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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. W. Tracy, Irrespective of whether or not Veciana met with Bishop/Phillips and/or Oswald or not; do you think Veciana was in Dallas that weekend, or at any time that summer? Do you know of any clues to his movements that would suggest to me yes or no? Thanks, Steve Thomas
  2. W. Tracy, Thank you for this. At one point I was trying to nail down the validity of Veciana's meeting for another reason and was using Johnson's story as corroboration. One of the things I looked at was this: September 08, 1963 - Page 6 Alice Daily Echo Newspaper Archives https://newspaperarchive.com/alice-daily-echo-sep-08-1963-p-6/ Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “Gusts of powerful winds struck in the Dallas area Saturday as a surprise rainstorm whipped into the roof of one residence and damaged another in Mesquite, a suburb just east of Dallas. State Police said no injuries resulted. The wind blew a wooden block through the windshield of a mobile news unit of Radio KBOX of Dallas while it was near White Rock Lake inside the Dallas city limits. On Dallas' North Central Expressway, the blast blew in the side of a service station. Tarpaulins protecting building construction work in downtown Dallas were whipped to shreds. The storm occurred during unexpected rain activity in Dallas and other parts of North Central and Northeast Texas. The rest of the state was unusually hot and nearly all places were dry.” September 7, 1963 was a Saturday. The temperature was 102 degrees. "Not the best time to be up on the roof of a hotel", I thought. Steve Thomas
  3. Tosh Plumlee posted in the Education Forum on 11/29/2004 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/2331-how-did-the-police-first-learn-of-1026-n-beckley/ "Thank You for your respond. I t must be kept in mind that I first took Senate investigators to this place in 1978 and Jim Marrs and others from Oliver Stone's research team there in 1991. In 2002 I took Nigel Turner to this house behind Beckley and he took pictures. Most all these people told me I was wrong about the house. They said that only a park was behind the Beckley address. I told them you missed the alley entrance to the place and took them there. After I had done this then everybody said they knew about this house behind Beckley and they were just testing me. Do you know about the other place? This was a small place LHO and Marina rented down the street? It too, was a hard place to get into. Are you familiar with the doorway and how to get to this small apartment. And do you know the real address?. That too is an interesting story." Steve Thomas
  4. W. Tracy, I guess I put down the wrong date. It should have been September 7th. I was basing my statement on these: Posted by Andrej Stancak in the Education Forum 02/10/17 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/23465-wynne-and-vicki-southland-center-1963/ I would like to turn the attention of Forum members to a remarkable testimony of Mr. Wynne Johnson. Wynne was 15 years old in 1963, and had a girlfriend Vicki. Vicki and Wynne liked to visit the roof of the Southland Center to view the scenery of Dallas. And so they did on September 7, 1963. As unexpected and unbelievable as only the life can pose, these two children became witnesses of an event which researchers of the President Kennedy assassination consider as a clear and undisputed proof of a direct contact between Oswald and Maurice Bishop alias a CIA asset David Atlee Phillips: their meeting in Dallas in September 1963. Thanks to Gaeton Fonzi’s research, we know that that meeting also included Antonio Veciana, one of the chief representatives of anti-Castro movement in Miami. It was Veciana who told Fonzi and the House Committee about the Bishop-Oswald meeting. Wynne and Vicki were approaching the Southland Center when a taxi cab passed and a young man, Lee Harvey Oswald, stepped out. Oswald entered the main lobby, met with Phillips and both men started to talk. Shortly, Veciana came in via a different entrance. And while the three men stood together in the lobby, Wynne and Vicki also entered a long corridor and headed towards the three men. Bill Kelly in JFKContercoup http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2017/08/castro-and-oswald-september-7-1963.htmlSaturday September 7, 1963 That just happens to be the day Alpha 66 founder Antonio Veciana met with David Atlee Phillips and Lee Harvey Oswald at the Southland Center in Dallas, as well as the day Manuel Rodriguez arrived in Dallas to set up a branch of Alpha 66 and leased the safe house on Harlandale Avenue in Oak Cliff. (I believe this is wrong. Manuel Rodrigiez Orcarberro registered as alien of Dallas, Texas on September 6, 1963. Maybe he leased the house on the 7th) See: Heitman interview of Rodriguez on May 20, 1964. Heitman wrote a report of this interview on May 25, 1964. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11481#relPageId=222&tab=page page 222. Steve Thomas
