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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Pat,

    I hope this isn't a stupid question, but has it ever been established who wrote "Hunter of Fascists" on the back of the photo found by the De Mohrenschildts?

    This is from Answers.com in an article about George de Mohrenschildt:



    Another backyard photo

    Days later, on April 1 1977, Jeanne de Mohrenschildt gave the House Select Committee on Assassinations a photograph taken of Lee Harvey Oswald, by his wife Marina, standing in his Dallas backyard holding two newspapers and a rifle with a pistol on his hip. The existence of this photograph, while similar to others which had been found among Oswald's effects on November 23 1963, was previously unknown. Jeanne de Mohrenschildt said it had been kept privately for almost 14 years.

    On the back was written, "To my friend George from Lee Oswald, and the date “5/IV/63” [this is in Russian/European convention with day in front and month in Roman numerals, and means 5 April, 63]


    I remember reading in the past about the date as it was written was supposed to have some significance, because it was written in the Cryllic fashion.

    Imagine my surprise when I ran across this little note in the CIA microfilm collection:


    Steve Thomas

  2. James,

    Does anyone know who the uniformed man on the far left of frame is?


    I believe that is Captain Cecil Talbert. He was a Captain in the Patrol Division.

    If I am reading this right, the man to his left is Captain O.A. Jones, and to Jones' left, and obscured by Will Fritz is Chief Batchelor.

    Here is how Talbert described it in his WC testimony:

    Mr. HUBERT. All right. Now, would you mark the circle where you were about the time of the event you have just described ?

    Captain TALBERT. This auto is angled in here.

    Mr. HUBERT. Maybe we had better angle it then.

    Captain TALBERT. Would you like that black pen ?

    Mr. HUBERT. You do it. We are changing the blue-pen marking because Captain Talbert indicates that the automobile was on an angle, and he is now marking it with the black pen. Would you put the word "auto," in that, please. Now, draw a circle and indicate where you were standing.

    Captain TALBERT. I was standing by the left front fender of the car, as I previously said.

    Mr. HUBERT. [Drawing a circle and indicating it number "7."]

    Captain TALBERT. Compared with the other, yes. And Chief Batchelor was standing just to the left front of the vehicle, and--I can't draw it in there with this circle correctly, but we'll indicate that "18," Capt. O. A. Jones was standing to my left, or to the rear of the vehicle from me. Indicating that to be "19," and at the time that vehicle was attempting to back up, we had pushed them back far enough for it to maneuver. At the time it was attempting to back up, there was a muffled report, a muffled shot and bedlam broke out in the vicinity of the jail office entry into the ramp.

    Talbert's Exhibit is 5070 You can see it here:


    If you blow it up to 200%, I think you can see where he marked his position in relation to the car.

    Steve Thomas

  3. Kathy,

    James, I have 2 hard drives in my computer. But I on a previous HD I had a photo -- like one taken in a booth -- of Harvey Oswald with hair bleached. Did you ever see that one? I don't know if it was trick photography or not. I think I'm going to check my pictures.


    Yes, I think James brought up the right picture. This is the picture that LHO? had taken in Mexico City as part of his effort to get a visa to Cuba and beyond.

    He is wearing a sweater vest.

    What I find striking is that the two pictures below were taken a month apart. One in New Orleans in August, one in Mexico in September.

    Are we looking at Harvey and Lee?


    Steve Thomas

  4. Lee,

    Guessing that this was William Randall [not Randle], Linnie Mae's husband, and Buell Wesley Frazier's Brother-in-Law.


    No mention of a scope. and nothing on the husband at all anywhere...

    Yes, I believe it was Bill Randle - Linnie Mae's husband.

    See the FBI Oswald Headquarters File, Section 84. pp98-99.


    Steve Thomas

  5. Ron,

    One shouldn't complain about something free, but I have to say I'm disappointed in what appears to be a new format adopted on the forum, with posts that were shown in order in each thread being replaced by a list of links of replies, which then break themselves down into subthread links. This is the same format that has been in use at the Lancer Forum, and the problem, at least for me, is that a long thread becomes virtually impossible to follow. I have visited Lancer less than I used to because it's simply too hard to read any long threads there. I wish it had not happened here, if this is the case.

