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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. http://www.tonyahardingshotjfk.com/tonyaharding.html

    "Consider the evidence of reincarnation. Both Tonya Harding and Lee Harvey Oswald have the letters "Har" in their names. Both of their victims were Irish Catholics from Massachusetts whose last names began with the letters "Ke": John F. Kennedy and Nancy Kerrigan, and both were attacked in cities beginning with the letter "D": Dallas and Detroit. Time magazine also saw a connection in the assaults on Kerrigan and Kennedy. Margaret Carlson wrote in the February 21, 1994 issue, "The videocam verite of the clubbing [of Kerrigan] provides the same gritty realism that the Zapruder footage brought to Oliver Stone's JFK.""

    Steve Thomas

  2. Ed,

    "Oswald and the Amazing Technicolor Jacket"

    The driver, Cecil McWatters, and passenger Roy Milton Jones said the man who

    boarded the bus was wearing a jacket.

    Mary Bledsoe describes Oswald's shirt, that is was undone, dirty, had a hole in the sleeve at the elbow. Why is Bledsoe the only one who notices this?

    Because she didn't.

    If the man was wearing a jacket, how could Bledsoe even see his elbow?

    Steve Thomas

  3. Last night I was reading the December 6, 1963 issue of Life Magazine. In the article it says that early rumors about the assassination centered on a mysterious Cuban named Scentor.

    I've never heard this name. Has anyone here ever come across this name before?

    Steve Thomas

    I find two references to "Scentor" on the Mary Ferrell site:

    One is a letter from a schoolboy to the FBI asking why some things were discounted in the FBI's search, such as the Cuban Scentor.

    (FBI WC Liason File, Section 26 p. 127)


    The other is a German newspaper article which mentions Scentor

    (FBI JFK Assassination File, Section 53 p. 98


    Anybody here read German?

    Steve Thomas

  4. Last night I was reading the December 6, 1963 issue of Life Magazine. In the article it says that early rumors about the assassination centered on a mysterious Cuban named Scentor.

    I've never heard this name. Has anyone here ever come across this name before?

    Steve Thomas

  5. Thomas

    At 1:55 into this video, Oswald is seen saying something to some sort of law-enforcement official. Any idea who it was and what Oswald said to him? Thanks.

    Also, why was Billy Lovelady there sitting in a chair near Fritz's office at 1:05 into the video? Had he volunteered to give information, or had he been arrested, or "detained?"

    (Sorry about my misspelling the word "speaking" in the subject line. I probably just subconsciously wanted to make some of our semi-illiterates feel comfortable and "at home," I re-con'. LOL

    As far as your first question, Oswald is only wearing a t-shirt in the video, so I think that footage was shot on Saturday. As late as the midnight press conference on Friday night, Oswald still had his shirt on. For some reason, on Saturday they took it away from him - maybe to test it for fibers, but by the time of the Saturday lineup at 2:15 PM, Oswald was complaining bitterly to everyone who would listen that he was dressed differently than the other people in the lineup. Perhaps that is what he was saying as he was taken into a room.

    As far as Lovelady, if you look at the sequence of Oswald being led past Lovelady, there is a clock on the wall to the right of the screen that shows 2:00 PM. Oswald is still wearing his shirt.

    I believe this sequence was shot Friday afternoon right after Oswald's arrest at the Texas Theater. On Friday afternoon, various employees of the TSBD were taken in and they gave affidavits. (William Shelly, Danny Arce, Lovelady, etc.)

    Steve Thomas

  6. Greg,

    Needless to say, I think you're right to be struck by the apparent German origin.

    I once questioned whether Oswald knew German too.

    Did Oswald know German too?"

    Or was he trying to learn German?In the Dallas Police Archives, Box 9, Folder# 5, Item# 20, http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box9.htmthere is a property clerk's invoice for property seized from 1026 N. Beckley on November 23rd. In gif# 1, there is a listing for a package of Russian flash cards. Underneath that is a listing for 1 package of German phrase - sentence flash cards.Pretty smart person I would think - to learn two foreign languages.Steve Thomas

    From the affidavit of Billy Joe Lord, Oswald's cabinmate on the trip aboard the S.S. Marion Lykes


    10. Oswald spent a great deal of his time during the trip on the deck. I do not recall him doing any reading. I do recall, however, that there was a radio speaker which received programs from Europe and that Oswald and Colonel Church seemed to understand a little bit of the foreign language that came over on the speaker. I thought it was German, but I am not sure.

    Col. Church was a retired U.S. Army Colonel. He and his wife were the other two passengers aboard the Marion Lykes.

    Anyone know Col. Church's background?

