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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. A bomb threat was called into city hall in the Ohio town that has become an immigration flashpoint in Donald Trump's re-election campaign.

    Springfield city hall was evacuated Thursday around 8:30 a.m. after city officials said the bomb threat was made against "multiple facilities throughout" the town where Trump and his running mate have claimed that Haitian immigrants are stealing and eating pets, reported the Springfield News-Sun.


    Thank you Donald Trump, for making this all okay.

    Steve Thomas


  2. - Marianne Williamson -

    "Continuing to dump on Trump because of the 'eating cats' issue will create blowback on Nov. 5," Williamson posted on X. "Haitian voodoo is in fact real, and to dismiss the story out-of-hand rather than listen to the citizens of Springfield, Ohio confirms in the minds of many voters the stereotype of Democrats as smug elite jerks who think they’re too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo."

    Voodoo is real': Ex-Dem candidate calls own party 'elite jerks' for dismissing pet hoax
    By Travis Gettys September 12, 2024

    "Trump has been associating immigrants with the fictional cannibal, Dr. Hannibal Lector, and his claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets appears to be rooted in both historic disgust about immigrant foods and hysteria over rare instances of human sacrifices by practitioners of voodoo, which is a syncretism between several traditional religions of West and Central Africa and Roman Catholicism."i


    I said that cannibalism would be introduced into the picture before it was all over.

    Steve Thomas

  3. Republicans give Trump's economic sabotage plan the cold shoulder
    By Brad Reed September 12, 2024


    Trump is demanding that the Republicans in Congress shut the government down and railing at the Fed for cutting interest rates to make it easier for people to buy homes and cars.

    Trump needs to run on a ruined economy.

    Trump's policies are not popular for the Republicans who are running for re-election.


    This is funny to watch.

    Steve Thomas








  4. - Right-wing "influencer" (i.e. nut-job) Dave Rubin -

    "Let's talk a little bit about how this fits into the pop culture part of this, because the pop culture is a huge driver of the cultural narrative," said Rubin. "Poor Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris on Instagram after the debate on ABC, proudly calls herself 'a childless cat lady.' Elon Musk, who they hate, saw that and he wrote this: 'Fine Taylor ... you win ... I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life.' So he's mocking and exposing the ridiculousness, right?"


    "It's like Taylor Swift, you are a young, pretty girl," said Rubin. "Do you know what the gang members from Venezuela do to young, pretty girls? It ain't pretty."


    Steve Thomas

  5. - German Foreign Ministry -

    ""Like it or not: Germany’s energy system is fully operational, with more than 50% renewables," the German foreign ministry, which is led by Annalena Baerbock of the country's green party as part of a coalition arrangement, wrote on social media. "And we are shutting down—not building—coal and nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest."

    "PS: We also don't eat cats and dogs."


    Steve Thomas

  6. = Steve Benen, MSNBC -

    "A bunch of hysterical people told the senator that the ludicrous theory (vis-a-vis the cats and ducks)  might be true, so Vance, instead of relying on facts, proceeded as if the preposterous claims had merit and deserved to be amplified."

    "The idea of applying critical thinking skills never entered the picture. The vice presidential hopeful isn’t a leader so much as he’s a follower of frenzied conservatives who saw some racist garbage on Facebook."


    You can't overlook the racist angle to all this. The perpetrators are all dark-skinned immigrants.

    Mark my words, before it's all over, cannibalism will be introduced into the picture.

    Steve Thomas

  7. 13 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


    Donald Trump Saves Pets From Dark-Skinned Native Savages!






    Things are getting pretty weird out there.

    Steve Thomas



    - United States Senator, Ted Cruz -

    "Please Vote for Trump

    So Haitian Immigrants Don't Eat Us"



    A United States Senator wrote this.

    Truly, A United States of America Senator wrote this.

    And Ted Cruz of all people, who's ancestors were Cuban, and whose wife Donald Trump insulted and whose father Donald Trump maligned.

    Matthew 25:40    King James Version

    40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.


    Steve Thomas

  8. 18 minutes ago, Michael Kalin said:

    Steve, as always you go down interesting avenues, particularly this one that leads to the Mobil Station at 10th and Beckley. Nice if it could be positively connected to Croy, but I'm not seeing a missing first day document in this, only missing content from the radio tapes. Am I splitting hairs? Probably, but I'm hoping to avoid discussion of the radio tapes' defects in this thread.


    I spent some time trying to research Mobil Gas stations in Dallas in 1963 - asking questions in the Dallas Historical Society forum, trying to do property records research on the 4 corners of that intersection, trying investigative techniques on people who are interested in the history of gas stations, etc., but I was unsuccessful.

    My skills are limited.

    Mostly. I was interested in that missing phone call.

    I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hijack your thread. I won't say any more.



