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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. sure you have sympathy... not! Ya gotta invoke sympathy for your position, Christopher. You're simply taking pot shots at Biden and that's fine, be upfront, admit it! You have company, I'm sure there are more than a few GOP-Palin groupies here...
  2. I guess that those options were not covered in 'Making the Varsity 101'! doesn't take much to get trolls attention... Keep coming back! Where is Sgt Mikey these day's?
  3. I think you're right, Terry. The free market system is disintegrating and we might all go with it. What a circus the bailout summit turned out to be and so much for the authority of Bush and McCain. It's going to be a fiesty debate, if McCain shows up. Now Bush is bringing a combat brigade back from Iraq to 'support of civilian authority'. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?con...a&aid=10341 McCain will be there, the theater of the absurd is now in full swing..... "All go (down) with it?" Hey Mark our monetary system is based on "promisary notes" an idea if you will. We're going anyhere. America's primary power is being able to PRODUCE anything. Not to mention, produce ideas AND leadership.... So of course a bailout will work... and I suspect every foreign Head-of-State AND banking system understands that, and will toe the appropriate line. In the unlikely event it doesn't work, there are rumblings and some advocating: 'flip off the world - retreat to protectionism (the unspoken FEAR and the 1200 pound albatross sitting on the couch) much the same it did during and after the Great Depression.' Buy some popcorn, watch the UN and member nations try to uphold and repair a world economy what sport... Some chess match, eh? Who has the next move...
  4. Thanks, Terry. What is the source of this article? Christopher Dodd got a sweetheart house mortgage by simply calling Countrywide's President, whom he had never met. I am pretty sure that Dodd was also the largest recipient of campaing contributions from Fanny, from Freddie and from Washington Mutual. Barney Frank stated just a few years ago that Fannie and Freddie were financially sound. Check out the following youtube link: http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/09/...ffed.html#links And didn't Soros make part of his enormous fortune by shorting the US dollar in foreign currency exchange trading? Who wants his advice? And now Warren Buffett warns us of cataclysmic econmic consequences if the bailout is not passed, but he just bought $5 Billion in Goldman Sachs stock last week, so it's not exactly like he doesn't have a hefty stake in the success of financial institutions. So, the real questions are: 1. Should the government act, as proposed, in a largely socialist manner? 2. Will the proposed bailout even work? 3. What will happen if the government does nothing (i.e. will the sky fall)? 4. How much of the loans are recoverable (I suspect that the loans are not all toxic)? 5. Whom can we trust for advice (I heard on Mark Levin last night that over 100 economics profs from prestigious universities all over the country have written letters to Congress telling them that the bailout was a terrible idea)? 6. What are the collateral consequences of a bailout (on the US economy for many years, on the dollar, etc.)? This whole mess is kind of like reality television. Mark Levin? Talk about *toxic*. The guy belongs in an institution, one with posey belts. Wait, wait, I can't find one of those institutions, apparently Ronald Ray-gun Reagan closed all of them while Governor of California 100+ Economics Professors, pssst? The Univ. of California system (alone) has a couple hundred economics professors who don't agree with Mark Levin's diatribe(s)..... I caught his program while driving last night. GOP foaming at the mouth comes to mind.... Sooner or later John McCain (who recently screwed over David Letterman) and Sweet Sarah Palin are going to have to deal with the IRAQ-Afghanistan war, and the Economy of the United States of America... After the recent Katy Curic television interview with Ms. Palin, Joe Biden has to be thinking; "Baked Alaska". No wonder the GOP are keeping her from the press.
