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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Mark, Here's an audio source for some of the Channel 2 dispatches http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/ and here's an audio source for some of the Channel 1 dispatches http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/tapes3.htm Steve Thomas
  2. In the miscellaneous CIA series/ddp (deputy director of plans), there is an FBI memo from Mr. D.J. Brennan to Mr. W.C. Sullivan dated 11/23/63. In the memo, Brennan says that (name deleted) from the CIA wished to point out the Kosikov is a member of the KGB and that a German double agent has been in contact with Kostikov in connection with Operation Tumbleweed. Brennan goes on to say the CIA man told him that Schulz is being operated by us against the Soviets and that Schulz has had contact with the Soviets in Mexico City. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...657&relPageId=2 I wondered if Schulz might be the "mystery man" in Mexico City. Does anyone have a photo of Guenter Schulz? Steve Thomas
  3. Robert, I believe the tramps were, in fact, arrested twice. Once by the Dallas County Sheriff's Deputies and again by the Dallas City Police Department. As Jack indicated, the shadows on the wall during the famous set of photos show the tramp pictures were taken around 2:00 PM. Lee Bowers in his testimony before the Warren Commission, vol VI, p. 288: Between 50 and a hundred policemen came up the slope within 5 minutes. “That’s right. Sealed off the area and I held off the trains until they could be examined, and there were some transients taken on at least one train.” Marvin Wise was interviewed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations on November 14, 1977 at 9:00AM at Dallas Police Headquarters. HSCA 180-10112 10156. Wise was a Dallas Policeman on November 22, 1963 and assigned to District #71 Radio Patrol in south Dallas. He arrived and parked near the railroad tracks. He went to the TSBD and was assigned to the west side of the TSBD. Wise stated that the men acted scared and he could smell wine on the breath of one of them. Wise took the men over to the Sheriff’s Office, and while waiting to turn them over, asked the men for identification. “He turned the men over to the Sheriff’s Office (Deputy name unknown), and went back to his radio”. He heard over the police radio that a policeman had been shot, and a little later heard that it was J.D. Tippit”. Notice the timing. The tramps have been picked up and are in the station when Wise hears about Tippit. (Tippit was shot at approximately 1:16pm) William Earl Chambers was interviewed on 3/3/92 by SA Gary Gerszewski of the FBI and Lieutenant Kenneth Lybrand, City of Dallas Police Department. William Chambers worked for the City of Dallas Police Department from October, 1954 until January, 1992. In approximately 1959, or 1969, he as assigned as a Detective in the Forgery Division. “As they drove back towards the main police station, the police dispatcher was providing information regarding the shooting of Officer J.D. Tippett” (Tippett was shot around 1:16PM) After watching the individuals for a period of time, Captain Jones approached Chambers and told him, “take them into my office”. Once inside Captain Jones office, Captain Jones told Chambers, “find out which one shot the President”. Chambers questioned them together and found their answers confusing and inconsistent. “their stories as to where they came from and where they were headed differed from individual to individual. “When questioned regarding the circumstances of their arrest, the three individuals indicated that they were on a freight car sleeping when they were wakened by officers with different colored uniforms than the ones worn by the officers who drove them down to the station. Question: Sleeping? what time was this? They got out of the Salvation Army and on the way to the freight yards heard that the President had been shot. It couldn’t have been more than an hour lapsed maybe. Different colored uniforms? Driven down to the station? “They were briefly questioned by those officers who then told them that they better leave town. The three then boarded another boxcar and were shortly thereafter arrested by the City of Dallas Police Department”. (They were arrested twice. The first time, they were driven down to the station). “Chambers believes that the Officers who first interviewed the hobos were members of the Dallas County Sheriff’s Department, who at that time had uniforms of a different color than that of the City of Dallas Police Department. The hobos were then brought down to the station. Steve Thomas
  4. I am not saying that E. Howard Hunt was one of the three tramps. I don't know that. But I ran across an interesting little tidbit today. I was reading through some of Russ Holmes' work files and ran across a hand written note - maybe from someone named Tom Brown - concerning some enclosures in an envelope. It says, "Smaller envelope holding 24 badge photos & 6 negatives of Dallas hobo pictures. Copies of blow-ups are in Hunt's covert (red border) file." http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...983&relPageId=2 I wonder why someone in the CIA would put blowups of the Dallas hobo pictures in Hunt's covert file? Steve Thomas
  5. Francesca, You can watch the program online here: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/oswald/ Steve Thomas