    From the WC testimony of Nelson Delgado, who was stationed with LHO in Santa Ana:

    Mr. DELGADO - Well, like I say, he tried to teach me Russian, but then another time I had some thought that what he was speaking to me was German; but according to the agent, he messed me all up, and I couldn't figure whether it was Hebrew or German. I tried to tell him that some of the words he had mentioned to me at the time I didn't recognize them, but when I came back from Germany some of those words I do remember, you know.

    Mr. LIEBELER - It seemed to you like it was German?

    Mr. DELGADO - Like German; yes.

    Mr. LIEBELER - But you only came to that conclusion after you had been to Germany?

    Mr. DELGADO - Right. At the time it could have been Yiddish or German, you know.

    Mr. LIEBELER - Could it have been Russian?

    Mr. DELGADO - No; different gutteral sounds altogether.

    Mr. LIEBELER - But you did not know whether Oswald spoke this other language to any extent; he just used a few words?

    Mr. DELGADO - No; I just remember his particular language, which I am in doubt about, had a "ch" gutteral sound to it , you know; and I could only assume it was Jewish or German, and later on when I was in Germany, I think, I am pretty sure it was German that he was speaking.

    Mr. LIEBELER - Did he speak it well or did he just use a few words?

    Mr. DELGADO - He speaks it like I speak it now, you know, like, just phrases, you know. Where he picked them up, I don't know.

    From Gary Buell’s blog July, 2005


    "Such was not the case however, in the affidavit supplied by Dennis Call who had been stationed at Santa Ana with Oswald. Call related in his statement how, "On one occasion, Oswald remarked to me that he had been awarded a scholarship to Albert Schweitzer University and that he planned to attend, remarking that they taught English [Call likely meant 'German'] at Schweitzer." Was this perhaps, Lee's way of saying he had assistance of a type which couldn't be openly stated?

    Another of his Santa Ana Marine acquaintances, Henry Rousell Jr, recalled that prior to studying Russian, Oswald had studied German. Although Germany was on his itinerary, the main language of Switzerland is also German. Proof Rousell's memory was accurate is found among Oswald's notes which show a clear, though perhaps rudimentary, effort to teach himself this language."

    Steve Thomas

  7. Posted by tkcollier in Humor, Politics.

    Tags: Hilary, McCain, Obama

    add a comment

    We, in Ireland, can’t figure out why people are even bothering to hold an election in the United States.

    On one side, you have a pants wearing lawyer, married to a lawyer who can’t keep his pants on, who just lost a long and heated primary against a lawyer who goes to the wrong church who is married to yet another lawyer who doesn’t even like the country her husband wants to run.

    Now…on the other side, you have a nice old war hero whose name starts with the appropriate Mc terminology, married to a good looking younger woman who owns a beer distributorship.

    What in Lord’s name are you lads thinking over there in the colonies?

    Steve Thomas

  8. Antti,

    Steve & J,

    I have a slightly different section of testimony by Det. Guy F. Rose, of the DPD. He is asking Oswald about his name (Hidell vs. Oswald), and he replies: "You find out."

    Good catch.

    Also from my memory (so, this is definitely not a worth 2 cents, but here goes): Det. Jim Leavelle, recalls the Oswald interrogation on the "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" -series (done in the 1980's, I guess) and says along the lines that: "When we asked Oswald whether his name was "Hidell" or "Oswald" he replied: "You're the cop, you figure it out.""

    Yeah, well, I'll take what Leavelle says with a grain of salt.

    Back on April 7, 1964, under questioning about the activities of November 24th, Leavelle told the WC this:

    Mr. BALL. Did you make any notes of the conversation?

    Mr. LEAVELLE. No; I did not myself. That was the only time I ever sat in on the interrogations of him by Captain Fritz or anyone.

    Mr. BALL. Is that the first time you had seen Oswald?

    Mr. LEAVELLE. No; I had seen him, of course, the first day he was arrested and when they brought him in and out of the office taking him to and from the jail and, of course, I had saw him at the showups, what-have-you.

    Mr. BALL. Had you ever talked to him before?

    Mr. LEAVELLE. No; I had never talked to him before.


    This is what he told the Texas Monthly magazine in 1998:

    , ”I talked to him, yeah, about 10, maybe 15 minutes one-on-one before Captain Fritz and the other officers came back from the book depository, preparatory to going look for him, and found out he was already there. When the Captain came in and asked me what his name was, and I told him, he asked me where he worked, and he said the book depository, he said, 'You're the one I want to talk to.' So, in essence, they took my prisoner away. I lost my prisoner. He and Chief Charles of the Secret Service.”