  5. [...] [...] Let's not go there, or we will have David Healey stomping all over us. thats Healy, Mr. Carroll. Btw, when folks are told of Brennan's 'physical' position at the corner of Elm and Huston (in the Zapruder film), most can't find him -- so, he's non-starter subject matter when it comes to possible Z-film alteration. Looking away from the TSBD does not do Brennan's credibility any good
  6. This last post of yours is beyond belief. Clearly the thinking you display demonstrates why you dont understand the current financial /economic collapse. By limiting your argument to which year had a higher budget, 1963 versus 1964 to 1967 you come up with the wrong answer. Think this through Aunt Bertie, if they cut the budget it is not simply an accounting issue. The declining rate of investment is indicative of the shut down of the space program, which was the point of my first comment regarding LBJ. If you cut out and eliminate 80,000 jobs from NASA for example, if you cut out Research and Development, then there goes new and improved designs, less demand for steel, less demand for nuclear energy, plus all of the infrastrucure required for space exploration. Then the budget for NASA will "REFLECT" that shutdown. That's the issue not whether 1967 NASA budget was greater than 1963. That's what you're seeing when you see the sudden reversal in investment You're seeing the shutdown of JFK's space program. Who cares if 1967's budget was greater in terms of total dollars than 1963? The point to be made and understood is that a reversal in policy is underway and as a result they are dismantling the space program. Which is then "reflected" in the declining rate of investment i.e. budget. And that was my point. Using your earlier argument regarding the budget for the space program you could make the case that todays financial collapse isnt really happening. After all the Dow is still higher than it was in 1997! What you should do Len is post a graph of the growth of the Dow Jones, then find each year end value from say 1994 to the present. You can show us all how the system isnt in a state of collapse because todays close at 10,883 is actually higher than the closing value on September 24, 1997! See you can prove that cant you? Especially using "bizzaro" logic. You're nuttier than a fruit cake. PS- Why would JFK assume the political leadership for the space program if all he intended to do was send a man to the moon and return him to earth? Why would he invest all those resources? He never intended to shut down the space program. What he intended was to create a science driver program for the exploration of space, which in turn would improve the quality of life for every human being on this planet for years and years to come. Had he not been assassinated we would have had a manned Mars mission sometime during the 1980's. And the spin offs into the economy froma program like this would have guaranteed us all a much higher standard of living. Your method of thinking is atrocious. That's why you are always wrong. It's your method. It's the same mental disease Bertrand Russell spent his life spreading through out the culture. In fact there isnt much difference between Bertrand Russell and satanic punker GG Allin. They are both born of the same mother. to quote a famous Catholic priest, who shall remain nameless: "... and how does any of THIS stack up against "ETERNITY?"
  7. fortunately Dem's don't have an unknown (laughing stock) and a xxxx running as VEEP... the only concern about Biden, belongs to *Sweet Sarah Palin*... and she'll (as well as some of our foreign friends) know who Sen. Joe is soon enough!
  8. CNN, they pulled their *worldwide* camera? ROTFLMFAO... Perhaps this Saturday night SNL will have a skit or two? I hope Mr. Mom-Palin doesn't tell Sweet Sarah to breakout in pigdin Eskimo at UN introductions... frankly, this is farcical comedy.... McCain needs distraction, ANY distraction for as long as possible - till Nov 4th....
  9. simple history Evan, NASA (the creation of; my interest in this thread) did not appear out of thin air. Its predecessor, NACA, was created in 1915 (some of NACA's facilities are still in existence and used by NASA today). NASA was NOT the brilliant stroke of genius of any one president. NASA became a necessity (space race), albeit, a mother of modern invention -- the final off-shoot of NACA. So why go to Wikipedia for the who, what, when, where and why info? Why not the source?
