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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Trump Floats One Weird Idea To Replace The U.S. Income Tax

    By Jonathan Nicholson Jun 13, 2024



    Former president Donald Trump on Thursday raised the prospect of scrapping the U.S. income tax system and replacing it with something very different: much higher tariffs on imported goods.

    Most intriguing policy idea from the GOP meeting at the Capitol Hill Club this morning: Trump briefly floated the concept of eliminating the income tax and replacing it with tariffs,” said Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) in a social media post, adding a monocle-clad emoji face at the end.

    Citing sources inside the meeting, CNBC also reported Trump had raised the idea of an “all tariff policy.”

    In one way, Trump’s idea would simply be a return to the past. Prior to the imposition of the income tax in 1913, tariffs were a main source of government revenue.

    Trump hinted at that idea by reportedly praising President William McKinley at the meeting Thursday.”


    Oh Gee, let’s MAGA!

    Back to the Great Depression!

    All in Favor Say Aye!

    Steve Thomas

  2. Journalists barred from observing first day of Idaho Republican State Convention

    By Clark Corbin June 13, 2024



    COEUR D’ALENE – News reporters were not allowed to observe any committee meetings or events during the first day of the Idaho Republican State Convention on Thursday at Coeur d’Alene Resort.


    The state convention takes place every two years. Republican delegates from counties across Idaho will spend three days voting on proposed rules, resolutions, platform changes and, finally, electing the party’s chairperson.

    News reporters may not be allowed to observe or attend any of it — a departure from allowing reporters to observe the general sessions in the past.

    The Idaho Republican Party also blocked reporters who are not registered Republicans from attending the Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus on March 2.



    We just love democracy. You know, the will of the people and all that stuff.


    So, we’ll do everything in secret.


    At a resort.


    Steve Thomas




  3. The stunning reason Donald Trump thinks he’s going to win

    by John Stoehr June 13, 2024


    “He offered a dooky sandwich in 2016 and got lucky. Just enough people in just enough places thought a dooky sandwich was better than a female president. He offered it again in 2020, and he lost. Most people didn’t want a dooky sandwich because it’s a dooky sandwich. But because he’s surrounded by people – billionaires, Republicans, Fox – who tell him Americans love eating dooky, here he is, in 2024, with more of the same.

    That’s the most striking thing about his interviews with Time magazine. Not the scary things he said, though they are scary. The most striking thing is that he’s running the same campaign he ran the last two times. That’s what happens when you’re prevented from feeling the consequences of your actions. History doesn’t matter.

    History never happened.”


    Steve Thomas

  4. Jailed J6 defendant forming an armed militia to quell 'civil unrest' at the polls: report

    By Matthew Chapman 06/12/24



    “Lang, who also tried to rally support during a Newsmax interview before the network had to cut his feed, is one of several high-profile defendants whose trial stands to be affected by an upcoming Supreme Court decision in Fischer v. United States, which will decide whether January 6 defendants can be charged with obstruction of an official proceeding. U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, a Trump appointee overseeing Lang's case, has previously ruled obstruction should be dismissed from Lang's indictment, because the statute was not intended to apply to the specific situation of rioting at the Capitol.



    Go ahead and riot. That’s okay. You’re not obstructing anything.


    Steve Thomas

  5. Meanwhile, Trump said during pre-sentencing interview he had a gun in Florida, weeks after his conviction

    From CNN's John Miller June 12, 2024


    “...the New York City Department of Probation officials have questioned former President Donald Trump about an additional gun that had been registered to him in New York and his access to firearms as part of their pre-sentencing interview, a city official briefed on the exchange said.

    The former president was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records at the end of last month. Possession of firearms or ammunition by a convicted felon is a federal crime.

    According to the official, Trump said that there was a gun in Florida, which is believed to be one of the three weapons listed on his New York City permit to carry concealed weapons. 

    CNN has previously reported that two of the three pistols he was licensed to carry were turned over to the NYPD on March 31, 2023, and a third gun listed on Trump’s license “was lawfully moved to Florida.” Contacted by CNN last week, Palm Beach police said that they were unaware of any gun that Trump might have and that none had been turned over to the department since his felony conviction. 

    Trump’s New York gun license was suspended after his arrest in 2023 by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and, now as a result of his conviction, his license is being revoked, according to New York City Police. A New York official briefed on the probation investigation said the information on the outstanding gun “will be referred to local authorities in Florida to take whatever steps are necessary.””


