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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. 6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


     The 2 Americans on the scene who he blames most for the death of Lumumba are Paul Hofmann a reporter for the NY TImes who wrote many biased stories about him when he was caught, and Larry  Devlin CIA station chief, who aided and guided his capture. Devlin went on to run the CIA Africa Division and pursued a career in the Congo's very rich diamond industry.


    It seems to me that Devlin's name has come up before.

    Maybe in connection to Gottlieb perhaps?

    Steve Thomas

  2. A claim by Donald Trump on Fox News that the crowd who attended the debate between himself and Vice President Kamala Harris "went absolutely crazy" when he was fact-checked led to both amusement and new questions about his mental decline on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Thursday.

    The big issue? There was no crowd.



    Now is the time when we really, really, really need to question Donald Trump's obsession with crowd sizes.


    Steve Thomas

  3. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-says-will-visit-springfield-ohio-two-weeks-rcna171758

    “Former President Donald Trump said at a rally Wednesday that he would travel to Springfield, Ohio, the focal point of unsubstantiated claims targeting Haitian migrants, "in the next two weeks."

    "I’m going to go there in the next two weeks. I’m going to Springfield, and I’m going to Aurora" in Colorado, Trump said at a rally in Uniondale, New York.

    "You may never see me again, but that’s OK. Got to do what I got to do," Trump added. "'Whatever happened to Trump?' 'Well, he never got out of Springfield.'"


    Well, you know what those Haitians are like.

    As long as Donald doesn't use the litter box that are in one of the schools, he should be alright.

    Steve Thomas

  4. - Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AR) -
    "The Fed’s drastic rate cut is shamelessly political. Our nation’s central bank has no business moving rates this close to an election and is clearly trying to tip the balance in favor of Kamala Harris."
     Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is a Republican who was appointed by Trump in 2018.
    He knows all that stuff. He needs to go back to proving how much he supports the military and military families by holding up hundreds of promotions.

    Steve Thomas

  5. Trump Tower in Chicago ruled a Public Nuisance


    "A jury is set to decide how much a Trump hotel will have to pay for pumping millions of gallons of heated water into a Chicago river.

    The award is likely to run into many millions of dollars after Trump Tower in Chicago failed to install filters to stop fish from being sucked into its cooling system and also of pumping millions of gallons of heated water back into the Chicago river."

    "The hotel was built along the Chicago River. In 2018, the state of Illinois, Friends of the Chicago River and the Sierra Club sued Trump after a permit review revealed that Trump Tower was consuming more than 20 million gallons of river water per day to cool the building.

    Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul alleged in court documents that Trump ignored a requirement that he install a screen to prevent fish and other aquatic life from being sucked into the cooling pipes and killed."

    Steve Thomas


  6. 'Very chilling': Alarming detail emerges about violent threats in Springfield

    by Kathleen Culliton September 17, 2024


    “Wittenberg University president Dr. Michael Frandsen appeared on the cable news network Tuesday morning to discuss the violent threats that forced him to transition students to remote learning — and to share a fact that shocked anchor Wolf Blitzer.”

    "It's chilling to hear that students are being named in some of these threats," Blitzer said. "That's very chilling."

    “Frandsen said students are stunned by what is occurring in the Ohio town, which has seen 33 bomb threats, trooper patrols at 17 local schools, two elementary school evacuations and virtual learning implemented at two colleges, CNN reported.”

    Steve Thomas

  7. Kansas, Oklahoma officials receive suspicious mail with white powder substance
    By Anna Kaminski, Oklahoma Voice September 17, 2024

    "Election offices in Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming also received suspicious packages on Monday.
    Clay Barker, general counsel to Secretary of State Scott Schwab, said the Kansas office was on alert after staff were briefed Monday that Nebraska’s election office had received a package with white powder and a return address that referenced “US Traitor Elimination Army.”

    Steve Thomas

  8. The Chinese eat ducks too.

    Where the hell do you think the term Peking Duck comes from?

    I think we should deport all the Chinese people too, and every other Asian person while we're at it, or as Attorney General, Michael Palmer put it, anyone with "lopsided faces, sloping brows, and misshapen features”.

    You remember the "Yellow Peril."


    From The Chinese Exclusion Case” (1889)

    "The exclusion of paupers, criminals, and persons afflicted with incurable diseases, for which statutes have been passed, is only an application of the same power to particular classes of persons, whose presence is deemed injurious or a source of danger to the country. As applied to them, there has never been any question as to the power to exclude them. The power is constantly exercised; its existence is involved in the right of selfpreservation."


