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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. The naked truth from Frank Rich and the New York Times, 08-31-2008. For those who can handle the truth! Commercial television in the US, as we know it, is OVER.... Http://www.truthout.org/article/obama-outwits-bloviators.
  2. Thanks, Stephen. I've waited 45 years to see this car (a car that looked as 100X did on 11.22.63) and these last 12 days have been a unique gift. The JFK Remembered exhibit focuses on the life of JFK and this has been validating for me, as well as for all those who have had a chance to share in this exhibit. It has been an honor to talk with so many different people about the car -- actually, both cars, the replica and the actual. Most people can't understand why the actual 100x was gutted and rebuilt. So, whose word do we take, as gospel, that the "replica" is identical to the "original" 100X? And how do we verify that? Has anyone, anywhere attested: the replica, is identical to the original 100X, in-writing? Glad you had a good show....
  3. perhaps we're finding a new definition as to what running 'neck and neck' means? Now, Lindsay Graham Republican Senator (one of McCain's stalwart supporters, from So. Carolina has that far out look, as in *a deer caught in headlights*. He's stunned with this decesion. We're hearing McCain met the lady for a short period of time at a Governors conference few months back, talked with her on the phone this past Sunday then made his decision... The following defines the GOP situation (a real short read)... http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/12997
  4. Gezze, I have a bottle of Kelly's wine to anyone's case of lager that Palin isn't on the ballot in November. If John Simkin knows that much about her former brother-in-law's shennagans, there's certainly more to come; and she's only been in politics for three years, then she hasn't been properly vetted, or maybe she has and Carl Rove is throwing her to the wolves like a trial balloon to see if she flys. Just like Bush nominating his personal attorney to the Supreme Court, it was almost a joke, even though he wasn't kidding. This time they're kidding, right? Remember Eagleton? Let the vetting begin. BK you may be right Bill.... rumor has it, Romney is livid, as is Joe Libermann! While John McCain is concerned about the Hilary's 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling, the floor is crumbling beneath them. He does have a thing for beauty queens though.... The GOP has more than enough problems going into their convention, shooting themselves in the foot at this juncture is a mark of desperation and a failed campaign McCain looks like a tired old man. The comment "only a heart-beat away" has special meaning in this case. Other points about Palin is that she is opposed to environmental restrictions on drilling in Alaska (her husband works for BP), supports the death-penalty and the teaching of creationism in schools. She is also against restrictions placed on gun-owners. Palin not only opposes abortion but refused to have one just over a year ago when it was discovered that she was pregnant with a Down's syndrome child. One of her son's is just about to be deployed to Iraq. She is the darling of the far right. McCain in clearly appealing to the Religious Right and to those men like himself who have a thing about beauty queens. If McCain is elected, I would feel very vulnerable to an assassination attempt from a communist patsy. This is the only way they could get such an extremist right-winger in the White House. Obama's acceptance speech Thursday evening garnered 38 million US viewers. McCain is desperate. His announcement of Palin as his choice for Veep, Friday was quite successful. Successful as in; getting Obama of the front pages, quickly. Palin is gonna fall on her sword for the GOP (Grand Old Party -- the Republicans) this time around, but it will cost the GOP later. Palin will be back when the GOP finishes its newly found makeover. 4-8 years down the road. Ms. Palin has Ms. Hillary Clinton to thank for her stardom...
  5. Gezze, I have a bottle of Kelly's wine to anyone's case of lager that Palin isn't on the ballot in November. If John Simkin knows that much about her former brother-in-law's shennagans, there's certainly more to come; and she's only been in politics for three years, then she hasn't been properly vetted, or maybe she has and Carl Rove is throwing her to the wolves like a trial balloon to see if she flys. Just like Bush nominating his personal attorney to the Supreme Court, it was almost a joke, even though he wasn't kidding. This time they're kidding, right? Remember Eagleton? Let the vetting begin. BK you may be right Bill.... rumor has it, Romney is livid, as is Joe Libermann! While John McCain is concerned about the Hilary's 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling, the floor is crumbling beneath them. He does have a thing for beauty queens though.... The GOP has more than enough problems going into their convention, shooting themselves in the foot at this juncture is a mark of desperation and a failed campaign
  6. of course her supporters will stand behind Obama, the party is united, always has been. Only the media profits from disunity or rumors thereof.... presently McCain rates as one of the biggest flip-floppers in the history of US politics (as demonstrated by the John Kerry speech, last night).... Let the media hype Clinton supporters indecision (5%) to cover up McCain's GOP flip-flopping.... ho-hum! John McCain needs ( the GOP and theneo-cons know) to put his best foot forward NOW, before ANY presidential debate with Obama.
