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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. Charles, you're a drama seeker. To you, the moderators, or anyone else reading this message - if I ever wrote out the 'F' word on this forum, especially in lieu of there already being warnings of the use of improper foul language knowing that minors are using this site, then I expect to be viewed as an irrational - immoral joker who has no regard for the rights of others not to have to be subjected to such trailer trash low-brow gutter talk. And if then they see me trying to defend such behavior, then let them know that I have sunken even lower than previously witnessed. Does that mean I'm a poor excuse for a researcher - no. Does it mean that I'm a poor excuse for a human being - yes. (END OF STORY!) Bill Miller Murder and assassination is a nasty business -- Bill, I doubt you could find two people here who care what you post.... so, IF you have to ask the above question, I suggest you're here to promote an agenda, yes? [END OF STORY ] LMAO! p.s. why the boldtype, drama perhaps?
  2. Link wouldn't work for me, but glad anyway. Cryil is a great person and has been vital in the JFK [and other] case. Many may not know that he is currently undergoing an Inquisition not much removed from the 'Spanish' version. Is there a thread on that here we can link to, or need we update people on his situation? Probably need to register with the Times in order to view article. Here are some alternative links: http://www.nypost.com/seven/10032007/news/.../ghoul_duel.htm http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/bastard/2...ist_cyril_h.php And a plug: http://www.intoevidence.net/ According to that article you could not view: Dr. Wecht’s record has not been unblemished. He resigned as medical examiner of Allegheny County in Pennsylvania last year, after federal authorities indicted him on charges of using county employees for his private pathology business. He pleaded not guilty; the case has not gone to trial. thanks for the additional links, Miike.... DH
  3. there is a price to pay when forum's need adverstising to exist-- generating traffic isn't easy. In general forum managers & advertiser'scould give a whit about the truth.....
  4. I think its the nasty things being posted and how it violates forum rules that is the issue at hand. Bill I'm not addressing you, or do you find it necessary to speak for Mr. Walker and others that run this forum too?
  5. Shouldn't depress you, presidential assassination and defense of a conspiracy therewith is ALWAYS a nasty business Mr. Walker, or haven't you heard?
  6. my old Lone Nut pals hanging (Miller and Lamson) around a thread about Jack White, wow such care...... LMAO!
  7. because you have no interest in conspiracy (in paricular the JFK assassination) one wonders why you post at this end of the forum, eh?
  8. nonsense, if your not aware of the 10 year history of JFKResearch, you should educate yourself BEFORE you insert foot into mouth.... even ole Len Colby can be seen at JFKResearch these day's, fancy that! I stand by what I said: JFKR DID have a system of favorites and unfavorites. I witnessed several groundswells to ban members there. Rich decided to charge users to utilize the forum, and I and others dropped off due to both the charges and the stifling political correctness. Now all the good discussion goes on here - one hears almost nothing from JFKR these days. JFKR was a good idea that failed to work well, and one of the reasons was its tendency to stifle dissent. One who does not follow the JFKR line needs to be "educated?" as I said: "nonsense, if your not aware of the 10 year history of JFKResearch, you should educate yourself BEFORE you insert foot into mouth....
  9. Charles, I really don't care one way or the other how the people who pay to have this forum wish to run their business. But I must say that if one wishes to be taken seriously, then one should follow-up on what they have said. You called for 'no more post' and since that time in this thread` alone ... you have posted four more additional times. I read this saying not long ago that may offer some inspiration here and it goes like this ... "Say what you mean, but mean what you say. Just don't say it mean." Bill Miller there's more than few around here that mean EXACTLY what they say, it may be you that has a problem with the *saying*, eh?
  10. nonsense, if your not aware of the 10 year history of JFKResearch, you should educate yourself BEFORE you insert foot into mouth.... even ole Len Colby can be seen at JFKResearch these day's, fancy that!
  11. now THAT is something you can go after... you'll need all your appliance photog skills in getting to the bottom of this one, lmao......
