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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. San Francisco readies the 'Trump prison chicken' for display during ex-president's visit

    by Kathleen Culliton June 5, 2024


    “San Francisco is readying a less-than-warm welcome for former President and convicted felon Donald Trump on Thursday when he attends a fundraiser tech billionaires are throwing him; a 3-story-tall inflatable chicken bearing his golden bouffant and prison stripes, according to the local Fox affiliate KTVU.

    The Trump prison chicken will bob in the bay that is also home to Alcatraz Island, home to the now-shuttered notorious prison, organizer Danelle Morton reported said.”

    "We want to give you a chance to speak your piece to the Chicken President when we sail our 33-foot bird in his Prisoner45 shirt slowly down the Embarcadero and further south this Sunday 7/22 in a prison transport boat," organizers wrote. "As he sails past, you can say anything you want to President Chicken. You can mock and squawk and swear like you’ve never sworn before in a proud expression of your First Amendment right. Bring your friends."



    Steve Thomas

  2. I have another theory.
    A theory which, as far as I can tell, has no support.

    Would you say that this man is 5'11", 158 lbs, has brown hair, wears dark glasses, and has a dark complexion?

    The physical description provided above is not that of the Dark Complected Man, but, according to an FBI report filed by Wallace Heitman, was the description of Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro, President of the Alpha 66/ SNFE group that met at 3126 Harlendale St. in Dallas, where LHO was seen going in and out of.

    After the assassination, Orcarberro would later drive the Rambler that picked up Lee Harvey Oswald outside the TSBD.

    On April 1, 1964 Roger Craig testified before the WC, and told them,
    "Mr. BELIN - What about the man who was driving the car? (The Rambler)
    Mr. CRAIG - Now, he struck me, at first, as being a colored male. He was very dark complected, had real dark short hair, and was wearing a thin white-looking Jacket..."

    Steve Thomas

  3. Today's latest symptom of "foot-in-mouth disease"


    Eric Trump Claims Black Voters Are Turning To His Dad 'In Spades'

    Critics slammed the son of the former president over his claim — and his choice of words.

    By Ed Mazza Jun 3, 2024


    “Eric Trump, son of Donald Trump, claimed his father’s conviction on 34 felony charges last week is making “certain segments” of the population more likely to vote for him.

    “For the first time, they realize that the system’s coming down, that he’s the victim, he’s the victim that oftentimes some of their communities were,” he told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday. “You see them swinging. Look at the African American vote, right? That’s swinging over to Donald Trump in spades.””


    Eric, the Stupid One.

    Steve Thomas

  4. Just a little background information.


    by William C. Wilkes and Mary M. Standifer



    “In 1961, during the Berlin Wall crisis, the Forty-ninth Armored Division and other nondivisional units of the Texas National Guard were called into federal service for a year, leaving seventy-one National Guard armories vacant. The oversight of these armories was consigned to 148 officers and 365 enlisted men in the TSGRC, who were called to active duty and formed into seventy-one Texas State Guard Security Units. The guardsmen served in this capacity until August 10, 1962, when they resumed their TSGRC status. In 1965 the Texas legislature abolished the TSGRC and reestablished the Texas State Guard, with Maj. Gen. John L. Thompson, Jr., as commanding general.”


    Facebook posting by an unknown author.



    Texas State Guard

    How about a little bit of HISTORY of the Texas State Guard?


    The federal legislation permitting the establishment of state militias was not renewed after the war, and in August of 1947, the Texas State Guard was demobilized and inactivated. The State Legislature, however, realized the benefit of having such an organization available, and passed legislation in May 1947 reorganizing the Texas State Guard on an inactive status ready for immediate mobilization in case of emergency. The Texas State Guard Reserve Corps was activated in January 1948 and again organized as infantry with additional civil and domestic missions.

    With the advent of the Cold War, The Texas State Guard Reserve Corps (TSGRC) was given additional duties — those specific to statewide radio communications and civil defense. By 1951, the TSGRC had 50 fixed radio stations and over 100 automobiles throughout the state – almost all were funded at the personal expense of the operators and heavily used during many natural disasters. With the federalization of the Texas National Guard during the Berlin Crisis in 1961, 71 Texas National Guard Armories were left vacant and a great amount of state property unprotected. To address this, elements of the TSGRC were organized as Texas State Guard Security Units. These units were assigned to the 49th Armored Division and the 11014th Transportation Company, manning their respective armories until these units were returned to their state mission one year later.



    Texas State Guard. By William C. Wilkes and Mary M. Standifer


    TEXAS STATE GUARD. The Congress of the United States, on October 21, 1940, amended the National Defense Act to authorize local ad interim defense units during the absence of the National Guard in federal service. By the end of 1940 173 companies, comprising approximately 500 officers and 6,000 enlisted men, had been unofficially organized in Texas. On February 10, 1941, the Forty-seventh Legislature authorized the Texas Defense Guard. The name was changed to Texas State Guard in May 1943.


    Fifty battalions were planned and activated to protect public utilities, transportation arteries, and war plants; to maintain law and order; to suppress subversive activities; and to repel invasion if necessary. Battalions consisted of four to six lettered companies with headquarters and service companies and a medical detachment. For the entire state there was a camouflage company and a training and research unit. Total authorized strength was 23,075 officers and men. No pay was provided except for active duty. By regulation, each unit was to be sponsored by a civic or patriotic club.


