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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. H&L isn't on trial.... What IS on trial is the 1964 WCR... "... General Counsel for the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), Jeremy Gunn, said recently, "If we actually ask the question was Oswald guilty beyond a reasonable doubt...I am convinced that Oswald would have been found not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. To me there is just no question he is not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt." Former prosecutor, and Deputy Chief Counsel for the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), Robert Tanenbaum, agrees. As he stated during a lecture in 2013, "I can tell you from my experiences having tried several hundred cases to verdict, and being responsible for thousands of cases as head of the criminal courts, and running the homicide bureau, that I don't believe there's any courtroom in America where Oswald would have been convicted on the evidence that was presented before the Warren Commission." Beyond Reasonable Doubt by Mel Aytonand David Von Pein: Reviewed by Martin Hay http://www.ctka.net/2015/Ayton%20Review.html sift through H&L as you might. Reality is, lone nuts can't escape the flawed, corrupt, 1964 WCR... your poll is an exercise in futility. ANYTHING contrary to the WCR is a CT distraction... having said the above, 17-8...
  2. problem with nutters is this: they simply can't put Oswald in that 6th-floor window... not to mention other same era conspiracies... Nutters need the distraction of Harvey and Lee to cover much larger sins of omission/commission...
  3. and who crowned Morley the king of lone nut openmindedness? Still that clever sense of humor eh, Tracy? BTW are you still posting from that Wendy's way up north.... Taking pot shots at non-moving sandbags?
  4. gotta ask then, why did the Bug need ghost writers to "get things right" then? And quite frankly, why would anyone, ANYONE think that a plastic recording disc in the back of a girlee magazine lend Barber any JFK investigative credibility at all? Bunk! Lone nut refuse... Just like Bugliosi's Reclaiming History, book publishing industry worst publishing disaster.... Nutter's are a joke!
  5. and.... if the Z-film is altered, Myers two-bit cartoon is based on what premise? Cone of probability, I believe that the lone nut shuck-n-jive... what a bunch of unadulterated, lone nut nonsense.... I recall asking Myers for his lightwave files so I could do a little "testing". Funny, he never responded. Guess he was busy doing ghost writing for daBugliosi's publishing disaster... As old Steve Keating use to say, "you (lone nut) guys are a hoot... Carry on, hon!
  6. and all this time I thought you did the net from a western Michigan Wendy's... Well, I'm glad you're here, after McAdams got dumped by Marquette I figured you retired lone nut oldtimers would surface, AGAIN.... Still shooting sandbags with those old Manlichers, Tracy? LMAO!
  7. ahhhh similar? So what? Robin, what's the lineage of the image you're speculating on.... where did it come from, what size (2-4K) and what generation... or, are you just pontificating, carrying Von Pein's water if you will? Perhaps you missed out on the Hollywood group presentation too, eh?
  8. LMFAO! you're a hoot Von Pein... a real lone nut wannabe... carry on, hon! Ever hear the term, GAMMA?
  9. one has to keep an eye on you amateur lone nut photo analysis buffs. Keep it up though, you just might get curious about that 16.xmillion $ (US taxpayer expense) Zapruder cartoon...
  10. C'mon Von Pein... that's Dr. James Fetzer's site... if you can't cite the correct source, ya need a new life, hon!
  11. hidden posts (from acknowledged researchers) = tacit approval of the WCR, PERIOD!
  12. what strains credulity is one assuming a "General" looks on anyone as an equal other than *other* Generals, of course! Education and *competence* notwithstanding!
  13. You are repeating what McAdams wants you to believe, and not what actually happened. When one reads through all the info one realizes that McAdams is being fired for harassing a student. On two prior occasions, he had posted the names of left-wing female students on his blog, who were subsequently harassed by the militant right-wing predominantly male readers of his blog. The university had warned him about this. He had promised not to do this again. And yet here he turned around and 1) defied protocol by naming the student teacher in his blog 2) misrepresented an incident between a student and the student teacher 3) defied protocol by criticizing the student teacher in public, as opposed to alerting the administration about her actions 4) made use of an illicit recording (presumably made for his benefit) while constructing his criticism of the student teacher's actions 5) misrepresented the nature of the student who'd made the recording of the student teacher (the student was in fact an F student preparing to drop out of the class, who apparently decided to get a little payback before his departure by goading the student teacher into saying something McAdams could use to destroy her), and 6) created a link on his blog to an email address for the student teacher which led to her receiving a hundred or more hate emails, many suggesting she should be raped or killed. This was a serious infraction of all things decent, and was a betrayal of the relationship between the student teacher and the faculty of Marquette University. Apparently, hundreds of college professors have weighed in on this issue, and virtually all of them have sided with the university that McAdams should be fired. Perhaps more to the point, however, is this... IF the university failed to fire McAdams and he decided to harass yet another female student who defied his expectations of proper feminine behavior by naming her in his blog, and she was killed, injured, or even just harassed, he would have exposed the university to millions of dollars in damages. For the university it just wasn't worth it... thank you for succinct recap as to the McAdams/Marquette fiasco. The guy is a "drip"!
