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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. I didn't know whether to put this here, or in the Unacknowledged Thread. QAnon Crowd Convinced UFOs Are a Diversion From Voter Fraud “They want you talking about aliens because they don’t want you talking about Maricopa,” Newsmax White House correspondent Emerald Robinson tweeted. by Will Sommer May. 25, 2021 https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-crowd-convinced-ufos-are-a-diversion-from-voter-fraud?ref=home For “ufologists,” long mocked as tinfoil hat-wearers obsessed with little green men, some measure of vindication may finally be at hand. But for many UFO enthusiasts on the right, this new round of UFO disclosures is nothing to cheer about. Instead, they’re claiming the new videos of possible UFO sightings are meant to distract people from Donald Trump’s baseless voter fraud allegations and conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic. “There’s no doubt that this mainstream UFO disclosure push is offering a convenient distraction for the Deep State to turn our attention away from important issues like the Scamdemic and the election fraud getting exposed,” Jordan Sather, a UFO and QAnon conspiracy theorist, complained on social media network Telegram on May 19.” All those UFO videos are faked doncha know. Steve Thomas
  2. Keyvan, I poked around a little bit and was surprised to learn that it wasn't Tomlinson who actually found the bullet. It was found by an elevator inspector named Nathan Pool, who gave it to Tomlinson. Home/ Archive/ Documents/ JFK Assassination Documents/ Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB)/ ARRB Electronic Records/ ARRB Electronic Files of Team A/ PDF version: 231K FORENSIC_PROJECT.MEM Page 7 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=208889#relPageId=7&search=%22Darrell_Tomlinson%22 HSCA_TAPES.WPD https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=206113#relPageId=1&search="Nathan_Pool" Steve Thomas
  3. I have to tell you that I get the willies every time I see a reference to Martinsburg. That's where I went the last three years of high school back in the late 60's. Steve Thomas
  4. David, It's not only that. The Secretary of State is not going to accept the results of any future election totaled on those voting machines. Who knows what malware has been planted on them? The people of Phoenix and Maricopa County have been instantly dis-enfranchised until they get all their voting machines replaced. They have also been photographing the actual ballots. Who knows where those photographs have been uploaded? Steve Thomas
  5. The people of Arizona are going to be on the hook for millions of dollars. From Arizona Secretary of State, Hobbs: Way to go guys! Steve Thomas
  6. Report from Charles Batchelor to Chief J. E. Curry, November 30, 1963. Page: 41 of 70. Page 20 of this Report. The Portal to Texas History. https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth338584/m1/41/?q=Lumpkin Lumpkin must have missed this incident by just a couple minutes. I wonder if any of the officers he spoke to at the corner of Houston and Elm mentioned it to him. Steve Thomas
  7. Fed-up Arizona Republican erupts at Trump fans who claim their ballots were fed to chickens by Brad Reed May 18, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/arizona-election-conspiracies/ “Stephen Richer, the Republican Maricopa County Recorder, said that he and his fellow state GOP officials are tired of being falsely accused of plotting to install President Joe Biden in the White House by assorted methods of trickery and subterfuge. "It was one thing with the audit when they were looking at UV lights and looking for bamboo fibers in the paper," he said. "But when they just accused us too many times of breaking the law, they defamed our good employees too many times, they've defamed the hard-working people here. We're all humans, and we have our limits!" Berman noted that some Trump fans have even claimed that state elections officials shredded their ballots, fed them to chickens, and then had the chickens incinerated to cover up the evidence.” Dirty commie Democrats. Whad'd the little chickens ever do to them? Steve Thomas
  8. An Entire County Just Paid Thousands to Join a Far-Right Group ‘IT CAN GET RIDICULOUS’ Whether they like it or not, residents of an entire county are effectively paying to join an extremist group hyped by alleged participants in the Jan. 6 riot. By Kelly Weill May. 14, 2021 https://www.thedailybeast.com/an-entire-county-just-paid-thousands-to-join-a-far-right-group?ref=home “Lander County, Nevada, is shelling out $2,500 for lifetime membership to a controversial, far-right law-enforcement group, The Daily Beast has learned. For their money, residents will get some lapel pins, a plaque, and a big party featuring an alleged participant in the Jan. 6 attack on the United States Capitol.” Steve Thomas
  9. https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1393168815677218818?s=20 Everything that Trump touches dies. Steve Thomas
  10. The dirty little secret behind the Liz Cheney purge by Joe Conason May 14, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/liz-cheney-trump-2652984174/ “Immediately after the caucus vote, Cheney told NBC's Savannah Guthrie what she believes is provoking "real concern" among her colleagues: the prospect of a full and independent investigation into the January 6 insurrection, like the 9/11 Commission Report. "I've been very public that that commission needs to be bipartisan. It needs to look only at Jan. 6 and the events leading up to it, not at the BLM" — Black Lives Matter — "and antifa riots last summer," Cheney said on the Today show. "I think that that kind of intense, narrow focus threatens people in my party who may have been playing a role they should not have been playing." That makes a whole lot more sense. Steve Thomas
  11. Jim, It was kind of eye opening to me to look at Rose Cherami's story against the backdrop of the AGVA (the American Guild of Variety Artists) and what was going on the fall of 1962. https://books.google.com/books?id=mM71tt8x_9UC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false These girls were being run up and down along the circuit, shuttled from town to town. Steve Thomas
