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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2021/02/27/trump-stewing-over-mccarthy-again-ahead-of-big-cpac-speech-491926 “THE REAL STAR OF FRIDAY’S SHOW: A gilded, larger-than-life-size statue of Trump … and you’ll never guess where it was crafted. “It was made in Mexico,” said artist TOMMY ZEGAN, who traveled all the way to CPAC from Rosarito, Mexico, where he lives as an American expat on a permanent resident visa. The supply chain: Zegan spent over six months crafting the 200-pound fiberglass statue with the help of three men in Rosarito. He transported it to Tampa, Fla., where it was painted in chrome, then hauled it from there to CPAC in a U-Haul, where he managed to cart it through the conference in just a black-and-white Hawaiian shirt and no CPAC credential. (Tickets were sold out.) “If someone offered me $100,000 I’d take it,” Zegan told Playbook. “I was not a big Trump supporter when he ran,” Zegan told me. “I mean I voted for him because I wasn’t going to vote for Hillary. So I voted for him, but I didn’t really care for him. I used to watch ‘The Apprentice’ but I would turn it off halfway. I thought, ‘This is stupid.’” Steve Thomas
  2. Ron, More than likely, this officer was Welcome Eugene Barmett. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/m_j_russ/barnett.htm Mr. LIEBELER - What did you do when you concluded that the shots were coming from that building? Mr. BARNETT - I ran to the back of the building. Mr. LIEBELER - Ran down Houston Street? Mr. BARNETT - Yes, sir. Mr. LIEBELER - So you ran around here on Houston Street immediately to the east of the Texas School Book Depository Building and watched the fire escape? Mr. BARNETT - I went 20 foot past the building still on Houston, looking up. I could see the whole back of the building and also the east side of the building. Mr. BARNETT - Yes; but there was no sign they were going into the building or watching the building, so I decided I was the only one watching the building. So since this was the only fire escape and there were officers down here watching the this back door, I returned back around to the front to watch the front of the building and the fire escape. Then I decided maybe I had been wrong, so I saw the officers down here searching. Depending on the timing, those "officers watching the back door" could have been sent there by Sawyer. I don't know if the "officers" Barnett saw were in uniform or not. Steve Thomas
  3. https://twitter.com/TheLeadCNN/status/1365428885836472323 And look how THAT turned out. Steve Thomas
  4. ADL: The Anti-Defamation League https://www.adl.org/resources/glossary-terms/patriot-movement "Patriot" Movement “A collective term used to describe a set of related extremist movements and groups in the United States whose ideologies center on anti-government conspiracy theories. The most important segments of the “Patriot” movement include the militia movement, the sovereign citizen movement and the tax protest movement. Though each submovement has its own beliefs and concerns, they share a conviction that part or all of the government has been infiltrated and subverted by a malignant conspiracy and is no longer legitimate. Though there is some overlap between the “Patriot” movement and the white supremacist movement, that overlap has shrunk over time; there are, in fact, people of color within the “Patriot” movement, particularly within the sovereign citizen movement.” Guess they can add the QAnon people to that list. Steve Thomas
  5. Jamey, Yes. I saw that newspaper article. I wonder if that could be the source of the pool of blood seen at the top of the stairs by several people; although none of the three guys on the stairs reported getting shot. The reporter misspells Charles Brehm's name wrong in his article. Steve Thomas
  6. Jamey, You might want to check out Denis Morrissette's page here: https://jfkassassinationfiles.wordpress.com/2016/05/27/mary-moorman-photos/ He says that Mary was "acquainted" with Glen C. McBride. I had read once that she had a crush on him and was hoping to get a date. Steve Thomas
  7. Worshipping the golden jackass': CPAC mocked for displaying giant gold Trump statue by Brad Reed February 26, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-cpac-2650809338/ “The Conservative Political Action Conference is set to begin this weekend, and early indications are that much of it will be dedicated to worshipping former President Donald Trump. In fact, as a video posted by Bloomberg News' William Turton shows, CPAC will even feature a literal gold statue of the former twice-impeached one-term president, who will also be a keynote speaker at the event.” I think I'm going to be ill. Steve Thomas
  8. I've seen this face before. Cindy McCain Oh, yeah. Now I remember Mr. Bill Steve Thomas
  9. "Do you want your kids growing up in a country where anyone can vote? Even Detroit?" https://youtu.be/NhgQpdTgoME Steve Thomas
