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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Pamela, This sounds like the guy who showed a Texas Driver's License to Fred Moore when he wanted to buy a couple of beers at the Jiffy Store. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=95645&search=%22Fred_Moore%22#relPageId=125&tab=page Steve Thomas
  2. Why did Oswald change his itinerary two weeks after getting his passport in 1959? Why did Lt. Colonel Frank Church travel from Tampa, FL to New Orleans to take a steamship to France? Why not book it out of Tampa? Affidavit of George B. Church https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh11/pdf/WH11_GeorgeChurch_aff.pdf p. 115 Why did Church and his wife book passage on a steamship that only carried 4 passengers, when its normal complement was 12? Why, when Billy Lord was interviewed by the Secret Service about his shipmate aboard that trip, was LHO identified as Harvey Lee Oswald seven times in the same document? Commission Document 498 - SS Rowley Memorandum of 13 Mar 1964 Forwarding Reports https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10898&search=%22Harvey_Lee+Oswald%22#relPageId=37&tab=page pp. 37-38. The anomolies keep piling up. Steve Thomas
  3. David Harold Byrd, owner of the TSBD: David Harold "Dry Hole" Byrd (24 April 1900 – 14 September 1986) was a noted Texan producer of petroleum, and a co-founder of the Civil Air Patrol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Harold_Byrd Whitmeyer was a “Unit Advisor” to some unit of the Louisiana U.S. Army Reserves in 1955. Oswald was in the Civil Air Patrol in Louisiana in 1955. Ed Voebel told the FBI that Oswald quit attending the Moisant Airport CAP meetings sometime after being enrolled as a member because another' CAP unit (at New Orleans Lakefront Airport) would be closer to home. George Whitmeyer seemed to be based out of Selman Field in Monroe, LA. How big a geographic area was he an Advisor for? Harold Byrd was a co-founder of the Civil Air Patrol. Harold Byrd owned the TSBD Oswald took a job at the TSBD in 1963. Whitmeyer's wife worked at the Lykes Steamship Company. Oswald was supposed to go to France on the Grace Lines Company, but went instead on a Lykes Steamship Company ship in 1959. The Whitmeyers moved to Fort Worth in 1961, and to Dallas in 1963. Oswald was in Russia in 1961. Oswald moved to Fort Worth in 1962 and Dallas in 1963. I don't know, is there something there? Steve Thomas
  4. Training and Organization of the US Army Reserve Components: A Reference Text for Total Force Trainers and a Guide to Other US Military Services 1988-1989. published 1991 page 53 https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a236572.pdf (3)(D) “The Army has assigned AC (Active Component) personnel to advise full-time,specific RC (Reserve Component) units on all aspects of unit operation. These AC personnel are called dedicated advisors. Brigade-level units,divisions, separate GOCOMs, ARCOMs, and State headquarters have dedicated advisors; however, some selected battalion-size units, by virtue of their unique nature, mobilization priority,or geographical isolation, continue to have battalion advisors assigned. The AC end strength reductions mandated by Congress have resulted in the elimination of many dedicated advisor positions. (E). In addition to the AC personnel assigned to advise specific units, there are organizations that assist units on a regional USATB (United States Army Training Board) basis.” Steve Thomas
  5. The Times of Shreveport, Louisiana July 15, 1962 https://www.google.com/search?q=%224150th+ARSU%22&client=firefox-b-1-d&biw=1611&bih=944&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=mKOtZKzVDPGU4M%253A%252CiDog6xBKO5mCAM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kRzONpClhVOiPVZeNHZonVq1dA7zQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiKp5_yos3gAhX2JTQIHUVPC4wQ9QEwAnoECAYQBA#imgrc=mKOtZKzVDPGU4M: 1966 Richardson (Texas) Daily News article that describes George Lumpkin as “Commandant of the 4150th ARSU Dallas United States Army Reserve School”. https://newspaperarchive.com/tags/george-lumpkin/?pc=24581&psi=94&pci=7&pt=23960&ob=1/ Lumpkin was the Commandant of this Command and General Staff school in 1962 and as late as 1966. This man was no dummy. Steve Thomas
  6. Richard, Thank you. Here's a transcript of an ARRB interview with Donald Monier. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/ARRB/CBARGER/WP-DOCS/MONIER.WPD.pdf Look at the bottom of page 5 and the top of page 6. Slipped up there a little bit, didn't he? *smile* Steve Thomas
