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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. 33 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    I do not see how Trump's pick for V{P would be allowed to attend the debate if there is no audience under the rules.


    That crossed my mind too, that's why I put that line in there.

    I suppose it comes down to the definition of the word, "attend". I suppose you could "attend" the debate from home.

    Given the fact that, in the end, Mike Pence refused to do what Donald Trump wanted him to do, I don't think Trump will risk that again.

    It occurred to me that one way to avoid being undercut by your second-in-command is to simply not have one. If he does pick someone, it will have to be somebody who is already so compromised in their own right, that they won't dare to cross him. Trump will blackmail him or her six ways to Sunday.

    There is no other Republican who can bring any more strength to the ticket then Donald himself, so his running mate will not be adding anything to the ticket.

    Hitler didn't have a second-in-command, did he? Did Mussolini? Did Pinochet? Did Peron, or Ceasar, or Emperor Maximilian, or Henry VIII, or  Louis XVI?

    If Trump is forced to have a Vice-President, that guy will be banished to Barrow, Alaska.

    Steve Thomas


  2. What would happen if Donald Trump did not pick a Vice-President and didn’t nominate one for the Congress to confirm?


    The 25th Amendment says that: “In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.”

    Its next section reads: “Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.”



    The former president said Saturday that he's made his pick and that person will attend Thursday's presidential debate.

    • Trump added that the person he's picked doesn't know it yet, and it was unclear from his comments when he planned to tell them.

    • The former president previously said he would announce his vice president at the RNC, which is scheduled for July 15-18.


      There is not going to be an audience at the debate

    I can see Trump not wanting a Vice-President, considering what happened to Pence and all.

    Steve Thomas


  3. Monica Crowley, a former Fox News personality and Treasury Department official during Donald Trump’s presidential administration, showed love to Cold War-era Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) on Friday as she pushed a bizarre conspiracy theory that seemed straight out of the Red Scare.


    “By the way, Sen. Joe McCarthy was right,” Crowley said in remarks to the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s annual conference in Washington. “And he was trying to ring the bell in the 1950s about communist infiltration in our government.”


    - Monica Crowley -



    “Senator Joe McCarthy was right… The same deep state going after Donald Trump, the same deep state that removed Richard Nixon… that deep state smeared and attacked Joe McCarthy for speaking the truth.. “


    When all else fails...

    Steve Thomas

  4. One filing reads: "President Trump has, in fact, been injured by the fact that the attorney general unleashed Smith as a Biden campaign surrogate to try to harm President Trump's campaign by any means necessary."


    Well, What’s your evidence of that?


    We don’t have any.



    Trump's legal team argued... that Smith, who has charged the ex-president in Florida and Washington, D.C., was not lawfully appointed as special counsel, saying his position amounted to a "shadow government," and Cannon asked him to explain, reported CNN.

    “That sounds very ominous,” Cannon said to Trump lawyer Emil Bove. “But what do you really mean?”

    Bove did not directly answer the judge's question


    This Judge, Aileen Cannon, is spending a day-and-a-half entertaining this nonsense.

    It's ridiculous.

    Steve Thomas


  5. Spineless people': J6er lawyer fumes that RNC doesn't want MAGA rioters at convention

    by Brad Reed June 21, 2024


    Joseph McBride, an attorney who has represented multiple January 6th defendants, is not happy that members of the Republican National Committee seem cool to the idea of inviting MAGA rioters on stage to speak at next month's Republican National Convention.”



    Well, now.


    So much for being Warriors and Patriots and Hostages.


    Steve Thomas

  6. Certain images have become iconic down through the ages and stick in our minds.

    The Hindenburg Disaster. Raising the flag at Iwo Jima.

    We will soon be experiencing another one.

    The sight pf 2500 delegates at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, wildly cheering and applauding an empty stage and lonely podium as their boss sits in a jail cell 700 miles away in New York..


    All those balloons floating down from the ceiling, and nobody home.

    Who will accept on his behalf? His VP?

    It will be just our luck if it's Marjorie Taylor Greene or Katie Britt warning of the dangers of Mexican drug-dealing rapists climbing out of her kitchen cabinets coming for your children.

