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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Jim, On several occasions during Garland's interview with Lester Holt, he said that the focus of the DOJ investigation is the "interference with the peaceful transfer of power". That sort of wraps everything up together in one package - the fake electors, the mob, etc. I look for that to be the charge.in any criminal indictment. Steve Thomas
  2. Why the Jan. 6 commission matters July 26, 2022 07:30 AM By Marc Polymeropoulos https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/patriotism-unity/why-the-jan-6-commission-matters “Of note, it was not al Qaeda or Hezbollah or the Islamic State that attacked Americans in a far-off diplomatic post on Jan. 6. No, it was our fellow Americans who violently stormed the Capitol. Think hard about that. A spontaneous riot? A gathering that got out of hand? Please. These talking points are insulting to those who survived that day. I ran counterterrorism operations for the CIA for several decades. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this was a pre-planned domestic terrorist event. It included all elements of a terrorist operation, including training, surveillance, and then the execution of the attack. It was an attack that almost succeeded in killing the vice president of the United States, as well as members of Congress. It was an attack on our democratic system of government. I don't want to hear that this was just a protest that got out of hand. That's BS.” Steve Thomas
  3. Dem blasts 'insane' GOP bill that would authorize 'deadly force' to stop abortions in North Carolina by Brad Reed July 25, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/north-carolina-abortion-ban/ “A Democratic state senator from North Carolina this week shined a light on a bill proposed by his Republican colleagues that he described as "completely insane" because it would authorize using "deadly force" to stop people in the state from getting abortions. In a video posted on his social media accounts, North Carolina State Sen. Jeff Jackson drew attention to North Carolina House Bill 158, a piece of legislation drafted last year that extends the rights of personhood to fetuses and says that "any person who willfully seeks to destroy the life of another person, by any means, at any stage of life, or succeeds in doing so, shall be held accountable for attempted murder or for first degree murder, respectively." The bill goes on toe say that "any person has the right to defend his or her own life or the life of another person, even by the use of deadly force if necessary, from willful destruction by another person," which implies that any citizen would have the right to kill a doctor performing an abortion or a woman taking an abortion pill. In his video, Jackson comments that the bill makes it legal to "kill a doctor or a nurse or anyone involved" in the process of terminating a pregnancy.” Steve Thomas
  4. Mark, Copies are also sent to the National Archives for this very reason.. Wouldn't they just have used those? That's why the National Archives is a party to the whole fake Elector scheme. Steve Thomas
  5. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says GOP 'Should Be Christian Nationalists' Party By Nina Golgowski Jul 24, 2022 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marjorie-taylor-greene-christian-nationalism-republican-party_n_62dd70bde4b081f3a9007344 “The Georgia congresswoman said the Republican Party should conform to Christianity to make it easier to identify with and sway Christian voters. Greene, who is known for her vocal religious beliefs and for imposing them on others, said the Republican Party should conform to Christianity to make it easier to identify with and sway Christian voters. “When Republicans learn to represent most of the people that vote for them, then we will be the party that continues to grow without having to chase down certain identities or chase down certain segments of people,” she said. “We just need to represent Americans and most Americans, no matter how they vote, really care about the same things and I want to see Republicans actually do their job.”” “The first clause in the Bill of Rights, the establishment clause, is widely seen as keeping religion and government separate as a means to prevent government officials from promoting any particular faith. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” it states. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), another conservative firebrand, advocated for abolishing that clause last month, saying “the church is supposed to direct the government” and that she’s “tired of this separation of church and state junk.”” Oh goody! Let’s all go back to being Puritans again! “Conform”. That’s the operative word. For a group of people who scream about “freedom” so much, they sure do seem to love that conforming business. Steve Thomas
