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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Larry, Can you point me to any publicly available correspondence between these two? RIF numbers on the MFF site or some such? Steve Thomas
  2. Ty, You sure you want to post that photo of your bank card? Steve Thomas
  3. David, I wasn't really interested in Charles Hester so much, as Forrest Sorrels. He did more damage than just anybody else I can think of. Sorrels of the Howard Brennan fame. The Dallas Police Department wanted to have a squad car full of machine gun toting detectives in the motorcade, and Sorrels nixed that. He told the 112th MID that they weren't needed. He squelched Julia Mercer. In Volume VII of the WC Hearings (page 352), he told the Warren Commission that , "in addition to the truck, “… this lady said she thought she saw somebody that looked like they had a guncase. But then I didn't pursue that any further-- because then I had gotten the information that the rifle had been found in the building and shells and so forth.” Let that sink in a minute. Steve Thomas
  4. I wonder if this was the Eastman Kodak lab. Forrest Sorrels tried to leave the impression with the Warren Commission that he was present in the Dallas Police Headquarters early in the afternoon of November 22nd; testifying that he arrived “fairly close to 2:00PM.”1.. However, I do not believe this is true. Phillip Willis was a retired Air Force Major and amateur photographer. He and his wife Marilyn had taken their children out of school that day to go down and see the President and get some pictures. Marilyn Willis told Harold Weisburg that they remained in Dealey Plaza for about an hour after the assassination and then drove out to the Eastman Kodak plant near Love Field to get their pictures developed. She said that they arrived at the plant while Air Force 1 was taking off for the return flight to Washington. From Secret Service accounts, we know that that occurred at 2:47PM. She said that while they were waiting for their pictures to get developed, Abraham Zapruder arrived at the plant with Forrest Sorrels. Both Phillip and Marilyn Willis confirmed to Harold Weisberg that before Sorrels left, all the films had been processed, “and all viewed them”.2. 1. Testimony of Forrest Sorrels. Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, volume VII, p. 352, as cited in the History Matters Archive, http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk..._Vol7_0180b.htm 2.. Weisberg, Harold. Whitewash II: The FBI – Secret Service Coverup. Harold Weisberg, 1966. p. 203. Steve Thomas
  5. Colorado GOP leader incites harassment against public health workers by publicizing their home addresses By Brad Reed December 30, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/colorado-gop/ “The leader of the Republican Party chapter in Parker, Colorado has apologized after he declared "war" on public health officials and publicized their home addresses. Colorado's 9 News reports that Parker Republican leader Mark Hall earlier this week sent out a message on his Facebook page attacking public health officials for their role in enforcing COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. "We will publish the names/addresses of these people with no law enforcement abilities," Hall wrote in his post. "If they want a war, we can give them that but it is time for a revolution." Hall then warned public health workers that "if you work for the state, CDPHE, Tri-County or other agencies, you are on the radar, at your homes and elsewhere" and accused them of being "anti-Americans." Hall's decision to dox public health officials was subsequently condemned by the Douglas County Republican Party, and Hall subsequently deleted the post and apologized. "In hindsight, it was poor judgement and I apologize to all," said Hall. "The Colorado GOP and Douglas County GOP share no responsibility as they were unaware of the actions." As 9 News reports, this is the second time Hall has tried to intimidate a political opponent this year, as he warned a grocery store employee that he was sending a group of "patriots" to meet her at her "exact location" after she mocked a local pro-police rally on Facebook.” Trump only wanted to get rid of the tests. This clown wants to get rid of the doctors and nurses. Sounds like warlord China. Steve Thomas
  6. My life is over. Dawn Wells, who played the castaway Mary Ann Summers on "Gilligan's Island," died in Los Angeles on Wednesday from Covid-19. She was 82. I have nothing left to live for. Steve Thomas
  7. America’s voice goes silent in Berlin as last US radio station closes KCRW Berlin went off air this month. By Nette Nöstlinger December 29, 2020 https://www.politico.eu/article/us-radio-station-kcrw-berlin-closes/ “In a country that had been force-fed a steady diet of Hitler’s favorite brass-band marches and Wagner for more than a decade, AFN’s American sound — from George Gershwin to Billie Holiday — was new and titillating. That was especially true in the 1950s, when rock ‘n’ roll emerged as the West’s most powerful cultural weapon. The old post-war AFN network was “probably the best foreign policy instrument the U.S. had ever thought of,” former U.S. Ambassador to Germany John Kornblum, who also helped start KCRW Berlin, told the station recently.” Steve Thomas