    Steve Thomas

  7. Deluge of fake news websites threatens to drown out truth during US election



    "According to a recent report from NewsGuard, a company that aims to counter misinformation by studying and rating news websites, the websites are so prolific that: “The odds are now better than 50-50 that if you see a news website purporting to cover local news, it’s fake.”

    NewsGuard estimates that there are a staggering 1,265 such fake local news websites in the US – 4% more than the websites of 1,213 daily newspapers left operating in the country.”


    Be judicious out there.

    Steve Thomas

  8. - Republican Missouri Secretary of State candidate Valentina Gomez -


    “These ungrateful people (black people) should be celebrating because they were born in the greatest nation to ever exist."

    "Here's a tip; If you don't like America, kindly, get the f--- out,"


    We did you people a favor by bringing you over here as slaves, don't you know. You learned how to pick cotton and everything.


    Steve Thomas

  9. Vermont lawmaker apologizes for repeatedly pouring water in her colleague’s bag

    Updated 3:36 PM CDT, June 18, 2024


    MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — “A Republican state lawmaker from Vermont has apologized for repeatedly pouring water into a Democratic colleague’s bag, after he caught her doing it on video.

    State Rep. Mary Morrissey publicly apologized to state Rep. Jim Carroll, colleagues and the citizens of Vermont from the House floor on Monday. Both are from Bennington, a town of about 15,000 in the southwestern corner of the state.

    “I am truly ashamed for my actions,” Morrissey said of “her disrespectful conduct” toward Carroll. She said she had apologized directly to Carroll and would be working toward “resolution and restoration through out legislative process.”

    In response, Carroll told the chamber that he heard the sincerity in her voice but that he had to be frank, saying: “For five months, I went through this,” and Morrissey had a choice each time she did it.

    “It was torment,” he said.”


    Well, you know, some people got issues.


    Steve Thomas

  10. - Donald Trump -

    "Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!"


    If you don't support Donald Trump, you should lose your job and your livelihood.

    They want to deport 20 million immigrants and deprive business leaders of their livelihood. I suppose the CEO's of Ford and Chase Manhattan Bank could go work in the fields picking watermelons and stuff.

    Is this going to be a great country to live in, or what?

    Steve Thomas

  11. Rachel Maddow on the View.


    More and more Donald Trump is expressing violent, bloody images.

    "there's going to be a BLOODBATH in the auto industry... There's going to be a BLOODBATH if he loses the election... The upcoming debate is going to be a BLOODBATH and give him money so you can join in.

    He's talking about sharks and Hannibal Lecter and bringing out the guillotine.

    Then he's talking about his followers committing suicide before they would vote for Biden, a la Jim Jones.

    More and more Trump is evoking this violent imagery.


    This is not going to end well.

    Steve Thomas

  12. Miracle MAGA water provides instant freedom with every sip

    by Ellsworth Toohey Jun 17, 2024


    “Turning Point USA has just unveiled the most groundbreaking invention since holy water: Freedom2O, the water that literally gives you freedom.

    No longer will you have to rely on woke things like the Constitution or the Bill of Rights to protect your free speech. All you need is a swig of this magical elixir and BAM! Instant liberty coursing through your veins.

    But wait, there's more! Not only does Freedom2O quench your thirst for hydration, it also quenches your thirst for rebellion. As the speaker so eloquently put it, "It's not just refreshing. It's rebellious and it's unapologetic to drink this in public."

    Nothing owns the libs like publicly consuming a plastic bottle of overpriced water.”



    P.T. Barnum is alive and well.

    Steve Thomas

  13. GOP Candidate Endorsed By ‘Back From The Dead’ MLK In Unhinged AI Video

    By Lee Moran Jun 17, 2024



    “Michigan Republican primary congressional candidate Anthony Hudson wildly backtracked after initially apologizing for a video shared on his TikTok account in which he was endorsed by an AI-enhanced voice that sounded like civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr.

    “I have another dream. Yes, it is me, Martin Luther King. I came back from the dead to say something,” the voice said in the clip. “As I was saying, I have another dream that Anthony Hudson will be Michigan 8th District’s next congressman. Yes, I have a dream again. OK, now I am going back to where I came from. Goodbye.” The voice of Donald Trump loyalist Hudson then said he “approves this message.””


    That’s just sick.

    Steve Thomas

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