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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Peter,

    This is going to be slow going.

    Group 1 is the transcript of the interrogation of various police officers (Graves, Archer, Clardy, McMillan, etc) at Ruby's trial relative to the facts and circumstances surrounding Oswald's murder by Ruby. In several of the PDF's (PDF 4, %a, and another one), half of the PDF's are posted upside down.

    Group 2 appears to be more of the same.

    The first 3 pdf files were all posted upside down.

    You have to save them to your hard drive, and then using Adobe, rotate them.

    I had to laugh. At one point Belli is arguing with Judge Brown on the statements given by police officers. The defense has not been allowed to see them.

    Finally, Ass't DA William Alexander introduces one as state's evidence, but it is a photostatic copy and Belli hasn't had the chance to examine it to see if it is authentic.

    Belli says' "Judge, these may be as valid as a Chinese laundry ticket, as far as I know." He demands to see the originals. He is refused.

    Belli asks, "Are we back in the Middle Ages, Judge, that we can't see the original of a document?"

    The Court: "Yes, Sir."

    Steve Thomas

  2. Peter,

    Is it just my Opera browser, or are others having problems seeing anything at that url?

    I think it's going to depend on time of day. I was really frustrated trying to get in Friday afternoon, but early Monday morning (the 25th) there was no problem.

    This is going to be slow going.

    Group 1 is the transcript of the interrogation of various police officers (Graves, Archer, Clardy, McMillan, etc) at Ruby's trial relative to the facts and circumstances surrounding Oswald's murder by Ruby. In several of the PDF's (PDF 4, %a, and another one), half of the PDF's are posted upside down.

    Wade attempted to get two things across:

    1) Ruby told the arresting officers that he tried to shoot Oswald three times, but the police were too fast for him; and,

    2) That he (Ruby) intended to "kill the son of the bitch."

    there was some curious interplay between the defense counsel and a couple of the officers that statements written out or their supervisors differed from the testimony they were giving at trial.

    Judge Brown refused to allow those statements from being introduced as evidence.

    The defense counsel also objected to allowing any statements made by Ruby after his arrest should be disallowed. Brown overruled their objections.

    Steve Thomas

  3. John,

    She contradicts a theory expressed by Mr. Watkins at the Monday news conference that a disputed "transcript" – allegedly a conversation between Ruby and Oswald plotting the president's death – might have been part of the movie script.

    Ms. West said the purported dialogue appears nowhere in the screenplay. [/color]

    I myself have doubted that this transcript was for a movie.

    I think what it is, is that Wade asked Jarnigan to write out what he allegedly overheard in the Carousel. I suspect that this is Jarnigan's original statement to Wade.

    It's odd. I believe that this transcript was marked "Plaintiff's Exhibit." Since Wade was the plaintiff in the Ruby case, I wonder if he intended to introduce it at trial.

    Steve Thomas

  4. John,

    Members might be interested in this document that proves that George Joannides was at JMWAVE at the time of the assassination of JFK.

    I was looking at George Joannides fitness reports in the Miscellaneous CIA Series on the Mary Farrell Foundation web site.

    There are several of them, and there are some that he signed as the employee being reviewed as aka Walter D. Newby.

    If you run the name Walter D. Newby in the search function, you come up with several hits of Walter D. Newby being introduced in late 1962 as the new case officer of AMSPELL.

    Steve Thomas

  5. Chris,

    I would be dubious of the recollection of a lawyer who felt the need to visit his stripper/client at her place of employment.

    On what matters did he represent her?

    If he purported to be her lawyer and she didn't have any charges or lawsuits against her at that time, why did she have a lawyer?

    While in Jarnagin's statement, he calls Robin Hood a "client", in her FBI interview, she says that they were dating.

    See her FBI interview here:


    Steve Thomas

  6. Bill,

    If anyone locates a transcript of the Press conference I'd like to see it.



    I don't have a transcript, but if you'd like to see the press conference, you can find it here:


    Channel 11's video library - it's on the third page.

    PS: It's kind of coincidental that on the same day that the DA holds his press conference, the Dallas Police Department's web site was hacked.

    Steve Thomas

  7. Peter,

    What I saw as a transcript was NOT believable at all! - either a film treatment script or disinformation extraordinaire! I smell a big fat dead rat in this whole circus.

    The transcript more or less mirrors the account of Dallas Attorney, Carroll Jarnagin. You can find his account in CD 86 beginning around page 558.

    The DPD Archives has the transcript of a lie detector test administered by Paul Bentley. Bentley's conclusion was that Jarnagin made the whole thing up.

    Steve Thomas

  8. There have been a lot of things over the last couple of years, but this one is about the scariest.

    "This business owner says he attended a small InfraGard meeting where agents of the FBI and Homeland Security discussed in astonishing detail what InfraGard members may be called upon to do.

    “The meeting started off innocuously enough, with the speakers talking about corporate espionage,” he says. “From there, it just progressed. All of a sudden we were knee deep in what was expected of us when martial law is declared. We were expected to share all our resources, but in return we’d be given specific benefits.” These included, he says, the ability to travel in restricted areas and to get people out.