  8. Ted Cruz Is Pocketing the Money He’s Raising for Georgia GOPers. He’s Not Alone. ALL FOR ME “The runoff is a gold mine for politicians. And now that they can run Facebook ads in Georgia, they’re rushing for it.” By Lachlan Markay Dec. 30, 2020 https://www.thedailybeast.com/ted-cruz-is-pocketing-the-money-hes-raising-for-georgia-gopers-hes-not-alone?ref=home “The Cruz campaign bought 15 separate ads on Facebook over the past two weeks, each featuring a video of the senator dramatically hyping the need to hold two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia runoff contests. He asked for five dollar contributions to his new “Keep Georgia Red fund.” But Facebook users who clicked through to the online donation page—and read the fine print at the bottom—would see that the actual beneficiary was Cruz’s own campaign committee, not Sens. Kelly Loeffler or David Perdue, the two Republicans running for reelection in Georgia.” “Cruz is just one of a number of elected officials of both parties using the competitive—and extremely expensive—Georgia runoff contests to raise money for themselves.” And the grift goes on, grift goes on Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain... Steve Thomas
  9. President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the pace of the Trump administration's vaccine rollout is unacceptable and that he will strategize to distribute 100 million inoculations within his first 100 days. What's the plan, I wonder, for disposing of 100 million needles? Steve Thomas
  10. This is funny. You "little crybaby Pecker Boys." Proud Boys erupt at ‘Proud Girls’ co-founder: ‘Want to support us? Get married, have babies’ By Brad Reed December 30, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/hot-off-the-wires/proud-boys-girls/ A former mixed martial arts fighter has decided to found a far-right gang called the "Proud Girls" -- and the far-right Proud Boys gang is not happy about it. The Daily Beast reports that Tara LaRosa's effort to found her own "Proud Girls" chapter was met with scorn and derision on the Proud Boys' official Telegram channel earlier this month. "Don't ride our coattails," wrote one upset Proud Boy of LaRosa's initiative. "Want to support us? Get married, have babies, and take care of your family." A meme posted in the Oklahoma Proud Boys channel, meanwhile, made similarly sexist comments about LaRosa's fledgling group. "This is a men's club," the meme said. "If you're not in a relationship with a Proud Boy, at worst, you're a groupie." Another meme being passed around on Proud Boys channels bluntly states, "If you are a Proud Boy and you are involved in supporting Proud Girls you are fake and gay." But LaRosa, who literally once made a living beating people up, fired back by declaring she was "tougher than 99% of you alleged men," whom she described as "little crybaby Pecker Boys." Steve Thomas
  11. Attorney Sidney Powell on Tuesday revealed that she believes officials in Georgia may have "rigged" the Senate runoff races in favor of Republicans as part of a plot to undermine her efforts to prove the 2020 election was stolen from President Donald Trump. During an interview on The Rush Limbaugh Show, Powell was asked if Republicans should bother to vote in the Georgia runoffs. "My concern is it's not going to matter how the people vote in the Georgia race," the attorney replied. "It obviously didn't matter how they voted nationwide, did it?" https://youtu.be/ut0MDJg4X6w She might (just might, mind you) be a bigger narcissist than Donald Trump. Steve Thomas
  12. https://boingboing.net/2020/11/10/one-architects-vision-of-the-donald-j-trump-presidential-library.html "Coinciding with Election Day on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, DJTrumpLibrary.com was finally updated. The website includes 3D renderings of a proposed version of the 45th President's Presidential Library. Located at 1 MAGA Lane in Nogales, Arizona — abutting the US-Mexican border — the facilities would include a COVID Memorial, with a reflecting pool that looks out towards the Alt-Right Auditorium, which features weekly screenings of Birth of a Nation and other films. There's also a Criminal Records Room and Wall of Criminality, an interactive Tax Evasion 101 exhibit, and of course, a Twitter Gallery. During your visit, you can also indulge in Criminal Luxury at the adjacent Trump Hotel and indulge in the Freedom Fry Fountain at Drump's Diner (full menu available online)." Steve Thomas
  13. Eddy, I have always maintained that the best evidence for conspiracy comes from the number of shots that missed, not the number of shots that hit. If you have more than one shot that missed, that's prima facie evidence for conspiracy. Steve Thomas
