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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Joe, I'm not so sure now that the meeting I was thinking of, is the same Alpha 66 meeting that Malcolm Blunt referenced, and for which Bart Kamp provided two photos. The Sylvia Odio/Sarah Castillo meeting was DRE. The meeting in question here was Alpha 66. I think I was wrong to confuse the two meetings. Does anyone know when this Alpha 66 meeting was supposed to have taken place? Wasn't Veciana supposed to have been in Dallas in early September? The DRE meetings were in October. Steve Thomas
  2. John, Wasn't there something about Curry stopping to let Chaney catch up to him and tell him what the hell just happened back there? Maybe the lead cyclists had moved on ahead slightly. Steve Thomas
  3. Over the late evening hours of February 18 and the early morning hours of February 19, 1962, Captain, Jean-Rene Souètre led an escape from the prison camp of Saint-Maurice l’Ardoise in the Gard Department of France. Eighteen men escaped the prison camp. Ten were immediately captured, and eight evaded capture and escaped. Jean-Rene was one of the eight. After his escape, Souètre wrote the following note to the camp commandant: "“Monsieur. Respectueux des décisions de justice qui ont fait de nous des hommes libres, nous avons jugé de notre devoir de nous soustraire à une mesure incompatible avec notre état d’officier. Nous aurions été indignes de notre uniforme en acceptant de remplacer dans votre camp ceux que la France nous avait donnés pour mission de combattre. Respectueux de nos serments, fidèles aux traditions de notre Arme, convaincus de la justice de notre cause, nous ne pouvions demeurer plus longtemps dans une expectative coupable. Nous sommes persuadés Monsieur qu’il vous est facile de comprendre. Nous en appelons à votre dignité en vous demandant de vous refuser à remplir à l’avenir des fonctions qui déshonorent le Corps de la Police française. Mura et Souètre.” “Respectful of the judicial decisions which made us free men, we felt it our duty to avoid a measure incompatible with our position as officers. We would have been unworthy of our uniform by agreeing to replace in your camp those whom France had given us to fight. Respectful of our oaths, faithful to the traditions of our Arms, convinced of the justice of our cause, we could not remain longer in a guilty expectancy. We are convinced Monsieur, that it is easy for you to understand. We appeal to your dignity by asking you to refuse to fulfill in the future, functions that dishonor the French Police Corps. Mura and Souètre." (This would be Captain, Raymond Mura). The warden, Achille Perrodo, had only been on the job since January 4th. Steve Thomas
  4. Jim, Just a little tickler... Posted by Lee Forman in the Education Forum November 29, 2006: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/5746-elizabeth-cole-prior-knowledge/?page=2 “Speculation says that if it's Fermin that attended, then it may have been through some Jesuit relationship - why else bother penetrating an event centered on Religion? If he did attend, it is not obvious from the information I was able to gather.” http://cuban-exile.com/doc_326-350/doc0326.html FAIRHOPE, ALA: By Apr 63 Alpha-66 office in. [R-759-2-161] ADD: 457 OAK STREET [R-759-3-25] May 63 [R-759-3-55] CD 1020 p. 14. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11416#relPageId=16&tab=page "He (Jim Buchanan, brother of Jerry Buchanan) advised that Jerry Buchanan would be available for a few days following the day of interview (April 30, 1964) at 457 Oak St. Fairhope, Alabama, the residence of Craig Sheldon, whom he described as Chairman of the International Anti-Communist Brigade in Alabama." http://www.mobilebaymag.com/Mobile-Bay/January-2014/Sixties-Flashback-Lee-Harvey-Oswald-Visits-Spring-Hill/ “Addendum on Mobile Anti-Castro Activists There has never even been alleged, nor does Mobile Bay Magazine in any way now suggest, a connection between Oswald and Mobilians engaged in anti-Castro activities. Yet we think it appropriate to note, as a matter of historical background, that Mobile, as well as New Orleans, was at least up until the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion a center of active support for anti Castro militants. A memo filed in the F.B.I. office in Los Angeles dated May 8, 1963 quotes an informant who copied a list of headquarter cities for Alpha 66, the Cuban exile led group that staged regular raids on Castro's Cuba. One of the 13 cities in the U.S., Canada, and South America is Fairhope, Ala. Fairhope sculptor Craig Sheldon, now in his late 70s, was an adventurous, patriotic WWII veteran and devout anti-Communist in the early 1960s. He has never made a secret of the fact that he was a member of Alpha 66”. Posted by