  7. Bart, Do you have any idea what the "Code 30" references are on pp. 35 and 36 of your second post? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HWZoEXgUY8HyfMyxGrCIPOiWpB9-86_r/view Steve Thomas
  8. Bart, I'm looking at the memos you provided here, and one name caught my eye right off the bat: On page 1 of your second image of 71 pages... Stephen Weiss was a Lt. in Dallas in 1963. By 1971, he had been promoted to the rank of Major, and was the Public Information Officer for the whole 112th.... SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS Friday, February 26, 1971 By ALICE MURPHY "Major Stephen Weiss, public information officer for the 112th, said he had been advised, politely, to have all calls on the matter referred to the Information Office of the Department of the Army in Washington, and gave two telephone numbers there. Neither answered Thursday evening.” Steve Thomas
  9. Bart, Thanks for these. You helped me understand a little bit of something I've been puzzled about; I think... In your first image, way over on the left, it shows the 112th being assigned to the 4th Army. But, in articles in the San Antonio Express dating from the 1970's, it shows the 112th belonging to the 5th Army: The King Alfred Plan and the 112th Military Intelligence Group' March 28, 2011 http://coldcaseupdate.blogspot.com/2011/03/king-alfred-plan-and-112th-military.html AN ANTONIO EXPRESS, Wednesday, March 4, 1970 Army's Civilian Spying Said Ended “The 112th Military Intelligence Group is located here and was the operation which relayed information to the Data Bank for the 112th Army area although it is not part of the 4th Army. The fact the San Antonio-based 112th was among those units feeding information on the political activities o f civilians from San Antonio was confirmed by Army General Counsel Robert E. Jordan III*, at the pentagon.” San Antonio Light, October 6, 1972 “Lt. Col. Mark A. Miles has been awarded the Legion of Merit upon his retirement at Headquarters, 5th Army. The medal cited Miles' service since April 1970, as deputy commander of the 112th Military Intelligence Group at 5th Army.” I think, when redesignated in 1966, it was also transferred from the 4th Army to the 5th Army, but that's just a guess on my part. HEADQUARTERS 112TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE https://history.army.mil/html/books/060/60-13-1/cmhPub_60-13-1.pdf pp. 222-223 LINEAGE: (inactive) Constituted 10 May 1946 in the Army of the United States as the 112th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment. Activated 21 May 1946 at Dallas, Texas. Allotted 26 February 1951 to the Regular Army. Re-designated 1 August 1957 as the ll2th Counter Intelligence Corps Group. Re-designated 25 July 1961 as the 112th Intelligence Corps Group. Re-designated 15 October 1966 as the ll2th Military Intelligence Group The 46-49 numbers could either be a General Order number, or perhaps page numbers from this Memo: (My guess is that it page numbers from the Memo since the word "Doug" is written in the margin of the last image you provided.). http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/ARRB/JGOSLEE/WP-DOCS/MIDRAFT.WPD.pdf MEMORANDUM May 30, 2017 TO: Douglas Horne FROM: JIM GOSLEE SUBJECT: Military Intelligence Files 1. This memo is to inform you of the nature of information contained within files identified by Steve Tilley as possible JFK Assassination Records. I haven't looked at your next posting yet, but thanks for this, I've added it to my files. Steve Thomas
  10. Bart, You can find these memos in the DPD Archives, Box 4, Folder# 2, Item #'s 48 and 49. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box4.htm There is a follow up interview conducted a couple of days later by Biggio and Carroll in Item# 50. What's more interesting to me is that in an interview condudcted by Biggio alone on January 31, 1964, he learned that while there was no application by Oswald in the month of November, there was a job application for former TSBD employee, Fred Kaiser in the first two weeks of December. See Box 18, Folder# 7, Item# 33. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box18.htm Didn't Kaiser have something to with a clipboard that Oswald was supposedly using on the 22nd and was supposedly found a couple of weeks later? Look at Kaiser's references. Also, in Box 18, Folder# 7, Item# 34, we learn that Jack Ruby parked his car in the Allright Parking Garage at 1308 Commerce on a monthly basis. Steve Thomas