  14. Joe, He tweeted this out on 12/29/20 (replying to himself, of course) Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Replying to @realDonaldTrump "....Can you imagine if the Republicans stole a Presidential Election from the Democrats - All hell would break out. Republican leadership only wants the path of least resistance. Our leaders (not me, of course!) are pathetic. They only know how to lose! P.S. I got MANY Senators more votes than is needed by me to win Pennsylvania, not to mention hundreds of thousands of votes in other categories which increase my already big lead into a landslide. All other Swing States show likewise. WE NEED NEW & ENERGETIC REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP. This can not stand.." Steve Thomas
  15. Harry Truman: "The Buck Stops Here" Abraham Lincoln: "The Better Angels of Our Nature" Franklin Roosevelt: "All We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself" John F. Kennedy: "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You" Donald Trump: "Our leaders (not me, of course!) are pathetic." Steve Thomas
  16. The Proud Boys have to find another staging ground for the big day. Steve Thomas
  17. I saw this idea online in the Internet bizarro world. On January 7th, I'm going to sue Donald Trump for losing the election. due diligence and all that. Steve Thomas
  18. Lord of the Flies on Nantucket https://www.thedailybeast.com/nantucket-one-of-americas-richest-islands-got-pummeled-by-covid-then-the-warring-started?ref=home “The influx alarmed portions of the island population, primarily older individuals who were anxious about catching the virus in a community with limited medical resources. Instead of unifying the community, however, some residents of Nantucket seemed to turn on one another.” “But as the weather turned cooler, the number of cases slowly began to increase. Then, the Thanksgiving surge hit—the island was clocking dozens of new cases a day. That’s when the accusations started.” “Against the backdrop, tensions about who was the blame for the Thanksgiving outbreak began to stir. The “rat line” as health officials called it—where people would call in to report others—focused in part on essential workers who “were out driving around in gardening trucks without masks on,” as one local resident who refused to be named, said. Another call was about a woman who had tested positive for the virus after her children came home from college and was in the grocery store without a mask.” Steve Thomas
  19. Allen, I don't think so. I read a long time ago that JFK's assassination was the first assassination (successful or otherwise) that was done with a rifle. All the other attempts were up close and personal. JFK's was the first, as Larry suggested, that smacks of "something entirely different". Steve Thomas
  20. Andrea Junker ® @Strandjunker “Can we please all agree that this experiment of having a dumb TV host and shady real estate developer with no government knowledge, 5 children from 3 marriages, 6 bankruptcies, 46 charges of sexual assault, and 5,800 lawsuits as president is not going well at all? #DirtyDon “ https://twitter.com/Strandjunker/status/1342617825408593920 Steve Thomas
  21. "Archive director Thomas Blanton commented that "Lessons from the Vietnam experience with intelligence run directly counter to today's reform proposals for the U.S. intelligence community. Instead of a centralized 'czar,' this history suggests we need a multiplicity of competing agencies and analyses. Instead of policymakers who cherry-pick only the intelligence they want to hear, we need to encourage dissents and force closer examination of contrary findings. Instead of covering up with the cloak of secrecy, we need to open the insider critiques in real time and enrich the public debate."" "It is an account of sometimes breathtaking, sometimes frustrating efforts to speak truth to power in a situation of primary importance to the United States, its leaders, and its people." Sounds like we could have used that in the Iraq war and WMD's. Don't let Trump anywhere near Iran. Steve Thomas
  22. David, Trump is a disgruntled ex-employee who got fired. Steve Thomas
  23. We can never, ever, ever forget or forgive Donald Trump for going golfing while his people suffered. Steve Thomas
  24. https://www.rawstory.com/nashville-explosion-warning/ John Drake, the head of the Metro Nashville Police Department, confirmed on Friday that an RV that exploded in the downtown area had broadcast a warning. Police "responded to a call for shots fired in the downtown area, specifically 2nd and Commerce [Street]," Drake said during a press conference. After responding to the call, "officers encountered an RV that had a recording saying that a potential bomb would detonate within 15 minutes," Drake continued. "Officers upon hearing that, decided to evacuate the buildings nearby, so they began knocking on doors, making announcements, having emergency communications, communicating with everyone to get people safe. Shortly after that, the RV exploded." A security camera on 2nd Avenue captured a female voice repeatedly saying "this area must be evacuated now" shortly before the explosion. Security camera tape: https://twitter.com/SteveLayman/status/1342520232376733698 “If you can hear this message, evacuate now” This is very weird. It seems more like a political statement than a terrorist act. Steve Thomas
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