David Joseph in the Education Forum 1/8/2018 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/24633-oswald-in-alabama/ “ http://www.mobilebaymag.com/Mobile-Bay/January-2014/Sixties-Flashback-Lee-Harvey-Oswald-Visits-Spring-Hill/ Flashback: Lee Harvey Oswald Visits Spring Hill Originally run in Mobile Bay Monthly's September 1993 issue, this article explores Lee Harvey Oswald's speech at Spring Hill College in July 1963, just months before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Is this the FBI report the Mobile Bay Magazine refers to? http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/belligerence/Alpha-66-12-FBI.pdf Alpha-66: FAIRHOPE, ALA: By Apr 63 Alpha-66 office in. [R-759-2- 161] “SHELDON, Craig of Fairhope, Alabama was recruiting for A-66 on Jan 2, 1963. He says he is a member, an ex-marine. [R-759-1-841851” Carlos Bringuer lived in Fairhope, AL https://www.mylife.com/carlos-bringuier/carlosbrin63773vr https://www.spokeo.com/Carlos-Bringuier/Louisiana SS Rowley Memorandum of 4/24/64 CD 853 page 3 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=4 Masen told Frank Ellsworth that Rodriguez and George F. Parrel were leaders of the local DRE and also members of Alpha-66. Masen told Ellsworth that George Parrel, an associate of Orcarberro, had also been trying to buy guns from him. Masen told Ellsworth that Rodriguez and Parrel had made purchases from him; that they presently have a large cache of arms somewhere in Dallas; that he did not know the location. Steve Thomas
  5. Jim, CD 191 describes Bouhe as being the Secretary of the Greek Orthodox church he belonged to. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10595&relPageId=14&search=%22George_Bouhe%22 Steve Thomas
  6. Paul, Okay. That's another reference to a radio that Bouhe is concerned about. This is very interesting to me. Maybe it was more than just being "a radio buff". CD 205 p. 593 FBI interview by James Hosty of Igor Voshinin: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10672#relPageId=596&tab=page "George Bouhe has taken it upon himself to contact every person of Russian descent who comes to Dallas and try and help them in getting jobs and getting settled." Was that the real reason he "took it upon himself"? See the WC testimony of Paul Raigorodsky in (9H5) and his comments about the Tolstoy Foundation https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=43#relPageId=13&tab=page "Now anybody who comes to the the Tolstoy Foundation, you know has been checked, rechecked and double checked. There is no question about them. I mean that's the No. 1 stamp. Mr. Jenner. That's the No. 1 stamp of an approval or of their genuineness? Mr. Raigorodsky. Of approval - in fact, the U.S. Government recognized that and has been up until about a year ago giving the Tolstoy Foundation as much as $400,000 a year subsidy for this kind of work." Steve Thomas
  7. This picture was also used to highlight a couple of things" 1) It gives you a better idea of where James Tague was standing on Commerce St. and his position in relation to the TSBD 2) Where are the railroad workers on the bridge? They left their position pretty quickly. 3) There is no train obscuring J.C. White's vision of the motorcade. 4) The picture was used to refute Tom Tilson's claim to have seen a man sliding down the embankment west of the underpass and get into a dark car parked there. (What are those bollards in the middle of the field anyway?) Steve Thomas
  8. David, I was really struck by this picture. Why in the world would you pack that many people in that confined a space? Do you think the planners of the motorcade anticipated that kind of crowd, or did it take them by surprise? It looks like that crowd of people must be 20 deep in there. Steve Thomas
  9. WC testimony of George Bouhe: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/bouhe.htm Mr. BOUHE - For 9 1/2 years I was employed as a personal accountant of a very prominent Dallas geologist, and probably capitalist if you want to say it, Lewis W, MacNaughton, senior chairman of the board of the well-known geological and engineering firm of DeGolyer & MacNaughton, but I was MacNaughton's personal employee. David J. Brown http://obits.dallasnews.com/obituaries/dallasmorningnews/obituary.aspx?n=david-j-brown&pid=111341369 “He joined the United States Army in World War II. He served two years in the China-Burma-India Theatre. After he returned from the war, he graduated from SMU in January of 1947 with a BBA in professional accounting. He then went to work for DeGolyer and MacNaughton as a petroleum economist and served with Lewis W. MacNaughton as a petroleum economics consultant to the Finance Minister of the Saudi Arabian government from 1952 to 1954.” http://www.demac.com/ DeGolyer and MacNaughton is one of the oldest and most