  11. B.A., If you are thinking of the list of TSBD employees that comprise CE 2003, I don't think that is the list of names Kaminsky was writing down. I say that because there are several names of people on that list who were outside during the shooting and were not allowed back in the building. I don't know what happened to Kaminsky's list, and I still don't know where the 605 Elsbeth St. address came from. Warren Commission Exhibit 2003, located in (24H259) is a list submitted to Captain Gannaway through Lieutenant Jack Revill of Texas School Book Depository employees. It is dated November 22, 1963. Heading that list is Harvey Lee Oswald at 605 Elsbeth. Page 3 of CE 2003, found on page 260, is signed by R.W. Westphal, Detective, Criminal Intelligence Section and P.M. Parks, Detective, Administrative Section. R.W. Westphal and P.M. Parks were both Detectives in the Special Service Bureau. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140#relPageId=277&tab=page Though that list of employees is dated 11/22/63, in Westphal's interview with Larry Sneed in No More Silence, he talks about going home, and then returning to his office at the Fairgrounds to write up his report of a man at the Trade Mart with a “Free Cuba” flag. So, I'm not sure what time of the evening that list was actually typed up. While he was writing his Report, Captain Gannaway called and asked him to check the names of the TSBD employees against the Department's Intelligence files. Westphal said, “We had handwritten, partial lists; some of them, you couldn't read the names”. You can see this reflected in the list in the entry in CE 2003 for Marg Lee Williams (actually, Mary Lee Williams) In the DPD Archives, there is no interview or affidavit for Ms. Williams, just a handwritten note with her name and address. DPD Archives, Box 3, Folder# 17, Item# 7 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box3.htm Westphal did recognize the name of one man, Joe Molina however. Gannaway instructed Westphal to “bring the entire file down to his office” https://books.google.com/books?id=7uT-47ysB5MC&pg=PA326&lpg=PA326&dq=Dallas+%22+Roy+Westphal%22&source=bl&ots=eii6yRhLo8&sig=nr0C2_dukxaBfdcQiFnDLg3ugKM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjt-9Xpi8nRAhVpwFQKHZBBDX0Q6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=Dallas%20%22%20Roy%20Westphal%22&f=false V.J. Brian testified to the Warren Commission on May 13, 1964. He told the Commission that he was a “detective in the criminal intelligence section”, as was Roy Westphal. When the shooting occurred, he was at the Trade Mart. He said that, “...four of us detectives down there got in a car and we went to the Book Depository and we arrived there a short time, I don't know what time it was, a short time after the shooting occurred. Mr. RANKIN. Who were the four you are describing now? Mr. BRIAN. Lieutenant Revill, myself, a detective, O. J. Tarver, and a detective, Roy W. Westphal and we gave a man a lift, and I don't remember whether he was a CID, I don't know the man, I don't remember whether he was a CIC agent or a CID or OSI, he was some type of, as I recall, Army intelligence man. He only describes searching the TSBD and said, " in fact, I didn't have time to (write a report of the Hosty/Revill conversation) because when I got back there (to the second floor office of the Special Service Bureau, located directly below Captain Fritz's office on the third floor ) they had a list of names they were going to start checking out and they handed me six of them and says, "Start going and checking here and here and here and checking these people." https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40#relPageId=57&tab=page (5H33) http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/brian.htm I thought it would be interesting to cross reference the employee with the person who interviewed them, and to see if they were actually interviewed, or just had an affidavit taken. Most of the interviews were conducted by Detectives in the Special Services Bureau, Batchelor Exhibit 5002 p. 3. Page 120 of the pdf file. https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf although James Leavelle, Guy Rose, and E.R. Beck were Detectives in the Homicide and Robbery Bureau, Captained by Will Fritz. Batchelor Exhibit 5002 p. 28. Page 145 of the pdf file. https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf The list of employees is arranged in three columns. The first column is an employee name. Some names are misspelled. The third