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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. The pertinent communications section starts on page 51. There is also an explanation of the communications capabilities of AF1, it's designated ground station relays and some kind of "Van" (3 vans actually) which was moved around as a mobile ground station when AF1 travelled out of range of the normal ground stations. you know continuous wave was not unheard of in 1963, in fact most of our radio comm guys were quite proficient in c-w. Some folks touting high-speed morse code intercept MOS's even. It's not much of a stretch, for me at least, to believe AF1 had that capability, nor that every com guy on the plane was c-w qualified... Comm log's available anywhere?
  2. that Ft. Benning to the Dominican Repub shot was a mobile unit (jeep mounted) working off of a 16' whip antenna in a pine tree... very effective.
  3. Collins rigs I worked with at BaQueo Vietnam (primary in-country receive site) incoming traffic from Okinowa, Manila, Bangkok... crystal controlled 20-40 meters and tropo-scatter (Feb'63-Feb '64). ALL Collins Receivers! UHF, single side-band, for the units I worked with in '64-'65... no Larry, one Collins Trans-ceiver unit will work just fine for standard transmit-recieve operation. Think military level command level for duplex op, those that you NEED to hear ALL the time, you wil atmospheric conditions cooperating of coursel... Had full voice comm at 4x4 average and 5x5 (evenings) from land based Fort Benning (Kelley Hill), Georgia to San Ysidro Airport--Dominican Republic April 1965. Different Collins equipment with 7 operation
  4. those are Collins radios, the radios look the same vintage equipment (possibly the ones I operated were a bit older and larger) I operated in Vietnam (out-of-country comm) in 1963-64. Can't remember nomenclature...
  5. ... Back to this video: the "big" unit that appears in the photo seems to be the transmitter unit on the right in the video (on the operators left in the photo) and the receiver is on the right. It seems that if this is the case then the photo might be "staged" - why wouldn't the operator of a transmitter have a microphone? ... what I gather the above Youtube video shows is a dual transceiver config (2 units same make and model). One unit to transmit, one to receive... both on 20 meter band, separate freq's. Why two units? Communicants can *both* speak and hear at the same time, conversation is truly two-way, although the verb "over" is used to end a transmission, and proper protocol, its not necessary to the conversation. If, in your research you run across tapes where there is no "over" used to end one side of traffic, then you're probably hearing only one side of the conversation... eh? btw, I haven't seen "7's" since 1964-65...
  6. ... In terms of the JFK assassination, he managed to get himself hooked up with Jim Fetzer, who used to be at UMD. To my thinking, this has not been beneficial to JV because, as we know, Fetzer tends to push the wildest theories available. It is surprising he hasn't managed to take JV with him. Dr. James Fetzer *retired* from the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Some how in his "misguided ways" managed to obtain the Distinguished McKnight University Professor award. Imagine that! And, from his UoM website ( http://www.d.umn.edu/~jfetzer/ ): "He has published more than 100 articles and reviews and 20 books in the philosophy of science and on the theoretical foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. On this web page, his publications have been divided by area, including special vitae for computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, evolution and cognition, and his applied philosophical research on the death of JFK. His biographical sketch has appeared in many reference works, including the DIRECTORY OF AMERICAN SCHOLARS, WHO'S WHO IN THE MIDWEST, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA, and WHO'S WHO IN THE WORLD. It may be found, for example, in the DIRECTORY OF AMERICAN SCHOLARS, 10th edition, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA, 55th edition (2001), and WHO'S WHO IN THE WORLD, 18th edition (2001)." It's certainly understandable why select individuals wish only for his failure... So how 'bout that limo? Which of course we all realize would never be allowed in evidence...
  7. The one about Oswald not being able to work the bolt on his Carcano fast enough to perform the Dallas shooting is always good for a large-sized laugh, especially when we see Ventura HIMSELF--a military man--pretending that it's the hardest chore imaginable. ... now who would you trust regarding rifle matters Jesse Ventura or the below fob: John Mcadams (aka Paul Nolan)? ? ? http://www.prouty.org/mcadams/nolan2.jpg during the "stationary sandbag shootout" a lone nut extravaganza... starring .John and Todd Vaughn... ? ? ?
  8. what a crock of lone nut, LBJ inspired crap! Only Warren would see the pic's and the x-ray's. What arrogance! And you defend this WCR junk?
  9. "Great public service"??? What a load of garbage. DiEugenio hasn't gotten a thing right yet. And I doubt he started a winning streak with his whining about Tom Hanks. DVP VS. DiEUGENIO (PART 92) you're sounding suspiciously like your lone nut glee club at alt.conspiracy.jfk... is it infectious? Btw, Hanks makes a ton of money, but he's still a lone nut-shill moron! He could of saved himself all sorts of professional grief, he should of enlisted in the Army.
  10. looking for what? The Dallas Police were still looking for suspects other than Oswald after midnight on Saturday Nov. 23rd when they raided Molina's home. they already had their guy (Oswald). The Zapruder film was already in Washington, 3 shots 3 hits. What did they need Molina for? Was conspiracy on DPD minds? Now THAT would be interesting.
  11. add this Gil Jesus link: http://www.giljesus....ice_lineups.htm thanks to Josh Cron post #2 this thread
  12. ya know.... challenging DVP is an exercise in futility... you might want to use your spare time reading Earl Warren's high school manifesto (if there is one). Useless and time wasting comes to mind.... just what the lone nuts want. The Warren Commission can't change, Bugliosi can't change and WON'T change and lone nut adherents like the DVP's of the lone nut variety, can't and WON'T change. Waste of time... I like the direction Bill Kelly is going: additional suspects, for one... the Von Pein's of the world simply disappear in threads like that, they know only the WCR mantra... "LHO by his lonesome," did those herculean feats Nov 22nd 1963. Keep up the good work Bill!
  13. That's your opinion. Others have a different opinion, as demonstrated by the Bugliosi book excerpt quoted earlier. your lone nut, SBT, LHO did it all by his lonesome ship has sunk... carry on, son!
  14. JFK Archives / HOWARD BRENNAN (PART 2) not asking for the secret recipe for KFC Crispy... speak up counselor.
  15. and what version of Brennan's testimony are you pinning your hopes: first, second or third?
  16. who schooled Mooney re testifying, Bugliosi? "...pretty close to right."?
  17. Au contraire, i seems to me that Fritz may have done this intentionally because he thought that evidence does matter. He picked the shells up and threw them down again because he didn't want them photographed arranged all together in a line by whichever idiot had placed them that way. didn't Fritz tuck away one of the 6.5mm cartridges in a desk draw for weeks? If so, what's the relevance as to all 6.5 cartridge casings re court evidence?
  18. you nutter-WCR-SBT-LHO did it all by his lonesome wannabes are certainly running scared! Why? Or, are you auditioning for a simple writing gig, AGAIN! What's with the nutter-machismo?
  19. all their eggs are in the 50th anniversary basket... there's nothing left to do but wait! Of course a few nutters may be mowing grass in Dealey Plaza. No sense wasting ALL their talent...
  20. you're kidding, right? They are still here and always will. Most are not posting.
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