  12. Murder Suspect Who Let His Tiger Prowl Around Houston Suburb Is Captured, Police Say By Jamie Ross May. 11, 2021 https://www.thedailybeast.com/victor-hugo-cuevas-murder-suspect-who-let-his-tiger-prowl-around-houston-suburb-is-captured?ref=home?ref=home “Victor Hugo Cuevas, 26, was out on bond for a murder charge when the Bengal tiger, which he reportedly keeps in his backyard, somehow got out. Cuevas fled the scene with the tiger when police responded to calls from justifiably terrified neighbors who filmed the cat from their windows. On Tuesday night, Houston police tweeted that Cuevas was in custody, but added, somewhat ominously: “The whereabouts of the tiger are not yet known.”” Well, alrighty then. Steve Thomas
  13. The strange saga of the IRS' plague of broken printers By BRIAN FALER 05/07/2021 https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/07/irs-tax-returns-broken-printers-485749 “The IRS is struggling to catch up with a backlog of work, and a new report fingers a surprising culprit: broken printers. A plague of non-functioning printers and copiers is making it difficult for the agency to process tax returns and provide other types of assistance, an independent agency watchdog said Friday. “A major concern that surfaced during these walkthroughs [of IRS offices] was a lack of working printers and copiers,” the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration said. Forty-two percent of printers for those involved in processing returns were unusable at the end of March. In the agency’s Kansas City outpost, officials are down to three working printers and “the employees we spoke with were concerned that they would have a work stoppage if these remaining devices became unfunctional.” Some of the printers didn’t have ink and, in other cases, “the waste cartridge container is full,” the report said, noting the agency uses printers for everything from making copies of tax returns to preparing training packages for new hires.” So there. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Steve Thomas
  14. Massive rally at the Matt Gaetz/Marjorie Taylor-Greene religious revival tent meeting. Steve Thomas
  15. Need to take a ship back from pirates who have overtaken it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suHOLFhbwsM Steve Thomas
  16. War is coming to the Republican Party. 'Trump has never actually been wrong': Supporters of ex-president attempting to purge Republican Party of non-believers by Tom Boggioni May 02, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/trumps-big-lie/ “According to a report from the Washington Post, while the GOP leadership is split over pushing Rep. Lynne Cheney (R-WY) out of her leadership role for speaking ill of Donald Trump, grassroots activists are looking at taking over local Republican Party organizations and purging those who refuse to say the 2020 presidential election was stolen.” “With the report stating, "Nearly six months after Trump lost to Biden, rejection of the 2020 election results — dubbed the 'Big Lie' by many Democrats — has increasingly become an unofficial litmus test for acceptance in the Republican Party," one GOP activist made the case that Trump has never led his party --and the country -- astray. "I think I speak for many people in that Trump has never actually been wrong, and so we've learned to trust when he says something, that he's not just going to spew something out there that's wrong and not verified," Debra Ell of Michigan explained when talking about the November election that saw Trump lose to former Vice President Joe Biden. Ell added that she working hard to get rid of Michigan Republican Party executive director Jason Roe for telling Politico he didn't believe the election was stolen.” “According to Whitney Phillips, an assistant professor of communication and rhetorical studies at Syracuse University, mainstream Republicans should have seen this coming. "It feels like this has been happening in the Republican Party for a really long time. If you allow an entire contingent of your caucus to be steeped in conspiratorial thinking, what … do you think is going to happen? They're going to turn on you," Phillips explained.” Yesterday, Mitt Romney was booed and called a traitor and a communist at the Utah State Republican Party Convention. "According to a report from Politico, pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood -- who had a hand in Georgia Republicans losing two seats in the U.S. Senate -- has jumped into Republican Party politics in South Carolina and local GOP leaders there don't know what to do about him. Wood, who has latched onto QAnon conspiracies in his attempts to prove Donald Trump had the 2020 presidential election stolen from him, is attempting to be elected as the chair of the South Carolina Republican Party and he is using his army of rabid followers to make his move." https://www.rawstory.com/lin-wood-2652850571/ War is coming. Steve Thomas
  17. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for forming joint fundraising agreement: 'Does it accept Venmo?' by Brad Reed April 30, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/matt-gaetz-and-marjorie-taylor-greene/ "Scandal-plagued Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is teaming up with QAnon-loving Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for a national tour in which they target fellow Republicans who don't support their purported "America first" agenda -- but that's not the full extent of their partnership. Gaetz and Greene this week filed paperwork with the Federal Elections Commission this week to create the Put America First Joint Fundraising Committee, which will raise campaign cash for both Republican representatives.” So, a Q-Anon conspiracy theorist teams up with a guy who likes young girls. Wonder how that’s going to work out? Can you imagine what their rallies are going to look like? Steve Thomas
  18. On a lighter note... Christianburg, Virginia Sign Wars. https://www.boredpanda.com/virginia-local-businesses-sign-war/?utm_source=neatorama&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=organic Steve Thomas
  19. Tony, I think Debrueys was sent to Dallas on a TDY after the assassination to help out with the investigation because of his work with the FPCC. TESTIMONY OF WARREN C. DEBRUEYS, 8 JAN 1976 Before the Church Committee page 55 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1421#relPageId=55&search=Debrueys On page 64 he refers again to going to Dallas on November 23rd. I think Pena was a little loose on the facts. Pena used an interesting choice of words though, when he talks about Oswald being "transferred" to Dallas. Steve Thomas
  20. It's National Disinfectant Day. https://twitter.com/sarahcpr/status/1253474772702429189 Steve Thomas
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