  7. The unions are "pleading"? Why don't they strike? Because they have been left largely impotent by 25 years of anti Union legislation, an outcome, it has to be said, in which they have been the co-author's of their own demise. their (meaning the unions) own legislation? Other(s) meaning government legislation had/have no bearing on union in-effectivenesss? Hope that's NOT a developing position. Mass surveillance of any society is prompted by fear, fear concerning loss, or worse, lack of control. Greater the fear, tighter the grip! Perhaps this thread is shedding light on that elusive term called "individual freedom"
  8. The unions are "pleading"? Why don't they strike?
  9. Mr. Vernon, I suppose if I told you Ms. Dixie probably has well over 7,000 posts spread over a few JFK assassination research forums (public and private) you wouldn't be offended would you? One of the leading women JFK assassination researchers on the net, I might add. You've managed to scribble out a few posts here and you've already found yourself in a wee-bit of controversy.... Now, if you have JFK related material needing review or if you'd like, strut your stuff in a few assassination related threads, please do -- we await being bolled over with your brilliance... Carry on sir! Your's in research... p.s. do you have a relative named Bob Vernon? I hope so. Do you have a relative named Patrick Healey? Hes a private investigator. Nice of you to play the white knight, im sure its appreciated. But whatever you are going for, missed. My stated opinion that Ms. Dixie is an infrequent contributer to this site still stands, I don't really care how many posts she has made at other forums, we are talking about THIS forum. Your attempt to belittle my infrequent scribbles is ironic as well as humorous. Touche. no touche, son.... in political conspiracy debate your gonna have to do better than that, can't sneak in through the back door. Also, did you read how my last name is spelled, sir? Gallop'in Bill Miller has the same problem you do, my last name in particular. So keep up the good front, sir.... Sure Bob Vernon isn't a relative?
  10. we know you've discussed experience on internet forums, yet I see no quotes, rather silly -- to whom are you talking to, Mr. Vernon?
  11. Mr. Vernon, I suppose if I told you Ms. Dixie probably has well over 7,000 posts spread over a few JFK assassination research forums (public and private) you wouldn't be offended would you? One of the leading women JFK assassination researchers on the net, I might add. You've managed to scribble out a few posts here and you've already found yourself in a wee-bit of controversy.... Now, if you have JFK related material needing review or if you'd like, strut your stuff in a few assassination related threads, please do -- we await being bolled over with your brilliance... Carry on sir! Your's in research... p.s. do you have a relative named Bob Vernon? I hope so.
  12. looks like one of the original stereo cameras (dual lens)
  13. Hey Don, guess one could start with the NPIC (National Photographic Interpretation Center) work. They figured (based on the Zapruder Film) 5+ shots fired in DP. Dough Horne (who worked with Roland Zavada during the same investigation) interviewed two hand picked film specialists/employees who worked with the Zapruder film the weekend of the assassination (11/22 thru 11/24) Interesting material for the uninititated.