respected names in the oil and gas industry. Since its formation in 1936, D&M has strived to be the leader in petroleum industry consulting services. With offices around the world, D&M employs over 180 petroleum professionals, including engineers, geologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists, statisticians, and economists who speak over 30 different languages. D&M provides a wide range of petroleum consulting services to clients worldwide and is consistently at the forefront of the industry in implementing innovative technologies. As the leading independent consulting firm focused on the petroleum industry, DeGolyer and MacNaughton provides unbiased and informed answers to clients worldwide. D&M skillfully blends energy economics, engineering, and the earth sciences to help clients in more than 100 countries make the smartest decisions regarding exploration, recovery, and management of oil and gas resources. "George Bloodworth, who was a Warrant Officer Candidate in the U.S. Army Helicopter School... Bouhe began asking questions about the armament, guns, rockets, guided missiles and mini guns, carried by helicopters." Perhaps someone can explain to me why the personal accountant to one of the richest men in America is pumping Warrant Officer Candidate in a U.S. Army Helicopter School, George Bloodworth, for information about the "guns, rockets, guided missiles and mini guns, carried by helicopters." Steve Thomas
  10. Paul, It was the 66th MI. What's this about Bloodworth being drugged? Why is Boue asking him about the American's commitment to Vietnam? Why the questions about the Bell helicopters capabilities and armaments? Why are Bouhe and Lydia conversing in Russian when both were fluent in English? (S) Bloodworth became engaged in general conversation with Bouhe and Dymitruk Bouhe asked Bloodworth about his duty in the Republic of Vietnam. Bouhe further asked Bloodworth his opinion concerning the U.S. commitment to Vietnam. During the conversation with Bouhe, Bloodworth stated that he had served in Vietnam as a "gunner" on helicopters. Bouhe then asked Bloodworth questions concerning the types of helicopters used by the US and the armament capabilities of these helicopters. Bloodworth initially thought Bouhe might have been an Army Intelli¬ gence Officer, and was testing Bloodworth's security consciousness, and therefore Bloodworth was very careful in answering Bouhe’s questions. However, Bloodworth also believed that Bouhe was possibly a foreign intelligence officer, although Bouhe gave Bloodworth no indication of this, either by action or word. Only Bouhe asked Bloodworth questions. During lulls in the conversation, Bouhe and Dymitruk conversed in the Russian language. Bouhe may not have given Bloodworth any indication that he was a foreign agent, but a good agent wouldn't. Why is Oswald calling Bouhe at a pre-arranged time every day and saying, "I'm fine"? Is is just because that's when Oswald got off work, or is this some kind of code, as in, "Everything's going according to plan" as he goes about his work at JCS? Why the concern about a radio "receiving Moscow"? Just what kind of radio is this anyway? shortwave? ham? Were there possibly coded instructions coming down over the airwaves? So many questions. Steve Thomas
  11. David, Thanks. For some reason, my browser does not want to pull up that blackvault pdf. Could you copy and paste that page 26? It's probably more of the same as what I posted earlier though. Bouhe has become a very suspicious character in my mind. Why is he keeping files on everybody? Why is he asking questions about Bell helicopter armaments? Why is he concerned about radios that are capable of "receiving Moscow" NIS dossier# D38-67-41 would have been interesting to read. It was probably destroyed along with the other military files on Oswald. Steve Thomas
  12. Jim, My personal belief is that it was Mertz, but alas, I can offer you no proof. Steve Thomas
  13. Larry, I would ask about your take on Talapia, but I don't really think I want to know. *grin* Your comment about the DIA controlling NATO is about the same way I feel about the suggestion that the FBI was running NATO. I think the OAS was a "unified operational body" in early 1962, but after the Evian Accords in March, that kind of all fell apart. I was just reading about the thugs in the SAC running with the Corsican mob out of Marseilles just yesterday. Larry, what do you know about Souetre and heroin smuggling? I've studied his life a lot and never found any evidence of that. Mertz, yeah, he was caught up with Paul Mondolini and Augustin Riccord, but Souetre??? Steve Thomas
