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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Robert,

    "Chalet Restaurant Nancy Perrin Rich WC Vol 26 615-639 Nancy admits knowing Detective Paul T. Rayburn very well and he admits knowing her She lives at 4803 Junius and on Live Oak. Her husband owns a Nash Station Wagon and is with Nancy at the three meetings


    1st very early [Jan?] 1963

    2nd 9-6-63

    3rd 9-11-63;

    A final note re Malcolm Couch, my only point is that his positioning as an impartial media person, seems suspect to me in light of his attending a DRE Meeting, a month before the assassination. Hell, maybe he was undercover.....for all I know, why is there so little on the map about this meeting? [that there WAS a meeting seems beyond question....Edwin Walker confirms he was at it and gave his $5 when he gave his WC Deposition; I mean the Sylveira List was in the Warren Commission Documents for gosh sakes

    Weren't those meetings in 1961?

    It would be hard for Robert to have attended meetings in 1963 if he died in 1962.

    I figure Couch attended the DRE meeting as a representative of WFAA-TV. There were several media people there.

    Steve Thomas

  2. John,

    I am hoping that members will inform me of a good alternative to google. Given what we have learned from their selective searching, I feel that they no longer merit our business.

    The cases of Les Albiston and Bernardo De Torres ar only two of the examples found on the spartacus sites that have had their links removed from the google database, one would assume that we are being deprived of a lot of other valuable information.

    Let us find a search egine of equal capacity, but with more integrity.

    Suggestions please


    You might try WebFerret at:


    Steve Thomas

  3. Joel,

    I have presented only what was known personally to me, or what was said to me by my father. All we know is that there was A 1959 station wagon, Oldsmobile S88 shipped suspiciously from Dallas, AND NOT that THE Lee Bower's Olds was shipped. I hope my intention is clear - to uncover more information on this car and owner so as to determine IF it is more or less probable that this report correlates with Bower's. Yes, anything more should be taken with well-salted skepticism.

    I sent this email to Joel back on 3/26/2004:


    I aksed a former Dallas policeman if he know anything about Budget Auto


    Here is what he wrote me...

    "I had some dealings with Budget Auto Sales at 4917 Ross Avenue in Dallas

    when I was working Hit and Run Accidents. The guy that owned it was Don

    Boggs and he always claimed to be related to a motorcycle officer we had

    named Eddy Boggs, who quit and was elected Sheriff in Johnson County, Texas.

    Eddy lost his position after three or fours terms and I haven't seen him in


    I guess Don Boggs is still in the auto sales business, but I haven't talked

    with him since I retired.

    There were several auto dealers in the same area of Ross Avenue and several

    of them were bookmakers, one named Chapman, who owned Chapman Motors ended

    up in the Federal Prison and turned informant and received an early release.

    He had the guts to return to Dallas and is still alive remarkably. There

    was a rumor that R.D. Matthews was in Dallas looking for Chapman and was

    picked up by the F.B.I. and questioned and they found out he was in Dallas

    to put his mother in a nursing home after she was discharged from the

    hospital. In any event Chapman went to Mexico bass fishing-------"

    For what it's worth.


    Steve Thomas

  4. All,

    The Olds under discussion was covertly sent out of Dallas by flatbed railcar after the assassination as a free gift to my father’s employee, a Mr. Ray Lipski, on condition of anonymity. It was sent by Mr. Lipski’s stepfather, Mr. Stewart R. Martin, a resident of 2736 Canary, Oak Cliff, TX. Martin was a person who frequently expressed anti-Kennedy sentiments prior to the assassination such as “Kennedy should be shot.”

    It looks like Stuart Martin bought this car used.

    (Budget Auto Sales doesn't sound like a new car dealership)

    I wonder who owned the car before Martin. According to the Title application, Martin didn't buy this car until a year after the assassination - in November, 1964.

    There still is a Budget Auto Sales in Dallas:

    Budget Auto 214-824-9922 2625 Live Oak St Dallas TX 75204

    Budget Auto Sales 214-398-5747 1021 S Buckner Blvd Dallas TX 75217

    Steve Thomas

  5. John,

    Is anyone aware of the existense of the book '400,000 dollars pur abbatre Kennedy a Paris' by Camille Giles, Julliard Press, Paris, 1973?

