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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. Well then Jim, you should be asking yourself this question: Did Gary Mack REALLY think he could get away with such a blatant and obvious inaccurate statement about Lee Oswald leaving a "What To Do If I'm Arrested" note for Marina on the morning of 11/22/63 -- when Gary has surely got to know that many sharp-eyed people on Internet forums like this one will surely point out the obvious mistake/lie and call him on it? Now, Jim, when Gary's quote about the note is put into the above context and framework, do you truly believe that Gary Mack would have deliberately lied about such a note being left by Oswald? Or could it possibly--just possibly--have merely been an honest mistake (which, btw, has since been corrected at the DMN site)? I know what Jimbo's answer will likely be. But I thought I'd ask it as kind of a rhetorical question nonetheless. all lone nut excuses, won't change one simple fact: the WCR report has failed, failed miserably, pure utter nonsense! Even a KFC maven like you can't change that.... Aren't you glad Ben Holmes doesn't post here? LMAO!
  2. It never ceases to amaze some that Bugliosi bought into your internet "PR expertise" whilst he was looking for assistance promoting his mega-flop "block busting" boat anchor **Reclaiming History**... You best sitdown before you exhaust yourself holding up Gary 'the-Dunk' Mack's jockstrap... Carry on, son!
  3. ... Focus on the thread topic, son. Lest of course, you're finally, at a loss for words.
  4. You must be feeling neglected son... or perhaps this thread is moving a little fast for ya?

Robert West is the surveyor who did much of the calculations for the re-enactments. Robert West was interviewed over several days by Tom Purves. His account of those numerous meetings reads too authentically to be hyperbole. Robert West made two observations to Tom Purves:- First:- On May 25, 1964, he returned into Dealey Plaza in order to acquire additional measurements, and he observed members of the Warren Commission re- enactment engaged in cutting and removal of limbs from the live oak tree that is located directly under the sixth floor window of the School Book Depository Building. Second:- These personnel had secured a “bucket lift” truck and were in process of cutting and removing limbs from the uppermost branches of the live oak tree that is located directly under the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository building. I do not know the meaning of this cutting of branches. But first it was done on the 25th. And second it was carried out by members of the re-enactment group. Though I find this an interesting point and do wonder just why, if as you claim, the re-enactments had been concluded by the 24th, that the re-enactment group felt it necessary to cut these branches. What for me is much more important is the validity of the angles from the gun to the stand in model, as displayed in your posted images. I have no problem with the distances from the Oswald window, I concur with those. What interested me was Tom Purves, who was the first researcher to interview Robert West and gained access to his survey files for the recreations. A fellow researcher generously gave me a copy of the Robert West survey files so I am able to check through these data values. Anyway Tom made a point that he felt that the relative heights of JFK and the stand in may differ by a margin that invalids these angles. My work so far supports him and it may indeed be greater than the 10 inches that the FBI wrote into their calculations. If I can prove the heights from the road to the top of the head of the two differ by more than 10 inches then it means that the angle at Z225, say, which is defined as 20º 11’ may well strike the body ---- but unlikely to be where the Commission states. I know the WC did not suggest Z 223/4 as the point, but that is now the modern interpretation of the Single Bullet Theory. So put simply. If I can establish that the relative heights differ by enough to invalidate this angle then surely that also invalids the Single Bullet Theory. I am not saying that a trajectory angle of 20º 11’ would not strike the body, what I am saying is that it will not strike where it has to strike. 

David that is such nonsense. When making the trajectory projections Shanneyfelt did not use the Robert Frazier position, which very closely modeled how the Oswald gunman would have fired. Instead Frazier was sent to the Zapruder pedestal who direct while he Shanneyfelt used the Camera gun. The WC trajectories derive from the camera gun, which has no reality to how the gunman, be it Oswald or not, would have been positioned to fire. Do you really support and agree that the Shanneyfelt trajectories represent how the Oswald gunman would have been firing. The problem, with all due respect, is that the Shanneyfelt trajectories are nonsense. His position bears no reality to the Oswald position. And your point is that this kind of recreation represents quality in recreating what happened on that day. Well that is not my opinion. 

