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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN. As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you. But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money. Only in a right-wing fantasy world did McCain kick anyones a**. John McCain is too old AND angry for this campaign stuff, he simply doesn't have what it takes -- the GOP threw him under the bus, right along with Sweet Sarah (still under investigation) Palin, Mr. Dude, their un-wed pregnant daughter and their soon to be high school dropout son-in-law.... best take care of home front things before entering lower 48 politics, Sweet Sarah. The GOP knows what is needed, a steady, sure hand in troubling times. So its best they, the GOP, sit this presidential election cycle out. Just think, GOP hate, talk-radio whackos (Limbaugh, Savage and Levin) have the opportunity to gin-up the reich-wing racists during the next 4 years... There you go again with your Hitler references Daivd. Is that the best you can do? Mac does not have what it takes? Well how about YOU tell us what zerOBAMA has done that gives HIM what it takes? How about a list of his accomplishments and executive experience for starters. That or toss around a few more hitler jabs.... McOldster simply can't cut it, too angry.... reich-wing radio: tune 'em in.... the morons are racist to the core... Obama and what it takes: fresh, rose colored glasses, intelligent, can make reasonable judgments and decision(s) On that alone, way ahead of The Shrub (Bush) not to mention intelligence... simple accomplishment: how about not being responsible for the latest financial debacle.... another simplistic answer re health care: it is a RIGHT so socialized medicine.... What is the GOP scared of? Nobody is jumping out of windows, ya think options concerning the GREAT Depression and its aftermath weren't learned?
  2. still in Hollywood, Pat? When does the show start or is this intermission?
  3. Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN. As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you. But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money. What wealth is there to spread around, the nation is bankrupt. then your dream is dead! Rest in peace!
  4. It seems that George Bush has been very good at spending your money (and those who come after you). http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/1016/p01s05-usec.html The US government's extraordinary effort to rescue the banking system may have pulled America's economy back from the brink, but it comes at a cost – helping to push an already bloated deficit up to an estimated $1 trillion for this fiscal year. That would be a record in today's dollars – and would represent the highest level of federal red ink as a share of the overall economy of any US budget since the 1940s. For each household, this year's deficit would pile on an extra $8,620 of federal debt. As a result, future presidents may have to rein in spending and raise taxes to pay down that debt. If they don't, foreign lenders at some point could scale back their purchases of US debt, sending interest rates soaring. There will be NO scaling back... beginning Jan 2009 Social Security (for some 50 million US-retired) benefits goes up 5.8%. So even US retirees will survive. For that matter, so will the rest of the capitalist world. Next on the list, socialized health care and put a choke hold on blood sucking insurance companies... Thanks to a bit of US government-Wall Street/ banking institutional socialism we're on the path back to governmental regulation.... Now is the time to quote Ronald Reagan: "...debt? What debt...?"
  5. Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN. As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you. But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money. Only in a right-wing fantasy world did McCain kick anyones a**. John McCain is too old AND angry for this campaign stuff, he simply doesn't have what it takes -- the GOP threw him under the bus, right along with Sweet Sarah (still under investigation) Palin, Mr. Dude, their un-wed pregnant daughter and their soon to be high school dropout son-in-law.... best take care of home front things before entering lower 48 politics, Sweet Sarah. The GOP knows what is needed, a steady, sure hand in troubling times. So its best they, the GOP, sit this presidential election cycle out. Just think, GOP hate, talk-radio whackos (Limbaugh, Savage and Levin) have the opportunity to gin-up the reich-wing racists during the next 4 years...
  6. There have always been bad mortgages, but banks and insurance companies never used to be allowed to make UNHEDGED multi-billion dollar bets on them like AIG, Lehman and the others were allowed to do when the republican free-marketeers took power. But even if your argument were true, Craig, it wouldn't help John McCain very much in tonight's debate or this election. The Democrats jettisoned Clinton a while back, in case you didn't notice. You are STILL missing the point Ray, but why am I not suprised. SOMEONE had to create the climate for this to happen. That someone was Clinton. CDS are not that different than you being required to insure your car against loss if you have a loan witb a bank for that car. The Insurace company makes a bet that your car will not be involved in a wreck or theft and be rendered totaled. Thats not unlike somone buying insurance that a bond or a a bunch of mortagers packeged together will not default. Now exactly WHY should you have a problem with this private, non banking transaction? Its not the CDS that is the problem , its the bad loans underneath. The groundwork for this is PURE Clinton. However EVEN if your argument were true, where is the legislation starting when the dimbulbs tookover Congress in 2006 to reign in the problem? After all THEY make the laws? Oh thats right, there was none, they were on the take wiht your "bold" (lol!) zerOBAM right there with this hand out for cash and kissing ACORNS azz. Baaarack is lying his azz off about this, and its not going to help him in tonights debate. His chickens are starting to come home to roost man, I've never seen you dance like this.... oh-wee: "SOMEONE had to create the climate for this to happen" so blame it all on Clinton? Write the reich-wing morons off that have controlled the White House for the past 8 years, as in 'wasn't me'?.... President Cheney, please step forward.... Look man, even if a case could be made against Clinton, why did the GOP bury its collective head in the sand over the last 8 years? Doesn't hold water, Craig. You're a socialist for the time being, so think Ron Ray-gun: Problem? What problem? The markets will take care of themselves....