  10. Jessica Watkins didn't "really" meet with the Secret Service prior to the January 6th insurrection attempt. She "encountered" them. She was stopped at the check-in point and told to leave her s*** behind. I'm so glad we got that minor little point straightened out. https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.226726/gov.uscourts.dcd.226726.29.0.pdf (UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) (v. ) 21-CR-128 (APM) (JESSICA WATKINS ) CLARIFICATION TO DEFENDANT’S MOTION FOR RELEASE AND ADDITIONAL LETTER OF SUPPORT Jessica Watkins, through counsel, respectfully submits this clarification to her motion for release pending the outcome of her case. Counsel apologizes for being less than clear on a couple of points raised in the original motion – something that unfortunately became obvious by media inquiries. Counsel in no way meant to imply that Ms. Watkins met with the Secret Service. A better verb would have been “encountered.” Ms. Watkins spoke with Secret Service members early in the day when she was coming through the check in point for the VIP area. The point counsel was attempting to make was that she encountered law enforcement, including Secret Service officer on her way to providing security for the rally. She was given directives about things she could and could not do, including directions to leave all tactical gear outside of the VIP area, and she abided by all of those directives. Ms. Watkins does not suggest that she has any direct knowledge that her role as security was sanctioned by anyone other than people involved in organizing the rally. She certainly did not mean to suggest that she was hired by the U.S. Secret Service to perform security. Counsel again apologizes for any confusion created by the inartful language used in the motion. Second, Ms. Watkins wants the Court to know that she has not been mistreated by the staff at the D.C. Central Treatment Facility. To date, while in the custody of the D.C. Case 1:21-cr-00028-APM Document 29 Filed 02/22/21 Page 1 of 2 2 Department of Corrections, she has been treated with respect and dignity. That was not her experience prior to her arrival in the District of Columbia. Counsel has been contacted by the Butler County Sherriff’s Department, which disputes the description of Ms. Watkins’ treatment at their facility, but acknowledges she was placed on suicide protocols. Ms. Watkins denies ever being suicidal or expressing suicidal thoughts, and stands by her assertions that she was placed on suicide watch for retaliatory reasons despite repeated assertions that she was not suicidal. Finally, Counsel is attaching an additional letter of support that arrived after the prior submission. Respectfully submitted, A. J. KRAMER FEDERAL PUBLIC DEFENDER /s/ _____________________________ Michelle Peterson Chief Assistant Federal Public Defender 625 Indiana Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 (202) 208-7500 Shelli_Peterson@fd.org Case 1:21-cr-00028-APM Document 29 Filed 02/22/21 Page 2 of 2 Steve Thomas
  11. I Stand With Champ! Newsmax attacked Joe Biden's 12 year old German Shepherd, Champ for being a junkyard dog. SOB's. I Stand With Champ! Steve Thomas
  12. The Government's 21 page indictment against the Oath Keepers for a conspiracy to "stop, delay and hinder Congress's certification of the Electoral College vote". https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oath-keepers-trump-capitol-attack_n_60302260c5b6cc8bbf3b9304 One Oath Keeper claimed to the others. "You are executing citizen's arrest. Arrest this assembly, we have probable cause for acts of treason, election fraud." Steve Thomas
  13. Ron, Just a small point of correction... The guy that Worrell saw coming out of the TSBD turned away from him and ran in a southerly direction back towards Main St. It was Worrell himself who went down Pacific. Worrell mostly saw only the guy's back. See CE 2003 Report of K.L. Anderton at 24H pp 294-5 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140&search=%22James_Worrell%22#relPageId=312&tab=page Took Worrell’s Affidavit. Steve Thomas
  14. In the spirit of whatever, All Your Base Are Belong To Us is 20 years old this week. https://youtu.be/8fvTxv46ano Steve Thomas
  15. Here is a 01/26/1970 interview by Al Chapman with Sam Pate. This was uploaded to the Education Forum by Bart Kamp in March of 2019 in a thread entitled, "Sam Pate" https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25668-sam-pate/ Pate speaks of monitoring the Dallas Police Department's Channel 2 radio frequency, and seeing a puff of smoke arising from " a guttered area almost at the entrance to the Triple Underpass". https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25668-sam-pate/ Steve Thomas
  16. And, at the 6 second mark, and the 12 second mark of this video, you can see the KBOX mobile unit in the railroad yards behind the TSBD: https://www.facebook.com/SamPate/videos/10151084842461584/ Steve Thomas
  17. At the 57 second mark of this video, you see what the KBOX mobile unit looked like: https://www.facebook.com/holstead/videos/10201912471446075/ Steve Thomas