  5. In his Deposition of April 16, 1964, Sheriff Decker presented the Commission with a dark brown heavy folder with a label marked on the outside: Harvey Lee Oswald. (12H51) (Decker Exhibit# 5323) https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=7795#relPageId=61&tab=page WC testimony of Earlene Roberts April 8, 1964 http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/robertse.htm Mr. BALL. Do you remember the day the President was shot? Mrs. ROBERTS. Yes; I remember it---who would forget that? Mr. BALL. And the police officers came out there? Mrs. ROBERTS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. Do you remember what they said? Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, it was Will Fritz' men---it was plainclothesmen and I was at the back doing something and Mr. Johnson answered the door and they identified themselves and then he called me. Mr. BALL. What did they say? Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, they asked him if there was a Harvey Lee Oswald there. And again... Mr. BALL. And you didn't have that name you didn't ever know his name was Lee Oswald? Mrs. ROBERTS. No---he registered as O. H. Lee and they were asking for Harvey Lee Oswald. WC testimony of Arthur Clark Johnson (owner of 1026 N. Beckley) http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/johnso_a.htm Mr. BELIN. Now, what did Mrs. Roberts say about this man having been at the home earlier that day--this O. H. Lee, which they had identified as Harvey Oswald? Fritz told the WC that "an officer" whose name he couldn't remember stopped him out in the hall before he went in to interview Oswald for the first time, and told him that Oswald lived on Beckley. What if he made that up? Sheriff Decker's file on the assassination, given to the Warren Commission lists the assailant's name as "Harvey Lee Oswald" (12H51) (CE 5323) Deposition of Sheriff Decker dark brown heavy folder with a label on the outside: Harvey Lee Oswald. When the police got to Beckley, they were asking for Harvey Lee Oswald. Fritz, Sims, Boyd, and Decker all speak of a curious little encounter just after Fritz emerges from the TSBD. They have found the rifle and learned that Oswald lives in Irving. Fritz is all hot to trot. He's determined to go charging off to Irving taking Sims and Boyd with him. Fritz told the Warren Commission, Mr. BALL. How long did you stay at the Texas School Book Depository after you found the rifle? Mr. FRITZ. After he told me about this man almost, I left immediately after he told me that. Mr. BALL. You left almost immediately after he told you that? Mr. FRITZ. Almost after he told me that man, I felt it important to hold that man. Mr. BALL. Did you give descriptions to Sims and Boyd? Mr. FRITZ. Yes, sir; I told them to drive me to city hall and see if the man had a criminal record and we picked up two other officers and my intentions were to go to the house at Irving.” http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/fritz1.htm Just as he's about to head off, Decker sends word that he wants to talk to Fritz just a minute. What was the subject of that little conversation? None of them are asked by the WC, and none of them volunteer. In his WC testimony, Richard Sims told the Commission that he waited out in the hall while Fritz went in to talk to Decker. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/sims.htm “Mr. SIMS. Captain Fritz went over and talked to Sheriff Decker. He sent word he wanted to talk to Captain Fritz, so we talked to the sheriff and then we went to the city hall. Mr. BALL. Where was Decker when he said he wanted to talk to Fritz? Mr. SIMS. Well, I didn't go inside the sheriff's office--I stayed out in the corridor there.” Whatever it was, all of a sudden Fritz changes his mind, heads into the office, keeps Sims and Boyd with him, and sends other police officers to check out Irving. WC testimony of Elmer Boyd http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/boyd.htm Mr. BALL. Did you go to Decker's office with Fritz? Mr. BOYD. Yes sir. Mr. BALL. And then you went with Fritz up to your office? Mr. BOYD. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. And did Fritz send somebody else out to Irving, or do you remember? Mr. BOYD. I think later on, I believe, he sent someone else out there. Mr. BALL. He told you to stay there at the police department, did he? Mr. BOYD. Yes, sir. Did Fritz make up the story about an officer telling him out in the hall before he went in to interview Oswald the first time that Oswald lived on Beckley in an effort to cover up where he really fot that information? Did he get the name Harvey Lee Oswald and that he lived on Beckley from Decker when he stopped in to see Decker on his way back from the TSBD? The other officers who were with Fritz when he went to see Decker (Sims and Boyd, I think) told the WC that they waited out in the hall and Fritz went in to talk to Decker alone. Did Decker get that information from somebody connected to military intelligence? Steve Thomas