column had their address and phone number. The second column is headed, “REF.INT.” Almost all of the names in that column have the word, “NONE” in that entry. Two names: Joe Molina and Mrs. J.E. Dean (Ruth Dean) have the letters, “INT” and a number. I believe that these are people who were listed in the Police Department's Intelligence Files, as described by Roy Westphal to Larry Sneed. And V.J. Brian in his WC testimony. If what I believe is true, I noted a couple of things: Harvey Lee Oswald was not in the DPD Intelligence Files Charles Givens, who had a record of narcotic arrests; and as such, would fall under the purview of the Special Service Bureau is listed as NONE. Is this possibly an indication that Givens was an undercover informant to the Criminal Intelligence Section of the Special Service Bureau? There is no record of an interview of Buell Wesley Frazier. There is an affidavit, but no record of this arrest by the Irving Police Department, or of the hours he spent in the Dallas Police Department Headquarters. Steve Thomas
  12. Bill, Erich Kaminsky was a Lieutenant serving in the Special Service Bureau under Captain Gannaway. You might be interested in this Forum thread: "Where was Bob Carroll?" http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/24568-where-was-bob-carroll/?tab=comments#comment-367998 Steve Thomas
  13. Paul, Army Regulation 135-382 Section 5.3(e). Officers selected to command area studies MID(S) must also-- (1) Be an MI Branch qualified colonel or lieutenant colonel. Steve Thomas
  14. Paul, Someone who is in a position to know has told me that the Heads of 90% of MID's were Colonels. They were very "staff heavy", with very few support staff like clerks and such. Some did have Top Sergeants, or Sergeant Majors. Steve Thomas
  15. Look at this entry in the aggie network. I'm pretty sure it's a different William Westbrook, since the Captain who was the Head of DPD's Personnel Bureau was named William R, but the coincidence is spooky. Westbrook, William A. (Sandy) For Silver Taps information, click on the name. https://www.aggienetwork.com/media/guides/class%20resources/classes%201960-1969/class%20of%201962/reunions/class%20of%20%2762%20service%20records%20november%202017.pdf Westbrook, William A. (Sandy) Ordnance O-6 Jan-63 Apr-94 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Naval Propellant Plant, MD Cdr, 133rd Ord Det (ED), Ft. Bliss, TX Cdr, 133rd Ord Det(ED), Viet Nam (basically Camh Ranh Bay) US Army EOD Center, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 362nd Civil Affairs Bde, Dallas, TX 4150th USAR School, Dallas, TX Cdr, 309th Ordnance Group, Dallas, TX 90th ARCOM, San Antonio, TX Vietnam Meritorious Service Medal Armed Forces Reserve Medal w/1 OLC Vietnam Service Medal Vietnam Campaign Medal Army Commendation Medal w/1 OLC Steve Thomas
  16. Ron, You might want to check out this page: https://www.maryferrell.org/php/cryptdb.php Steve Thomas
  17. Bill, Look who's names are on this Emergency Operating Center 1961 dedication. I learned just the other day that both John Mayo and Boise Smith were also Colonels in the U.S. Army Reserves: See this statement by Mayo decrying the artists being displayed at the Art Museum http://washingtonbabylon.com/bunker-command-center-jfk-assassination-merely-worlds-interesting-basement/ "In March of 1955, Col. John W. Mayo, commander of the Dallas Metropolitan Post No. 581 of the American Legion, sent a communication to the Trustees of the Art Museum decrying many of the Museum’s policies and saying that the Post objected ‘to the Museum patronizing and supporting artists … whose political beliefs are dedicated to destroying our way of life." In this same website, it says, " An online exhibit by the Dallas City Hall provides the following historical summary of WRR, the station-of-choice for Dallas-Fort Worth highbrows since 1964, when it switched to an all classical format. Until the departments had their own internal support, WRR supplied and maintained all radio equipment for Police, Fire, Park and Recreation, Water, Public Works, and the former Health Department. At its peak it furnished dispatching services for Dallas County, Cockrell Hill Police Department, and private ambulance services (in the days before 911). WRR discontinued these adjunct services in 1969." Then, there is this: Stringfellow and Biggio were working the police radio at the Fairgrounds on 11/22/63 “Army Apparently didn't tell Commission of Oswald's Alias” Dallas Morning News March 19, 1978 in the Weisberg Collection