  14. Larry, I wasn't saying that I agree with them, I was just trying to caution people against painting the OAS with too broad a brush. I think the statements in the Global Research article that, "Upon learning that the intelligence groups controlled by the Division Five of the FBI in the headquarters of the NATO organization had planned all of the attempts of his life, DeGaulle was inflamed"; and, "The Defense Intelligence Agency, the intelligence arm of all armed forces in the United States and Division Five, the counter-espionage agency for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, were both found to have been the controlling agencies in NATO directing the assassination attempts on De Gaulle’s life." are naive and simplistic and smack of Alex Jones and Infowars. I agree with Souetre. A toothless, discredited and impotent DeGaulle would have served the long term goals of the OAS far better than a dead one. Like I said, assassinations have a way of making martyrs out of people. If you are looking for assassins, I would look more to people like Yves Guillou, aka Yves Guerin-Serac or Andre Canal. Steve Thomas
  15. Jim, See the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice beginning on p. 20 of that document: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11249#relPageId=23&tab=page I would be willing to bet the FBI had a similar, if not identical MOU on their end. Steve Thomas
  16. Jim, One of the most interesting things I have ever encountered is the "Bartimo Letter of April 24, 1964". This is CD 852 here: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11249#relPageId=2&tab=page This spells out the liason procedures of the military establishment with various civilian agencies with respect to intelligence matters - foreign and domestic. Look at paragraph 3 on page 1. "The Secret Service is not a member of the intelligence community as such." Look at paragraphs 4 and 5 on that same page. The DIA had no criteria or procedures for interfacing with the Secret Service. Look at pp 5-6. The DIA had Memorandums of Understanding with Customs, the FBI, Narcotics, etc., but as far as the Secret Service, their agreements only related to counterfeiting. Like, I said, it's a very interesting document. Steve Thomas
  17. Gene, I'm not so sure the OAS per se wanted to see DeGaulle assassinated. See the line in the cable cited above, "Therefore, the OAS believed that it was important to allow DeGaulle to remain in power while the OAS strengthened its organization." It would be hard to do that if DeGaulle was dead. The OAS also disavowed Jean Bastien-Thiry in his attack on DeGaulle at Petit-Clamart. Assassinations have a way of making martyrs out of people. On the other hand, Perez did tell Fensterwald that the OAS had sent a three man hit team down to Mexico to assassinated DeGaulle. I think by 1963, the OAS had split into different factions, sometimes working at cross purposes with each other. I ran across this interesting article - just some food for thought. This sounds more Gladio than OAS: The Lessons of History: In 1966 President De Gaulle Said No to US-NATO How De Gaulle did it his way https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-lessons-of-history-in-1966-president-de-gaulle-said-no-to-us-nato/5386501 "The author using the pen name of William Torbitt describes how De Gaulle decided to do what looked (and to many European leaders looks, still today) impossible: the immediate expulsion of foreign namely US military forces from French soil. This was a clear example for the leaders of France, Germany, Italy on how a real leader (not a Hollywoodian caricature of a leader) acts in a moment of deep crisis for his country. Today, Washington and London – and behind them Wall Street and the City of London – are threatening retribution against those political leaders who dare uphold the national interest of their respective countries, while also refusing to accept a confrontation with Russia and China. These leaders are instructed by Washington to be accomplices in the process of destruction and destabilization of the European project. From ‘The Assassination Attempt on De Gaulle’ by William Torbitt: General De Gaulle was furious at the assassination plots and attempted assassination upon himself. He called in his most trusted officers with the French Intelligence Agency and they advised him that they were already working on the investigation to ferret out who was behind DeGaulle’s attempted assassination. The French Intelligence Agency in a very short while completely traced the assassination attempt through Permindex, the Swiss corporation, to the Solidarists, the Fascist White Russian emigre intelligence organization and Division Five, the espionage section of the FBI, into the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Brussels, Belgium. French intelligence thus determined that the attempts on General De Gaulle’s life were being directed from NATO in Brussels through its various intelligence