  6. David, I once wrote a piece on when the police first learned of the 1026 N. Beckley address. You can find a copy here: Scroll down about 1/5 down the page. https://myjfksite.weebly.com/ My conclusion was that the information came from military intelligence of some sort or another. Thanks for the V.J. Brian copy. That's the first I've ever heard of it. I told Bart Kamp the other day that I thought a whole lot of photographic hanky panky took place Friday night in the Dallas Police Department. I once took a look at the Oswald signatures and was struck by the transition from the "O" to the "S" in Oswald. On the one hand, the "O" starts in the northeast corner, moves to the northwest, down to the southwest, over to the southeast, back north to the starting point, makes a circle, and then transitions to form the top part of the letter "s". The writer never takes his hand off the paper. On the other, the signer picks the pen up off the paper and starts the letter "s" in the southwest corner and moves north. This is a deliberate and conscious effort. You actually have to pick the pen up off the paper to do it. I once saw a signature of Oswald from when he was sixteen or so. He signed his name in the same manner as my first example. (I'm sorry, I don't remember where I saw that). Steve Thomas
  7. David, I have been trying to research this. In the documents you provided, it says that Zabala talked about a meeting Veciana had with Bishop and Oswald approximately one month before the assassination. We know that Veciana met with Phillips in Dallas on September 6th, which would be closer to three months before the assassination rather than one month. I haven't found a record of Veciana being in Dallas in October, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I wonder if the pictures that David Joseph provided were in any way connected to the trips that Loren Hall and William Seymour took through Dallas in late September and October of 1963. Hall told the FBI that he drove from Los Angeles to Miami in September. He stopped off in Dallas on September 27th to do some fund raising and stayed for 10 days. He dropped off a trailer full of supplies, and went he went back to retrieve it, was arrested by the Dallas police on October 17th. Judging from the casement windows, the height of the ladder in the corner, the industrial strength door closer on the back door, and the size of the parking lot looking through the back windows, I'd say this meeting in the pictures provided, took place at a commercial establishment, or government building (like a city hall type building). Nailing down when and where this meeting took place might help identify some of the people in it. Just as a side note, and this is pure speculation, I wonder if the younger guy in the front row with sunglasses might be a picture of Fermin de Goicochea Sanchez aka George Perrel - he who is connected to Alpha 66 and for which we don't seem to have a picture. (Like I said, that's just pure speculation). Steve Thomas
  8. I just thought I would pass this along for information's sake: Hamilton, Ohio Journal April 27, 1959 page 9. https://newspaperarchive.com/hamilton-daily-news-journal-apr-27-1959-p-9/ Cuba Holds Kansan Steve Thomas
  9. On a lighter note: QJ/WIN was David Atlee Phillips aka Maurice Bishop. HSCA Vol. X pp. 38-39 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1212#relPageId=42&tab=page "Veciana has never assumed that Maurice Bishop was a true name. At one point of their early meetings in Havana, Veciana noticed a Belgian passport which Bishop had in his open briefcase. Examining it when Bishop left the room briefly, Veciana made a quick note of it on a scrap of paper. Veciana kept that scrap of paper and showed it to Senator Schweiker's investigator. The name on that paper was "Frigault". Early Origins of the Frigault family https://www.houseofnames.com/frigault-family-crest "The surname Frigault was first found in Normandy (French: Normandie), the former Duchy of Normandy. " Just across the road from Luxembourg and Belgium, wouldn't you say? hahaha Steve Thomas
  10. HSCA testimony of James Malley Vol. 3 pp 462 - 512 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=954&relPageId=466 Steve Thomas