http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/F%20Disk/FBI/FBI%20Records%20Release%2012-7-77%20News%20Accounts/Item%20069.pdf “However, (Bill) Biggio, who was directing police intelligence communications at the Fair Park office the day of the assassination...,” Former Dallas police Capt. W. P. Gannaway, who commanded the special service bureau in which Biggio worked, said if Army intelligence in San Antonio or Dallas "had any information pertaining to Oswald, we didn't know about it." “Don Stringfellow, a fellow police intelligence officer working with Biggio at the Fair Park office, was named as the source of information in a secret cable the night of Nov. 22 from Army intelligence in Texas to the U.S. Strike Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida. The cable said that information "obtained from Oswald revealed that he had defected to Cuba in 1959 and is a card-carrying member of the Communist Party." THIS CABLE, containing false information, was sent to an Army-Air Force operation set up three years earlier to provide a quick-reacting strike force in case of enemy attack. “ Steve Thomas
  18. Bill, So did Dennis Ofstein, who worked with LHO at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall: DENNIS HYMAN OFSTEIN http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/ofstein.htm Mr. OFSTEIN. I was in the Army, sir. Mr. JENNER And when did you go in and when were you discharged? Mr. OFSTEIN. I went in in August, I believe, in 1957, and I was discharged November 1960. Mr. JENNER Did you take any work in the language school out in California at Monterey? Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir. Mr. JENNER. What language did you study there? Mr. OFSTEIN. Russian. Mr. JENNER Tell me how that came about? Mr. OFSTEIN Well, when I went in the service I was interested in radio--I was a disc jockey at the time, and the closest thing my recruiting sergeant said that I could get to radio would be possibly with the Army security agency, so I signed up, and after basic training I went to Fort Devens, Mass., and was held there on a temporary status while the agency determined what type training I should have, and I was given a language ability test and passed that and had a choice of three languages to take, and Russian was my first choice and I was sent to Monterey to study. Steve Thomas
  19. Bill, Memorandum by SS Agent Roger Warner and Elmer Moore dated 12/1/63 These became the SS copy of the Dispatch Tapes found in CD 87 beginning on page 636 and running to page 644. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/J%20Disk/Justice%20Department%20of/Justice%20Department%20of%20JFK-King%20Reinvestigation/Item%2005.pdf Page 5. “On November 29, 1963, SA Warner conferred with Chief Lumpkin, Police Department, relative to reports of Police dispatches covering the arrival of President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, the subsequent assassination and removal of President Kennedy to Parkland Memorial Hospital. These broadcasts were transmitted on Channel 2 which was an auxiliary channel used by the Police for special occasions. Also Chief Lumpkin provided for transcription on our tape the Police recordings of Channel# 1, the standard Police band which on the date of the Presidential assassination contained the Police broadcasts relative to the capture of Lee Harvey Oswald and the shooting of Police Officer Tippit.” Someone who is better at this than I am would know if key dispatches were left out of this set of transcripts. Didn't the WC judge them to be "inadequate", and demanded better copies? Steve Thomas
  20. I wonder if the ignore user function still works? Steve Thomas
  21. Jim, I don't know about being deposed, but James Leavelle did take a statement from Campbell on February 17, 1964. (A lot of good that would do) You can read it at the DPD Archives Box 3, Folder# 19, Item# 4 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box3.htm In his statement, he said, "I did not know Oswald." Oswald could hardly have said to Harry Homes, "...his boss stated he is one of our employees.", if he was talking about Campbell. PS: Campbell told Leavelle he thought the shots came from the grassy knoll. Steve Thomas