  9. 7 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Wow Steve.  Hawkins at TENTH and BECKLEY to make a phone call.  Tippit calling from the Top TEN record store.  I know, not the point, but an interesting coincidence.


    It gets weirder.

    Sometime between the search of the houses and the sighting of a suspect at the Library, Hawkins and Hutson make a stop at a Mobile Gas Station at 10th and Beckley to make a phone call, supposedly in response from a request from Dispatch to call in.

    I do not find any reference to this phone call in the Dispatch tapes.

    Is it odd that Tippit and Hawkins are making phone calls on a landline telephone right around this same time period?


    Mr. BALL. Did you go to 10th and Patton?
    Mr. HAWKINS. We drove by 10th and Patton--we didn't stop at the location.
    Mr. BALL. Where did you go then?
    Mr. HAWKINS. We circled the vicinity around Jefferson and Marsalis

    The last known reports were that the suspect was headed west, why is Hawkins circling Jefferson and Marsalis, which is about six blocks east of the shooting?


    WC testimony of Kenneth Croy:

    Mr. GRIFFIN. Where do you live?
    Mr. CROY. 1658 Glenfield Dallas, Tex.

    Mr. GRIFFIN. What is your occupation?
    Mr. CROY. I have several.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Let's have them in order.
    Mr. CROY. I am in the real estate business. I have a Mobil service station...”

    1658 Glenfield is roughly a mile southwest of the Texas Theater

    posting by an unknown author in the ReopenKennedyCase Forum 1/29/2014


    Croy’s home by the way was 1658 Glenfield. This was the same street that J. D. Tippit lived on until 1961. Glenfield was also the same street that Carl Amos Mather used to live on a few blocks from Tippit’s house when they first became friends. For those unfamiliar with Mather he is connected to proceedings because a license plate number was taken down by garage mechanic T. F. White close to the Texas Theater immediately after Oswald’s arrest that was traced back to Carl Amos Mather’s car. The occupant of the car seen by White bore an uncanny resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald and Carl Mather, when interviewed, told of his friendship with J. D. Tippit. Tippit's old house of 1919 Glenfield, even though he and his family no longer lived there in 1963, was still in his possession and the property was rented out As far as I'm aware it was never investigated who it was rented out to. Croy’s house was three blocks from the house Tippit owned. During his Warren Commission testimony it is interesting to note that Croy was not asked if he knew Officer Tippit”.


    The Dallas Police Officers' handcuffs were their personal property. Hawkins' handcuffs were used to handcuff Lee Harvey Oswald upon his arrest.After the assassination, Hawkins did not donate these to a museum or the National Archives. He kept them and later, he, or his estate, sold them at auction.

    $250,000 in 2016 would be worth $327,000 today.

    Lee Harvey Oswald handcuffs valued at $250,000


    November 30, 2016

    "The Dallas Police Department made its officers and detectives buy their own handcuffs, thus allowing Hawkins to retain his private property after the assassination."

    The lot is estimated to bring in $250,000 ahead of the December 3 close date.




    Oswald was bundled into a patrol car and taken downtown. Hawkins followed and then went about fulfilling the routine written reports and pertinent interviews. The handcuffs, no longer needed once Oswald was secure in the Dallas Police holding cells, were returned to Officer Hawkins. These are the handcuffs that captured President Kennedy’s assassin. The Smith & Wesson cuffs were originally issued to Officer Hawkins when he joined the Dallas Police Department in 1953. Bearing the serial number “38468”, Hawkins used these rare and iconic cuffs throughout his entire career and retained them after he left the force. The Smith & Wesson handcuffs remain a silent reminder of that fateful day in Dallas when the Nation changed forever. The handcuffs are accompanied by a signed and notarized affidavit from Ray Hawkins describing his actions on November 22, 1963 and the role these handcuffs played the capture of Lee Harvey Oswald. It is also noteworthy to mention that this is one of the very few significant JFK-Oswald items that is not in the National Archives. The Dallas Police Department made its officers and detectives buy their own handcuffs, thus allowing Hawkins to retain his private property after the assassination. ,”

    Ray Hawkins:




    Are ivory-handled revolvers standard issue for a traffic cop?


    Steve Thomas

  10. 1 hour ago, Michael Kalin said:

    Perhaps I did not identify the telephone call sheets accurately. The reference was to DPD's records of incoming telephone calls from the public on 11/22/63. I believe they were destroyed with the consequent loss of important information.


    Here's another one, although this call was not from the public.

    In his Warren Commission testimony, Motorcycle Officer, Thomas Hutson testified that he was riding with Officers Ray Hawkins and another Officer named Baggett, responding to the Tippitt shooting. Hutson testified that the clutch on his cycle was burned out.