    And then there’s Hunter Biden's conviction of violating federal gun laws…

    Steve Thomas


  6. 'Death grip': Trump hold over GOP likened to 'Jonestown suicide' by ex-RNC member

    by Kathleen Culliton June 11, 2024


    “Former President Donald Trump's hold on the Republican National Committee is like that of cult leader Jim Jones' on the residents of Jonestown, a former RNC member said Tuesday.

    Fergus Cullen, former party chair in New Hampshire, made this analogy to the Huffington Post in his explanation of why the RNC would move forward with nominating a convicted felon as its 2024 presidential nominee.

    “The residents of Jonestown chose suicide rather than leave,” Cullen told the Huffington Post. “He has a death grip on the RNC and the delegates. Even if polls showed him losing 65-35, they would choose to go down with him.”

    Richard Porter, an RNC member from Illinois, agreed Trump will be the chosen candidate despite the looming threat of a prison sentence in his criminal hush money case.

    “There will be no move to, no mechanism for and no interest in removing Trump at the convention,” Porter said.”


    You know you are in a cult when….

    Steve Thomas

  7. Young men and women are diverging politically. That could shape the 2024 election.

    by Ronald Brownstein, CNN June 11, 2024



    “Researchers say democracies across the Western world are experiencing a widening partisan and ideological gap between younger men and women. In a much discussed article earlier this year, Financial Times columnist John Burn-Murdoch pointed to survey data in a variety of countries showing that young men were far more likely to identify as conservative than young women. “In countries on every continent, an ideological gap has opened up between young men and women,” he wrote.

    That gap has widened in the US, too, though the evidence shows that it is growing more because young women are ideologically moving to the left than because young men are moving to the right. Merged annual results from NBC polls conducted by a bipartisan team of Democratic and Republican pollsters document the trends.”

    “...big backlash among younger women against the rollback of abortion rights”

    “... a backlash among younger men against changing gender roles”

    “For many younger women, pollsters say, the loss of abortion rights has become not only a threat in itself, but a symbol of a broader attempt to reverse women’s gains in economic status and pressure them back into more traditional gender roles.”

    “Not only is abortion less of a motivating issue for them (young men), but there’s evidence that many of them are receptive to the messaging that...that women’s gains in society have come at the expense of men.”


    We can't allow that to happen.

    Steve Thomas

  8. 'Below locker room talk': Giuliani slammed for 'repugnant' attack on Fani Willis

    by Alex Henderson, AlterNet June 10, 2024


    “Former New York City Major Rudy Giuliani spoke at Grace Christian Church in Michigan last week as part of the far-right Christian nationalist ReAwaken America Tour. During the speech, he angrily railed against Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis — and described her as "Fani the ho."”


    In a church, no less.

    Steve Thomas

  9. Trump in danger of losing liquor licenses now that he's a convicted felon: Forbes

    by Tom Boggioni June 10, 2024


    “Donald Trump's felony convictions for business fraud may cost him more than his freedom with valuable liquor licenses he owns at his luxury golf courses under review.

    According to a new report from Forbes, Trump is most at risk of having his liquor licenses pulled in New Jersey, which features three golf courses including his signature Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster, as well as Trump National Golf Club Philadelphia and Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck. “

    "Trump is the sole order (sic) of three golf courses in New Jersey that have active liquor licenses, according to the Division of Alcoholic beverages Control. New Jersey law prohibits issuing a liquor license to anyone who has been convicted of a crime 'involving moral turpitude.' A state handbook explains that these sorts of crimes typically involve 'dishonesty, fraud or depravity' severe enough to typically be punished by more than one year in prison."


    Now, that is going to hurt.


    Steve Thomas

  10. 'Trumpism will endure': NY Times writer warns 'grasping' extremists are using ex-president

    By Travis Gettys June 7, 2024


    - (FNU) Bouie, New York Times columnist -


    “Trump’s illiberal claim to personal authority is the opportunistic grasping of ideologues who see the former president as a vehicle for their aims," Bouie wrote.

    "He will help them expel immigrants, destroy the welfare state and roll back the political and cultural settlements of the 1960s, the 1970s and beyond."

    Trump governed on behalf of the legitimate people of the United States, who Bouie said are to him a narrow, exclusive group defined by race, religion and ideology, and those Americans have returned his favor with a loyalty that will likely outlive him, the columnist wrote.”

    "Among more ordinary supporters of Trump’s authoritarian designs, there is fear at work," Bouie wrote. "Fear that the country has been lost. Fear that elections won’t be enough to win it back. And a belief, fueled by that fear, that democracy is an obstacle to putting the nation back on track."

