny Hathcock passed away in 1996. God bless his soul. John Ritchson, personally, I believe you are more than qualified to analyze, research and express your opinion on the JFK case. More particularly your expertise seems to be of the highest level with regard to ballistics and the carcano carbine. Your postings are much appreciated. Your analysis reinforces the fact that President Kennedy was assassinated by more than one rifle and rifleman, positioned in different locations around Dealy Plaza, neither of which was Lee Oswald and his Mannlicher Carcano.
  18. Great post Don Roberdeau! Just a question that has been bothering me since I first heard the license plate had been scratched out from the photo: How is it that Gen Walker could not identify the car or the owner of the car parked in his driveway? The only explanation I can think of is, he didn't want to have it identified, becuase there is something sinister about it. Had the DPD wanted to identify the car, they could have done so. Could this man Harold Bishop from the CIA, with ties to Cubans, actually be the man thought to have been Maurice Bishop a.k.a. David A. Phillips?
  19. IMO it's most likely not Braden or Brading. Look at the chin. It's not the same. Many other facial characters are hidden by a hat and sunglasses.
  20. John Ritchson; Thank you for your reply. That does clear up what I had in mind. Especially the part where you said: "With respect to the JFK murder, there is no way to mask the super-sonic crack of a high velocity in flight. With that in mind however, snipers sometimes use a silencer to mask their location by silencing the Muzzle-Blast of their weapon as well as not kicking up any soil or debris thus allowing them those critical few moments to effect their escape. [This does not appear to be the case in the JFK murder. The assassins didn't seem to be concerned with such details since the FIX WAS IN as it were.]" I do agree that there were 2 or 3 assassins with probably at least 2 different weapons.
  21. Tim, In my opinion part of that theory would work. I'm wondering if there is a connection between Gen. Edwin Walker and George DeMohrenschildt? That connection might help in explaning the pot shot taken at him in April 1963.
  22. Shanet, John Ritchson has made a convincing statement with regard to the Mannlicher carbine on this Forum. See this link http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=1693
  23. A few interesting observations of Daniel Arce's WC testimony: 1) In the beginning they don't ask his age, which they did ask in many cases. At the time 11/22/63 he was 18 (according to his affidavit). Joe Ball doesn't go into his background very much. Today he would be 59 or 60. 2) In the end they don't ask him if there was anything else worth mentioning that he thought he ought to mention. 3) In his affidavit he doesn't mention where the shots came from. In the WC questioning he explains he thought they came from the west by the rail road tracks. 4) Quote from WC questioning: ---------- Mr. BALL. Then what did you do? Mr. ARCE. Well, I quit school and found a job and worked. Mr. BALL. Where did you find a job? Mr. ARCE.. The first job, well, you don't want--- Mr. BALL. No; Just in general. Mr. ARCE. Oh, I worked as a cook, short order cook and busboy, and just odd jobs at this Rubenstein place on Hall Rubenstein and Sons. I haven't had too many jobs. Mr. BALL. What is Rubenstein and Son, a restaurant? Mr. ARCE. No; kind of an oyster place; they pack them and send them out, I guess. --------- Question: Does the name of this business have any relation to one Jacob Rubenstein, or family?
  24. No, Sorry. Don't know of anything with regard to investigating Williams or Arce. Now, who was it that appeared in The Men who killed Kennedy? I recall one of the TSBD fellows was on that show. Somehow I recall it as having been Junior Jarman. Or was it Williams? Apparently I have entered some false data in a previous posting of mine. (See the above quote). According to the Intelius search program, data last verified July 1st 1993, Roy Sansom Truly would still be alive in Texas today at age 97. However, Gary Mack corrected me by telling me that Truly had expired in 1985. At any rate it would have been interesting to ask him a few questions about the TSBD, and it's employees in 1963.
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