    But that’s not all.

    “Then they said when—not if—martial law is declared, it was our responsibility to protect our portion of the infrastructure, and if we had to use deadly force to protect it, we couldn’t be prosecuted,” he says."

    Full article here:


    Steve Thomas

  9. Bill,

    Anybody ever hear of the FBI's TROPUS Program?

    Evidently one Pedro Diaz Lanz was included among the Bureau's "TROPUS program subjects"


    Go to the FBI's JFK Assassination File, Section 180, p. 342 here:


    TROPUS stood for Travel of the President in the United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

    It was a method of the FBI sharing information with the Secret Service on persons who were considered to be a threat, not only to the President, but also employees of federal, state and local governments and officials of foreign governments.

    It was a program instituted after JFK's assassination.

    Steve Thomas

  10. Francesca,

    Why is Oswald's address listed on that employee list as being '605 Elsbeth Steet' when he left there in March of 63 (according to the WR) *before* he ever started work at the TSBD in October? By that time he would have been living at 1026 North Beckley.

    Did LHO mistakenly give Elsbeth as his address when starting work there?

    Otherwise how would it have been known? Something doesn't quite add up somewhere........

    Another document also giving his address as 605 Elsbeth:

    When LHO applied for a job at the TSBD, he gave 2515 W. 5th St in Irving as his address.

    Lt. Jack Revill told the Warren Commission that he got the address from Detective Bob Carroll, who rode in the car with Oswald from the Texas Theater to Dallas Police Headquarters.

    Later, he would call SS Agent Forrest Sorrels and tell him that Bob Carroll, who was driving the Texas Theater arrest car looked back over the seat and read the address off the library card and made a mistake with the street number.

    See Warren Commission Document 948


    Revill told the WC that he composed his Report about 30 minutes to an hour after his encounter with FBI Agent Hosty in the Police Department basement, which took place around 2:45 to 2:50 PM.

    Steve Thomas

  11. Bill,

    In any case, Sullivan's convoluted love story focuses on McChann, who apparently knows more than he has thus far said, and both living witnesses should be questioned if there is ever a Congressional Hearings or a Grand Jury.


    I actually ran across the book while trying to research Sylvia's sister Sarita.

    Sullivan apparently says in her book that Sarita was a member of something she called, "the Directorate."

    I'm going under the assumption that she was referring to the Student Directorate, or DRE.

    It was Sarita that the three men who came to Sylvia's apartment were looking for.

    Sarita was a student at the University of Dallas. So was Fermin de Goicochea, aka George Parrell.

    I read the other day that George? Nonte from Fort Hood met both John Thomas Masen and George Parrell.

    Masen told Ellsworth that de Goicochea was trying to buy arms from him including bazookas.

    (FNU) Othan, who took over as the leader of the DRE in Dallas told the FBI that one of the reasons the DRE wasn't so successful in Dallas was that the number of Cuban students in Dallas was so small.

    I don't think that it is inconceivable that Sarita would have known de Goicochea.

    Warren Commission Document #320 is a memo from SS Agent Rowley. On page 162 of that Report there is a newspaper article from October 27, 1963 - I can't make out which paper - concerning the Stevenson incident.

    In the article, Bobbie Joiner said there was no preplanning for Stevenson incident, but that, “some of the signs used were stored at former Major General Edwin A. Walker’s headquarters on Turtle Creek Blvd.”


    This was the same incident that Larry Schmidt took credit for in one of his letters to Bernard Weissman, in which he said that he had recruited 10 - 12 college students to picket Stevenson in October of 1963. Did some of those students come from the University of Dallas?

    Alpha-66 members Juan Quintana and Raoul Castro were also at that demonstration.

    In an 11/29/63 FBI interview, Lucille Connell said that Sylvia has said that Oswald had attended anti-Castro meetings and she found him to be "brilliant and clever".

    However, in a April 5, 1976 letter from Dave Marston to Gaeton Fonzi, Marston talks about interviewing Lucille Connell. Marston says that Lucille Connell told him that Sylvia didn't say she had gone to meetings where Oswald was present and heard him speak, it was her sister who said that.


    Which kind of corroborates what Sylvia told the WC, that she didn't go to political meeting because they upset her:

    "She (Connell) went to that meeting (with John Martino). I did not go, because they kept it quiet from me so I would not get upset about it."

    "She was one of the ones that went to the meeting.

    Mr. LIEBELER. Mrs. Connell?

    Mrs. ODIO. Yes; and my sister Annie went, too."

    And in 1976, Connell told Marston that Sylvia didn't go to political meetings.

    Sylvia told the WC that Connell had confused Oswald with Martino as the person who was "clever and brilliant", but I think Sylvia was trying to cover up for her sister, although I don't know if it was Annie or Sarita that she was trying to cover for.