    If you have access to a Library, there is an article in the Jan., 1973 issue of Computers and Automation.

    The citation is:

    Bernert, Phillippe and Camille Gilles. The Frenchman who was to kill Kennedy. Computers and Automation. vol 22, January, 1973. pp. 37 - 40.

    Steve Thomas

  6. Is there any documented evidence or anything in writing that a second invasion of Cuba was being planned for the last week of November, 1963?

    Though of circumstantial evidence, I have been struck by the sheer size of the weaponry being assembled in the Spring and summer of 1963. We're not talking small arms here, but bazookas, tons of dynamite, napalm, etc. Sure sounds like more than hit and run raids to me.

    SS Rowley Memorandum of 4/24/64 CD 853


    1/16/64 Frank Ellsworth was interviewed about Orcarberro.

    Ellsworth had been working undercover gathering evidence against John Thomas Masen.

    Masen told Ellsworth that Orcarberro had been trying to buy guns and bazookas from Masen.

    They had made purchases from him and that they presently have a large cache of arms located somewhere in Dallas, although he did not know the location.


    Compiled by Ira David Wood III

    http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v2n1/...20Sanchez%22%22 p. 98

    At the same time they are holding public meetings in Dallas, Salvat and another of the DRE leaders from Miami, Joaquin Martinez de Pinillos, meet with de Goicochea, who has enrolled at the University of Dallas, becoming a fellow student of Sarita Odio, Silvia Odio’s younger sister. Salvat and Martinez recruit de Goicochea as the DRE’s Dallas military representative. His task is to acquire heavy arms for the DRE. Before returning to Miami, Martinez introduces de Goicochea (as the organization’s new buyer, “George Perrel”) to Dallas gun dealer John Masen. Masen learns from the DRE exiles that the weapons they will need are for a planned second major invasion of Cuba.


    Some of the material seized at the training camp at Lake Pocharttrain on July 31, 1963 were:

    · More than a ton of dynamite

    · (20) 100-lb bomb casings

    · fuses

    · napalm

    Steve Thomas

  7. Is there any documented evidence or anything in writing that a second invasion of Cuba was being planned for the last week of November, 1963?

    Though of circumstantial evidence, I have been struck by the sheer size of the weaponry being assembled in the Spring and summer of 1963. We're not talking small arms here, but bazookas, tons of dynamite, napalm, etc. Sure sounds like more than hit and run raids to me.

    SS Rowley Memorandum of 4/24/64 CD 853


    1/16/64 Frank Ellsworth was interviewed about Orcarberro.

    Ellsworth had been working undercover gathering evidence against John Thomas Masen.

    Masen told Ellsworth that Orcarberro had been trying to buy guns and bazookas from Masen.

    They had made purchases from him and that they presently have a large cache of arms located somewhere in Dallas, although he did not know the location.


    Compiled by Ira David Wood III

    http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v2n1/...20Sanchez%22%22 p. 98

    At the same time they are holding public meetings in Dallas, Salvat and another of the DRE leaders from Miami, Joaquin Martinez de Pinillos, meet with de Goicochea, who has enrolled at the University of Dallas, becoming a fellow student of Sarita Odio, Silvia Odio’s younger sister. Salvat and Martinez recruit de Goicochea as the DRE’s Dallas military representative. His task is to acquire heavy arms for the DRE. Before returning to Miami, Martinez introduces de Goicochea (as the organization’s new buyer, “George Perrel”) to Dallas gun dealer John Masen. Masen learns from the DRE exiles that the weapons they will need are for a planned second major invasion of Cuba.


    Some of the material seized at the training camp at Lake Pocharttrain on July 31, 1963 were:

    · More than a ton of dynamite

    · (20) 100-lb bomb casings

    · fuses

    · napalm

    Steve Thomas

  8. Bill,

    Harry Hall sounds familiar but I can't put a finger on him off the top of my head.