  7. My gosh, you've made it to a film lab! So, correct me if I'm wrong, according to a NIX family member: The NIX in-camera original film is missing, eh? Did Robert tell you per-chance, if he (Groden) knows where the original NIX film is located these days? By your above statement Mr. Groden had it in his possession at one time, the "in-camera 8mm original" that is. You really should read David Lifton's, Pig on a Leash. Or, better yet, purchase a copy of the The Great Zapruder Film HOAX Symposium DVD-- Lifton's installment in particular. (no love lost between the two, that's for sure) Amazing history concerning Robert G. and JFK assassination related photos and films. Utterly amazing! And most telling? Robert's grilling during his ARRB congressional investigation testimony.... Yours in-research, DHealy p.s. How did Groden make a 35mm copy of an 8mm film? Dazzle me, er us!
  8. apparently you forget your history elsewhere, but we won't go into that, now...
  9. You can't hammer away at Myers enough, Pat Good job! Now, if Myer's would give up his Lightwave project files so independent researchers could verify his findings, we'd get someplace.
  10. Nice dance, typical GOP mantra find a bogeyman or in this case, an entire system.... Craig, its failed economic policies and simple GREED. Can't run from this one.... Sorry David, you lose again. Greed is clearlly a factor but its for sure not the trigger. CRA is the cause. Oh wait I guess you are right in one aspect. Its WAS the failed ecomomic policies of Carter, Clinton the DIMS running fanny and freddy and smucks like Dodd, Framks ad Obama feeding from the fanny and freddy...all dims I might add.... Thanks for your typical dim mantra, and woeful attempt to deflect blame away from your failed party. GREED is ALWAYS the trigger, Craig.... Read that bible!.... I do declah.... the Democrats have been working in a vacuum for ALL those years, while Republicans slept at the wheel. Including those righteous, Ronnie Ray-gun *trickle down theory* years. I loved Reagan's comment, "...recession? WHAT recesssion!" Speaking of "dim-bulbs". So how is your 401k doing, champ? Going down with the ship?
  11. MMMwaaaaah? Me? Well maybe I can't tie my shoes these day's, evidently I can get your knickers all knotted up, though... You're getting awfully sensitive (not to mention slightly irrational) in your old age, Ter.... What is it you LaRoucheites are drinking these day's?
  12. Nice dance, typical GOP mantra find a bogeyman or in this case, an entire system.... Craig, its failed economic policies and simple GREED. Can't run from this one....
  13. The problem for Barack Obama is that he does not want to say anything that provides a danger to his lead in the polls. If he puts forward a plan that will really deal with the crisis, the media will portray him as a left-winger. This is why he is so supportive of the measures taken by Bush. The reason why shares continued to fall is that without outright natonalization, all the major banks in the US and the UK will become insolvent. Over the last few years financial firms sold credit default swaps (CDSs) - a form of insurance against a company defaulting on its debt - to investors in Lehman's bonds and those betting on the bank's creditworthiness. These companies will now be forced to pay out 91.4 cents in the dollar. This could amount to as much as $440bn. The same thing happened with Morgan Stanley. The bank's shares plunged by 22% in New York, taking their total week-long fall to 60%. Goldman Sachs is also in trouble. If Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs go under next week, banks face pay-outs that will bring them down as well. For some of our esteemed US free marketeers eyeing this board, what is wrong with nationalizing the US banking system? What is the primary fear doing so?