  6. John, This may be more than what you wanted, but here is my bookmark file. Steve Thomas Witnesses http://jfkassassination.net/russ/wit.htm http://www.history-matters.com/analysis/Witness/Index.htm http://www.jfk-online.com/eyewitnesses.html http://www.realhistoryarchives.com/collect...jfk/origwit.htm http://www.jmasland.com/testimony/tippit/reynolds.htm http://www.jmasland.com/database.htm http://www.jmasland.com/witf_con.htm http://www.jmasland.com/testimony/index.htm http://www.jfk-assassination.de/warren/walt/index88.php http://www.google.com/search?q=Warren+Comm...l&start=10&sa=N http://www.history-matters.com/analysis/Witness/Index.htm Police Matters http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/...Vol20_0255a.htm http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/...Vol19_0068a.htm http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/...Vol19_0236b.htm http://www.bearcat1.com/radiotx.htm http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...Vol19_0266b.htm http://www.dealeyplazauk.co.uk/DPD%20Structure%20Nov1963.htm Police Tapes http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/dix.htm 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  7. Brian, I think AARC's web site address is: http://www.aarclibrary.org/ Steve Thomas
  8. Duke, In his orginal report, and in his supplementary report, Poe spells her name two different ways. I guess he had a hard time spelling. For the longest time I had trouble with the Texaco station, because in Robert and Mary Brock's FBI interview, the address is given as 600 Jefferson, which would be two blocks EAST of Patton. CD 385 pp. 92 and 93 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...86&relPageId=97 (Remember in Poe's Supplementary Report, he has LHO running in the alley heading east), but I just looked at Roger Ballew's FBI interview on page 91 (yes, they spell it Ballew) and they give the address as 300 Jefferson. It's funny - the same FBI agent, on the same day (January 22nd). I guess he was tired. If you follow the dispatch tapes, they have the suspect heading up Jefferson until 1:32 PM. At 1:32, he is now reported running up the alley. Steve Thomas
  9. Duke, What do you make of the "six or seven witnesses" who claimed that Oswald ran up the alley, and not Jefferson? Depending on the time and the location of the officer and witnesses, some people saw a suspect running down Jefferson. and some people saw a suspect running down the alley between 10th and Jefferson. Is it possible that they were witnessing two different individuals? You can follow the progress of the suspect as he heads west on Jefferson from Patton St. up until about 1:32PM, and then everything seems to change. 1:19PM The Dispatcher tell Unit 85 (Patrolman R.W. Walker) Suspect running west on Jefferson from the location. 85: 10-4. and more of the same... On November 22nd, patrolman J.M. Poe arrived at work to patrol his normal patrol region of the western part of the downtown area. (WC vol. VII, pp. 66+). When the call came over the radio that the President had been shot, he reported to the scene of the crime. While he was guarding the building with his partner, L.E. Jez, a call came over the radio that Officer Tippit had been shot. He responded to 10th and Patton, where he wound up interviewing Helen Markham. Later in the day, he reported to Chief Curry what he had done that day. (Dallas Police Archives, Box 7 Folder # 5, Item # 8). In his official report, Poe wrote that: "We were met by a white female who identified herself as being Helen Marsalle, 328 E. 9th St., who stated she witnessed the shooting of the officer... "There were approximately six to eight witnesses, all telling officers that the subject was running west in the alley between tenth and Jefferson Streets" Later in the day, Poe filed a Supplementary Offense report (Box 7, Folder # 2, Item # 37). Here he wrote: "We were met by a white woman who identified herself as being Helen Marsille of 329 E. 9th Street who stated that she witnessed the shooting of the officer... 6 or 7 witnesses said that the suspect was running east in the alley that was between Tenth and Jefferson". Steve Thomas
  10. Miss BOWRON: And then, we stayed in there with him and cleaned him up, removed all of his clothing and put them all together and Miss Henchliffe gave them to one of the Secret Service men, and we stayed with the body until the coffin came, and helped put him in there, and then we-- Mr. SPECTER - When you say "we", whom do you mean by "we"? Miss BOWRON - Miss Henchliffe and myself. And then Mrs. Kennedy wanted to be alone with him after the priests left, so we all came out and sat there outside and she was alone with him in the trauma room, and we didn't go in any more after that. Did perhaps someone enter the room after Jackie, but before anyone else? Steve Thomas
  11. It's kind of odd. I can't find out anything online about the Marilyn Belt Factory. The only web entries refer to Armstrong's WC testimony, and a google groups search fails to show anyone talking about it in any of the usenet news groups. Steve Thomas
  12. Ron, I was reading the WC testimony of the parking lot attendant. He said there was. Sorry I can't remember his name, I wasn't paying too much attention, but his testimony is right at the end of volume 15 I think. Steve Thomas
  13. While researching something else, I ran across this little tidbit: In his WC testimony, The Carousel bartender, Andrew Armstrong told Leon Hubert that after getting out of jail on a marijuana possession charge, he went to work as a maintenance man at the Holiday Hills Apartments owned by the Hunt Oil Company in the summer of 1961. 13H303 Around Christmas time he was fired, and they wouldn't tell him why. pp 306-307. After getting fired, he went to work for the Marilyn Belt Factory in January, 1962. The Marilyn Belt Factory was located in the Dal-Tex Building and shared the same phone number with Morty Freedman and the Dallas Uranium & Oil Company. Is my memory correct that noone's ever been able to dig up any incorporation papers on the latter company? He worked at the Marilyn Belt Factory for two months, then went to work for Jack Ruby at the Carousel. 13H307 Coincidence? Steve Thomas