    His testimony is In Vol VII, page 29. https://www.jfk-assassination.eu/warren/wch/vol7/page29.php

    While they were cruising around, Hawkins, who was driving, stopped at a Mobil gas station at 10th and Beckley to make a phone call.

    Hutson wasn't positive, but he thought the station had told them to call in.

    There is no record in the Dispatch tapes instructing Hawkins to call in. No record of Hawkins reporting in that he was temporarily out of his car, and no record of him reporting that he was back in service. Hutson had to beep the horn to get Hawkins' and Baggett's attention when an announcement was broadcast that the subject was seen running into the Library.

    Hawkins made no mention of that phone call in his WC testimony.

    To me that phone call is every bit as mysterious and suspicious as Tippit's call from the Top Ten Record Store.

    Steve Thomas


  11. 54 minutes ago, Michael Kalin said:

    1. Benavides' DPD affidavit. (Leavelle's Supplementary Offense Report 11/22/63)
    2. Benavides' FBI statement. (United States Government Memorandum 3/1/67)
    3. DPD telephone call sheets.
    4. Scoggins' trip manifest.
    5. Scoggins' cab company statement. (FBI report 3/17/64)
    6. Cab company's telephone log. (FBI report 11/28/63)
    7. Dudley M. Hughes Funeral Home ambulance call slip. ("The Other Witnesses" by the Nashes 10/12/64)

    I can think of seven so far that have a direct bearing on the case, arranged more or less in descending order of importance. With the exception of #5 there is little doubt that they existed on 11/22/63 and were subsequently ignored, lost or discarded. References are noted in parentheses. Most, if not all, might have proven far more helpful in resolving the timing issues than the muddled radio tapes.

    The discarded Benavides documents also cut directly to the heart of what actually happened when Tippit was murdered.

    If there are others please add them to the list. Better yet, if I'm mistaken, copies will be welcome.


    I would add, and this has irked me greatly, is the lack of a fingerprint test on the shells found and turned over by Benevides.

    An officer was standing right there with a fingerprint kit taking fingerprints off Tippit's car.

    Steve Thomas


  12. Georgia school shooting highlights fears about classroom cellphone bans
    BY  ANDREW DEMILLO September 7, 2024

    "The moves to restrict phone use in schools have been driven by concerns about the impact screentime has on children’s mental health and complaints from teachers that cellphones have become a constant distraction in the classroom. But those opposed to the bans say they cut off a lifeline parents have to make sure their children are safe during school shootings or other emergencies."

    Steve Thomas

  13. - Lara Trump -

    “He showed us a whole lot that we didn’t know was going on — within the media, within Washington, D.C. He exposed a lot of people. So they have to do everything they can to keep him out of that White House ’cause they know Donald Trump gets in for four more years, the jig is up for them. The gloves are off. There are no holds barred here. He is going full-throttle. He’s not worried about winning another election [in 2028]. It’s four years of scorched earth when Donald Trump retakes the White House.”

    Steve Thomas

  14. 2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


    My brother-in-law, an ex-Army Ranger, isn't convinced that the U.S. military would back Trump if he moves against the Constitution.  

    I wonder if there are any recent polls of military support for Il Douche.




    I have always believed that it's going to come down to which parts of the military are going to do Trump's bidding, and which ones won't.

    He had to scrape an ad-hoc group together in Lafayette Park so he could take that Bible photo op walk.

    Steve Thomas

  15. More babbling nonsense.

    Trump issues 'cease and desist' against any Democrat engaging in election 'skullduggery'
    By David McAfee September 7, 2024
    In a post labeled as a "CEASE & DESIST," Trump claimed that he, "together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars," is "watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely."
    "I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again," the ex-president added. "We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T!"
    "Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country."

    So, any of you guys who plan on engaging in skullduggery, you'd better watch it!

    You'd better not call some Secretary of State somewhere and ask him to find you some votes neither!

    Steve Thomas

  16. How's this for a kick in the pants?

    In his affidavit, Lee Bowers said that the 1959 Oldsmobile and the 1961 Chevy Impala that came in the area behind the fence that deadended in the railroad yards, had license plates with a white background, all black numbers and no letters.

    I once wrote to a national association of license plate collectors, and asked them who, in 1963, had that configuration.

    They wrote me back and said that there was only one state with that layout. It was Virginia.

    Two cars with the same type Virginia plates, both with "Godwater for 64" stickers.

    Can you say Langley?

    Steve. Thomas

  17. - Marjorie Taylor Greene -
    "When I was in high school, then-Senator Joe Biden was responsible for gun free school zones, but a student still brought guns to my school and we were put on lock down. 
    We should be protecting our kids the same way Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and so many of our politicians are protected every single day. We need more good guys with guns..." 


    I.e. Every child in America should have their own armed bodyguards and Secret Service Protection Detail.

    Playground fights would get very interesting.

    Steve Thomas

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