    Harry Hall and Jack Ruby ran some gambling scams in the 1950's. They also won a lot of money off H.L. Hunt betting on the Cotton Bowl and Rose Bowl.

    see CD 87 pp 615, 616.

    Steve Thomas

  9. Robin,

    Hi Steve

    I ran your 007202 through Google.

    This is where i ended up.

    HSCA Volume 9

    Click Here:



    007202 is a DEA report on R.D. Matthews that says that he and Candy Barr were engaged in smuggling heroin across the border from Mexico.

    It's referred to on page 531 of volume IX of the HSCA Appendix volumes.

    It would be an interesting report to read I think.

    And Bill, yes, I know that Rex is an army of one. I think all of us owe him a debt of gratitude.


    Steve Thomas

  10. Bill,

    HSCA Numbered Files

    Thanks, that gave me a clue.

    I went to the National Archives, read their search tips and did a standard search for the document number.

    In the example I used above, typing in 007202 gave me this result:



    RECORD NUMBER : 180-10076-10481





    FROM : DEA

    TO : [No To]


    DATE : 04/11/1978

    PAGES : 8







    DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 01/06/1994

    COMMENTS : Box 137.

    I ran the RIF number through the Mary Ferrell Foundation site, but unfortunately, it hasn't been added there yet.

    I wonder if Rex Braford has an army of assistants to load in the HSCA numbered files?


    Steve Thomas

    PS: That would be an interesting report to read BTW. I ran across it in reference to the Candy Barr/R.D. Matthews thread

  11. Does anyone know if the HSCA documents, also known as JFK Documents are online?

    For instance, in another thread, I referred to a footnote in one of the HSCA volumes.

    The footnote referred to JFK Document 007202.

    Anoter footnote referred to JFK Document 008850.

    Are these JFK Documents online anywhere?


    Steve Thomas

  12. James,

    Just of late, I have been going through several boxes of documents and came across some obscure references to 'soft files'. These are personal working files usually containing very sensitive information which will never see the light of day.

    In March of 2000, the NARA issued a rather scathing report of how the CIA handles records management and retention.

    In that Report, they wrote:

    During discussions with program staff and IMOs, NARA evaluators found an inconsistent understanding of basic and important records management concepts. For example, as will be discussed at greater length in Chapters III and V, there was a tendency for some CIA personnel to view their files as nonrecord ("soft" files) if the information the files contained was available elsewhere. This is contrary to 36 CFR 1222.35(d) which states that "Multiple copies of the same document and documents containing duplicative information ... may each have record status depending upon how they are used to transact agency business."

    Two other problem areas were noted in some of the offices visited. The more serious and common of the two was a tendency on the part of some staff and/or agency components to inappropriately regard their files as non-record working papers or "soft" files that could be destroyed at will. A second problem NARA noted was the filing of incoming documents and other materials in disposable chronological files. Each of these is discussed below in more detail.

    You can read the Report online here:


    Steve Thomas

  13. John,


    Can you remember the source for the rumours of Candy Barrs involvement in drug running, especially with R.D. Matthews?

    Hopefully Ian Griggs will read this and enlighten us a bit.


    You can find reference to this in volume IX of the HSCA Appendix volumes, page 531 here:


    The footnote references for this report are on page 1157 here:


    Steve Thomas

  14. Robert,

    The declaration on the part of the HSCA [to their discovery that Army Intelligence had 'routinely destroyed' their file on Lee Harvey Oswald] that they found said news "very troubling" makes for great sound bite journalism,because it coddles the mentality of those who so desperately want to believe that the US government wouldn't engage, un-officially or otherwise in a coup d'etat responsible for the forcible disposal of a US President.

    You might want to view MI's interest in Lee Harvey Oswald in light of the Army Spy Scandal of 1970, and what they claimed to have done with the data collected on U.S. individuals.

    This is a good article:


    Steve Thomas

  15. Robert,

    The declaration on the part of the HSCA [to their discovery that Army Intelligence had 'routinely destroyed' their file on Lee Harvey Oswald] that they found said news "very troubling" makes for great sound bite journalism,because it coddles the mentality of those who so desperately want to believe that the US government wouldn't engage, un-officially or otherwise in a coup d'etat responsible for the forcible disposal of a US President.