    Try this:

    Open up a thread by someone.

    On the top right, you should see a button that says, "Options"

    Click on that and scroll down. You should see an option for viewing threads in "Standard" mode. Right now I think you are viewing threads in "Outline" mode.

    On the Lancer forum, select the option for viewing threads in "Linear" mode.

    I think that should straighten it out.

    Steve Thomas

  6. Peter,

    but sadly we have no evidence, as Larry states, that it was used that way or that the DPD or anyone else did what they should have [searched every person, car and traincar in the area behind the fence.]

    From the WC testimony of Luke Mooney:

    Mr. BALL - When you ran across Elm, where did you go?

    Mr. MOONEY - Across Elm, up the embankment, which is a high terrace there, across--there is a kind of concrete building there, more or less of a little park.

    Jumped over the fence and went into the railroad yards. And, of course, there was other officers over there. Who they were, I don't recall at this time. But Ralph

    Walters and I were running together. And we jumped into the railroad yards and began to look around there.

    And, of course, we didn't see anything there. Of course the other officers had checked into the car there, and didn't find anything, I don't believe, but a Negro porter.

    Steve Thomas

  7. On May 8, 1964, FBI Agent D.J. Brennan wrote a memo to W.C. Sullivan.

    In his memo, Brennan talks about cooperation with the Secret Service and points to an example of good cooperation. He recounts Dallas SS Agent William H. Patterson taking Burt Griffin of the Warren Commission to the home of Frank Ellsworth on April 17, 1964. There they discussed John Thomas Masen.

    You can see a copy of Brennan's memo to Sullivan in the FBI Warren Commission Liaison Files, Section 12 pp. 70 and 71 here:


    I think I am getting a better picture of the dynamics here:

    On May 8, 1964, FBI Agent D.J. Brennan wrote a memo to W.C. Sullivan.

    Patterson also talks about Sylvia Odio in his memo.

    According to Patterson, Griffin asked Ellsworth about Cuban activity in Dallas and gun running.

    Griffin's memo to Slawson dated April 16th concerning this Ellsworth interview were among 23 internal Warren Commission memorandums in two file boxes that the Senate Select Committee were trying to obtain in 1975.

    They were noted to be "of CIA interest" and were "security classified".

    See here: page 5


    On April 24, 1964 SS Chief Rowley wrote a Memorandum to J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission. This memo is CD 853


    This memo was in response to a letter from Rankin to Rowley dated April 22, 1964. The topic was Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro and the Cuban exile community. Some of the things in Rowley’s memo were:

    1/16/64 Frank Ellsworth was interviewed about Orcarberro.

    Ellsworth had been working undercover gathering evidence against John Thomas Masen.

    Masen told Ellsworth that Orcarberro had been trying to buy guns and bazookas from Masen.

    Masen told Ellsworth that Rodriguez and George F. Parrel were leaders of the local DRE and also members of Alpha-66

    Masen told Ellsworth that George Parrel, an associate of Orcarberro, had also been trying to buy guns from him.

    They had made purchases from him and that they presently have a large cache of arms located somewhere in Dallas, although he did not know the location.

    Parrel was a student at Dallas City College.

    Agent Ed Coyle was also contacted about Orcarberro.

    Juan Francisco Quintana Maya and Raul Castro Baile were jointly interviewed by FBI Wallace Heitman at their home in Garland on May 14, 1964. Castro owned the Rambler and Quintana picked up the Kan the Kennedy Klan bumper sticker at a meeting sponsored by the John Birch Society at which John Martino spoke in August or September, 1963.

    Quintana and Castro were both officials of the Dallas Chapter of the SNFE Alpha 66 and regularly attended meetings at the house on Harlandale.

    Warrren Commission Document# 1085 is a June 11, 1964 letter from J. Edgar Hoover with attached memoranda and reports. Included in that letter is a heavily redacted April 29, 1964 report from Dallas SA Wallace Heitman. It speaks about an automobile parked in front of a residence in Garland, Texas that displayed a bumper sticker that read, "Kill the Kennedy Klan." The names of the families who resided at the house together have been whited out.