organizations and specifically, Permindex in Switzerland, basically a NATO intelligence front using the remnants of Adolph Hitler’s intelligence units in West Germany and also, the intelligence unit of the Solidarists headquartered in Munich, Germany. The overall command of the De Gaulle assassination unit was directed by Division Five of the FBI. Upon learning that the intelligence groups controlled by the Division Five of the FBI in the headquarters of the NATO organization had planned all of the attempts of his life, DeGaulle was inflamed and ordered all NATO units off of French soils. Under the contract between France and NATO, General De Gaulle could not force them to move for a period of time somewhat exceeding one year; yet, he told NATO to get off the soil of France and put the machinery in operation to remove them within the treaty agreements with the organization. The Defense Intelligence Agency, the intelligence arm of all armed forces in the United States and Division Five, the counter-espionage agency for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, were both found to have been the controlling agencies in NATO directing the assassination attempts on De Gaulle’s life. DIA and Division Five of the FBI were working hand in glove with the White Russian emigre intelligence arm, the Solidarists, and many of the Western European intelligence agencies were not aware of the assassination plan worked directly through NATO headquarters. http://www.ctrl.org/essay2/torbitt.html The original source of this article is Global Research Copyright © Umberto Pascali, Global Research, 2014" Steve Thomas
  18. Gene, That's interesting. It mirrors the position taken by the OAS vis a vis DeGaulle and communist penetration of the SDECE. Steve Thomas
  19. Vince had included this in his post of 6/10/18: 11/22/63: DALLAS TIMES HERALD 11/22/63 BEFORE the assassination happened Quote: "A list - by name - of known agitators in Dallas who might possibly stir up trouble was obtained. Agents became familiar with them, their patterns." Unquote. I wonder where they got that list, and who was on it. Steve Thomas
  20. Paul, You've been studying Vosjoli for a while. How close were he and Angleton? Steve Thomas
  21. Vince, You know, knowing that jFK was coming for a visit, it seems like the Dallas SS office would reach out and touch base with the 112th, and the FBI and the Dallas CID, but I've never read of that happening. The closest I've ever seen is the meeting Hosty had the morning of the 22nd with Coyle and I don't know who else; but they were meeting about something else. The arms thefts involving Masen and Darnell and Whitter, I think. It's strange. There's probably a whole avenue of research there, but I don't know how you would go about it. The SS field reports were probably among the batch of stuff the SS destroyed rather than turning them over to the ARRB. Steve Thomas
  22. Vince, Have you ever run across a report by the Dallas office of the SS similar to the one done by the Fort Worth Office vis a vis the "goofs"? I know the Criminal Intelligence Section of the Dallas Police Department's Special Service Bureau did a pre-check. I just wondered if the Dallas office of the SS did one too. This is in Box 13, Folder# 4, Item#52 of the DPD Archives. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box13.htm P.S. I have become convinced that Oswald was not in the DPD's Intelligence files, and that the officer who told Fritz out in the hall that Oswald lived on Beckley was getting his information from somewhere else. Steve Thomas
  23. I really enjoy this Forum. You learn all kinds of stuff. Thanks Michael. Steve Thomas
  24. I find the whole Marina Oswald/Nixon story entirely implausible. It was supposed to have happened between April 10th and April 24th. see Marina's testimony in June, 1964 in 5H388 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40#relPageId=398&tab=page At first, it was supposed to have happened about two weeks before Lee left for New Orleans on April 24th. That would place it around April 10th (the day of the Walker shooting). Then it was less than a week before Lee left for NO - perhaps as much as 10 days after the Walker incident. Maybe it was on the weekend, but then again, maybe it wasn't, because "he wasn't always employed". Oswald's last day of work at JCS was April 6th. Lee got the idea of going down to Nixon after reading the paper. She didn't read newspapers herself, but Lee read the Dallas Morning News sometimes. She didn't know if there was any information in the paper about Nixon coming to town or not. I'm sorry, but I don't believe any of it. Steve Thomas
  25. Paul, When you get it, please let me know if there is an entry for George Whitmeyer. Thanks, Steve Thomas
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