    "Which is just to say, in another form, what we already know to be true: Trump can lose in November, but as long as millions of Americans feel this fear as deeply as they do, Trumpism will endure," Bouie added.”

    Steve Thomas


  11. Trump Can’t Carry a Gun, but He Might Have the Nuclear Codes Again

    By Matt Lewis June 6, 2024


    Donald Trump’s license to carry a gun is about to be revoked by the New York City Police Department (his concealed carry permit was suspended back in April 2023, after his first indictment was handed down).

    This is to say, the man who could very well be in charge of the U.S. nuclear arsenal won’t be able to carry a handgun in his home state.

    Consider a few examples…

    Many convicted felons are not even eligible to vote, yet tens of millions of Americans will cast their ballots for a convicted felon (Trump) this November.

    Trump couldn’t get a security clearance on his own merits, and has been indicted for retaining classified documents, yet he could once again be given carte blanche authority to view or declassify any document he sees fit.

    Trump made his name as a New York businessman, but other civil rulings have curtailed his ability to conduct business there.

    Trump is a draft dodger who could once again be the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military.

    And they might get crazier, too, as soon as Trump starts whining about having his Second Amendment rights taken away. To be sure, Trump has secret service protection, so he doesn’t really need a gun for protection.

    A convicted felon who might not legally be able to carry a gun is a heartbeat away from having his finger on the nuclear button.

    Steve Thomas


  12. 5 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:


    Steve Thomas points out above that Felipe is 6 feet tall, slender build, and receding hair, similar to the DCM I believe. 

    Ivan is described in the documents as a CIA agent spying on JURE/AMBANG during 1963.   Dallas is reported in 1963 as the headquarters of one of JURE's three major groups, and the biggest one in the continental US (the others were in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Caracas, Venezuela).



    I am open to the idea that DCM could be Santiago. I do not know enough to definitively say he isn't. I'm just pointing out some "issues" I have.

    Another one of the "issues" I have with the DCM is his socks. Somehow, those gleaming white, freshly washed atheletic socks, in my mind, to me, don't go with my picture of a jungle fighter or head of somebody's Maritime Police.


    It's interesting. I clicked on the MFF site you relayed about Ivan. I was denied access. That's never happened to me before.

    Steve Thomas


  13. I predict that Trump crazies will still be voting for him long after he is dead and gone., because they simply won’t know what to do and are too stupid to think for themselves.

    A longtime election official in tiny Esmeralda County, Nevada, is facing recall after being accused of being a “clerk of the deep state cabal” because Donald Trump only got 82 percent of the vote of the county in 2020.


    According to a deep dive by the New York Times, election official Cindy Elgan has served in her position for over two decades, running as a Republican, but that hasn't stopped some locals in the town of 620 of accusing her of election interference because they believe Trump should have gotten more votes.


    Steve Thomas

  14. Mitt Romney bows to Trump, because that's what Republicans do

    By Noah Berlatsky June 6, 2024


    - Mitt Romney -

    “I think it’s also demeaning for people to quite apparently try and run for vice president by donning a red tie and standing outside the courthouse. It's just — I'd have felt awkward.”


    Romney dons the red tie of shame


    The media dons the red tie


    The Red Tie of Shame


    Steve Thomas

  15. "Trump will be under house arrest in the White House": Former DOJ prosecutor on what could come next

    By Chauncey DeVega June 6, 2024



    - Kenneth McCallion, former Justice Department prosecutor who also worked for the New York attorney general's office as a prosecutor on Trump-related racketeering cases. -

    “There is apparently a campaign by Trump's supporters to find and humiliate the jurors. I sincerely hope that the Trump crazies do not find them. The jurors could require a certain amount of protection for life, something akin to the federal witness protection program. The jurors in the Trump hush-money case are courageous people. They knew that they would subject themselves to this potential and very real danger. This story is far from over. They will have police and other law enforcement protection, but that does not necessarily stop a fanatic from causing them harm.  Look what happened to Nancy Pelosi’s husband.”


    Steve Thomas

  16. Physical description of Felipe Vidal Santigo:

    https://maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=160684#relPageId=5&search=Felipe_Vidal Santiag

    Page 5

    Born.               February 3, 1926

    Race:              White 

    Height:            6'

     Build:              Slender

    Hair:                Brown, Receding

    Peculiarities:  Wears a Mustache

    Nothing about wearing dark glasses, and the guy on the curb has no mustache.

    Steve Thomas

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