    His report also says that after the assassination, efforts were made to remove this bumper sticker and that after the assassination, residents of this address began to receive a lot of mail from Miami, New York, and Mexico. His report redacts the names of people who have been receiving mail at that address.

    On page 5 of this Report, it says, "On April 9, 1964, SA Wallace R. Heitman observed parked on the street in front of the residence at ..... Garland, Texas a late-model, four door Rambler automobile, bearing license PD-4976." A source told Heitman that this automobile was owned by ......

    See here for a Heitman interview of Raul Castro Baile:


    See here for an interview of Juan Quintana Maya:


    Castro told Heitman that he owned the Rambler and Quintana was the one who put the bumper sticker on.

    On May 25, 1964, Manuel Rodriguez voluntarily appeared at the Dallas FBI offices and spoke to Wallace Heitman. He told Heitman that the members of SNFE met at bi-weekly meetings at 3126 Harlandale. (Although in his Report, Heitman spelled it Hollandale.)


    In that interview, Orcarberro told Heitman that Ontonio Veciana had come to Dallas and given a speech on April 19, 1964.

    Sylvia Odio, July 22, 1964…. we did have some meetings, yes. John Martino spoke… she (Lucille Connell) went to that meeting. I did not go, because they kept it quiet from me so I would not get upset about it…. He came to Dallas and gave a talk to the Cubans about conditions in Cuba, and she was one of the ones that went to the meeting.

    Mr. LIEBELER. Mrs. Connell?

    Mrs. ODIO. Yes; and my sister Annie went, too.


    So here we have Lucille Connell, Annie Odio and a bunch of Dallas SNFE/Alpha 66 guys who were associated with the house on Harlandale in the same room at the same time listening to Martino.

    Griffin's visit to Dallas in April of 1964 asking Ellsworth about Cubans and gun running must have given the CIA fits, considering how much they were involved with Alpha 66.

    Steve Thomas

  8. On May 8, 1964, FBI Agent D.J. Brennan wrote a memo to W.C. Sullivan.

    In his memo, Brennan talks about cooperation with the Secret Service and points to an example of good cooperation. He recounts Dallas SS Agent William H. Patterson taking Burt Griffin of the Warren Commission to the home of Frank Ellsworth on April 17, 1964. There they discussed John Thomas Masen.

    You can see a copy of Brennan's memo to Sullivan in the FBI Warren Commission Liaison Files, Section 12 pp. 70 and 71 here:


    I think I am getting a better picture of the dynamics here:

    On May 8, 1964, FBI Agent D.J. Brennan wrote a memo to W.C. Sullivan.

    Patterson also talks about Sylvia Odio in his memo.

    According to Patterson, Griffin asked Ellsworth about Cuban activity in Dallas and gun running.

    Griffin's memo to Slawson dated April 16th concerning this Ellsworth interview were among 23 internal Warren Commission memorandums in two file boxes that the Senate Select Committee were trying to obtain in 1975.

    They were noted to be "of CIA interest" and were "security classified".

    See here: page 5


    On April 24, 1964 SS Chief Rowley wrote a Memorandum to J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission. This memo is CD 853


    This memo was in response to a letter from Rankin to Rowley dated April 22, 1964. The topic was Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro and the Cuban exile community. Some of the things in Rowley’s memo were:

    1/16/64 Frank Ellsworth was interviewed about Orcarberro.

    Ellsworth had been working undercover gathering evidence against John Thomas Masen.

    Masen told Ellsworth that Orcarberro had been trying to buy guns and bazookas from Masen.

    Masen told Ellsworth that Rodriguez and George F. Parrel were leaders of the local DRE and also members of Alpha-66

    Masen told Ellsworth that George Parrel, an associate of Orcarberro, had also been trying to buy guns from him.

    They had made purchases from him and that they presently have a large cache of arms located somewhere in Dallas, although he did not know the location.

    Parrel was a student at Dallas City College.

    Agent Ed Coyle was also contacted about Orcarberro.