I have created a scaled model of Dealey Plaza using Cinema 4D. I also have a perfectly scaled model of the JFK car. I have been doing some trajectories these last few days and have been astonished at the accuracy of the model. Ratioing figures for 222 and 225 I have been able to generate a distance figure for 223/4 which I calculate at 190.2ft from the Oswald window to JFK’s back. To be honest I had expected my model to be out. It was not the same. That was replicated at 230 + 236 + 313. I am pleased that I agree with CE 884, though I am also astonished. And this is why I query these trajectory angles, because I am not getting those angles. Unlike Dale Myers who used closed models I am using anatomical models. Yes I have lost identity [ like Myers had ] but I have verification. The viewer can verify that where I state a position is, it is indeed there. With the Myers models we had to take his word that where he stated the wound was, it was indeed there. I am not suggesting Dale Myers is lying, I would not do that, but I am saying the viewer cannot verify his data. In the last couple of weeks I have been able to establish when John Connally was wounded, and can verify it. And it was not at 223/4. And, by using anatomical models, the viewer can verify that the trajectory pointer is as described by Robert Shaw in his medical documentation. I am aware that there are many who will dispute my findings, however by using medical models it is going to be much more difficult when verification is also part of the process I am also able to demonstrate, from a medical 3D perspective the reality of the a theoretical bullet passing through JFK. Well actually I will be showing how it could not do so. I am not frightened by you comments, I believe my work will cause quite a number of headaches. James. I suspect you've just sent a wake up call to Dale *see my EMMY* Myers, which mean D.Von Pein is trying to figure out what this all means, which means Craig Lampoon Lamson is making a phone call to Gary Mack and Dr. Tink Thompson..... and the beat goes on.... Good Luck James Gordon... I for one await your test results. David Healy
  6. Ya can't even tell us what generation Z-film you've studied, and provide proof as to that lineage. Till then hon, you're whistling in the dark, even the Tinkster can't help. What you got dude, is O-P-I-N-I-O-N! That is IT... You'll be mowing that Z-film lawn for the next 20 years (if your lucky). Carry on!
  7. and look whose calling the kettle black. Come on now, gett'er in focus! LMAO!
  8. I love that quote from J. Edgar, because it destroys the notion that Hoover was "in" on a cover-up and a "Let's Frame Oswald As The Sole Assassin" plot. What's to refute? I love it. Plus: JFK-Archives.blogspot.com/Hoover And Oswald uh-huh right... that's like you saying you're open to other shooters in Dealey Plaza, give us a break, willya! Hoover conspired with LBJ to cover up the murder of JFK on the streets of Dallas, Texas Nov 22nd 1963. There is no other answer.