    The guards drilled in schoolyards and on vacant lots with makeshift weapons until July 1941, when the War Department issued them some surplus rifles. The rifles were recalled in May 1942, and shotguns issued shortly afterward. In 1943 the shotguns were replaced with a full issue of Enfield Rifles, and the units were issued trucks, jeeps, half-tracks, and machine guns. “


    (Enfield rifles would come up in various parts of the JFK story – see Nancy Perrin Rich's WC testimony and Buell Wesley Frazier's rifle seized by the DPD).


    Steve Thomas

  5. Donald Trump Pretends Like 'Lock Her Up' Was Never One Of His Rallying Cries

    The former president denied ever calling for his 2016 adversary, Hillary Clinton, to be arrested in a new interview on Fox News.

    By Kelby Vera Jun 2, 2024


    “Donald Trump says he never called for Hillary Clinton to be arrested, tried and jailed, despite publicly pleading to “lock her up” multiple times over the years.

    During an interview on “Fox and Friends” Weekend Edition on Sunday, the former president acted like he had nothing to do with the calls to imprison Clinton ― calls that were so common during his 2016 run for the Oval Office.

    Shifting the blame to his supporters, Trump added, “Hillary Clinton — I didn’t say, ‘Lock her up,’ but the people would all say, ‘Lock her up, lock her up.’ OK.”


    These people will lie to you quick as look at you.

    Steve Thomas

  6. 21 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    What it's all going to come down to, is how many Americans finally just get sick and tired of listening to Donald Trump whine about himself.

    Life goes on.

    Steve Thomas

    FACT FOCUS: Trump responds to guilty verdict with attacks and false claims

    By  MELISSA GOLDIN May 31, 2024



    Donald Trump loses an election and responds with attacks and false claims


    We've heard this tune before. Sounds like a broken record to me.


    Steve Thomas

  7. 1 hour ago, Bill Simpich said:


    That same day, Biggio then appeared in front of WC counsel Albert Jenner and told him this preposterous story. Biggio asked if he could keep the name of his source secret, since the whole story was third-hand hearsay.  Jenner assured him that would be fine.


    This is relevant to absolutely nothing, but in that same memo is a record of Oswald's school records. I was reading through those and noticed that all through grade school, Oswald consistently got D's in spelling, the English Language, and Arithmatic. 

    He never did learn to spell, did he?

    Steve Thomas

  8. 2 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:


    2 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:


    As Jerry Rose put it almost 40 years ago, the November 22 activities of Hosty, Ellsworth, Powell of Army Intelligence and Jack Revill of the intel wing of Dallas' Secret Services Bureau "cry out for further study and interpretation".   




    To the best of my knowledge, noone has ever really learned what went on in that 11/22 morning meeting between Hosty, Ellsworth, Ed Coyle and Jack Revill. There's been some suggestion that it concerned the recent arms bust, but I think that's just guesswork.

    Steve Thomas

  9. 2 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

    I sent the document to Steve and Jean - hopefully one of them can figure out how to post it.


    It's mostly just a recap of the Terrell Arms theft and a rap sheet of his various arrests for check forgery. He was arrested several times for White Slavery, which tells me he was involved in prostitution rings too, which would put him squarely within Ruby's orbit.

    The one part that did interest me is a memo from Rowley of the Secret Service to J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission. The Subject of the memo is Donnell Whitter and "minute Men", which is the first time I've seen that connection.

    There is another part of Rowley's memo that has me puzzled and might explain why this was buried for so long. In his memo, Rowley shared a memo from Thomas Casey by way of Arnold Sagalyn of the Law Enforcement Coordination Division to Thomas Kelley, in which he says that ATTU was not involved in the bust in any way, except to be notified that the arrest has taken place as part of routine information-sharing among law enforcement agencies; but we know that Ellsworth was involved. So why the lie?





    Steve Thomas


    I'm confused. Maybe somebody could explain this to me.
    Article II of the U.S. Constitution imposes a duty of faithful execution on the President, who must “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” 
    How can a convicted felon, someone who has been charged and convicted of committing 34 felonies take care that the Laws are faithfully executed?
    I'm not seeing it.
    Steve Thomas
  11. Trump conviction heralds a somber and volatile moment in American history
    by Stephen Collinson, CNN May 31, 2024

    "Among an electorate that Trump has constantly polarized, the verdict is likely to be greeted with fury by his supporters and jubilation by his critics. But in truth, this is a somber and even tragic passage of US history. Americans have never seen an ex-president convicted of a crime, and a country already torn apart by bitter political and cultural polarization is likely in for a rocky time.

    The implications are enormous."

    Steve Thomas

  12. “I WAS JUST CONVICTED!” Trump wrote on social media minutes after the verdict. “Democrats want me locked away, so today I’m humbly asking for your support. If you can donate just $1, it will send Crooked Joe a POWERFUL message. Chip in now. YOU will help me take back the White House! IT’S A DARK DAY IN AMERICA.”


    I am a crook. I humbly ask you to give me your money.

    Steve Thomas

  13. Trump Spox Teases 'Revenge' Tour Over Hush Money Case: 'Justice Needs To Be Served'

    Karoline Leavitt told Fox News' Jesse Watters that "people need to be held accountable" when asked about the possibility of a Trump win in November.

    By  Ben Blanchet May 30, 2024



    “A spokesperson for Donald Trump suggested that the former president could seek “revenge” over the hush money case should he win the presidential election in November.

    Fox News host Jesse Watters asked Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s campaign press secretary, on Wednesday if there will be “any revenge directed at the people” who put together the case together.

    “Well certainly people need to be held accountable for the crimes that have been committed over the last several years that we’ve seen them lie, we’ve seen them abuse our justice system,” Leavitt said.”


    We need to take people at their word be prepared for that.

    Steve Thomas

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