    Juan Francisco Quintana Maya and Raul Castro Baile were jointly interviewed by FBI Wallace Heitman at their home in Garland on May 14, 1964. Castro owned the Rambler and Quintana picked up the Kan the Kennedy Klan bumper sticker at a meeting sponsored by the John Birch Society at which John Martino spoke in August or September, 1963.

    Quintana and Castro were both officials of the Dallas Chapter of the SNFE Alpha 66 and regularly attended meetings at the house on Harlandale.

    Warrren Commission Document# 1085 is a June 11, 1964 letter from J. Edgar Hoover with attached memoranda and reports. Included in that letter is a heavily redacted April 29, 1964 report from Dallas SA Wallace Heitman. It speaks about an automobile parked in front of a residence in Garland, Texas that displayed a bumper sticker that read, "Kill the Kennedy Klan." The names of the families who resided at the house together have been whited out.

    His report also says that after the assassination, efforts were made to remove this bumper sticker and that after the assassination, residents of this address began to receive a lot of mail from Miami, New York, and Mexico. His report redacts the names of people who have been receiving mail at that address.

    On page 5 of this Report, it says, "On April 9, 1964, SA Wallace R. Heitman observed parked on the street in front of the residence at ..... Garland, Texas a late-model, four door Rambler automobile, bearing license PD-4976." A source told Heitman that this automobile was owned by ......

    See here for a Heitman interview of Raul Castro Baile:


    See here for an interview of Juan Quintana Maya:


    Castro told Heitman that he owned the Rambler and Quintana was the one who put the bumper sticker on.

    On May 25, 1964, Manuel Rodriguez voluntarily appeared at the Dallas FBI offices and spoke to Wallace Heitman. He told Heitman that the members of SNFE met at bi-weekly meetings at 3126 Harlandale. (Although in his Report, Heitman spelled it Hollandale.)


    In that interview, Orcarberro told Heitman that Ontonio Veciana had come to Dallas and given a speech on April 19, 1964.

    Sylvia Odio, July 22, 1964…. we did have some meetings, yes. John Martino spoke… she (Lucille Connell) went to that meeting. I did not go, because they kept it quiet from me so I would not get upset about it…. He came to Dallas and gave a talk to the Cubans about conditions in Cuba, and she was one of the ones that went to the meeting.

    Mr. LIEBELER. Mrs. Connell?

    Mrs. ODIO. Yes; and my sister Annie went, too.


    So here we have Lucille Connell, Annie Odio and a bunch of Dallas SNFE/Alpha 66 guys who were associated with the house on Harlandale in the same room at the same time listening to Martino.

    Griffin's visit to Dallas in April of 1964 asking Ellsworth about Cubans and gun running must have given the CIA fits, considering how much they were involved with Alpha 66.

    Steve Thomas

  9. Larry,

    There was a woman (her name escapes me right now) who said that she also saw Ruby at Parkland.

    She said that after revealing that, she started to get threatening phone calls "to keep her mouth shut".

    I think she moved out of Dallas.

    Tim, first the short answer. Ruby was briefly at Parkland trying to find out for himself what really had happened, when he

    encountered Kantor he had not been given his full future role.

    When do you think that happened?

    Steve Thomas

  10. You can also find references to this Griffin/Ellsworth interview in the Warren Commission Liaison Files, Section 25 p. 183, Section 10 p. 6, and Oswald's Headquarters files, Section 136 p. 90.

    Griffin's memo to Slawson concerning this Ellsworth interview were among 23 internal Warren Commission memorandums in two file boxes that the Senate Select Committee were trying to obtain in 1975.

    They were noted to be "of CIA interest" and were "security classified".

    See here: page 5


    Steve Thomas

  11. On May 8, 1964, FBI Agent D.J. Brennan wrote a memo to W.C. Sullivan.

    You can see a copy of Brennan's memo to Sullivan in the FBI Warren Commission Liaison Files, Section 12 pp. 70 and 71 here:


    You can also find references to this Griffin/Ellsworth interview in the Warren Commission Liaison Files, Section 25 p. 183, Section 10 p. 6, and Oswald's Headquarters files, Section 136 p. 90.

    The FBI was more concerned about its image than what might have been learned.