  10. I guess you missed the latest polls, including those of ‘likely voters’, which indicate that Obama is a ahead by 3 - 5 points and show him him winning the Electoral College by a narrow margin. It’s not really possible to say who will win at this point but this election like the last 2 should be very close. Oh no, I follow the polls quite closely as well as the internals and the generally large dim oversampling. If the anointed one is only even or at best 1 to 3 ahead at this point in time he is done. Why? He can't seal the deal. His empty suit is wearing quite thin. And lets not forget the Bradley effect. Nope. In reality things are looking quite bleak for zerOBAMA. And we get to see him OFF the teleprompter on Friday... strange, you sound exactly like Rush Limpdi*k Limbaugh, the only guy I know who made use of Bill Clintons used cigars, old Rush smoked them AND inhaled. Can you GOPer's ever get original? Does it always take a Dem to show you out of the maze? Unless of course when you're busy pillaging the free markets and creating worthless derivatives along the way... then spreading them worldwide.... oh-wee, you've been a busy lot! Yeah, thats right, the Friday Night debate.... Angry John's high-point (and probable exit) -- Obama treads where no man can (except Sweet Sarah of course and perhaps Mr. Mom Palin) **FOREIGN POLICY** LMFAO. Keep the faith son, keep the faith... Maybe McCain can find a war between now and Friday to wage? Sic Sweet Sarah on some unsuspecting 3rd world nation -- Can she see any from her front porch? LMAO! (US foreign policy: with Angry John McCain hiding behind Sweet Sarah's skirt -- what a picture political cartoonist of yore would/could have had with this election -- I miss those guys) The US Presidential race is coming down to two subjects of importance: racism, and the HAVES and HAVE-NOTS. Right where you, and I knew it would.... The Christian radical right-wing, isn't always forthcoming when it comes to biblical principles, eh? So, the absolute last arrow the GOP has in its quivver: Who gets out the most voters, simple as that! What you don't know, is burying the GOP....
  11. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...Vol16_0268b.htm Exhibit 139 is the Carcano and sling as entered into evidence. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...Vol16_0268b.htm 133 A-B are the backyard photo's which show LHO holding a Model 91/38 Carcano Short Rifle with what appears to be a rope sling. This is what the discussion between Eisenberg & Shaneyfelt is about. ============================================================================== IF YOU CAN ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS, AND WHERE THE US ARMY AIR CORPS PISTOL STRAP CAME FROM, I'LL WAGER THAT YOU WILL IDENTIFY THE SOURCE OF THE AMMUNITION USED IN THE ASSASSINATION AS WELL. ============================================================================== Actually! Were I able to fatually answer those questions, then it would serve to indicate that I was a "co-conspirator" associate of LHO! your second link is same as the first
  12. NASA was actually founded during the Eisenhower Administration. I doubt Johnson push to cut it budget funding went up when he was president. Though it peaked in 1966 it was still a lot higher in 1968 than it was 1963 if the information linked below is correct. In anycase it is highly unlikely the US would have made it to the moon 1969 if funding had not be raised above 1963 levels http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA_budget#A...et.2C_1958-2008 probably better to go to a reliable source..... NASA is an off-shoot of NACA created in 1915 (see the link below). "29 July 1958 President Eisenhower signed into law P.L. 85-568, the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958" Where's Lampoon-Lamson when you need him? http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4406/contents.html
  13. http://courant.com/news/nationworld/hc-fin...rtsep22,0,738... Paulson And Bailout: Conflicts Of Interest? By KEVIN G. HALL McClatchy Newspapers September 22, 2008 WASHINGTON — Making the rounds on the Sunday morning talk shows, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson repeatedly said today's financial problems were long in the making. He should know. He was part of the Gold Rush that has brought the global financial system to the brink of collapse. Paulson presided over one of the most profitable runs on Wall Street as chairman and chief executive officer of investment banking titan Goldman Sachs & Co. from 1999 until President Bush nominated him on May 30, 2006, to take over the Treasury Department. Back then, Bush saw Paulson's Wall Street experience as a plus. "Hank will follow in the footsteps of Alexander Hamilton and other