  22. Vanessa, I think he did. If, during his interrogation, Oswald said, "his boss" was the person identifying those being stopped as being "one of our employees", who else but Truly, could Oswald have been referring to? And, Oswald could not have known that there was a policeman stationed at the front door taking names unless he was there to witness that happening firsthand. My question has always been: if Lumpkin didn't arrive back at the TSBD from Parkland Hospital until at least until the few minutes before 12:49 in time to plaace Kaminsky at the front door; if Oswald was the shooter; it's not why Oswald left the TSBD so quickly, but why did he wait around at the scene of the crime for so long? In my mind, 1) Oswald did not leave the TSBD immediately after the shooting; and 2) He was not the only employee missing; and 3) Truly totally failed to mention his actions at the front door when he testified to the Warren Commission. Steve Thomas
  23. Vanessa, I personally believe that the policeman who stopped Oswald at the front door was Lieutenant Erich Kaminsky. After the assassination, George Lumpkin returned to the TSBD and took command there. DPD Archives Box 14, Folder# 4, Item# 10 page 22. It was Kaminsky who Deputy Chief Lumpkin had positioned at the front door of the TSBD. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box14.htm This matches exactly what Postal Inspector, Harry Holmes wrote in his Report of Oswald's interrogation on Sunday, November 24th. See Warren Report, Appendix XI page 636 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=946#relPageId=660&tab=page According to the Dispatch Tapes, George Lumpkin had arrived at the TSBD by 12:49 PM http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/ 15 (Captain C.E. Talbert): “15 is at the scene. We... the building's the Old Purse Company on the east side of Houston. Somebody cut off the back side, will you? Make sure nobody leaves there.” Dispatcher: “10-4, 15” 15: “15's in charge down here. Correction 5's (Deputy Chief Lumpkin) in charge.” (It appears that Talbert had the wrong building in mind). DPD Archives, Box 2, Folder# 7, Item# 28 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box2.htm Memo from K.E. Lyon to Chief Curry dated December 4, 1963. Lyon was a Patrolman on TDY assignment to the Vice Section of the Special Service Bureau. However, Lyon is not listed in the patrolmen assigned to the Special Service Bureau in Batchelor's Exhibit 5002 - https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf “On November 22, 1963 at approximately 2:00 PM, Detective B.K. Carroll and I were instructed by Lieutenant E. Kaminsky to go to the Oak Cliff area where Officer J.D. Tippit had been shot.” K.E. Lyon was in the squad car bringing Oswald back to the station from the Theater. Lyon is listed as one of the arresting officers on Oswald's Arrest Report. He's a little off on his time. By 2:00 PM, Oswald had already been arrested and brought back to the station. DPD Archives, Box 3, Folder# 2, Item# 52 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box4.htm Bob K. Carroll was a Detective in the Administrative Section of the Special Service Bureau. In a signed memo to Chief Curry, he wrote: “At approximately 2:00PM this date the undersigned officer were (sic) enroute to the vicinity of the 300 block of West Jefferson to aid in the search of the killer of Officer J.D. Tippit.” (Though the memo is undated, he writes “this date”, so it must have been written on the 22nd.) Lyon makes the same mistake on time in his memo of December 4th as Carroll did in his memo of November 22nd. They also both spell Gerald Hill's name as “Jerry” Hill. So, by 2:00PM, Kaminsky has left the TSBD where Lumpkin had stationed him at the front door collecting names, and had returned to Headquarters where he was able to instruct Carroll and Lyon to proceed to Oak Cliff. Steve Thomas
  24. Bill, Along those lines... http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=11481&relPageId=215 see page 6 Wallace Heitman and W. James Wood interviewed Raoul Castro on May 14, 1964. Their Report is dated May 22, 1964. Castro told them that he had entered Aviation Cadet School in Cuba in June, 1959, where he met Juan Francisco Quintana Maya. They were sent to Mexico, where they spent seven months. They returned to Cuba in May, 1960, spent twenty days there, and were sent back to Mexico for “link training, and to finish their course in crop dusting”. ( I don't know what “link training” is). Castro told them that it was obvious that the training they were receiving was military in nature. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=69112&search=%22Eden_Gutierrez%22#relPageId=6&tab=page page 7. In my mind, that's the kind of thing an FBI informant would be relaying to the FBI. Steve Thomas
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