    Steve Thomas

  12. On May 8, 1964, FBI Agent D.J. Brennan wrote a memo to W.C. Sullivan.

    In his memo, Brennan talks about cooperation with the Secret Service and points to an example of good cooperation. He recounts Dallas SS Agent William H. Patterson taking Burt Griffin of the Warren Commission to the home of Frank Ellsworth on April 17, 1964. There they discussed John Thomas Masen.

    Brennan says that Chief Rowley requested that Patterson write a memo on this matter.

    Brennan also says in his memo to Sullivan that a copy of Patterson's memo is attached to his.

    It's not there.

    Patterson also talks about Sylvia Odio in his memo.

    You can see a copy of Brennan's memo to Sullivan in the FBI Warren Commission Liaison Files, Section 12 pp. 70 and 71 here:


    I believe that this cover page is the memo Brennan refers to:



    RECORD NUMBER : 124-10042-10476


    AGENCY FILE NUMBER : 105-82555-23RD NR 3711





    TITLE : [No Title]

    DATE : 04/23/1964

    PAGES : 1






    DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 10/14/1993

    Unfortunately, a search for this RIF number in the Mary Ferrel site produces no results.

    Has anyone ever seen this Patterson memo?

    Steve Thomas

  13. Tim,

    Interesting stuff here. The memos that Steve referenced made interesting reading. So QJWIN was used only in connection with "safecracking"? Somehow I doubt that.

    At first, I did too. I speculated that safecracking was a code word for assassination, but I have been reading through dozens of cables and memos related to the ZRRIFLE project and communications dealing with QJWIN over the last several days. (You can find a bunch of them in reel 20 of the CIA's microfilm collection on the Mary Ferrel site).

    The candidates that QJWIN was recruiting were petty criminals, most of them having rap sheets for burglary.

    William Harvey's handwritten notes on the ZRRIFLE program refer to crypts and codes.

    Right now I believe that Harvey was putting together a team to break into foreign embassies.

    Do you know of anything that might have been going on in Dakar in late 1960?

    When QJWIN was tasked to go to Leopoldville, there was some talk about also sending him to Dakar, and whether that would confuse him or cause him to lose focus concerning the Leopoldville job.

    Steve Thomas

  14. Lee,

    We made a thorough search of Frazier's car with negative results, the proceeded to Frazier's home, 2439 West 5th, Irving (1/2 block from the Paine home) and made a search of the Randle home (also Frazier home) and confiscated a 303 calibre rifle, full clip, and partial box 303 calibre ammunition belonging to Wesley Frazier (placed in Property Room).

    In one of those niggling little coincidences, the rifle they confiscated was a British Enfield

    (see Property Room Invoice in the DPD Archives, Box 1, Folder# 7, Item# 47)

    If Nancy Perrin Rich can be believed, the rifles Ruby and others were trying to get the Rich's to smuggle were British Enfields.

    Steve Thomas

  15. Stephen,

    During his testimony on August 25, 1975 Halley is discussing an incident that took place in 1963 and says, "...that was the only individual that I am aware of during my tenure as Station Chief in Miami..."


    Who was the Station Chief in Miami in 1963? Would that be Shackley?

    Steve Thomas

    I believe Shackley was head of JMWAVE, which would be different from COS. Was Jim Noel the COS at one time? I seem to recall that Don Bohning mentioned the COS in his book.

    The testimony of this Halley is full of him being the head of JMWAVE, so I'm thinking it's Shackley.

    Steve Thomas

  16. James,

    I was going through some very interesting testimony given during the Church Committee hearings by a man using the alias Halley. I think this might have actually been Ted Shackley.

    If it wasn't Shackley, does anyone know who this Halley was?

    Any information here would be appreciated.


    During his testimony on August 25, 1975 Halley is discussing an incident that took place in 1963 and says, "...that was the only individual that I am aware of during my tenure as Station Chief in Miami..."


    Who was the Station Chief in Miami in 1963? Would that be Shackley?

    Steve Thomas

  17. Michael,

    Hoover told Rowley that the assassin had gunned down a Secret Service agent when in fact is was actually a Dallas cop, J D Tippit, who was killed.[/b][/indent]

    I'm sorry I didn't save it, but just the other day I ran across an FBI memo that Hoover's assumption about a Secret Service Agent being killed was based on a phone call from Gordon Shanklin in Dallas to Hoover somewhere in the 2:00 PM time frame.