    You might want to view MI's interest in Lee Harvey Oswald in light of the Army Spy Scandal of 1970, and what they claimed to have done with the data collected on U.S. individuals.

    This is a good article:


    Steve Thomas

  16. John,


    Please pardon my ignorance on these matters but what is "CD", as in CD 853A (2)?

    CD stands for Commission Document - as in Warren Commission.

    You can find them online here:


    There are about 1,500 of them. Some of them are over 1,000 pages long.

    CE stands for Commission Exhibit.

    You can find them here:



  17. In Mary Farrell's database, there is this entry:


    ADDRESS 607 Wholesale Merchants Bldg., 912 Commerce St., Dallas, TX

    'PHONE (214) 749-3304)

    SOURCES CD 853A (2); 1/14/64 memo from Carl R. Booth, Jr., Supervisor in Charge, to SA in Charge, US Secret Service, Forrest Sorrels.

    COMMENT Memo sets out activities of 8 investigators of A&TF who rushed to TSBD 11/22/63 and searched building (among them, Frank L. Ellsworth)

    In the Mary Ferrell Foundation pages of Warren Commission Documents, I don't find a CD 853A.

    Has anyone seen this memo from Booth to Sorrels?

    Steve Thomas

  18. Greg,

    James Olmstead wrote:

    Although I do not support at this time that the Dear Mr. Hunt letter was addressed to either H. L. Hunt or any specific Hunt family member or E. Howard Hunt, I do have research in support that the letter is not a forgery or fake.

    Did the Dear Mr. Hunt letter show up at the same time as the alleged memo from (Helms I think it was) saying, "Someday we are going to have to explain Hunt's presence in Dallas on 11/22?

    Steve Thomas

  19. Greg,

    The text of the letter:

    Nov 8, 1963

    Dear Mr. Hunt,

    I would like information concerding my position.

    I am asking only for information. I am suggesting that we discuss the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else.

    Thank you LEE HARVEY OSWALD.

    I am just throwing this out there.

    Here are two signatures of Lee Harvey Oswald.

    The first one is from a 1959 Selective Service Card.

    The second one is from the Dear Mr. Hunt letter.

    Were they signed by the same person?

    Steve Thomas

  20. Mark,

    The "reply" page suddenly looks different - are we operating under a new software system? I can't find a way to post a photo. Thanks.

    Try hitting your reload button.

    When I first tried to post on a new topic, the option for uploading a photo wasn't there, but when I hit my reload button, it was.

    Steve Thomas

  21. Has anyone ever thought about the timing of the attempted Walker shooting?

    Was April of 1963 significant in Walker's life for some reason?

    Was April 10th before or after the Congress of Freedom meeting in New Orleans?

    In the Lancer Forum, Gil Jesus said that the Congress of Freedom meeting was April 4 - 6.


    I wonder if something happened at that meeting that put Walker at odds with someone - maybe some kind of power struggle?

    Steve Thomas

  22. John,

    What an amazing story? This is the first time I have ever heard about the Columbia University speech.

    This is what the Kennedy Library has to say about this alleged speech:

    "President Kennedy's supposed speech at Columbia University, November, 1963.

    Many references to this fictitious speech exist in assassination theorist material. Supposedly, the President was discussing changes in the Federal Reserve and the gold standard, and this topic was somehow linked to his assassination. Others also claim he said, "The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy American freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight." But the simple fact is that President John F. Kennedy did not speak at Columbia University in November of 1963.

    Those who believe in the "fact" of President Kennedy having made such a speech, either at Columbia or some other place, will simply deny this denial. At best, they will say that because "all or most records" have been destroyed, we simply don't know the truth; at worst, they will claim that there is a conspiracy to keep this issue silent. If someone chooses to believe in the existence of this speech, he or she does so as a matter of faith, which is fine, as long as that person realizes that it is religion and not history in which he or she is dealing."


    Steve Thomas

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