  14. Of course WE know the answer. Simple: a conspiracy murdered JFK on the streets of Dallas, Texas., 22 Nov 1963, that's it! All the nonsense is about destroying LHO, guilty of murder or not--by association or NOT! Preserve the conclusion of the 1964 Warren Commission Report Seeya 'round kiddo! You'se guys have worn this undecided, LHO *did it all by his lonesome* oldtimer out! Very hard to follow, Dave: Why do LNs obsess about JVB? I don't know. You may be right that they see it as a way of discouraging conspiracy thought. Capisce?? capisci ...
  15. Of course WE know the answer. Simple: a conspiracy murdered JFK on the streets of Dallas, Texas., 22 Nov 1963, that's it! All the nonsense is about destroying LHO, guilty of murder or not--by association or NOT! Preserve the conclusion of the 1964 Warren Commission Report Seeya 'round kiddo! You'se guys have worn this undecided, LHO *did it all by his lonesome* oldtimer out!
  16. nice dodge on the "why"... You do know Gerald Ford could rise from the dead and state, Judyth has a credibility problem--and that same old nutter faction would continue the same old relentless, useless assault... Someone, someplace needs to rewrite the script. So now its rumors about impending articles concerning Judyth? Feed that grist mill, dude! Nothing to do with partisanship ma-man... Judyth is simply a clever, finely tuned, steam rollin' PR machine, who may or may not have a story to tell...
  17. speaking of poor judgement, methinks Blackburst, a few here and of course, the entire alt.assassination.jfk crowd (here and elsewhere) need Judyth much, much more than she needs these forums. Folks sure do give her a platform, don't they (present posters included)? Also, some JFKResearch veterans here gave her a more than fair shot at making her point 8 some years back. Her story was found wanting then. True lone nutters just can't seem to leave her and her tales of woe alone, why?
  18. Thanks, Robert...I do think the shooters were smarter than that. They managed to kill one person, nearly kill a second, and narrowly miss a third (Jackie, who imo climbed out on the trunk to get away from them). The damage to the limo was minimal. A ding to the windshield, shown in CE350 and also Altgens 1-7, and perhaps a hit to the chrome molding, shown in CE 349. LHO was using a $12 M/C with a misaligned scope. He had not had anything to do with the M/C that we know of from the time he put it in Ruth Paine's station wagon in NOLA for the trip to Dallas. He did not practice anywhere that we know of. I have spoken with SA Robert Frazier who did the reenactment and seemed convinced that LHO could have made those shots, but I am not convinced at all. and unfortunately YOU can't put LHO in a 6th floor window, ANY window. Unless of course he possessed a magic flute...
  19. the nutters are gettin' tired. The 50th is long gone, they think now it's cleanup time... Now Von Pein is doing a book with Mel "I hate CT's" Ayton. lmao! K-Mart $1.00 book bin folks. see it there in 3 months..... $160.00 bucks? That says it all.... ROTFLMAO!
  20. Annoying or not, me thinks there is much wringing of hands, rancor and way too much ENVY here... simply put, Judyth has it dialed in.
  21. indeed weird, you're non-answer even weirder... where's the brain, the PROOF! Mr. Tidd's last post is correct. Dishonesty, plus, cover up and diversion are STILL order of the day for Warrenistas and foolish, blind support for the 1964 WCR findings.
  22. perhaps you will point where the autopsied JFK's brain is today? Complete with verification and other documentation including autopsy pictures citing yes, indeed, that proves it's JFK brain? Then let the audience and laymen make their own decisions. Can you do that DVP or Pat? If not, why not?
  23. Doug: Thank you so much for posting this YouTube video of my presentation back in 2003. I haven't watched this in about 10 years. I'm very proud of this talk, I stand behind what I said, and I hope it serves to educate (and entertain) newcomers to the case. My best, DSL 10/20/14 - 9:40 AM PDT Los Angeles, California nor have I, David
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