    My assumption was that Shanklin, or someone in the Dallas FBI office was listening to the police dispatcher and when it came across the radio, Shanklin called Hoover to fill him in.

    Steve Thomas

  18. Ashton,

    This is a continuation of the post immediately above—a chronology of April 1963 centered on the 18 April 1963 distribution of the "Act of God" propaganda leaflet. The first part of this two-part chronology ended with that and other events of 18 April 1963. Picking up the next day:

    Friday, 19 April 1963

    George and Jeanne De Mohrenschildt leave Dallas, Texas for Washington, D.C. [NOTE: See entry for 20 April 1963 putting De Mohrenschildt in Washington. From there, the couple will travel also to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—where the wife of James McCord recently has traveled via Dallas—and to New York City.]

    • On the same day, Lee Harvey Oswald purportedly writes a letter to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New York, requesting literature and announcing he has already distributed Fair Play for Cuba Committee pamphlets in Dallas. In the letter, Oswald essentially is begging for a free hand-out of the hand-outs, saying "I do not like to ask for something for nothing but I am unemployed." [NOTE: Contrast this with Marina Oswald's claims in letter of 27 April 1963 (see), saying that "we have money for about two months."]

    • CIA's Ted Shackley is again in touch with William Pawley and others developing plans for Operation Red Cross/Crypt.

    Saturday, 20 April 1963

    According to a CIA memo, George De Mohrenschildt meets with someone in Washington, D.C. on this date, but the name of the person he met with is blacked out in the memo.

    • One the same day, Ruth Hyde Paine is with Lee and Marina Oswald at the Oswald's Neely Street apartment, purportedly going on a "picnic" with them to a nearby park.

    To your April timeline, you could also add this:

    William Harvey was in Miami and Plantation Key, Florida chartering a boat "for ops purposes", buying dinner for 2 on the 17th, (himself and someone he called an "unofficial advisor"), buying dinner for himself and 2 "unofficial advisors" on the 20th, and staying for 3 days at the Eden Roc hotel in Miami. The whole time he was charging expenses to the ZRRIFLE program. on the 20th, a ZRRIFLE termination payment of $1,000 was made.

    This comes from The CIA microfilm collection, reel 14, Folder L from pages 38 on.

    Some say that Harvey was meeting with Johnny Roselli and either QJWIN or Jean Rene Souetre.

    Steve Thomas
  19. Yup, I think that the Mexico City "mystery man," shown in the two photos in post #11 this thread and some other places as well (go to Google Images and type in "mexico city mystery man") could very well be the same person as the LHO Marine Corp buddy to whom James Richards is referring in post #8 this thread. In the photo which James is talking about the guy is in the Marines and he's in the very near foreground and he seems to be the subject of the photo (which was taken by Oswald?) and he's wearing a white T-shirt and a fatigue cap and he's looking at the camera and pointing at himself, and guess who's standing behind him (smiling) but Roscoe White and everyone's wearing white T-shirts I think and you know the one I mean, right....? (Does anyone know what this guy's name is/was according to the pertinent Marine Corp records? Was it "Saul" by any chance?)



    I think this is the photo people have been referring to:


    Steve Thomas

  20. Well, I'll be damned.

    CIA Document 104-10518-10305 is a 1967 cable. The cover sheet has no "from" and no "to" information, but judging from the body of the cable it appears that it is from the JMWAVE Station, probably to headquarters. The subject line of the cable has Loran Hall's name as the subject of the 9 page cable.

    The cable has to do with whether the CIA sponsored the MDC Training camp in New Orleans in 1963 and is a rundown of what was known about various individuals connected with the camp. As you would expect, people like Richard Rudolph Davis, Leovino Interian, and Victor Paneque are discussed.

    Guess whose name appears right in the middle of page 7?

    Mrs. Sylvia Odio.

    Pages 7 and 8 are duplicates.

    This document is in the CIA HSCA CIA Segregated Files, Microfilm, Reel 52.


    Steve Thomas

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