  11. Fritz told the WC that "an officer" whose name he couldn't remember stopped him out in the hall before he went in to interview Oswald for the first time, and told him that Oswald lived on Beckley. What if he made that up? Sheriff Decker's file on the assassination, given to the Warren Commission lists the assailant's name as "Harvey Lee Oswald" (12H51) (CE 5323) Deposition of Sheriff Decker dark brown heavy folder with a label on the outside: Harvey Lee Oswald. When the police got to Beckley, they were asking for Harvey Lee Oswald. see the WC testimony of Earlene Roberts April 8, 1964 http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/robertse.htm Did Fritz make up the story about an officer telling him out in the hall before he went in to interview Oswald the first time that Oswald lived on Beckley? Did he get the name Harvey Lee Oswald and that he lived on Beckley from Decker when he stopped in to see Decker on his way back from the TSBD? The other officers who were with Fritz when he went to see Decker (Sims and Boyd, I think) told the WC that they waited out in the hall and Fritz went in to talk to Decker alone. Did Decker get that information from somebody connected to military intelligence and pass it on to Fritz? Steve Thomas
  12. Fritz told the WC that "an officer" whose name he couldn't remember stopped him out in the hall before he went in to interview Oswald for the first time, and told him that Oswald lived on Beckley. What if he made that up? Sheriff Decker's file on the assassination, given to the Warren Commission lists the assailant's name as "Harvey Lee Oswald" (12H51) (CE 5323) Deposition of Sheriff Decker dark brown heavy folder with a label on the outside: Harvey Lee Oswald. When the police got to Beckley, they were asking for Harvey Lee Oswald. see the WC testimony of Earlene Roberts April 8, 1964 http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/robertse.htm Did Fritz make up the story about an officer telling him out in the hall before he went in to interview Oswald the first time that Oswald lived on Beckley? Did he get the name Harvey Lee Oswald and that he lived on Beckley from Decker when he stopped in to see Decker on his way back from the TSBD? The other officers who were with Fritz when he went to see Decker (Sims and Boyd, I think) told the WC that they waited out in the hall and Fritz went in to talk to Decker alone. Did Decker get that information from somebody connected to military intelligence? Steve Thomas
  13. Joe, Steig said that Oswald sat in the back of the room and didn't speak to anybody. Sure sounds quiet and assuming to me. Steve Thomas
  14. Bart, My jaw dropped when I read Shanklin's memo to the file in your post. It's page 2 of Shanklin's report about two thirds of the way down the document you posted. Fritz did not want to send out a description of Oswald for fear or tipping Oswald off that they were coming for him. "Fritz stated that he placed no stock whatsoever in the broadcast at 12:43 PM concerning a description of a white male, 5'10", 165 pounds individual who was allegedly carrying a rifle..." What the hell does that mean? Did Fritz believe that the broadcast itself was fraudulent - perhaps inserted into the transcript later? Did he take no stock in the description? If he believed that the broadcast originated with Sawyer, did he believe that Sawyer made it up, and shows some kind of tension between Fritz and Sawyer? What an extraordinary statement by Fritz! Steve Thomas
  15. Joe, Here is the guest roster of the evening DRE meeting on October 13th which Walker attended. I don't think Walker spoke at the meeting, but I could be wrong. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10649#relPageId=22&tab=page CD 246 pp. 20-26. I had the attendance backward. According to Joaquin Pinillos, the afternoon meeting was more heavily attended. (see p. 25) Mr. BALL. Did he go out any at night? Mrs. ROBERTS. No. Mr. BALL. Did he stay home every night? Mrs. ROBERTS. Yes---he stayed home every night---I didn't ever know of him going out. If he did, he left after I went to bed and I never knew. Steve Thomas
  16. Bart, Here is Gemberling's report of 11/30/63 referred to in your post. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10406&search=Gemberling_11%2F30%2F63#relPageId=15&tab=page page 12. The FBI interview with Brennan was taken by Agents Gaston Thompson and Robert Lish and dictated on 11/22/63. In it, Brennan stated that he attended a lineup on 11/22 where he described the shooter. The report itself was transcribed on 11/23. How could the report be dictated on 11/22 and Brennan said he attended a lineup on 11/22, when he supposedly didn't attend a lineup until 7:30 PM on 11/23? This FBI report is bogus. Steve Thomas
  17. I spoke too soon. The DRE meeting that Walker attended was at 8:00 PM. The pictures shown in this thread were taken in the afternoon. There were two DRE meetings on October 13th. The one in the afternoon was for Spanish speaking people and was attended by about 40 people. The one in the evening was for both Spanish and English speaking people and was attended by about 75 people. Walker gave $5.00 to the cause. Steve Thomas