  12. Perhaps you can't even begin to count them because they never happened. Talk about one who shouldn't speak on this topic.....only wish they'd allow a poll of who agrees with your characterization, Mr Politeness. either you are the one uniformed or you were just shining your hob nail boots and ironing your brownshirt....more upon my return Herr Ulman http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...s&pid=77728 Lamson, you hate all but money and authority...I don't even read your posts....to get out of the impending fascism I don't try to convert a fascist....you don't work here or on JFK posts toward anything...you'd just like everyone to be a couch potato, drink their beer, eat their junkfood and watch the TV circus - AND NOT QUESTION AUTHORITY OR Halliburton etc.....if this is all such bull then why are you here?!..I think because you don't think it is bull**** - and you or those who you 'salute' are worried about it.....last you'll get a direct reply from me Herr Lamson. I don't like brown as a color for shirts, nor people who don't try to make the world a better place and who worship the powerful and greed, and don't help those in need and without power....and try to turn those seeking the truth away from the scent. Heil and farewell! http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...s&pid=72225 I invite anyone to read the entire threads. To see that Lamson was calling me Lemming, others repeatedly loosers and baiting everyone. If this forum followed its own rules he would have long ago been reprimanded for his behavior and disregard for most humans, both on and off the Forum. Yes, he got me upset and that was a single not very tasteful post on my part...but look what led to it....and I invite anyone not familiar with Len's techniques to research them as well. Both these persons are actually IMO trying to stir up just the very event we hav here. To provoke - the work of provocateurs. Sad attempt to deflect Peter. The issue here is your false statement that you did not say these things. You clearly did. And yes I suggest everyone go back and read the threads. Lemkin is not giving the correct facts again. In BOTH threads Lemkin started the provocations and vile name calling. BOTH THREADS! I'm not blameless, I did call him Lemming, but it was in REPLY to his vile post to me. It is NOT as he is now claiming. In fact its the exact opposite. Lemkin, we can go back even further in these past threads to see more of your provocation. Shall we? You may not want to go there because your attempt to look pristine is sure to fail. Shall we search further for the real truth? whatever happened to the JFK assassination discussion.....? We know Lone Nutter's can't debate the evidence, testimony and exhibits. Known that for 35 years, since Mark Lane's Rush to Judgement.... their being attacked at every position of WCR strength -- So, what's the Lone Nutter alternative? "To provoke - the work of provocateurs." sounds good to me! Where's Colby did he ever convince Zavada that he Len Colby was Roland Zavada's rep to this board (and not Tink Thompson's shill) JFK? Uh thats in another forum David. right next to daBugliosi's Reclaiming Camelot er, History forum, eh?
  13. Perhaps you can't even begin to count them because they never happened. Talk about one who shouldn't speak on this topic.....only wish they'd allow a poll of who agrees with your characterization, Mr Politeness. either you are the one uniformed or you were just shining your hob nail boots and ironing your brownshirt....more upon my return Herr Ulman http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...s&pid=77728 Lamson, you hate all but money and authority...I don't even read your posts....to get out of the impending fascism I don't try to convert a fascist....you don't work here or on JFK posts toward anything...you'd just like everyone to be a couch potato, drink their beer, eat their junkfood and watch the TV circus - AND NOT QUESTION AUTHORITY OR Halliburton etc.....if this is all such bull then why are you here?!..I think because you don't think it is bull**** - and you or those who you 'salute' are worried about it.....last you'll get a direct reply from me Herr Lamson. I don't like brown as a color for shirts, nor people who don't try to make the world a better place and who worship the powerful and greed, and don't help those in need and without power....and try to turn those seeking the truth away from the scent. Heil and farewell! http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...s&pid=72225 I invite anyone to read the entire threads. To see that Lamson was calling