distinguished Treasury secretaries who used their talents and wisdom to strengthen our financial markets and expand the reach of the American Dream," Bush said at the time. (emphasis mine) But with Paulson now seeking virtually unfettered authority to administer the largest bailout of the financial industry in U.S. history, many are wondering whether Paulson also doesn't come with enormous potential conflicts of interest. That was one reason Democrats on Sunday expressed reluctance to approve the administration's draft legislation that would leave to Paulson virtually all authority over the proposed $700 billion bailout. The legislation would allow him to decide which securities to buy, from whom to buy them, and which outside companies and people to hire to help him do so. "If we grant the Treasury broad authority to address the immediate crisis, we must insist on independent accountability and oversight," Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barrack Obama said. "Given the breach of trust we have seen and the magnitude of the taxpayer money involved, there can be no blank check." In recent days, there have been few outward expressions of distrust of Paulson in particular. In fact, many said his long reign on Wall Street make him uniquely qualified to deal with today's problems. "Hank is the right guy," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who made his millions providing information to Wall Street traders, told NBC's Meet the Press. "If I had to have one person at the helm today I would pick Hank Paulson." But the conflicts are also visible. Paulson has surrounded himself with former Goldman executives as he tries to navigate the domino-like collapse of several parts of the global financial market. And others have gone off to lead companies that could be among those that receive a bailout. In late July, Paulson tapped Ken Wilson, one of Goldman's most senior executives, to join him as an adviser on what to do about problems in the U.S. and global banking sector. Paulson's former assistant secretary, Robert Steel, left in July to become head of Wachovia, the bank based in Charlotte, N.C., that has hundreds of millions of troubled mortgage loans on its books. At a minimum, there's irony in Paulson being in charge of so large a bailout. In the last annual report at Goldman that Paulson signed off on in November 2005, a year in which he received $38 million in compensation, investors were clearly told that the federal government wouldn't be there to save them from bad investments. During Paulson's tenure, Goldman was not as big a player in issuing mortgage bonds as two other investment banks that have gone under this year, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. But the 2005 annual report shows that Goldman was still a significant player. Its trading division, which included the mortgage bonds and complex financial instruments called derivatives, reported pre-tax earnings of more than $6.2 billion, up sharply from $3.5 billion in 2003. The report also shows that Goldman benefited greatly from the wave that is now being deemed a wave of excess. Goldman's pre-tax earnings rose from $4.4 billion in 2003 to almost $8.3 billion in 2005. Similarly, its investment banking division had pre-tax earnings leap from $207 million to $413 million. Paulson's personal fortunes also zoomed in those years. In 2002, Paulson received $12.1 million in compensation, including a $6.3 million bonus — an improvement over the previous three years when Wall Street accounting scandals unsettled investment banks, including a $1.5 billion settlement Goldman and other banks paid for issuing overly bullish research reports that promoted deals the banks themselves were involved in. Published reports said Paulson received $30 million in compensation and salary in 2003.
  14. perhaps NOW you're ready for the big picture... a bit of reality... http://www.newsweek.com/id/160080 Ah yes..the BIG picture...that the hockey mom scares the living crap out of you and just might be BETTER qualified than zerOBAMA. Thats reality davie. read the BIG picture article toots, THEN give it your best shot.... if the above is the best the new-found Socialist-GOPer's can do, well, what can one say? Give it your best laying-on-of hands go. Btw, How does it feel being a Repub-lo-crat socialist these days...? Stay on point toots, if you can. I've read the big picture dave and zerOBAMA can't close the deal. Why? Becuause America is seeing beyond the lofty speaches and seeing the man behind hte curtain and finding....nothing. zerOBAMa is nothing but fluff and thats why ytou are runing scared dave. I can understand it, you are gfoing to lose for the THIRD presidential election cycle....thats gonn leave a mark. So if this is the best you can