  6. Jim, My wife and I were talking about this very thing last night. The President is not allowed to enter Congress unless he is invited. At that point, he would have been a squatter. Who could have evicted him? The military? The Armed Forces take their orders from him as the Commander-In-Chief. The Sergeant-In-Arms? Not against a mob. The Capitol Police? The Oath Keepers had stashed a cache of weapons outside of DC. There would have been a pitched battle. Would the Mayor of DC or any of the surrounding States activated the National Guards? Trump would probably have nationalized them. Trump would have stayed until Congress re-convened and made him the President. What would have happened if the Democrats had refused to re-convene? Would they have lacked a quorum in a joint session of Congress? Trump would have been in control of two branches of our Government. The third branch, the Supreme Court doesn't have any troops of their own. It would have been a freakin mess. Steve Thomas
  7. W., I'm sorry, but I must correct your spelling mistake. It's Trump and his wallowers. Steve Thomas
  8. Kathy, I'm glad the moderators decided to keep this thread here. If you go to the Education Forum's home page, the JFK Assassination Debate sub-forum has far and away the greatest number of posts - over 330,000 posts. Of these, the Inevitable Result thread has far and away the greatest number of posts - more than 11,000. I know it's not JFK assassination related per se, but I think Joseph McBride struck a nerve when he made his first post. It's symptomatic of the times, I think. Where have we come from in the last 56 years? Steve Thomas
  9. Joe, The Official Twitter statement of the House Republican Party did say that the J6 Committee was all heresy. Steve Thomas
  10. W., I've been a member of this Forum for the better part of 18 years now. I've seen people come, and people go. Some people I agree with, and some people I don't. When I find someone who gets too churlish or boring, I put them on Ignore and go on about my business. This morning, I filed the first complaint against another member in all the time in the 18 years I have been a member of the Forum. He accused the President of the United States of raping children. For me, that goes beyond all boundaries of civility and decorum, and I just couldn't sit by any more. He shouldn't be a member of this or any other public space. Steve Thomas
  11. https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2022/03/18/what-is-orbeez-challenge/ "WHAT IS THE ORBEEZ CHALLENGE? Let us start with what Orbeez balls are before we get to the challenge and its consequences. Orbeez balls are super-absorbent polymer beads that grow over 100 times their volume when placed in water. They are soft and bouncy and are advertised as a children’s product by their manufacturer, Spin Master. The latest TikTok trend that many are dreading involves shooting the Orbeez balls at strangers and filming their reactions simultaneously." Some people are freezing the pellets so their impact is greater, and doing drive-by shootings. This is a recipe for disaster. Steve Thomas
  12. Tom, CD 81 is three bound volumes of the material that Texas Attorney General, Waggoner Carr turned over to J, Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission in January of 1964. CD 81-B is the second of those bound volumes, and begins on page 311 of CD 81. That's why, if you go to page 311 of CD 81, you see a great big 1 at the bottom of the page. That confused the heck out of me for the longest time. Entitled, "Investigation o the Assassination of the President", it is basically the Dallas Police Department's case file on the assassination. See page 307 of CD 81 https://maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10483#relPageId=307 Steve Thomas
  13. "This is all heresy" (Official Twitter statement of the House Republican Party in response to the J6 Committee) (Since taken down) No comment Steve Thomas
  14. Pat, Oswald was brought in for questioning at 2:20 and the police were dispatched to Irving at 2:30. They couldn't have been at City Hall at 2:30 and at the Paine house in Irving at the same time. Something I have never understood is why Fritz didn't send officers out to Irving when he got the address from Truly at 1:30. Why did he wait? Something happened between the TSBD and City Hall when Fritz got back there. Fritz was all hot to trot and wanted immediately to go to Irving himself, but along the way, there was a curious little visit with Sheriff Decker that has never been explained. When Fritz got to City Hall, Oswald was already there and Fritz sent other officers to go out to Irving. There's a half an hour there between the time Fritz left the TSBD and when he got back to City Hall. https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/fritz1.htm Mr. BALL. While you were there Mr. Truly came up to you? Mr. FRITZ. Yes, sir; where the rifle was found. That was about the time we finished Mr. Truly came and told me that one of his employees had left the building, and I asked his name and he gave me his name, Lee Harvey Oswald, and I asked his address and he gave me the Irving