me Lemming, others repeatedly loosers and baiting everyone. If this forum followed its own rules he would have long ago been reprimanded for his behavior and disregard for most humans, both on and off the Forum. Yes, he got me upset and that was a single not very tasteful post on my part...but look what led to it....and I invite anyone not familiar with Len's techniques to research them as well. Both these persons are actually IMO trying to stir up just the very event we hav here. To provoke - the work of provocateurs. Sad attempt to deflect Peter. The issue here is your false statement that you did not say these things. You clearly did. And yes I suggest everyone go back and read the threads. Lemkin is not giving the correct facts again. In BOTH threads Lemkin started the provocations and vile name calling. BOTH THREADS! I'm not blameless, I did call him Lemming, but it was in REPLY to his vile post to me. It is NOT as he is now claiming. In fact its the exact opposite. Lemkin, we can go back even further in these past threads to see more of your provocation. Shall we? You may not want to go there because your attempt to look pristine is sure to fail. Shall we search further for the real truth? whatever happened to the JFK assassination discussion.....? We know Lone Nutter's can't debate the evidence, testimony and exhibits. Known that for 35 years, since Mark Lane's Rush to Judgement.... their being attacked at every position of WCR strength -- So, what's the Lone Nutter alternative? "To provoke - the work of provocateurs." sounds good to me! Where's Colby did he ever convince Zavada that he Len Colby was Roland Zavada's rep to this board (and not Tink Thompson's shill)
  14. Charles, I have a great deal of respect for you, and am asking with sincerity: Why would you want them banned from a thread w/regard to their beliefs, leaving people who disagree the entitlement of posting? Is not the purpose of a public forum a back and forth debate? Who is doing the "informed analysis"-- the parameters of such a thread would allow anyone to post there who wasn't "them" As to your statement that "they" are winning I submit to you "they" did not start this thread, nor the one before. Their philosophy(ies) are now one of the major discussions on the PC thread. Perhaps this is what you are saying--that it should not be a personal topic, but done as a group effort, and bringing this into the limelight is not conducive to discrediting their claims. I think that if you truly want to win, and others as well, that it would be paramount to your quest to "know your enemy". You then have his MO, and can respond or choose not to. The less he is allowed to speak, the less you learn about him. I agree with you that a non response would stop any further progress in an discussion, but to educate others, this may not be the best way.. Remember, that this is a largely read forum, and its purpose is back and forth debate. It's not just for us, which is why it is critical for both sides to participate. Someone may counter with "but he is a disinfo agent, blah blah blah." My question is then 'Does everyone who disagrees with the person presenting the argument automatically become a disinfo agent merely because they disagree with the presenter?" You can say "No", but I say from what I've seen here, that many would says "Yes". If our opponent doesn't agree, we can attempt to discredit him personally and get a group of fellow discrediters behind us, and actually, I ask you---who really looks bad when this occurs? Kathy Charles has made it abundantly clear that he is one the people on this forum who only pays lip service to the free exchange of ideas, strongly voiced opposing view points should be discouraged. You're sounding liker the forum's chief Lone Nut/WCR supporting whiner to me...
  15. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...c=5959&st=0 Post #8 David Healy: Of course there's NO proof of film alteration, something I've stated for years btw, those url's you post.....they NEVER work, what's up with THAT? ROTFLMFAO! You can prove otherwise? That being the film is not altered? How do you do THAT? Curious minds would like to know....So, by all means, show us your proof! All these years and STILL no DP seamless film comparison, waz-up, Dude? Ya think ole Lenny got those Citizen Kane optical film effects scenes figured out? Returned it on time?
  16. 'Kathy Beckett' wrote: please, Kathy! C. Drago is correct - A war (pr, disinfo or otherwise) has many faces, none pretty. This JFK assassination related forum, and it's popularity, wasn't built on being kind to alleged "nice" WCR guys...
