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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. you still posting here? ya know, if you want credibility you need to address the 45 questions as put forth both here and alt.conspiracy.jfk. .john mcadams ran from them, virtually every single lone nut-WCR supporter flees from them. Challenges have been made to your arch-hero Bugliosi and that boot anchor book Reclaiming History. Yet your not to be found, anywhere, anywhere posting regarding the immediate above. Your fondest dream is "debunked" theories. WHO debunked them? You, Mcadams, Reitzes? Surely you jest, afterall you only have 50,000 posts to various USNET JFK-assassination related boards, 20 websites (most you control), 15 blogs (all you own) and lord knows how many others under various aliases. And NOTHING lately to support your "hold his jockstrap" approach in supporting Bugliosi and what some have said his lies at worst, ignorance at best and horrible research....? Gonna blame that on Dale *look at my EMMY* Myers? (just curious You're grasping at lone nut straws, dude.... please keep coming back we need your arrogance....
  2. Agree, for cable and over-the-air broadcasts. Internet streaming, however, is a horse of a different color...
  3. I was also wondering about this one. Is the 1977 [sat. Sept. 17] USC debate,"Conspiracy in the Sixties: Who Was to Blame?" between Mr. Lane and David Atlee Phillips available anywhere? I have been looking for it in any form - film, audio, transcript - for some time now, with no luck. Any help at all would be appreciated. Zach Zach, ya might query David Lifton.
  4. .john mcadams wanted a debate (as did .john's minions) with the creator of the 45 questions, Ben Holmes, he got that debate. One suspects, much to .john mcadams chagrin. See below link http://groups.google.com/group/alt.assassination.jfk/browse_frm/thread/9881c30c297e9619#
  5. me thinks Dave Reitzes has left the building.... sigh
  6. first words out of you and it has to be Judyth Baker, your perpetual crusade. Methinks you donated to her cause when she fled to Europe. And for some reason didn't quite get what you wanted out of that donation, not enough bang for your buck there Glenn? Is that correct? Jim Fetzer isn't the thread topic, Gary Mack is. And his very public position concerning the JFK's assassination on the streets of Dallas Texas. However, I will admit, there are a more than a few lone nut, LHO did it all by his lonesome advocates on this board with strange obsessions, you're one, the obsession: JUDYTH!
  7. boy that leaves a little to be desired... admin? WOW!
  8. You silly little boy...you can't overlay those photos and expect to "measure" anything. The PERSPECTIVE has changed. Oh wait...never mind. YOU don't understand perspective. BTW, we are STILL waiting for your plat that shows us a triangulated set of LOS's to prove your claim that the camera moved MANY FEET. Talk about entertaining...dave you ran away when it got yo YOU putting up ANYTHING that supports your silly claim. You ever gonna do ANY real work or will you just continue to just flap your gums? BTW Dave, the LENS used is immaterial...you SHOULD know better... http://www.luminous-landscape.com/essays/changing-perspective.shtml my gosh, you're STILL out there trying to protect Dale *want to see my EMMY* Myers? His ideas are toast, dude. LMAO! ! ! !
  9. no 6th floor breakthroughs that I'm aware of other than simply protecting city fathers interpretation of Nov 22nd 1963 events. Your above last paragraph is right on! Thank you!
  10. Why not just be a man davie and admit you have it wrong. Its really simple. Just say.. wow, the lever works great and I got it wrong. what is utterly amazing is the lengths lone nuts will go in attempting to disprove the Z-film MIGHT have been altered, in fact, it's unbelievable... after 15+ years of watching board-forum reactions to that very possibility, childish and laughable come to mind... when you kids are done with your math, then you can enter the realm of the artist, the Hollywood/professional film compositor, where image manipulation and storyline reality change quite frequently... in fact, change to satisfy a script... hmm.
  11. Steel seems to have invented the quotes, I can't find them elsewhere on the Net. The former is a variant of another journalist's statement. Last December Chris Toensing wrote, "The [iAEA] report contains evidence that Iran looked at military applications of nuclear research up to 2003, but no proof of similar efforts since then, and certainly no indication that Iran has nuclear weapons capacity or could have it soon." http://www.merip.org/newspaper_opeds/oped121211 I'm on the fence over this most experts say Iran stopped working on atomic weapons but others disagree. I wonder why a country with so much petroleum and natural gas and so many pressing social needs would be investing so much in nuclear power at the same time most countries in the world are phasing it out. People on either side making up facts doesn't help. agreed.... perhaps having a megalomaniac in cahoots with the current imam has something to do with the current impasse... I believe Iran has the 3rd largest oil reserve, for whatever that is worth...
  12. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. What I do reject are your unprovable claims and your apparent lack of critical thinking when it comes to certain topics. Michael, I have a very simple question for you. Have you read Mimi Alford's book "Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John Kennedy and its Aftermath." I have read the whole thing. Have you read it? We have NO doubt you've read the Alford nonsense... just for the record: I suspect Michael Hogan has forgot more concerning the actual assassination record than you'll ever know about that same record.... that includes your titillation subject matter...