address. Mr. BALL. This was after the rifle was found? Mr. FRITZ. Yes, sir; after the rifle was found. Mr. BALL. Another witness has testified that the rifle was found at 1:22 p.m. Mr. BALL. How long did you stay at the Texas School Book Depository after you found the rifle? Mr. FRITZ. After he told me about this man almost, I left immediately after he told me that. Mr. BALL. You left almost immediately after he told you that? Mr. FRITZ. Almost after he told me that man, I felt it important to hold that man. Mr. BALL. Did you give descriptions to Sims and Boyd? Mr. FRITZ. Yes, sir; I told them to drive me to city hall and see if the man had a criminal record and we picked up two other officers and my intentions were to go to the house at Irving. https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/sims.htm Mr. BALL. Now, you left the building about what time? Mr. SIMS. Well, we arrived at the city hall around 2 o'clock--I'll have to look at the record---on this--about 2:15--we left there evidently about 2 o'clock. Mr. BALL. You and who? Mr. SIMS. Captain Fritz and Boyd. Mr. BALL. Then where did you go? Mr. SIMS. Captain Fritz went over and talked to Sheriff Decker. He sent word he wanted to talk to Captain Fritz, so we talked to the sheriff and then we went to the city hall. Mr. BALL. Where was Decker when he said he wanted to talk to Fritz? Mr. SIMS. Well, I didn't go inside the sheriff's office--I stayed out in the corridor there. Mr. BALL. The sheriff's office is just a half a block from the Texas School Depository Building? Mr. SIMS. Yes, sir; it's across the street. Mr. BALL. And the city hall where your office, the police offices are located, is how far from the corner of Elm and Houston? Mr. SIMS. Well, that's the 500 block there and the city hall is, let's see, in the 2000 block, I believe, so it would be 15 blocks. Mr. BALL. A couple of miles--a mile and a half? Mr. SIMS. I don't know what it is. Steve Thomas
  15. Pat, I'm sorry, but when the Sheriff's Deputies arrived at the Irving St. residence, the City Police were already there and waiting for them, and according to Weatherford, parked a half a block away. COUNTY OF DALLAS SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTARY INVESTIGATION REPORT REF: ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY FROM: HARRY WEATHERFORD, Deputy Sheriff https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/weatherf.htm I then left the building and went to the Sheriff's office to contact Sheriff Decker and report our findings. While we were standing in the hall talking, Sheriff Decker gave me a piece of paper with an address of 2515 W. 5th Street, Irving. He said to get Deputies E. R. Buddy Walthers and J.L. Oxford and go see what we could find at this location as this man that shot the officer in Oak Cliff by the name of Oswald supposedly live at this location and further that we were to meet some of Capt. Fritz's officers at this address. Upon arrival at the address, we saw a DPD plain clothes car about 1/2 block from the address. In this car were Detectives Rose and Adamcik and another officer whom I did not know. COUNTY OF DALLAS SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTARY INVESTIGATION REPORT Name of Complainant: ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY Offense DEPUTY J. L. OXFORD, Dallas County Sheriff's Department. https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/oxford1.htm Sheriff Decker then sent me along with deputies Buddy Walthers, Harry Weathorford to a location at 2515 W. Fifth Street in Irving, Texas, to meet Dallas Police Officers to search a house there and talk to the people within. When we got at the address, officer Adamcik of the DPD and myself went to the back of the house and Officers Weatherford, Walthers and Detective Rose of the DPD and another DPD officer went to the front door. COUNTY OF DALLAS SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTARY INVESTIGATION REPORT ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY Officer Buddy Walthers, Deputy Sheriff, Dallas County Sheriff's Office https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/walther1.htm Sheriff Decker then ordered me, together with Deputy Harry Weatherford and Deputy J. L. Oxford to go to a house at 25115 West 5th Street in Irving, Texas and met some officers from Capt. Will Fritz' office. We arrived at location and met detective Rose and Adamcik from the Homicide division of the Dallas Police Department. Steve Thomas