    In their book, Oswald Talked, The La Fontaines write:

    "It's possible to envision one such meeting at Silvia's Davis [street] apartment in which Oswald -- brilliant, clever, and perverse, as she described him -- may have been holding forth in the company of a youthful anti-Castro group, male friends and acquaintances of Silvia and Sarita. Let's suppose further that at this gathering Silvia found herself listening with concern as the conversation took a slightly crazy turn. President Kennedy was coming to town shortly, and the guys started dwelling on how he needed to be killed, not only for his string of "betrayals" beginning with the Bay of Pigs, but to precipitate a US invasion of Cuba (the assassination would be pinned on Castro's agents)"

    I don't think that Sylvia is at the heart of the matter, I think it's Sarita.

    Steve Thomas

  12. Anyone ever heard of this book?

    Kennedy Ripples: A True Love Story.


    Published by Lillian James Publishing, Los Angeles, 1994. First Edition. Binding is: Hardcover. . Book condition: Fine (F)/Jacket condition: Fine (F). Standard Book Size. . Inscribed and signed by author. . A very unusual book with links to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Signed and inscribed by the author on the first free end page. 433 pages.

    Publisher Notes

    Based on extraordinary events that dramatically changed the life of the author, "Kennedy Ripples" unravels the human side of this century's greatest murder mystery as well as the unmerciful restrictions of celibacy. Pushing on the doors of sacred vows, this young married woman knew that loving her parish priest was forbidden. Yet, dauntlessly she & the priest enter into the abyss of secret, passionate love. Driven by their deepest desires, neither can avoid the inevitable. However, the priest is appointed director of the Dallas Cuban Relocation Committee, sending the veiled relationship in a frightening new direction. In the months prior to November 22, a Cuban temptress, Sylvia Odio, arrives on the scene to seduce the priest--but why? What is her diabolical secret that links her directly with accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald? Six weeks before Kennedy's murder, the priest mysteriously disappears, setting into motion Marianne's painful quest for the bitter truth. A gritty world of sordid intrigue & attempted murder await her as she follows her heart in the relentless search for her abducted love. A rogue's gallery of characters, straight out of the Warren Report, becomes the obstacle she must deal with as the layers of mystery unravel to a shocking revelation.

    Steve Thomas

  13. This is a December 9, 1976 letter from Al Lewis to Richard Sprague. Sprague forwards it on to Tannenbaum and says, "Read Promptly" and "Discuss this with me promptly"

    Look at pages 5 and 6 of this document. Any guesses on who the three Cubans are?

    Notice too the emphasis Poucher places on HL Hunt's influence over LBJ.

    "He (Poucher) surmises nothing although he does believe that the Cubans recognized that they could not obtain any influence on Kennedy through Hunt, but if LBJ were President, this would be their entre. The Cubans discussed their hatred of Kennedy for his handling of the Bay of Pigs."


    Comes about the closest I've seen I think.

    Steve Thomas

  14. Greg,

    Challenging Universally Accepted Truths

    Did Oswald Ask for the ACLU After His Arrest?

    Fritz claimed he did. However, when he had the opportunity to request help in public, he asked for John Abt (to reporters 6:30pm 22nov63) and later asked for "someboby to come forward" (late night press conference, 22nov63).

    Oswald is also alleged to have asked for Abt during his early morning arraignment of 23nov63, adding that Abt was an ACLU lawyer, and that he himself was a member of that org. His next alleged mention of the ACLU was to H Lewis Nichols of the Dallas Bar Assoc. And again he is alleged to have stated he was an ACLU member.

    According to Michael Paine, Oswald not only knew what the ACLU stood for, he joined the organization about two weeks after the October ACLU meeting:

    Mr. PAINE - So I was describing to him the purpose of the ACLU, and he said specifically, I can remember this, after I had described it and said that I was a member, that he couldn't join an organization like that, it wasn't political and he said something or responded in some manner, which indicated surprise that I could be concerned about joining an organization simply to defend, whose purpose it is, shall we say, to defend, free speech, free speech, per se, your freedom as well as mine.

    He was aware of enjoying his freedom to speak but he didn't seem to be aware of the more general principle of freedom to speak for everyone which has value in itself. And I think it took him by surprise that a person could be concerned about a value like that rather than political objective of some sort, and this was, struck me as a new idea and it struck me that he must never have met people who paid more than lip service, he wasn't familiar with the ways of expressing this value.

    Mr. DULLES - Did you say anything to him about the activities of the Civil Liberties Union in connection with the defense of people accused of crimes under certain conditions?

    Mr. PAINE - Yes; I am sure I told him that it came to the defense of all people who didn't seem to be receiving adequate help when it seemed to be an issue involving the Bill of Rights. I was then--that was a pang of sorrow that occurred after the assassination when I realized that he had then subsequently, a fortnight later, joined the ACLU, and still didn't quite seem to perceive its purpose, and then I realized--I had also perceived earlier that he was still a young fellow and I had been expecting rather a lot of him, when I first approached meeting him; this man had been to Russia and had been back and I had been--met some others who had been around the world like that and they are powerful people.

    Steve Thomas

  15. Peter,

    Rex, No offense to you personally, but I get to page 3 on this thread you suggest [or others] and am told I must get a membership in order to go further.

    And I hope Rex sees this:

    ALL document requests are now being directed to this. Just on a hunch I tried to pull up a Warren Commission document and got re-directed to the page that says I have to be a paid member.

    Steve Thomas

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