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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. a washed out, flat image compared to a high contrast image that reveals no clothing texture at all.... give me a break -- not to mention WHAT lean... dude, for a lone nut, you're priceless! No wonder they kept you out of the Zapruder film alteration discussion. Too much sugar in your Ovaltine this morning?
  2. Thank you, Bill, for your candid reply. My feedback would be this -- insofar as we have a physical, handwritten letter, this removes the topic from the sphere of "hearsay" evidence. Do we not have handwriting experts to tell us with some scientific, forensic certainty, whether Lee Harvey Oswald wrote this letter by his own hand? I'm having a heck of time finding consensus on this basic point in our FORUM. Best regards, --Paul Trejo I doubt here will ever be a consensus concerning Walker other than he was a right-winger of the extreme version... He's a distraction and frankly no worth spit. As well, there's more to LHO and Ruth Paine, a lot more--than what we were originally told.
  3. ... BTW, Mark, do you think you know more than the 9 forensic pathologists who studied the JFK case for the HSCA? Those nine doctors (all of them without exception) concluded that a bullet definitely DID pass through the upper body of John F. Kennedy. ... Thanks, Mark. so this is what the SBT has boiled down too at this late date.... you old cherry picker, you!
  4. What is abundantly clear is this: you, David Von Pein, have never, ever debated anyone face to face concerning any topic regarding JFK's assassination... You're hot air son, period! And that ain't fantasy!
  5. ... As for Ruth and Michael Paine, I have no idea in the world how to contact them -- but it seems to me that they, being intellectuals, should be more willing to open up and talk to a sincere journalist about the resigned General Walker. Yet no matter how much I've pleaded with FORUM members to contact them -- to the best of my knowledge, nobody here has yet been able to reach them. This surprises me because there are so many serious authors and journalists in this FORUM that I honestly expected somebody to have the wherewithal to find Ruth and Michael Paine. ... Regards, --Paul Trejo http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,12049.0.html Ya might take a peek at the above thread, Paul... Don't expect much, the 'so-called' *interviewer* who saw Ms. Paine recently (on bended knee, evidently) leaves much to be desired. However, her whereabouts are known...
  6. But the thing is, Ron -- the shots were not that "difficult". ... You haven't a bloody clue, Pal!
  7. time and research laddie have been blowing holes in the 1964 WCR for a long time. The WCR is falling apart before your very eyes...
  8. to prove a conspiracy was afoot?: (i) what difference does it make whether it was true or not, the accusation was enough... (ii) because of that very position she found herself in. America with kids or, Russia with NO kids... (iii) intimidation... pure and simple
  9. what lone nut graphics company is doing your graphics?
  10. Davey "Zapruder Never Filmed The Assassination At All" Healy actually seems to think we will be selling the book to the general public for the outlandish price of $160. As usual, David H. doesn't disappoint. He gets something else wrong. Gee, what a surprise. $160 bucks at Amazon or $1 in the K-Mart book bin -- considering the totality of what we NOW know about the WCR (in 2015), I'd say the murder of JFK is ripe for reinvestigation... a travesty of justice the WCR, hell, let's simply call it the "No JUSTICE Warren Commission!"
  11. Thank you, Ron Ecker... It would be wonderful if the community could use this, something so simple to define the current state of investigation and MOVE on from there... there WAS a conspiracy, now, what's next?
  12. ... I think it's a shame that Mantik persists in his claims of alteration instead of updating his arguments to deal with what the evidence actually shows. ... I believe David Mantik MD, Ph.D., article is an update, within the last 2 weeks or so. Maybe your neuroscientist "expert" should take a peek, yes?
  13. for convenience sake.... Even if a Texas JBS whack job took a shot at Walker and missed, or a pro with intent to miss, what a set up... much the same with the Tippit shooting only NOT missing... LHO a megalomaniac, sociopath and psychopath (and commie)? The possibilities are endless... a set patsy for all 3 shootings: Walker, JFK, Tippit? All 3 on different paths, merged after the fact for convenience sake... 3 Strikes you're out and NO trial....Contrived! Well David, if it was contrived, look at all the witnesses who defended Edwin Walker -- Ruth Paine, Michael Paine, Marina Oswald, George De Mohrenschildt, Jeanne De Mohrenschildt and Mrs. Igor Voshinin. My doubts arise because except for Edwin Walker and maybe Mrs. Igor Voshinin, nobody in that list above was a member of the "Friends of Walker." Why would non-fascists stick up for an alleged fascist? Regards, --Paul Trejo I don't know Paul... hell, Saint Peter could of been a character witness for Walker, has nothing to do with laying an assault on his life at the feet of a murdered presidential assassin AND a murdered local cop... Has there ever been a resolution to who shot at Walker? It's not necessary to call anyone fascist or non-fascist for that matter, hell it just muddies the water further... racists leanings and accusations are sidebar here. Getting Oswald into a grave without saying a word in a courtroom setting was paramount. Sounds like a bad Hollywood script, which means there's probably some validity to it! LMAO!
  14. for convenience sake.... Even if a Texas JBS whack job took a shot at Walker and missed, or a pro with intent to miss, what a set up... much the same with the Tippit shooting only NOT missing... LHO a megalomaniac, sociopath and psychopath (and commie)? The possibilities are endless... a set patsy for all 3 shootings: Walker, JFK, Tippit? All 3 on different paths, merged after the fact for convenience sake... 3 Strikes you're out and NO trial....Contrived!