  17. Charles, who is trying to do that? I respectfully disagree. Save your best efforts for bigger game. amen!
  18. The NPIC got the Zapruder film sometime during the weekend (Nov 23-24, quite possibly late night, Friday 11/22). Based on Doug Horne's excellent work/interviews of NPIC personnel, complete with NPIC notes, work-timing sheets and Z-frame numbering. A question comes to mind. If the FBI received Zapruder's camera for testing around December 13th, how then, did the NPIC know (that Nov-22nd thru 24th weekend) that the Zapruder film ran at 18.3 frames a second? After all, the FBI determined Zapruder's camera ran at 18.3fps some 3+ weeks later.
  19. Let DellaRosa make the entire "other film" archive seen by all and I'll help your memory along. All reported seeing the limo turn the corner? No kidding?? (sigh~) I didn't know anyone said the limo didn't turn the corner, but I remember some back and forth posting where one person who claimed to see the 'other film' ... his tale had Connally reacting to being shot during that turn. Some who claimed to see the 'other film' had given a longer stopping time for the limo than other alleged witnesses to this 'other film'. In fact, I responded 'How many other films can there be with so many variations being discussed?' I remember thinking that it was funny to see how those who immediately claim alteration when a witness says something they believe doesn't jive with the Zfilm and yet the alleged 'other film' witnesses had several various versions on certain aspects of the shooting going on and those same individuals considered all the claims being made to be support of them all seeing the same 'other film'. I bet DellaRosa left that part out of his recollection. Speaking of the past, whatever happened to seamless film comparison's of Dealey Plaza. Seems your were going to undertake that project about 6 years ago, eh? Josiah Thompson, Gary Mack, Dave Wimp and the rest of the merry band non film/photo-alteration fanatics.... Where are they now? Hell, where is the seamless film comparison?
  20. Lost? Make a left instead of a right at the Kennedy Space Center... Any luck wrestling Roland Zavada to a Z-film debate, yet? I'm patiently waiting..... I must of been taken off of Josiah Thompson and the Gang's email list, absolutely no news for 2 years, can you imagine that...
  21. Thomas wrote: David; By now, you should be fully aware of the fact that many, many mistakes were made on the part of those of the WC who decided to play this little game of "hide the facts". dgh: well actually I felt something was afoot before I started with the Zapruder film And, although they were quite adept at this little game, they also made major blunders, of which a few have been pointed out. dgh: and yes, you've done a job job doing same So! As soon as you cease to worry about the WHY? of these actions, as well as also cease to worry about exactly where shots may or may not have been fired from, and thereafter concentrate strictly on the evidence at hand, then you just may find the answers which you are looking for. dgh: my original interest in the Z-film stemmed from a question posed to me many moons ago. Could one state that the technology, equipment, know-how, personnel and TIME was available to alter the alledged in-camera Zapruder 8mm film? I've answered to my satisfaction the answer is, YES! Personally, were I attempting to prove some form of alteration to the Z-film, then I would concentrate on it and the other photographic evidence. dgh: discussing and proving are obviously two different things.... I doubt one will prove the Z-film was altered. To do so would require full examination and forensic testing of the alleged in-camera Zapruder film currently housed at NARA. That won't happen. The preservers of Dealey Plaza film -photo historical record have too much to lose if testing like above were performed. The pall cast over the film would create a furor, much akin to exhuming JFK's body. WCR supporters look upon the film as an icon, not a piece of evidence needing to be dissected As, not unlike most of the other evidence, mistakes were made! dgh: AGREED However! One is most unlikely to find any potential mistakes if they are off in the forest hunting unicorns. dgh: discussion-debate of Z-film alteration [or lack thereof] defines only a symptom of a much larger problem, a deflection if you will, AWAY from Lee Harvey Oswald.... I've always believed in Santa Claus -- Hell, I am Santa Claus, as are you, I suspect! David Tom P.S. Most persons, after having been lead into the forest multiple times, only to become lost and abandoned each time, resolve that if they are going to become lost anyway, that they may as well lose themselves and cease to follow those who for whatever reason, always get them lost and in actuallity, tend to lead them farther and farther from the simple facts and truths.
  22. Glad to see you're still here and posting, Shanet. KUTGW! David Healy
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