    (I emailed him and he told me that he said Chief Sorrells, not Charles)

    Steve Thomas

  9. J.

    Seated in the patrol car to the left of Oswald during the ride downtown, Detective Bentley heard a dispatcher say Oswald was the prime suspect in the Kennedy shooting. “I turned to him, and I said, ‘Did you shoot President Kennedy?’ ” Detective Bentley recalled. “He said, ‘You find out for yourself.’ ”

    I don't think Bentley ever said this to the WC, but don't have time to check.

    The only time I can remember LHO giving this response was in response to a question put to him by Detective Guy Rose concerning his address:

    Mr. BALL. Did you ask him what his address was?

    Mr. ROSE. Yes; but from there, he wouldn't tell me--he just said, "You just find out."

    Steve Thomas

  10. On July 21, 2008, retired Dallas Police Detective Paul Bentley, #526, passed away after a lengthy illness. Detective Bentley is best known for his part in the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald inside the Texas Theatre shortly after the shooting of Officer J.D. Tippet. According to Detective Bentleys widow, Mrs. Mozelle Bentley of Dallas, Detective Bentley, along with several other officers had gone into the theatre looking for the suspect who shot their colleague. Oswald was seated in the middle of a row when officers converged on him from all sides and arrested him. Detective Bentley is the plain clothes detective in the now famous photo of Oswald being led out of the theatre. Up until his death, autographed photos of that photo were still being requested from Detective Bentley.

    Steve Thomas

  11. Duke,


    The officers are listed according to when they appear on the transcripts and are from the Channel 1 transcripts only. I haven't looked at the Channel 2 transcripts.

    This is what I picked up from the Channel 2 transcripts:

    190 Sgt. S.Q. Bellah

    142 Ptm Haygood

    22 Ptm L.L. Hill

    137 Ptm E.D. Brewer

    250 Sgt. W.A. Simpso9 Inspector Sawyer

    39 Pt. J. Butcher (he drove some SS Agents downtown at 1:09 PM

    243 Ptm B.L. Apple

    Steve Thomas

  12. Duke,

    Does anyone know of a resource that can provide a list of all of the officers who responded to either or both of the "Signal 19" (shooting) calls in downtown and/or Oak Cliff? I'm not having any luck and if it's already been done, I don't want to have to reinvent the wheel. Many thanks for any leads ....

    Based on the Channel 1 transcripts, these are the people I could discern were either directed to go downtown, or volunteered to go. I was surprised to learn that the first call for officers to report downtown wasn't sent out until 12:41. The first three units listed were directed to cut traffic at Stemmons and Inwood between the 12:35 and 12:39 mark.

    The dispatcher stopped sending officers downtown right about the time of the Tippit shooting. Then there was a flurry of activity aroung the 2:00 time frame when people were seen in boxcars at the rear of the TSBD.

    The officers are listed according to when they appear on the transcripts and are from the Channel 1 transcripts only. I haven't looked at the Channel 2 transcripts. There are also officers calling in and reporting themselves "clear", but I don't know where they were clearing from, so I didn't list them.

    Steve Thomas

    21 Ptm. D.P. Tucker (and)

    C. R. Graham

    24 Ptm. D. L Pate

    93 Ptm. Holly M. Ashcraft

    15, Car 2 Capt. J. M. Souter

    101 Ptm. B. L. Bass

    43 Ptm. P. R. Wilkins (see 55)

    102 Ptm. B. L. Jones (and)

    M. D. Noll

    233 Ptm. J. T. Fortsen

    61 Ptm. C. W. Temple (and)

    R. E. Vaughn

    77 Ptm. Walter E. Smith

    63 unknown

    76 Ptm. Henry H. Horn

    97 unknown

    100 Sgt. W. G. Jennings

    113 Ptm. C. L. Osburn

    153 Motorcycle Ptm. J. W. Courson

    66 Ptm. Frank S. Williams

    531 Sgt. G.D. Henslee

    77 Ptm. Walter E. Smith

    116 Ptm. R. J. Ross

    105 Ptm. J. M. Poe (and) L. E. Jez

    231 unknown

    550, Car 2 Sgt. G. L Hill also shared by R.D. Stringer

    174 Ptm. J. W. Brooks

    212 Ptm. L. W. Spredlin

    223 Ptm. C. T. Walker

    40 Sgt. D. F. Flusche

    22 Ptm. Leonard L. Hill

    87 Ptm. R. C. Nelson

    116 Ptm. R. J. Ross

    19 Sgt. C. B. Owens

    60 Sgt. J. A. Putnam

    115 Ptm. G. D. Benningfield

    15 Capt. C. E. Talbert

    5 Dep. Chief G. L. Lumpkin

    252 Ptm. F. T. Chance

    79 Ptm. Billy W. Anglin

    49 Ptm. C. R. Galbreath

    35 Ptm. J. M. Lewis

    174 Ptm. J. W. Brooks

    263 Ptm. W. C. Brasher

    569. DIS: Who's with you?

    570. 263: Moore and Murdoch, radio patrolmen.