    Sound familiar?

    Steve Thomas

  9. Trump has now set his sights on Charleroi, PA, a town about 30 miles south of Pittsburgh.

    he falsely claimed that immigrants in the borough were bankrupting residents by hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Now, there are reports of a tent city in the Rite Aid parking lot, and people walking down the street carrying live chickens.

    Turmoil erupts in Pennsylvania town after Trump spreads false claims about Haitians there

    by Sarah K. Burris September 16, 2024



    He's not going to be happy until he gets somebody killed.


    Steve Thomas

  10. 3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


    They wont be happy until they shut that town down. It's an interesting case study. How you can bring a city of 60.000 people to its knees. Hospitals, schools, government offices...

    Steve Thomas

    It's interesting.

    Donald Trump, and his minions, have declared war on an entire town.

    It's one thing when you attack something nebulous like a race of people, or a gender of people.

    It's something entirely different when you start attacking infrastructure.

    It will be interesting to see who wins.

    David Jolly said that this was the week that Donald Trump lost the election.

    I can believe it.

    Steve Thomas



  11. More bomb threats hit Springfield, Ohio, after Trump elevates false claims about Haitians


    "Two hospitals sent into lockdown, government buildings shut down and local schools evacuated."

    “Two hospitals in Springfield, Ohio, were sent into lockdown after bomb threats, police said Saturday, marking the fourth such case in as many days that appears linked to false claims circulating among the far right that Haitian immigrants there are eating domestic pets and wildlife.

    Saturday’s threats came even after the woman who started the rumors acknowledged to NBC News that they were unfounded and publicly apologized.”


    They wont be happy until they shut that town down. It's an interesting case study. How you can bring a city of 60.000 people to its knees. Hospitals, schools, government offices...

    Steve Thomas

  12. 14 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


        Trump is the very definition of a "stochastic terrorist" -- i.e., a demagogue who incites random acts of violence against the citizenry.



    You are absolutely right. Trump's threat of mass deportation of Hatian immigrants so that he can " send them back to Venezuela" is terrorism just for the sake of causing terror.

    There is no logic or political purpose. It's just terror for the sake of terror.

    The man must never be allowed to hold power again.

    Steve Thomas

  13. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Any predictions about Don's latest possible con?

    I predict that Trump is doing a head fake, to keep the price from plunging before he dumps his shares next week.

    Trump Claims He’s Not Selling Stake in Trump Media

    September 13, 2024 at 3:04 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

    Shares of Trump Media surged Friday after majority owner Donald Trump said he is not selling his stake, NBC News reports.

    Said Trump: “I have absolutely no intention of selling.”

    When Trump dumps his half a million shares, or whatever it is, and he will, the price is going to plummet. Shares will only be worth pennies on rhe dollar. People stand to lose their life savings.

    Steve Thomas

  14. People in Springfield, Ohio and elsewhere, are getting pissed.

    - J.D. Vance -

    "In Springfield, Ohio, there has been a massive rise in communicable diseases, rent prices, car insurance rates, and crime," Vance wrote. "This is what happens when you drop 20,000 people into a small community. [Vice President] Kamala Harris's immigration policy aims to do this to every town in our country."


    People are eating your dogs and cats. Now they've introduced human sacrifice, voodoo and cannibalism.


    The elementary schools are being evacuated because of bomb threats. City Hall had to be evacuated.  Neighbors are now afraid of each other.

    All this is happening in a small Midwestern Town because some asshole politicians want to exploit a situation for their own personal gain.

    People are calling for J.D. Vance to resign (he's a United States Senator for God's sake), and also withdraw from the Presidential race. nobody wants him anywhere near the White House.


    "No sanitizing this. @jdvance and @realDonaldTrump bear full responsibility. They’re promoters of terrorism; and they did it intentionally," wrote columnist, reporter, and former editor in chief of Crooked Media Brian Beutler."


    Steve Thomas


  15. - Laura Loomer -

    “Haitian immigrants aren’t just eating cats and dogs. They eat HUMANS. Remember their leader? Known as “Barbeque”? Only Hannibal Lecter himself would want to bring more of them to the United States! Don’t let the media say that concerns about illegal immigration are “conspiracy theories”. These aren’t rumors. It’s a FACT. When you import the third world, you become the third world, and we won’t allow it here in America.”


    See? I told you. They can't help themselves. That's the problem with sensationalism. You have to keep upping the ante, or people get bored.

    Steve Thomas

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