  14. Bernice, Maurice has been posting in the alt.assassination.jfk newsgroup as recently as last month as well. Steve Thomas
  15. Scott, In his Blog, "I Have Some Scerets For You," Maurice Philipps writes: I HAVE SOME SECRETS FOR YOU By Maurice Philipps http://somesecretsforyou.blogspot.com/ PHOTO GALLERY 2 FROM DE DALLAS A MONTREAL (Click on pictures to see bigger photos) On October 10 1963, US Customs Agents at Laredo, Texas arrested Lucien Rivard’s courrier and make the second most important seizure of narcotics of the time. The heroin was coming from Mexico and was furnished by Paul Mondolini, a Santos Trafficante associate and a relation of French agent Michel-Victor Mertz that was expelled from Dallas the day after John F. Kennedy assassination. Maurice does not provide a source for his statement that Mondolini was a "relation" of Mertz. Steve Thomas
  16. Duke, You can find an online copy of the report here: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...928&relPageId=2 Steve Thomas
  17. The citation can be found here: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...2&relPageId=118 The allegation says that LHO called the FBI on 11/20/63 to tell tham that Kennedy was going to be assassinated on 11/22. It says that a teletype went out to the Director and New Orleans. The Sprague reference couldn't be the HSCA. The Church Committee was before the HSCA. Steve Thomas
  18. I was reading through the Church Committee boxed files about FBI pre-assassination contact with LHO and there was a reference to check into the allegation that LHO had contacted two subvursives agents on 11/20/63. The reference in the notes was Sprague IX-C-2-a-61 I'm not sure what that refers to. Something to do with the HSCA maybe? Steve Thomas
  19. Lee, I don't know. These came from a series of pictures taken at the Carousel Club in early November, 1963. Some of them were published in the WC Hearings as Armstong exhibits 5303 A-M in 19H36-42 The one that shows this particular individual was on page 38, but only showed him from the back. I had never seen him in profile before. Steve Thomas
  20. Can anyone who is good at working with pictures enlarge the face of the man I have circled in two of these photos without getting it so pixelated that it becomes unrecognizable? These come from page 43 of Commission Document 720 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...18&relPageId=43 Thanks, Steve Thomas
  21. Lee, Do you know where I can read more about this? Steve Thomas
  22. Schmidt qouted in the Dallas Times Herald on the Adlai Stevenson incident: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...1&relPageId=161 The demonstrators were "severly provoked" by a pro UN spectator. Steve Thomas
  23. James, I was looking for something else and ran across this exchange in the dispatch tapes at 1:42 PM: "410 en route from Trade Mart with three detectives to the City Hall, unless otherwise directed." 410 is only identified as the CID or Criminal Investigation Division. The Forgery Bureau came under CID. Lieutenant Cunninham was a Lieutenant in the Forgery Bureau. I believe that this call at 1:42 came from Cunningham, because he did indeed have three Detectives with him when he left the Trade Mart. If my memory serves me right, Deputy Chief Batchelor was in charge at the Trade Mart. I think it was Lt. Paul McCaghren who wrote about the lack of leadership at the Trade Mart in maybe Larry Sneed's book, No More Silence. I believe Batchelor followed Jesse Curry as Chief of Police when Curry retired, and if my memory serves me right, Batchelor's tenure as Chief was an unmitigated disaster. Steve Thomas
  24. James, My apologies. I should have checked first. Here's the tape transcript: 1208. 223: (tires squealing, noises) 223, he in the library at Jefferson - east 500 block Marsalis and Jefferson. 1209. 223: 223. 1210. DIS: What's the location, 223? 1211. 223: Marsalis and Jefferson. In the library. I'm going around the back. Get somebody in front. Get them in fast. 223 is Patrolman C.T. Walker So he was at the Library. I wonder why he didn't mention that in his after-action report? As far as Buhk and the others taking so long to get there, I don't think they left the Trade Mart for a while. I think there was a lot of milling around going on before Captain Jones told Buhk, Cunningham, et.al. to go downtown. Steve Steve Thomas
  25. James, I had heard once through the grapevine that leadership at the Trade Mart was noticeably lacking. People were wandering around not knowing WHAT to do, and finally officers started taking it on themselves to get things done. In his after-action report, Lt. Cunningham wrote that they headed south on Industrial from the Trade Mart. Just about the time they got to Oak Lawn, all available officers were asked to report to Tenth and East Jefferson. Cunningham decided to proceed diretly there instead of going downtown. While heading for Tippit's murder scene, word came over the radio about the suspect in the Library. In his after-action report, Walker wrote that he was cruising in the area of 10th and Beckley looking for Tippit's killer when he heard over the radio that the suspect was in the theater. That would only be about two blocks over and one block down. I'm not sure that Walker went to the Library. PS: How did you get your info about Buhk? Steve Thomas
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