  14. This is a very important point. I wish someone here would broadcast this kind of thing. But, it IS a Bananna republic, and the Kennedys know just how bad it is. I read RFK Jr's incredible article on the stolen election in 04. And Kerry? Well, then there is Skull and Bones. Because he has never commented on the enormous amount of evidence of the stolen election. Even though Obama is way ahead in the polls I am very nervous that the Republicans will pull something to ensure their continued power. Dawn US politicians talk a lot about democractic tradition but in fact it has always been a very flawed system that was developed to maintain the status quo. For example, the Jim Crow laws that lasted into the 1960s that prevented black people from voting in the Deep South. Unlike the rest of the Western World, where the mechanics of voting is not in party hands, US elections is left to state governments, and the parties in power often exploit this advantage. This enables them to impose conditions that stops racial minorities and poor whites from voting. One study showed that in the 2000 election over 2 million people were not allowed to vote. Things have not changed and if the 2008 election was monitored by the UN it would be ruled as invalid. For example, in 2005, Indiana introduced a law requiring voters to have a government-issued driving licence that includes photo ID. Georgia and Florida have similar laws. This legislation clearly discriminates against people with cars. A recent study shows that while 80% of Americans have cars, only 22% of African-Americans do. In Florida the name on the driving licence has to perfectly match that on the government's databank of social security numbers and names. This is a problem for those in the Latino community who often use shortened versions of their names on social security cards and revert to their longer family names for driving licences. Another trick used by Republican controlled states concerns the distribution of voting machines. In middle-class areas there are plenty of machines and voting only takes a few minutes. However, in poor districts, they have far fewer causing long queues to build up. This is made worse by Republican party workers who challenge the identity of voters identity at the polling booth. In some areas, people had to wait up to four hours in bad weather to vote. Only the most committed will wait for that long. Below is a cartoon by Bill Mauldin in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1964. The man is saying: "By the way, what's the big word?" John Simkin sez: "For example, in 2005, Indiana introduced a law requiring voters to have a government-issued driving licence that includes photo ID. ... This legislation clearly discriminates against people with cars. A recent study shows that while 80% of Americans have cars, only 22% of African-Americans do." Perhaps it would serve you well to RESEARCH the actual law before you make such statements of "fact" As it stands you look quite silly. "Educators" should be expected to hold a much higher standard than this. Just to get you started a DRIVERS LICENCE is not the only vaild ID a voter can use to vote in Indiana. When you have done the work, correct your mistakes and get back to us. Simkin sez again:" "Another trick used by Republican controlled states concerns the distribution of voting machines. In middle-class areas there are plenty of machines and voting only takes a few minutes. However, in poor districts, they have far fewer causing long queues to build up. This is made worse by Republican party workers who challenge the identity of voters identity at the polling booth. In some areas, people had to wait up to four hours in bad weather to vote. Only the most committed will wait for that long." Sadly for you once again you simply don't have a grasp of the simple facts. NO VOTER need stand in a long line to vote. Most states offer early voting. Case in point I cast my vote yesterday. Voters can also cast their votes by mail. So much for your arguments. Is England such a "banana republic" that the truth is unavailable to you? Obama huh? Good man! ROTFLMFAO....
  15. The delay as I pointed out was due to me hoping you’d accept the wager but you so far have refused. Here are the quotes, but you were not paying attention I already posted them a few weeks ago on another thread. "Zombie Killers Out of Control" (June 1974). "This summer you will be walking down the street with your family and a cruising car will pull up beside you. A group of young black men will jump out of the car and surround you. As they close in, you may notice that their eyes show no emotion, their pupils are pinpoints. Your throat will be slashed, your wife will be stabbed, your children's heads will be smashed against the pavement. The attackers will be grinning or laughing." http://lyndonlarouche.org/larouche-zombie-killers.pdf "The Politics of Male Impotence" (1973) "What is the sickness inside so many of our members whcih [sic] causes them to awfully admire the image of the Black Ghetto mother? Can we imagine anything much more viciously sadistic than the Black Chetto [sic] mother?" Note his use of "anything" rather than "anyone." http://lyndonlarouche.org/larouche-racism-mothers.pdf “The Case of Walter Lippmann” (1977) LaRouche says it was "absolutely" correct for the "American branch of European humanist culture" to grab all the land from the "miserable, relatively