  14. Part of the problem in communicating with you is that your rambling seems very garbled. This is not a dramatic program. Nobody is 'playing' anybody. There are apparently people used as sit-ins in some of the footage. Or I should say, if this ends up being a drama I am going to be really disappointed. Let me give you some additional background information -- originally, a section of the program was going to be shot at the National Archives. I asked my congressman, Jim Ramsted, to write a letter of introduction for the producer of the program and myself, to mentor us to the head archivist at NARA. We based our request to view the windshield currently at NARA on the fact that a contact at the Ford Motor Company had determined there might be a number etched on the windshield glass, which we might then have been able to track back, to see if it was the same one installed in the car that was delivered to the WHG in June, 1961. In addition, James Hosty had claimed, both in his book AO and in interview with me, that he saw more than one defect on the windshield when he viewed it prior to giving his WC testimony. In order to have any chance of being allowed access to the windshield, you have to prove that new research will come from it. We thought we would be successful. After all, who could turn down a wonderful limousine historian working with a DC producer, mentored by a respected congressman? But, apparently, the chief archivist went running down to the windshield to see if there was a number, said they found none, and decided there was no need for us to view the windshield. I am still amazed at their brazen refusal. However, when that segment of the program died, the producer asked me what I thought might replace it. My immediate response was "go to the car". Originally, there had been some discussion with the owner of the limo, Nick Ciacelli, about shooting footage in the Detroit area, where the car has been housed. That would have been fairly reasonable in cost, though not as exciting as shipping the car to Dallas. With the windshield segment gone, the path opened up for the limo footage to be shot on location in Dallas, where it was for a week. Though I am at the MN State Fair nearly every day, with the limo and the amazing JFK Remembered exhibit, I have not yet had time to ask Nick for details of the filming. He has a display up about the program which does include some stills with characters in them. I will ask more in the next day or so. There were about 10,000 people visiting the exhibit yesterday, and probably more today. The line went far down the sidewalk on Underwood Street. It is amazing to watch people of all ages and backgrounds come in and be drawn into the tv footage, photos of JFK's life, of Jackie and John Jr., JFK's jewelry box with family seal, filled with his cufflinks, sketches that he drew on the flight to Dallas, a sweater, not to mention a duplicate of Jackie's pink suit and JFK's suit from one of the movies the limo was used in. There are countless additional things too. And of course, the limo. There is literally nothing quite like it. when it comes to JFK assassination investigation: a replica, is a replica, is a replica.... frankly, all you need is the Zapruder film.... without that, the Limo is moot. What does a replica limo tell us about a through and through windshield hole?
  15. very nice tour.... thank you! DHealy
  16. beware of gifts from strangers. Glad you found your proper place, Sgt Mikey -- carry on
  17. Gary Mack has replicated Arnold's image in the past when testing it, so your remark is only based on your lack of knowledge as to what has been done. I am in British Columbia, thus my desire to make a special trip to Dallas, Texas to show another one of your half-baked claims is in error isn't at the top of my list, unless of course you'll pay for it. Its unfortunate that you are not intelligent enough to address Mike's point, then no one would need to go to Dallas. You show a guy under the the red arrow who if you were honest and unbiased ... you'd admit that this persons feet would fall very close to the horizontal line on the wall that you use for Arnold while claiming it makes Arnold look too short to be human. You'd also admit that you can see how much this guy has shrunk when compared to the people closer to the wall in the same photo and then apply that knowledge to someone like Arnold who was standing back by the fence. But one has to either be intelligent enough to follow this rule of perspective and if he or she is, then they have to be honest enough to acknowledge what it implies. You have not shown yourself to be a candidate to do this. Bill Miller Hey Wild Bill, ya got caught, accept the defeat and move on -- What IS unfortunate is this: neither you or Gary will post the replicated image -- nothing to do with intelligence, son.... Simple common sense, which seems to be severly lacking in your Lone Nut/SBT camp. We, however, aren't fooled. Where's a .gif animation when you need one, eh?