  9. David, Jim Fetzer now struggles to generate credibility within the research community and many of us know he has very little outside of it. There are now only a handful that are standing by him, and it is a small handful. His reputation, for most of those who did respect him, is now in the tatters. His reputation for those who have never trusted him is simply an opportunity to say, "Told you so." He should be kept far away from proceedings in November, IMHO. Hardball Lee, HARDBALL! For what it's worth, the research community (for what that's worth) has struggled for 45+ years, there's only two folks that have rolled right over the WCR and its supporters, Mark Lane and Jim Fetzer. His Fetzer's reputation btw, isn't fazed much outside of the so-called, JFK research community. Point being, what is the so-called research community trying to prove? Conspiracy or NO conspiracy murdered JFK? No one up to this point has carried that water but Mark Lane, period. Frankly, I could care less concerning the "I told you so's".... simple turf wars which of course lead no where, perhaps, exactly what some want, eh? There is enough documented evidence to blow the WCR conclusions out of the water (we've known that for years), so, what's left to do? It's a pure PR-presentation game now... the question is really, how do you advance that PR game? What do you think the Dallas 50th anniversary is all about? PR, baby. Erasing the stigma Dallas has suffered for the past 50 years.... nothing more! So who can the conspiracy research community trust to carry counter WCR conclusions to the public? Another well informed, well meaning researcher-writer? Nope! There is no more need 'preaching to the choir'! David
  10. Simple... for an up-to-date (2013) analysis concerning case disposition. Bill Kelly -- case background, deep evidence background Jim DiEugenio -- organize all materials-write-conclusions, present in written form Doug Horne -- Documents-WCR conclusions David Mantik -- Medical evidence-conclusions Harry Livingstone-David Lifton-John Costella--The Zapruder Film, various topics and considering the Dallas hardball nature of the 50th anniversary, and despite what you think of him (whom of course needs a bit of polish, this is not a popularity contest after all) Dr. Jim Fetzer as the face and public presenter... no one, no one is more *ballsey* and dedicated in finding the truth concerning the murder of JFK. (keeping him on topic and point well, may prove a bit challenging)
  11. I see Indiana's flash-in-the-pan is selling *bending of light* again.... LMAO!
  12. Paul May (aka Jason Burke and Mark Ulrik amongst many others...) him? Impersonate someone else? R-O-T-F-L-M-F-A-O! ! ! ! Keep up the good work Jim DiEugenio! I caught your interview, sounds like Noory actually enjoyed as well as READ your book! That's a huge plus for our side of the fence....
  13. 'tis the best the current, whipped, lone nut faction can do... 10-to-1 no plastic surgeon will venture forth here, not even an opinion. Best Evidence is still as solid as can be!
  14. ahh, more harm than good, you say? Simply brought to the attention to the world, the JFK assassination, I'd say that was MORE than enough "GOOD" for openers.
  15. copy through film transfer undeveloped exposed 8mm film? No.
  16. I don't know what C D Jackson arranged with Marina (via Isaac Don Levine) but, as events played out, Marina made her contract with Priscilla McMillan. I forget the details of how Priscilla McMillan out manuevered Levine (et al); I think it was a matter of her just flying down to Teas, knocking on Marina's door, getting to now her, etc. However it happened, Priscilla ended up getting the exclusive contract with marina, worked with her intensively, and the book was published in 1977. DSL seems to me this Priscilla ?, is the same lady that interviewed Oswald in a russian hotel room, around the time of his "defection", correct?
  17. The battle is over, you fought the good fight--Rest in Peace Jack. David Healy
  18. Dino Brugioni was also an expert at what went on in his facility, Mr. Lamson. Perhap the high altitude of Indiana is effecting your judgements.
  19. ya gotta do what ya gotta do, Tom. I will say you're the only mod here with ability and reasoning powers. Further, the day I stop questioning folks and their forum-USENET usage, motive AND agendas will be the day CT's discover the motives and agendas of those in trust, re Nov 22nd 1963, Dallas, Texas events.
  20. nonsense... play nice? do you for one second believe the WC "debated" evidence that wasn't in full agreement with the preconcieved position that LHO was the lone gunman? There are some that feel this "quote" method of debate "un-quote" is a war, a war that began with the cold blooded murder of the president of the United States on the streets of Dallas Texas Nov 22nd 1963, resulting in the long down hill slide into obscurity and **failure** this country now faces. And this on Memorial Day 2012? Such-a-farce!
  21. you know Douglas, we ALL live under a death sentence, the wise understand and accept this, even Mittless Romney, I suspect. Obama won the who is gonna get Bin Laden chase... Whoever becomes the next president becomes the essence of our collective fears, hope, discontent, wants, leanings and biases. That very discontent exposes our shortcomings, to all... there are no conspiracies, Douglas hence no organized crime!
  22. "could get to me...?", "coolness?", yeah, damn right, he can give the order to blow away a two-bit, murderering terrorist.... my kind of president.
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