bestial culture of indigenous Americans." (Note that he lumps hundreds of tribes, language groups and ancient peoples into a single undifferentiated culture.) And the same thing goes for those miserable Mexicans after the War of 1848: "We do not regard all cultures and nations as equally deserving of sovereignty or survival." And we have something more recent: Saturday Dialogue with LaRouche, Pt. 1 (April 12, 2008) "…and she [Obama’s mother] wore through a number of successive husbands, and by them, had various children. And therefore, you'll find Obama's ancestry, if you chase his family tree, everybody's climbing and swinging from the branches there--from all over the world! All parts of the world! This guy is the universal man. Every monkey in every tree, from every part of the world, has participated in the sexual act of producing him." http://lyndonlarouche.org/larouche-obama.htm - All the above adapted from: http://lyndonlarouche.org/larouche-obama-menu.htm LaRouche attacks Judaism as the religion of the "Roman merchant-usurer who had not yet evolved to the state of Papal Enlightenment, a half-Christian, who had not yet developed a Christian conscience" and Jewish culture as "merely the residue left to the Jewish home after everything saleable has been marketed to the Goyim" (The Campaigner, December 1973). http://lyndonlarouchewatch.org/images/ludwig3.jpg So please send me the $ 1000 at your soonest possible convenience. Once you've chosen which items to purchase and which shipping method you what me to use I'll bill you separately for postage. My PM box is full but you can send me an e-mail through the forum. Hmmm....it seems like I've seen these before, somewhere. I'll answer you when I get more time. Typical "format" slander. You really didnt do much work, allowing others to package your BS. racism poking its head out of the closet once again -- sigh. The American Civil WAR still raging in the minds of some. Same striking fear into the minds of common folk -- so, the racists are climbing and stoking the FEAR ladder once again. After all, the hearts and minds of those common American folk is at stake, eh? Let's wow them with Wall Street financial mumbo-jumbo.... what nonsense! Your bet doesn't look good, Terry.
  16. For the students of this forum ... I would like to point out an observation pertaining to Miles Skull's attempt to mislead the reader. The first thing that Skull did was to misstate the record by saying that Arnold said that the first shot came past his left ear. Arnold said "a shot" came past his left ear. Once it was shown that Miles had it wrong and that Arnold didn't mention anything about a 'first shot' ... Miles then attempted to say that Arnold slipped up somehow by not mentioning the first loud shot fired that other witnesses had testified to. Miles doesn't allude to the fact that this was an edited interview by Nigel Turner and that Gordon was speaking of the shots coming from behind him and nothing more. Even Yarborough didn't mention the first shot(s), but rather told of seeing a man dive to the wall during the shooting. Then Kathy Beckett mentioned that other witnesses didn't hear the first shot(s) either ... Kathy even cited Gary Mack pointing out how Moorman, who was there during the shooting, had not heard the first shot(s) because she thought the head shot to the President was the first shot fired that day. Then Miles carefully shifts gears and says that what other witnesses did or didn't hear was irrelevant. It seems that Miles felt that Gordon Arnold should be held to a higher level of accountability that other witnesses. A serious researcher might see that if others didn't hear the first shot(s) or didn't mention them in their edited interviews dealing with shots from the knoll ... that possibly there was a sensible reason for this. So the point of showing this type of behavior by some people like Miles Skull is so their possible agenda and bias in the things they choose to ignore may call into question their desire to seek the truth in a responsible and unbiased fashion. That the reader should consider not only what is being said by the poster, but also in what is not being said as well. Miles Skull added: "Arnie says that the parade was just going along just fine with nothing much unusual to notice, when suddenly KABOOM, Arnie thought he had been shot by a shot from behind that caused him to fall down." It should be noted that Miles made up what he attributed to Arnold saying. Nowhere will anyone ever find where Arnold said what Miles implied. It's probably hard enough for a student to digest the things posted in these threads, so at least what they read should be factual. What Skull was writing was not fact, but rather propaganda. Bill Miller In the interest of history or personal agendas, say you Wild Bill? In any case, I'd be careful bringing up K.Beckett citing Gary Mack pointing out anything, ANYTHING to do with what Mary Moorman heard or SAW in Dealey Plaza that day. I don't think the issue raised by David Lifton's HOAX contribution has been cleared up yet, has it? Would you like a cite, perhaps page number? (edit) Well here it is anyway: The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003-3rd printing), pg's 420 thru 422 (Pig on a Leash, by David Lifton - Contributor). Thoughts (for history sake for sure)?
  17. my-goodness, you really stepped in it this time, didn't you? Get your facts straight Pat!