  15. I'm sure you have Glenn. My thought about this is simple, Donald Trump, or, his 3-ring political circus add absolutely nothing to this board/forum here. Folks will post or start threads what they might, those who care to respond will... I thought this thread had something to do with Oliver Stone. Now, if this Stone wants to appear here answering questions about LBJ's possible coverup of JFK assassination or spoecifics concerning his book, fine. Stone, the political operative, political stunt-meister is a non-starter, at least as I see it. Have a good one, I do enjoy your stuff. David
  16. My thoughts exactly.... Stone is a loser.... What % of the campaigns he's worked or ran, have lost? 90% -- maybe he's a closet Democrat! see below: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Stone The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ Stone's book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy, written with investigative journalist Mike Colapietro contributing, was released by Skyhorse Publishing November 4, 2013. In the book, on the market in time for the fiftieth anniversary of Kennedy's assassination, Stone asserts that LBJ was behind a conspiracy to kill John Kennedy.[44] In a review for The Washington Times, Hugh Aynesworth wrote: "The title pretty much explains the book’s theory. If a reader doesn’t let facts get in the way, it could be an interesting adventure."
  17. always comedy, eh son? At least until Harold Weisberg is mentioned. Right? Then watch lone neuters flee for higher ground. David VP leading the pact... The case against Oswald is simple, there is no case! Add Tippit's murder to the JFK assassination mix, and everyone hates a cop killer, right? There is no evidence Oswald murdered the president of the United States, PERIOD! Wishful thinking on nutter's part.
  18. Now I swear I saw a review from the Mozkowitz family of Pine Bluff Arkansas (a family of three plumbers don'tcha know), so what happened to that? You holdin' out on us? They didn't say they loved it!
  19. posted to Ed Forum with permission 8-6-2015 ... --dh Posted on Aug 6, 2015 1:28:41 PM PDT Garry Puffer says: 22 outlandish things Davey-poo Von Pein believes. If you can wrap your head around this, Von Pein actually believes the following nonsense: 1) Oswald shot at Gen. Walker even though Walker was shot at using a 30.06 steel-jacketed bullet 2) Oswald shot Officer Tippit even though Tippit was dead by 1:07 and Oswald was nearly a mile away at 1:04 3) Oswald shot JFK even though Jesse Curry was not willing to say there was any proof of that (but DVP knows better than Curry, of course) 4) That one bullet caused 7 wounds in two men, hit ribs and bone and came out looking virtually unscathed 5) That JFK's anterior neck wound was an exit wound even though all medical personnel who saw it dispute that and even though it was 3-5 mm whereas WC tests showed M-C exit wounds are in the 10 mm range 6) That Oswald picked up a pistol mailed to him even though the proper forms were not kept 7) That Oswald picked up a rifle mailed to him even though the proper forms were not kept 8) That the backyard photos are real even though the nose shadow remains the same and the heads from the different poses can be superimposed to show they are exactly the same photo - he believes this because a photo panel said they were not forgeries and we all know that panels of experts can never be wrong 9) That Marina can be used to justify some bit of data even though the WC and HSCA knew her to be a serial xxxx whose stories changed day to day 10) No one impersonated Oswald in Mexico City even though everyone else seems to be aware of this impersonation 11) That no one could forge Oswald's handwriting even though experts validated the "Mr. Hunt" note which later was acknowledged a forgery 12) That Ruth Paine was merely a kind Quaker lady even though her CIA connections seem to have been well known to many people at that time 13) That Clay Shaw did not commit perjury when he denied in court that he was a CIA asset even though the CIA later admitted he did work for them 14) That there was no interference from the CIA and FBI in the Garrison investigation and trial even though everyone else knows there was 15) That the bullets "discovered" in Oswald's pocket two hours after his arrest were there all along and were not planted by the DPD even though they show bullet slide corrosion and Oswald owned no bullet slide 16) That the DPD would file two detailed reports of the Mauser found in the TSBD if it had not been found but was a Mannlicher-Carcano instead 17) That a person would own a rifle and a pistol and have no gun cleaning equipment 18) That the main goal of the plotters was to frame a lone assassin even though that is merely an assumption made after the fact and used over and over as one of the lamest arguments imaginable 19) That Capt. Fritz had a good reason for running ahead when Oswald was being taken through the basement instead of remaining as a protective shield, which was the point of his being in front 20) That the autopsy photos are genuine even though the autopsy photographer said they aren't 21) That the X-rays are genuine even though we have proof of forgery 22) That the autopsy report is genuine even though Humes destroyed not only his notes but the first report http://www.amazon.com/forum/history/ref=cm_cd_et_md_pl?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx33HXI3XVZDC8G&cdMsgID=Mx36OD5BRJLYPQ0&cdMsgNo=379&cdPage=16&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=Tx3S6UAIF5802TL#Mx36OD5BRJLYPQ0 --and-- In reply to your post on Aug 6, 2015 3:51:28 PM PDT Garry Puffer says: David H asks: amazing.... do you mind if this post migrates to a few other forums, Garry? Me: Not at all. I modeled it on DVP's 22 stupid things that James DiEugenio believes. Found at http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2013/01/dvp-vs-dieugenio-part-81.html#The-Stupid-Things-James-DiEugenio-Believes
  20. dum-da-da-da-dumb! No, Rosemary, this IS 2015! C'mon DVP...
  21. Vinnie B. is gone DVP, you have my permission to think for yourself. Make your own argument for a change. After all, it's your name you're posting under, and no one else's including your idol worship Vinne daBug...
  22. DVP preparing for retirement? The center of the lone nut universe shifting?
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