  18. After the Len 'Colby' Brazil exposure you're might testy these days. Wrong as usual David, like lots of people I use a screen name on other forums. But this subject has been declared verboten so I’ll leave it at that. Well, not only did Old Redd Foxx live in the neighborhood, its known by many of his Las Vegas neighbors (also those that regularly sat around Las Vegas card rooms with him) are quick to note; whenever Redd appeared on television he could deliver just one 'original' line from his act: "he can smoke". That s it. Now, where have you heard an original Redd 'Sanford' Foxx joke, Mr. Brazil? Wikipedia your best friend these days? You do know that Foxx had a stand up career that long predated his appearance on TV? He was one of the funniest men ever to grace this planet, Drago is to Foxx what a kid who can barely do the doggy paddle is to Michael Phelps. I’ve been listening to his “party albums” since long before Al Gore invented the internet or I had any idea who you or Drago or anybody else here was. I doubt anybody else wrote this stuff it is my understanding that comics on the “Chitlin’ Circuit” wrote their own material. Do yourself a favor listen to Foxx’s “Mother Frockers and Cork Soakers” and some of his other skits warning all of them violated the forum’s obscenity rule. http://www.rhapsody.com/reddfoxx/thebestof...kerscorksoakers Unfortunately that won’t play for folks like me who are outside the US, here is the 1st 30 seconds of the above mentioned routine. http://sample.music.yahoo.com/radio/client...mp;sids=1273860 Len, me wrong? LMAO!... Redd *Sanford* Foxx lived a few doors from me, right off Eastern, for many years... back then Las Vegas was a small place. You knew he lived in Las Vegas, yes? You play poker, Len? Ya couldn't keep Redd out of the Dunes cardroom. He couldn't win either. So tell us about Al Gore inventing the internet, Len. Seems to me your digging in the wrong cesspool again..... p.s. I heard all the acts LIVE, Len. Some of them in the Dunes cardroom, twice.... I was not aware the Dunes supported Old maid, Crazy 8's and Go Fish. Thats the only way I could figure you would be in those card rooms David...unless....of course.....you were serving drinks. sitdown Sgt. Mikey... when I need you I'll ring... so, let me know when your in Vegas.... till then I was speaking with buddy Len Brazil Colby. Btw, Sgt Mikey, I noticed you were nosing around some of John Ritchson old posts. Old JohnR could of taught you a few things Sgt. Mikey. Not getting your ducks in a row are ya? If so, good idea..... We're gonna want to hear from your sniper buddies as to LHO prowess. We've got a few lined up? So, cocktail sir? Oh, you don't have a room key? Sorry! Ya don't pass go LMAO.....
  19. After the Len 'Colby' Brazil exposure you're might testy these days. Wrong as usual David, like lots of people I use a screen name on other forums. But this subject has been declared verboten so I’ll leave it at that. Well, not only did Old Redd Foxx live in the neighborhood, its known by many of his Las Vegas neighbors (also those that regularly sat around Las Vegas card rooms with him) are quick to note; whenever Redd appeared on television he could deliver just one 'original' line from his act: "he can smoke". That s it. Now, where have you heard an original Redd 'Sanford' Foxx joke, Mr. Brazil? Wikipedia your best friend these days? You do know that Foxx had a stand up career that long predated his appearance on TV? He was one of the funniest men ever to grace this planet, Drago is to Foxx what a kid who can barely do the doggy paddle is to Michael Phelps. I’ve been listening to his “party albums” since long before Al Gore invented the internet or I had any idea who you or Drago or anybody else here was. I doubt anybody else wrote this stuff it is my understanding that comics on the “Chitlin’ Circuit” wrote their own material. Do yourself a favor listen to Foxx’s “Mother Frockers and Cork Soakers” and some of his other skits warning all of them violated the forum’s obscenity rule. http://www.rhapsody.com/reddfoxx/thebestof...kerscorksoakers Unfortunately that won’t play for folks like me who are outside the US, here is the 1st 30 seconds of the above mentioned routine. http://sample.music.yahoo.com/radio/client...mp;sids=1273860 Len, me wrong? LMAO!... Redd *Sanford* Foxx lived a few doors from me, right off Eastern, for many years... back then Las Vegas was a small place. You knew he lived in Las Vegas, yes? You play poker, Len? Ya couldn't keep Redd out of the Dunes cardroom. He couldn't win either. So tell us about Al Gore inventing the internet, Len. Seems to me your digging in the wrong cesspool again..... p.s. I heard all the acts LIVE, Len. Some of them in the Dunes cardroom, twice....