  13. And/or Martin Dugard. http://www.martindugard.com/contact/ Is Dugard the collaborator? my question also!
  14. But there was also distance. “There was always a layer of reserve between us, which may explain why we never kissed,” she writes. “The wide gulf between us — the age, the power, the experience — guaranteed that our affair wouldn’t evolve into anything more serious.” It is this passage that makes me believe the story. All the evidence suggests that he had a very unhealthy attitude towards sex. This is reflected in his unwillingness to become emotionally involved with his girlfriends. Why would she make up the fact that he did not kiss her? I once heard a prostitute say that she never kissed her clients because she did not want to become emotionally involved with them. It is the same attitude that JFK had. He probably told himself that he was not being unfaithful as long as he did not kiss the women. He might have been an above average president but he was a lousy human being. I believe MiMi Alford. This is one of those rare witnesses where you can probably believe everything she says from the sex stuff to the JFK quote "I had rather my children red than dead." Could you EVER imagine Lyndon Johnson saying something like that? Or Allen Dulles? Or Curtis LeMay? or the Texas oil men? or Nelson Rockefeller? Nope. doubt your belief in Alford is a ringing endorsement... Rings loud and clear, an Alford mea-culpa.
  15. The evidence suggests that he used the power of office to seduce, young innocent women. That is more than just being a "lousy husband". Did this lady receive an advance?
  16. ROFLMAO! I guess ralph never irons his shirts or sends them to the dry cleaners. Man that has to really STINK! I have a bunch of them nicely pressed in my closet and on the plaid ones the pocket is invisable from a decent viewing distance. Poor ralph, his entire silly claim is evaporating right before in eyes. Critical Thinking? From Ralph? Hardly. LMAO! taking a break from Z-317? I don't blame you.... the over hyped, over priced Zapruder film cratering before the 50th anniversary? Horrors! Carry on!
  17. quote on 'Tom Scully--30 January 2012 http://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2012/nr12-60.html January 30, 2012 National Archives Accessions Newly Discovered Post-JFK Assassination Tape Recording .....Washington, DC…Today the National Archives announced that The Raab Collection, which deals in historical autographs, has donated to the National Archives an original audiotape recording described as "Radio Traffic involving AF-1 in flight from Dallas, TX, to Andrews AFB on November 22, 1963." A digitized version of the two-hour-and-twenty-two minute recording is now available on the National Archives web site [http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/air-force-one-tape.html]. Reference copies of the recordings are available for on-site researchers at the following National Archives research rooms: the National Archives College Park, MD facility; the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, MA; and the Lyndon B. Johnson Library in Austin, TX... quote off Hopefully Bill Kelly has seen this...
  18. The Democrat Party anticipates Romney as the GOP presidential candidate, in fact the GOP party hierarchy is praying Romney crosses that candidate line. The fool is so far from relating to the middle and lower class, its a damn shame. Just like his old man George Romney, nary a clue concerning leadership!
  19. me thinks some here are rather smitten with authors along the line of a Dr. Thompson.... Not to mention some posts hereabouts are clear examples of USENET disinfo tactics....
  20. I can only hope this is your warped idea of a joke. MONITOR SETTINGS? How utterly lame Dave. If you think this is going to hinge on the condition of a DISPLAY and what someone THINKS they see, well you are more unaware that I even thought possible. Time to step up to the real world Dave.... Grab your spectrophotometer...not that it means anything in this instance... Have you, Craig Lamson ever been in a DaVinci film/video post-production, professional colorist suite? I suspect not. In the meantime, perhaps you can roll-out another grip truck equipment diversion list for us . Funny how Rollie Zavada kept bringing up the term film gamma properties.... hmm -- yep time for you folks to JOIN the real world, accept reality. Get your Z-film 8mm-35mm 3rd generation blowup, only a $grand$, be the first in that lone nutter support group to own a copy!
  21. careful... those words might bite you in the rump... think Zapruder film (hate to bring up a sore subject)
  22. Yes, Robin is a treasure. Thanks also for your kind words, I agree, there is nothing left to talk about. The 'Chaney' issue is done. Beaten from the start. Best of health to you, Josiah. Calli. P.S. There are two requirements to be a smart ass, I see a few folk here that have the second part down pat. oh-my goodness, ya got something to sell son, just sell it! Don't be offended cause some don't buy what you're peddling.... A "few" facts, there's plenty of websites providing JFK assassination image related imagery, hundreds, thousands even .gif animations, thousands upon thousands, (perhaps a hundred thousand) of assassination (of dubious quality and lineage) images posted, reviewed and opined upon. Unfortunately, most of it, if not ALL of it: a complete waste of time. Why? Ya see dude, these photo-film website "treasures", although put together by thoughtful folks, are a waste of time, not to mention bandwidth when it comes to documenting the actual-provable-legitimate assassination photographic record. They opine, undocumented, unprovable opinion, simple as that! Now, a case in point, a recent thread concerning a documented, 3rd generation, 35mm blowup of the 8mm Zapruder film, bought and paid for, delivered by NARA to a "professional" Hollywood based group with, and get this, son: a provable and documented lineage DIRECT off of the alleged in-camera original Zapruder 8mm film stored at the National Archives. Now that is something you can sink your research teeth and skills into, yes? There's all sorts of flash-in-the-pan, DP film-photo commentators around, especially when it's desirous to support the current, 6th floor museum film-photo record... and, I'll add, nor is it the 6th Floor's responsibility to attest to and/or prove the validity of the images in their charge -- not their job... So my friend.... shell out a grand, get yourself that 3rd generation, 35mm Z-film, get someone competent to analyze the frames, do the work, post your results with affidavits -- no sense whining over spilled milk. p.s. I suspect Craig found a copy, he's been quiet lately..... brightness-contrast and gamma settings laddie! Dr. Thompson stands on his own... Hi Gary
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