  16. Steve, I'm sorry, but that's wrong. On Friday afternoon November 22nd, 3 Dallas Police Officers and 3 Dallas Co. Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to 2515 W. Fifth St. in Irving Texas. Oswald had been arrested at about 1:50PM, arrived at City Hall after 2:00 PM and was taken into Captain Fritz's office at 2:20PM. Police Officers Adamcik (7H202), Rose (7H227) and Stovall (7H186) are unanimous in saying that Captain Fritz dispatched them to Irving at 2:30 PM. They are also unanimous in saying that when they arrived at this address, they had to wait for 35-40 minutes for the Deputy Sheriffs to arrive since Irving was outside their jurisdiction. In his after-action report filed with Chief Curry (City of Dallas archives - JFK Collection) Box 3, Folder# 1, Item# 3 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box3.htm Guy Rose wrote that after the Deputies showed up, they arrived at the front door in Irving at 3:30PM. Harry Weatherford, Buddy Walthers, and J. L. Oxford were the deputies dispatched to Irving. You can find their accounts in the Supplementary Reports they filed with Sheriff Decker in volume 19 of the WC Hearings. Walthers, Weatherford and Sheriff Decker all said that Ruth Paine gave them a telephone number where Oswald could be reached and that they criss-crossed that number and came up with the Beckley St. address. At 2:40 PM, W.E. Potts, B.L. Senkel and Lt. E.L. Cunningham were dispatched to 1026 N. Beckley. Potts wrote in his after-action report (Box 2, Folder# 9, Item# 32) http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box2.htm that after he finished taking some affidavits, Fritz dispatched them to the Beckely St address at 2:40 and they arrived at Beckley at 3:00PM. Detective B.L. Senkel also said in his after action report (Dallas Police Archives Box 3, Folder# 12, Item#1) that they arrived at 1026 N. Beckley at 3:00PM. They checked the register and found that Oswald had been living there since October 14th. Because of that 40 minute wait at the Irving address, the police actually arrived at the Beckley St. address BEFORE they searched the Irving address. They did not search the room on Beckley until Detective Turner, David Johnston, and Deputy DA Bill Alexander arrived with a search warrant at 4:30 or 5:00PM (Potts, Dallas City Archives - JFK Collection) So, if the police had already been at Beckley for 30 minutes before they began the search at Irving to find a telephone number that they criss-crossed, how did they know about Beckley? How did the Police First learn of 1026 N. Beckley? http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/2331-how-did-the-police-first-learn-of-1026-n-beckley/ https://myjfksite.weebly.com/ Steve Thomas
  17. If I live in a State where gambling is illegal, and I fly out to State where gambling is legal for the purpose of gambling, can the airline be held criminally liable by the first State for aiding and abetting? Can the airline be sued? IF i live in Nebraska, where marijuana is illegal, and I rent a car and book a hotel room through a hotel chain and drive to Colorado where marijuana is legal in order to get high, can the car rental company and the hotel chain be held criminally liable for aiding and abetting? Can they be sued? Steve Thomas
  18. Tom, I have been very surprised to learn that all of the policemen involved in Oswald's arrest gathered together in Westbrook's office when they filled out their after-action reports. Bentley was there, Carroll was there. Hill, Lyons, McDonald - they all gathered together and compared notes. Do you think that was a good idea, or a bad one? In his after-action Report dated December 3, 1963, DPD Archives, Box 2, Folder# 7, Item# 4, page 2 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=217801#relPageId=267 Detective Paul Bentley wrote: “On the way to the City Hall, I removed the suspect's wallet and obtained his name.... I turned his identification over to Lt. Baker. I then went to Captain Westbrook's office to make a report of this arrest.” Gerald Hill's testimony before the Warren Commission https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/hill_gl.htm “Bentley had sprained an ankle, and Lyons had sprained an ankle while effecting the arrest--they were fixing to have to make a whole bushel basket of reports--we adjourned to the personnel office, which was further down the hall from homicide and I sat down and started to try to organize the first report on the arrest. I originally wrote the report for Bob Carroll's signature and for my signature, and left it with the captain to be typed while we moved over in another office to get a cup of coffee and sort of calm down and recap the events. By then McDonald was there, and we had added some information that he could give us such as the information about "This is it." WC testimony of C.T. Walker https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/walker_c.htm Mr. BELIN. Let me ask you, did you have anything to do on November 22, or anything more to do on November 22, with either the Tippit shooting or investigation or apprehension of Oswald or the assassination of the President's investigation? Mr. WALKER. No. I stayed down in Captain Westbrook's office for a while until I got off. I personally would have preferred them to have written down their own recollections in isolation. Steve Thomas