  18. Larry, Another small lead, and something else to think about... http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/romack.htm Mr. BELIN. Did you watch those stairs? Mr. ROMACK. Yes, sir. Mr. BELIN. How long did you watch them after you saw the policeman leave? Mr. ROMACK. Well, I watched them all the time until someone arrived, and the only time I did take my back off, turn my back to the building was Sam Pate with his KBOX news, he arrived before any of the police or anyone. Mr. BELIN. Is that KBOX Mr. ROMACK. Yes. Mr. BELIN. Is that a radio or television station? Mr. ROMACK. It is a radio station. Mr. BELIN. Did you see any employees walk up the back way? Mr. ROMACK. There was two other gentlemen which I never said anything.about, that taken over. They were FBI or something standing right here at the very entrance, and just stood there. Mr. BELIN. You are pointing again to the back stairway that leads up from the street to the dock on the north side of the building? Mr. ROMACK. Right. Testimony of D.V. Harkness. Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, volume VI, p. 312, as cited in the History Matters Archive, http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk..._Vol6_0161b.htm A Sergeant in the Dallas Police Department for a little over 17 years, D.V. Harkness was responsible for supervising the traffic officers from Main and Field along the parade route to Elm and Houston. Harkness was on a three-wheeled motorcycle and at the time of the shots, he drove to Main and Industrial to see if he could see anyone fleeing the area. Seeing none, he drove to the front of the TSBD and along the fence that runs alongside the Elm St. Extension. There he encountered Amos Euins. After hearing what Euins had to say about seeing a rifle in a window, Harkness put him on the back of his motorcycle and delivered him to Inspector Sawyer’s car. He then went around to the back of the TSBD. Warren Commission Belin asked him if there was anyone else in the back of the building. Harkness answered, “There were some Secret Service agents there. I didn't get them identified. They told me they were Secret Service..” Harkness remained at the back of the building until a squad relieved him. Who were these plain-clothed gentlemen who were not police and have never been identified? Steve Thomas
  19. Tim Boyd, former Mayor of Colorado City, TX. (he has since resigned). Steve Thomas
  20. Jim, For me, the most damning piece of evidence is the Permit. Item# 62 on page 16 of the lawsuit says that the Permit expressly did not authorize any kind of of march. For me, at that point, when Trump told the crowd that "we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Ave.", he was breaking the law. He can't shroud himself in any kind of 1st Amendment legal protection or anything else. Steve Thomas
  21. Larry, Any account of the rear exit would have to include James Worrell. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/m_j_russ/worrell.htm Mr. SPECTER - Will you mark that "Y" where you stopped and rested and tell us how long you stopped there? (Witness marking.) Mr. WORRELL - How long? Mr. SPECTER - Yes, sir. Mr. WORRELL - I was there approximately 3 minutes before I saw this man come out the back door here. Mr. SPECTER - What did he -- Mr. WORRELL - He wasn't holding nothing when he was running. He was just running. Mr. SPECTER - What did you observe him do if, anything? Mr. WORRELL - Well, when he ran out here, he ran along the side of the Depository Building and then when he got -- CE 362 is a photograph of the loading dock. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1133#relPageId=982&tab=page A long time ago, I read the account of a citizen who was stationed at a sawhorse, or a barricade of some sort and was assigned by a policeman to watch the back door to make sure no one came out, but for the life of me, I can't remember his name. Steve Thomas
  22. "Former President Donald Trump and attorney Rudy Giuliani are being accused of conspiring with the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to incite the January 6 insurrection in a civil lawsuit filed Tuesday in federal court by the Democratic chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and backed by the NAACP." Read the lawsuit here: https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/16/politics/dem-lawsuit-against-trump-naacp/index.html Steve Thomas
  23. January 6, 2021 Dear Mr. Troglodyte, Involuntary manslaughter is defined as the unintentional death of an individual as a result of another person's negligent actions. In the United States, all states define negligent homicide by statute, often defining the offense as involuntary manslaughter.[1] https://reischlawfirm.com/criminally-negligent-homicide-vs-manslaughter-whats-difference/ “The law states that you can be charged with criminally negligent homicide if your criminally negligent behavior caused the death of another person. On the other hand, the law states that you can be charged with manslaughter if your reckless behavior caused the death of another person. Therefore, the difference between these two crimes is the type of behavior that caused the victim’s death. Criminal Negligence vs. Reckless Behavior Criminal negligence is legally defined as the failure to realize that your behavior is so dangerous that it could kill someone. In order to prove you were criminally negligent, the prosecution must be able to show that a reasonable person in your situation would have realized that their behavior was potentially dangerous. In the eyes of the law, you are reckless when you act in a manner that puts others at risk even though you are aware that your behavior could seriously harm or kill another person. To put it simply, the difference between these two legal definitions comes down to risk awareness. A person who is criminally negligent did not realize his behavior was dangerous, even though he should have, whereas a reckless person knew his behavior was dangerous, but ignored the risks.” Steve Thomas
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