  18. Mike, I only call Arnold Schwarzenegger a nazi because that is precisely what he is. It is not intended as an insult or to upset the forum members. I use the term nazi in the strictest sense of the word. Like calling a "glass of milk" a "glass of milk". As far as Schacht, it would appear that there is conflicting accounts of his birthplace. Like Colby you try and twist a fact to make it appear important. The truth is Schacht was no German creation, he had lived in America with his father and was an asset of the Bank of England and the House of Morgan. His job was to bring the Wall Street and London bankers to support Adolph Hitler to Chancellor of Germany. A Germany that had been a staunch allie of the United States during the 19th century. You dont know your history. Unholy Trinity:The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks Mark Aarons and John Loftus, NY: St. Martin's Griffin, 1991, 1998, p.294.) "It is hard to believe now, but fifty or sixty years ago, Nazism was seen as a good thing by many foreign investors. Fascism, so it was thought, was simply an external manifestation of the attitudes of the conservative German people who were traditionally hostile towards Communistst and labor unions. Some of the most prominent and respected German industrialists -- such as the Thyssen family and the Brooklyn-born Hjalmar Schacht -- reassured the American investors that Hitler was simply 'a dog on a chain' to keep the left out of power in Germany." This the same Brooklyn-born Hjalmar Schacht, William Dodd wrote of in his diary as Ambassador to Berlin (Amb. August 1933–29 December 1937)? The same Schact that dealt with the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) concerning GOLD dollar Bond defaults (amongst other things) circa. 1924-33? Specifically, The Dawes Plan, then The Young Plan? Born and lived in Brooklyn? How do you define Schact as an asset of the House of Morgan, re this post? Maybe an asset of the BIS, but Morgan?
  19. I am going to the Lancer conference. Say hi to Wild-Bill Miller and Gary Mack for me, thanks.
  20. Governater Arnie looking to sell gold backed dollar bonds, then default on them? (Really Terry, associating Arnie to NAZI *Schact* is not only out there, but unfair and foolish). He's doing EXACTLY what a Governor should do, lookout for States (in this case California) interest...
  21. "is there any evidence on record to support this, or are you just "supposin'?" Would "educated supposin"/aka educated guess serve to shed some light? 1. As a psuedo-defector to the Soviet Union who had returned to the US, LHO would absolutely have been a target of our own Domestic Surveillance Program. Which included the "Mail Watch" of virtually anyone who received anything such as those FAIR PLAY FOR CUBA; ACLU; American Communist Party; letters from the Soviet Union; etc; etc; etc; items through the US Postal System. Therefore, one could assume, as if fact, that LHO's Post Office boxes were being "watched" if for no other reason than that mail which he received. Not to even mention the "defector" to the Soviet Union status. From indication of the "games played", LHO was of course fully aware of the probabililty that he was being kept track of through the US Mail system. 2. JEH was in a battle to stop the rampant sale of "Male Order" weapons with no true form of ID offered, and an ongoing effort in Congress was being mounted to cease this practice. Klein's Sporting Goods was one of those companies being investigated for such practices, which would have of course placed it on a "Mail Order" surveillance watch as well. 3. So! A. Individual who had purportedly attempted to defect to the Soviet Union. B. Individual who received "subversive" literature from a multitude of various organizations, through the US Postal Service.* C. Weapon ordered through the mail/US Postal Service from a firm that was on a "Watch List" and was in fact the subject of Congressional Hearings. And which company purportedly has indirect ties to CIA Contract organizations. ==================================================================== With that stated, on can be virtually assured, that not unlike Timothy McVey, LHO's actions and location were being closely monitered.* *And I might add, LHO played the game quite well as the US Postal Service as well as the FBI seldom knew exactly where LHO was located/staying. Therefore, at times, LHO's games required him to stand up, wave his hands, and Yell Here I Am, look at me down here in New Orleans, passing out FPCC posters. Which means that I am not in Dallas! Look at me, I am getting a passport and going to Mexico! Which means that I am not in Dallas! ==================================================================== both Mark and Tom might be correct here...
  22. If the moderators rule that it is verboten to mention Saucy Sarah on the Biden thread, then I will cease and desist from mentioning Sarah's obvious lack of qualifications when compared to Biden. If I am not allowed to point out on this thread how unqualified Sarah is, is it OK if I mention on the Palin thread how much more qualified Biden is? Raymond- I was, for the most part, using your post about Palin on the Biden thread to mildly kid you about this matter. Your comment was, of course, not out of line. No harm intended. But I would rather see comments on each candidate on his or her respective thread. I know that it is hard to resist making retorts about the other candidate, because I have refrained from doing so; but, I think it's best to segregate the comments, links, etc. about each candidate. Chris "...mildly kid..."? Some would call that, elitist-dancing...
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