  18. Ron, The first time I saw picture number two and looked at the guy in the brown suit in the front row, second from the right, I thought he looked an awful lot like Gen. Edwin Walker. I decided, nah, that guy has a real narrow tie, and Walker seemed to favor broader ties. Walker was at the DRE meeting with Sarah Castillo and Annie Odio. But if these pictures are of an Alpha-66 meeting, it probably isn't him. On the other hand, if these pictures are really of a DRE meeting in October, there was a guy named Edwin Steig, who attended that DRE meeting and said he saw Oswald at that meeting sitting in the back of the room. See CD 205 p. 646. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10672&relPageId=649 Steve Thomas
  19. Stu, Do you happen to know off the top of your head, the exact period of time when Oswald and Jack Bowen's employment at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall overlapped? Yesterday, I was musing to myself about that "missing two weeks" in Oswald's life from October 19 - November 3, 1962 when nobody in Oswald's life knew where he was living, and wondered if it was possible he was staying with Bowen. Steve Thomas
  20. Charles Waters: Posted by Ed Ledoux in the Reopen the Kennedy Case Forum on May 11, 2018 http://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1759-library-card-clues http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/G%20Disk/Garrison%20Jim/Garrison%20Jim%20Early%20Statements%20Open%20Leads%2011-14-67/Item%2001.pdf 32. Dalzell, “William Dalzell has admitted to me that he formed Friends of Democratic Cuba as well as the Free Voice of Latin America. This is:an extremely intelligent man who apparently was very much involved with the CIA in the early 1960's, although he will make no such admission. He states that the name Joseph Moore is very familiar to him and such 7-10- a person may have been connected with Friends of Democratic Cuba -- but he cannot place the individual. He did state also, however, that one Charles Waters was very active with the organization. The description of Charles Waters at the time describes a youngish man, rather slim with somewhat blond hair. It is entirely possible that Charles Waters used the name Oswald in soliciting bids for trucks at Bolton Ford. It is to be noted that-there is a Charles Waters who is now employed in Dallas by H. L. Hunt and who seems to be a right-hand man to Hunt's assistant, Paul Rothermell. One of Charles Water's last comments here in New Orleans was to the effect that "Everything is lined up in Dallas" and that he was going to go to Dallas. We should attempt to obtain a driving license photograph of Charles Waters. This photograph should be shown.to the Bolton Ford people and added to our photograph file. 33. In connection with Friends of Democratic Cuba and the activity of the early 1960's, Grady Durham's name keeps coming up. He was, for example, the individual who drew up the papers for the charter of that organization. Anyone going to Washington on any office project should also make arrangements to see Grady Durham and interview him in this regard. We have his address available.” Posted by Ed Ledoux in the Reopen the Kennedy Case Forum on May 16, 2018 http://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1759-library-card-clues Christopher Courtwright, "The Strange Allegations of Raymond Carnay", Kennedy Assassination Chronicles, Volume 2, Issue 3, p. 19. Carnay's odyssey began when he received a call from Charlie Waters, who described himself as "vice-commander of the anti-Castro revolutionary forces in the Western Hemisphere" and that he was in Dallas "recruiting pilots" for "flying harassment raids over Cuba". He met with the Oswald-type character in person three times over 7-9 days and several follow-up phone calls. "How could the Oswald impostor have known in the first place that Carnay had turned a list of names and other information over to the FBI? Was someone in intelligence circles testing Carnay's loyalties by sending in a straw man to pose as a Castro advocate? A similar story to Carnay's is told to Jim Garrison by William Galzell, the head of Friends of Democratic Cuba in New Orleans. In 1961, Jim Moore was purchasing trucks for the FDC and documents were signed by Moore and a man called Lee Oswald. When asked before the grand jury, Galzell said that "Colonel" Charles Watters was working with Joseph Moore and he could tell Garrison all about Moore. http://maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1179&search=moore#relPageId=17&tab=page Waters treated the group as a "hangout for arms and ammunition". See 124-10288-10389: Like Carnay, Dalzell describes Waters to the FBI as a "lieutenant colonel in the Western Hemisphere". See 124-10288-10389, p. 47 of 59: Dalzell was not a marginalized character - in the 50s he worked for DOD as a cryptographer. Posted by Ed Ledoux in the Reopen the Kennedy Case Forum on May 16, 2018 http://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1759-library-card-clues This comes from a memorandum on an interview with members of the 30th of November group dated March 8, 1962. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=112691&relPageId=2&search=%22Charles_Waters%22 Possible arms sale involving Charles Waters in April, 1961 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=76769&search=%22Charles_Waters%22#relPageId=18&tab=page and https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=76766&relPageId=30&search=%22Charles_Waters%22 “For the short period of time of its subsequent existence, the Friends of Democratic Cuba, Inc. was headed by Charles Waters.” https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=112690&relPageId=2&search=%22Charles_Waters%22 Charles Waters was interviewed by SA James Hosty in March, 1962 in connection with the 30th of November group. Hosty told Waters that the FBI “was not condoning his activities and would not recommend any action in this matter on his part.” https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=76763&search=%22Charles_Waters%22#relPageId=2&tab=page Charles Waters appears at the Dallas FBI office on May 15 and August 3, 1961 and tells them of his activities with the “Liberation Forces of the Western Hemisphere” and the “Democratic Revolutionary Front.” “On 11/12/64, Charles Waters, then employed as fleet manager, Johnson Chrysler, Plymouth Corporation, 5311 Lemon Ave., Dallas, informed CIA representative, James Walton Moore (protect identity), at Dallas, that he had been contacted by a friend of his, Donald Sparks, with whom he had worked on the “Free Cuba Committee”, with an invitation to Waters to come in with him in the selling of military equipment to anti-Castro groups.” “At the time of his original visit to the Dallas office in May, 1961, Waters stated that he had served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1951 to 1959 and from 1954 to 1957 had been a Marine Corps Guard at the U.S. Embassy at Montevideo, Uruguay. He claimed to hold a top secret clearance. He said he later served in the Marine Corps Intelligence. He furnished his serial number as 122-37-48.” https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=93881&relPageId=28&search=%22Charles_Waters%22 “William Wayne Dalzell, New Orleans, LA, advised that while in telephonic contact with Charles Waters, Dallas, Texas, on 6/7/61, he learned that Waters was a Lieutenant Colonel in the “Liberation Forces of the Western Hemisphere”(105-99586).” https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=76769&search=%22Charles_Waters%22#relPageId=8&tab=page FBI Memorandum of June 6, 1961 re: William Dalzell pp 6- 8: Charles Waters given as a source for supply military equipment and automatic weapons. Steve Thomas
  21. David, Larry Hancock has one on this page: http://www.larry-hancock.com/photos/p-app-h/App%20H%20Odio%20photos.jpg Steve Thomas
  22. Paul, This was posted by Bill Simpich in the Education Forum on June 29, 2014: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/10942-who-was-qjwin/?page=3 “I think the documents cited here resolve the identify of QJ/WIN as Jose Mankel (while recognizing that "Mankel" may not have been his true name, as shown in this ARRB memo: https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=60509&relPageId=3 “ Steve Thomas
  23. David, Where does this come from? What caught my eye was the name of the shipping line he was proposing to take, "Grace Lines" He wound up taking the "Lykes Lines" company. I wonder why. I did a little bit of reading about the Grace Lines. They seemed to concentrate in the Caribbean and the west coast of South America. I don't know as I sit here, if they operated out of New Orleans or not. https://www.cruiselinehistory.com/the-grace-line/ Steve Thomas
  24. Ron, I just held my cursor over the looping images, and when that photo popped up, I right clicked on it and said "copy this image", then I pulled up a photo software program (I used Paint), and did an "edit paste". Thanks. What I originally mistook as a "drainage pipe" of some kind, I now see as sunlight reflecting off the side of a building. I'm getting older now and my eyesight isn't as good as it used to be. That's why I don't do a lot of commentary about photos. I'm no good at it. Steve Thomas
  25. John, I'm not sure I see a train in Bell. (If that's where this photo is from) Please excuse my crude editing. #1 seems to me to show an almost whole house showing between two cars # 2 seems to show some kind of drainage pipe or something # 3 seems to show some kind of weird window showing right in the middle of a box car It seems to me that these are building set further back from the tracks. (That's just my personal, unprofessional opinion). Steve Thomas
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