  20. I love the idea you are "the military." Pomposity and self-delusion on the very grandest scale. But also instructive of a profound cultural division. In the UK, a guy who goes around boasting about his military record is regarded as a bore and a pratt. Quite right, too. Nothing: You just blew that eagerly sought Mods post. Which wasn't a million miles away from my intention. Paul Paul, I see you affluence for attaching words and meaning is as elusive as your perceptions of evidence in the Kennedy Assassination. No wonder you struggle so. I have never boasted about anything, as much as you would try and attach that to me. Your reference to an enlisted man as well as your fumbling to attach meaning to that, shows your contempt of the military Paulie. I had to add nothing nor take anything away for that to be clear. I hardly think if your intention was to grab your fanny with both hands that you would find success. Even if your change purse were to burst into flames. For the record please post a brag that I have made would you? Just once I would love to see you live up to your ridiculous claims. Or is this a case of your alligator mouth writing a check your tweety bird butt cant cash? I would love to see you come to Lancer with some of your unsupported half baked claims. Here they ride, there you would be feasting on crow. As for the word I used for you. I only refrain from using it again because Evan ask me nicely not to. But it was accurate, used properly and with a resourced definition. I added nothing to it nor took anything away. Since I used a legitimate word, in proper text, which was not and is not profanity, why would this ruin a chance at being a Mod if in fact I did pursue that position? Clutching at straws is so unbecoming for you Paul. I myself feel your embarrassment. Mike come to Lancer? LMAO! Now there is a third rate challenge....I doubt you'd find many gifted researchers there (other than for a visit). From my experience a liberal sprinkling of writer-researchers and a ton of Miller wannabe's.... aren't postings there down 40%?... So why there, of ALL places? We know, your flanks are exposed here, huh? So Sgt. Mikey, if this challenge came from Gary Mack, now THAT would be an entire different story. As it is, I doubt you'd find anyone crossing the street to debate a newbie such as your-self. Kinda like asking Mark Lane to debate Vinnie Bugliosi on the merits of the WCR -- man old Vin would need to consult those Reclaiming History ghost writers (that don't exist) in order to find out who Patrolman Tippit was....Not many calls for Bill Miller referrals when it comes to debate, but hang around though, 'bout another 5 or 6 years and you'll be seasoned.... Paul, if this guy stays under Tom Purvis's wing for a year, he'll be ready for A ball, not the bigs, nor triple AAA just single A (minor league baseball for our cousins)
  21. Unfair enough. I'm put in mind of a classic Groucho-ism: "I wouldn't join a club that would have me as a member." Here in the Great Democracy, voter roles routinely are purged of individuals considered likely to support Democratic candidates. One of the criteria used to justify removal: So-and-so is a convicted felon. I mention this in asking for reconsideration. Charles Sorry Charles you failed the interview And so the saga ends on a sad note. We are left needing a moderator, and Charles is cast into the soup kitchen! relax Sgt. Mikey you need time-in-grade...
  22. 'Len Colby' wrote: [...] After the Len 'Colby' Brazil exposure you're might testy these days. [...] Well, not only did Old Redd Foxx live in the neighborhood, its known by many of his Las Vegas neighbors (also those that regularly sat around Las Vegas card rooms with him) are quick to note; whenever Redd appeared on television he could deliver just one 'original' line from his act: "he can smoke". That s it. Now, where have you heard an original Redd 'Sanford' Foxx joke, Mr. Brazil? Wikipedia your best friend these days?
  23. Ed .... you cannot be for real. Your images always look like they are being seen through a dirty window. In fact, the picture you post of yourself has been your photo of choice since I first read one of your responses on the loony forum. That was over 10 years ago, so I am curious as to how old you were in that photo??? Wild Bill, why don't you and Denise deal with the big boys on this board -- ya been beating on Ed Hagen for 5 years now.
  24. Charles you can only be a moderator if we currently stock your size in hob nail jack boots. Special orders are out of the question.... Thank YOU As an aside. I just envisioned Dopey Dwarf in Hob nailed jack boots, and almost wet my pants! Heres to you Kathy! Ah, JFKLancer to the rescue... my they're busy these days
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