    610. T/O: Traffic Officer to dispatcher.

    611. DIS: Go ahead.

    612. T/O: I have an eye witness over here that saw the

    President get hit.

    614. DIS: What radio are you using, traffic officer?

    615. T/O: I'm using a three-wheel radio.

    312 Det. L D. Montgomery (and)

    L. C. Graves (and)

    100 Sgt. W. G. Jennings

    652. 15: Call two of the canine units back in -- Norman's dog and the

    sergeant's dog. Call them back in, if you will.

    260 Sgt. D. V. Harkness

    508 Crime Lab. W. E. Barnes

    492 CID (Carroll and Lyons)

    388 CID

    305 Det. Landle (and)

    Beck (and)


    386 Ptm. P. R. Peace

    309 Det. Blessing (and)

    Brown (and)

    Dherity (and)

    Det. W.W. ('Woody') Tippett, member of the Special Assignement Detail, Traffic Division

    (The next two were the dog handlers)

    29 Ptm. J. M. Williams

    99 Ptm. S. E. Norman

    69 Ptm. A. R. Brock

    9 Insp. J. H. Sawyer

    443 Lt. Wallace (at 2:10 PM he was reported to be at the Sheriff’s office)

    607 Ambulance

    This is interesting. I hadn’t heard before that an ambulance was called to the county jail at about 2:07 PM

    These guys responded to a report of people being seen in the boxcars:

    392 CID

    241 Ptm. J. P. Hollingsworth

    224 Ptm. L. D. Wilson

    E.L. Holloway ?

    375 unknown

  13. James,


    I seem to remember reading somewhere that at about 12:10, the motorcade was making a turn from Lemmon Ave onto Turtle Creek Boulevard.


    You have a damn good memory.

    From the Channel 2 transcripts:

    12:05: Captain Souter, " Now on Lemon near Loma Alto"

    Curry instructs: "Cut traffic at Oak Lawn"

    George Lumpkin: "We got a pretty good crown down here at Turtle Creek."

    Curry instructs Lumpkin to "get the traffic off it."

    Dispatcher: "Are you approaching Oak Lawn?"

    Curry: "We're about a block away at Knight St."

    Souter: "On Lemon now."

    Curry: "Crossing Oak Lawn."

    Dispatcher: "The ambulances have arrived and are standing by." 12:11

    Curry: "Just turning off Turtle Creek."

    Dispatcher: "Just turning off onto Turtle Creek off Lemon."


    Steve Thomas

  14. Con artsists and racketters, who depend on working with law enforcement in order to be successful, say that there's Right Cops and Wrong Cops, - the Right Cops being the ones who you can put the fix in, while the Wrong Cops are the ones with scrupples.


    1951. Ada, Oklahoma.

    "Juanita Phillips (AKA Candy Barr) ex-prostitute-bootlegger, advised this office (FBI) that she is taxed $2.00 per case on all whiskey sold. The above tax is being paid to Sheriff, J.D. Garr as protection money. The arrangement is such that Garr promises three hours notification before any raids are conducted."


    Steve Thomas

  15. On April 24, 1959 the FBI was informed that Officers Joe Cody, C.D. Dellinger and Sam F. Tuck were employed in their off-hours by a company called Truth Verification, Inc.; and that while thus employed, had placed an illegal wiretap on an official of the AFL-CIO. At their hearing, the officers took the 5th. Cody was represented by attorney, William O. Braecklein. Braecklein also represented Candy Barr and Joe Civello.


    During her trial for possession of marijuana, Attorney Braecklein alleged that prior to her arrest on 10/25/57, a telephone company employee during a routine circuit check had discovered on 10/15/57 that Candy’s Barr's telephone had been tapped and that her calls were being relayed to another apartment in the same building rented by one, James Daniels. At her trial, Detective Pat Gannoway testified that James Daniels was an alias for Detective H.W. Totten.

    Braecklein told the FBI that on 10/25/57 a telephone call between Candy Barr and one Helen K. Smith was intercepted and that call was what led to Candy Barr’s home search and arrest. Helen K. Smith was also known as Pixie Lynn.


    On 11/22/63 Pixie Lynn allegedly told Travis Benkendorfer at the Midnight Lounge in Houston that she had attended some “swinging parties” at Jack Ruby’s. She would later go on to deny that she had told Benkendorfer this.

    DPD Archives Box 18, Folder# 11, Item# 3.


    I had read somewhere that Joe Cody was one of the first, if not the first officer to arrive at the scene of Tippit’s shooting, but I don’t have a source for this.

    Steve Thomas

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