do.... Oh and last I looked the Congress who creates legislation, is DIMOCRATE controlled. Try and keep up..if you can. be nice son..... without the bailout, you're headed for Mexico.... is there anything the GOP can't screw up? The last moron the GOP party put forth needed the US Supreme Court to save to his fraudulent election... A trillion dollar+ unnecessary war, IRAQ. All based on WMD lies. Piss poor showing in a war that requires leadership, troops and funding, Afghanistan. Where OMB and his boys are hiding... An oil industry out of control. And now at first blush, a trillion dollar + bailout of US financial markets (I suspect on a worldwide basis, a 5 trillion dollar scenario and that might be conservative, we'll stay away for the moment, specific derivatives. Then of course we have the US housing crises (a problem of de-rugulation) now in truest GOP fashion, a remake of the Keating Five Savings and Loan scandal (another GOP screw up and bailout that John McCain found himself up to his eye in). We have a staunch GOP de-regulator, the likes of Ronald Reagan (who didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, either) who is now for regulation? None other than John 'read-my-lips' McCain (talk about flip-flopping)... I really miss newspaper political cartoonists, they'd have a field day with Ms. Shoot'em Up Sarah Palin AND Mr. Mom, Todd Palin. Not to mention, Super-Duper Flipper John 'I'm a POW' McCain... So spare us, we're way ahead of you.... the *only* reason this race is close, is RACISM. If you had the nads you'd admit that..... Btw, Ms. Sarah doesn't know she's under the GOP bus, yet. With Todd Palin driving the bus, you should be ashamed..... GREED, the patchwork of GOP'ism, everywhere.... Catalog photo business, and dry goods photography drying up too, eh?
  15. perhaps NOW you're ready for the big picture... a bit of reality... http://www.newsweek.com/id/160080 Ah yes..the BIG picture...that the hockey mom scares the living crap out of you and just might be BETTER qualified than zerOBAMA. Thats reality davie. read the BIG picture article toots, THEN give it your best shot.... if the above is the best the new-found Socialist-GOPer's can do, well, what can one say? Give it your best laying-on-of hands go. Btw, How does it feel being a Repub-lo-crat socialist these days...? Stay on point toots, if you can.
  16. perhaps NOW you're ready for the big picture... a bit of reality... Say, did your press agent clear the above article for publication? Geeez! LMAO! http://www.newsweek.com/id/160080
  17. Nice recap, Mark -- This above information is worthy of television and certainly would spark interest in competent television producers concerned with accuracy regarding the JFK's assassination. Matters certainly equal to, or superior to, any HBO/Tom Hanks-Vince Bugliosi production could come up with. Which I'm sure will be the same old rehash of WCR crappola.
  18. Mr. Graves, it's a little sad trawling the ED forum looking for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Ever thought of taking up a hobby or an interest? Have you considered researching the JFK assassination for instance? P.S. Thanks for reading my posts (sometimes). I really must try to reciprocate. some might say the same for your research abilities, the Zapruder film comes to mind -- so enjoy son, ENJOY!
  19. better than Yucca Mountain, Nevada.... we don't want it!
  20. Excellent comment.... both the above...
  21. A few "leading" banks in the UK, too.... McCain will have his plate full tomorrow, according to an aide it seems John McCain invented the Blackberry, fancy that.... (perhaps that little gem will distract the press long enough while the economic meltdown presses forward. Palin's popularity dropped 10% during the past few days.... It's rumored as Governor she cut the Alaskan State Special Olympics budget by 50% (not bad for the person who said she'll be the advocate for Special Needs Children, eh?) and the beat goes on...... You simply can't make this stuff up... one wonders why they have to lie? Because they can, I guess!
  22. http://www.mccainpedia.org/index.php/Count_the_Lies
  23. Are you assuming a more than three shot scenario? Perhaps its simply the 3rd and final shot occurred further west on Elm Street, 12-15 feet in front of Altgens as in his testimony? As for Z-313 current location? Well, if the Z-film was altered, that's a non-starter.
  24. during the two (2) SS/FBI re-enactments frame blowups from the Zapruder film were ustilized to establish shot/limo placement! As well as the surveyor plat! They were not "lazy".... Your last sentence above Pat, is a real stretch! Unless your aware of another film capturing the assassination from the north side of Elm Street?
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