  19. Sandy, Just for info's sake, Unit 211 is Partolmen Ray Hawkins and Elmer Baggett. Here's what Hawkins told the WC: https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/hawkins.htm Mr. BALL. Now, did you later hear that Officer Tippit had been killed? Mr. HAWKINS. Yes, sir; I did. Mr. BALL. Did you make a note of the time, or do you have any memory of the approximate time that you heard that report? Mr. HAWKINS. I would say in the vicinity of around 1 p.m.--I'm not sure what time it was, because I didn't make any notes. As I said, we were on an accident at the time---I cleared from the call about the time we heard this information. Mr. BALL. And you got that information over the police radio? Mr. HAWKINS. Yes, sir; I did. Mr. BALL. Tell me, did you receive any instructions as to what to do? Mr. HAWKINS. No, sir; I did not. They called--I heard a citizen come in on the radio and state that an officer had been shot and it looked like he was dead. We had just finished the accident at this time and I was driving an officer, Baggett, and I proceeded to Oak Cliff to the general vicinity of the call after checking out with the dispatcher, stating that we were proceeding in that direction. We arrived in Oak Cliff and there were several squads in the general vicinity of where the shooting had occurred---different stories had come out that the person was--the suspect had been seen in the immediate vicinity. Mr. BALL. Did you go to 10th and Patton? Mr. HAWKINS. We drove by 10th and Patton--we didn't stop at the location. Mr. BALL. Where did you go then? Mr. HAWKINS. We circled the vicinity around Jefferson and Marsalis and in that area, Steve Thomas
  20. Expect 'major violence': Joe Walsh issues MAGA warning if Trump is indicted Chauncey Devega, Salon July 18, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/dc-maga-march-violence/ “In this conversation, Joe Walsh warns that the Democrats are being routed by the Republican-fascists and the larger right-wing movement because they refuse to accept that the United States and the world are in a populist moment of rage and anger at "the elites." Walsh also warns that today's Democrats have no momentum or energy to effectively counter this anger, because unlike the MAGA movement and TrumpWorld they lack a sense of group identity, cohesion and sense of mission and destiny. Towards the end of this conversation, Walsh sounds the alarm that Donald Trump's followers cannot be deradicalized, warning that they may become even more violent on a massive scale if their Great Leader is prosecuted for his high crimes on Jan. 6 and the larger coup attempt.” “As the country becomes more racially diverse, younger, forward thinking and pluralistic, the American right wing is attempting to force the country back to the 19th century and the Gilded Age. Such moves are generally unpopular with the American people en masse. The Republican Party and the larger right wing movement dismiss such protests because they reject the basic principle of a true "We the People" democracy and are earnestly working to create a herrenvolk, apartheid, plutocratic, Christian fascist new America that will be ruled by a small number of white men and their allies. “ This is a very good read, I think. What's it going to take to wake liberals up to the fact that they are in a battle for their very lives? A first Battle of Bull Run, I think. Steve Thomas
  21. Carr could be used to corroborate the idea that there was a Rambler in the vicinity of Dealey Plaza at approximately the same time Craig said there was; but he couldn't be used to to corroborate that it was Oswald who got into it out in front of the TSBD. I think Marvin Robinson would be a better corroborating witness for that. Steve Thomas
  22. W., Involuntary manslaughter is defined as the unintentional death of an individual as a result of another person's negligent actions. In the United States, all states define negligent homicide by statute, often defining the offense as involuntary manslaughter.[1] https://reischlawfirm.com/criminally-negligent-homicide-vs-manslaughter-whats-difference/ “The law states that you can be charged with criminally negligent homicide if your criminally negligent behavior caused the death of another person. On the other hand, the law states that you can be charged with manslaughter if your reckless behavior caused the death of another person. Therefore, the difference between these two crimes is the type of behavior that caused the victim’s death. Criminal Negligence vs. Reckless Behavior Criminal negligence is legally defined as the failure to realize that your behavior is so dangerous that it could kill someone. In order to prove you were criminally negligent, the prosecution must be able to show that a reasonable person in your situation would have realized that their behavior was potentially dangerous. In the eyes of the law, you are reckless when you act in a manner that puts others at risk even though you are aware that your behavior could seriously harm or kill another person. Knowing that your audience is armed and angry, and laser-like you focus that anger on the source of that anger, and inflame that anger, haranguing them for over and hour and then send them on their way... Steve Thomas
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