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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. 'Tim Gratz' quoted Gott'a love right-wing logic when it comes to IRAQ and a conflict the Neo-cons HAD to wage: if the conflict is lost, its the Democrats fault. If the war is won, Repub-lo-crats are the heroes and big OIL won the day! This for a war that need not waging?
  2. 3D Software package Myers used for his 3d DP/Zapruder film recreation was LIGHTWAVE by NewTek -- a polygon based modeler. Sufficient for most tv-low budget film modeling needs. Most high end industry work goes to MAYA, Houdini, 3D Studio, Softimage, etc.. Newtek has however had its share of box office hits see: http://www.newtek.com/lightwave/ One needs his (Myers) **final** Lightwave project files (including texture maps, surrounding DP building models, topo-elevation maps [verifying accuracy of ALL], project based Z-film frames [including heads/tails lleader) addressing accuracy (the CONE) and alternative shooter scenarios, for quite sometime. Myer's isn't talking... although his commentary in the documentary "...SBT Fact not Theory..." speaks volumes.... he does have a 10,000 word FAQ at his website I suspect the Lightwave Z-film project files found their way to ABC or the production company that hired Myers and produced the Jennings documentary... Knowing 2D/3D animators, I don't doubt Myers has a copy of the project laying around (after all he won a Emmy for his part - had to be the animation, certainly not his on-camera commentary which was *over* produced and over emoted), in fact a project file thats compatible with the latest version of Lightwave, ver.9.2 Lightwaveprogram: Lightwave 3D (Newtek) http://www.3drender.com/jobs/lightwave.htm MARKET: Lightwave is a popular and easy to use choice that is widely used for video and television production around the world. KEY FEATURES: Lightwave includes a powerful polygonal modeler that also produces polygon-based subdivision surfaces that Newtek calls "MetaNURBS" (despite that name, Lightwave does not support NURBS modeling, MetaNURBS is a trademark Newtek uses for its subdivision surfaces.) Even though the modeling lacks associativity, which consequently makes some types of revisions much slower and does not allow many undo steps, it does perform well, is simple to learn, and experienced users can get high-quality work done with it. The animation still has a lot of catching up to do with Maya or Softimage, but is a workable solution for the average company's animation needs. Lightwave's renderer is a well regarded raytracer, which also includes Image Based Lighting and (if you have time to wait) global illumination support. Lightwave's renderer has been used for many commercials and TV programs. Very few of the leading film studios use Lightwave, but it is often used by smaller companies contributing opening title sequences, monitor screen graphics, and other smaller parts of a film's CGI. HISTORY: Lightwave was first introduced as the 3D component of the Amiga-based Video Toaster from NewTek. The Video Toaster was a pioneering product in the field of desktop video, giving people a production switcher, a character generator, 2D Paint and 3D animation, all in a low-priced box that could be hooked between two Super VHS decks for a complete editing and effects system. The first few versions of Lightwave would only run on Amiga computers that had Toasters installed, and used Toaster RAM to hold buffer information during rendering. Later, Lightwave was freed from the Toaster, sold separately, and ported from the Amiga to the PC and Mac. eof
  3. Yea right David...I wonder WHY it is that Ayman al-Zawahiri is begging Islam to stay in the fight? Bin Laden won? Not even close. It's not American's that are 'deluded' David it appears to be you and the rest of the left. But hey, whatever. Come talk to us after you feel the heat of a 9/11. "Come talk to us after you feel the heat of a 9/11"? I think thats a foolish remark, considering WW1 & 2 (Hitler, Stalin, etal.) ETO. Comprising of what, an estimated 75 million lost, countless cities destroyed, thousands upon thousands of American lives lost in those conflicts.... When it comes to geographical and lives lost, how does that compare with the World Trade Center and 3,000 (est.) dead. No, I think Europeans understand 'heat'. Your leading with your chin... Ah but thats a bit different don't you think David. The "enemy" was pretty easy to find and was well defined. Quite a bit different that the threat today. The question here is how do you respond to TODAYS threat. Lets see the mood of the general population of Sweden should a 9/11 happen to them. Until then the rest is just smoke.... nah, this enemy wants it ALL yearning for the good ole day's (1400-1600's). No real plan but they're ballsey enough to go for the *brass-ring*. So for now they'll settle for terrorism under a cloak of spiritual warfare w/vestial virgins guiding the way. The minute they take territory (and they do want Europe) they're done. I suspect Bin Laden (if alive) would like to change his offensive tactics. He knows what he's put at risk. Also, the American populace is beginning to understand the KORAN, and what it means: a political manifesto, perhaps? No, the way to clean this Bin Laden (do you suspect he has an overlord, other than Allah of course?) mess up is, make Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, the Gulf States, the *...stans* and Iraq, STATES (51 thru whatever)! We've invested enough in them, ALL of them -- Suspend our constitution, take'em over then nationlisze their assests. With the proceed's we could fund the United Nations, the World Bank and their band of merry thiefs, 100%! (that way cash flow won't stop, we can continue the ridiculous battle on drugs, and in the same sweep of the sword, bring gas prices at the pump back down to $0.25/gallon.....Only problem is, I can't find a NEO-CON to sell the plan to, they're gone, diminishing numbers since the ole Presidential aircraft carrier fly-in, 'Mission Accomplished' debacle.... Where's William Kristol when you need him? evidently nowhere..... Just curious David, where does the satire begin? "No, the way to clean this Bin Laden...."
  4. Dan, Darlington Group a familiar name? David Healy
  5. Yea right David...I wonder WHY it is that Ayman al-Zawahiri is begging Islam to stay in the fight? Bin Laden won? Not even close. It's not American's that are 'deluded' David it appears to be you and the rest of the left. But hey, whatever. Come talk to us after you feel the heat of a 9/11. "Come talk to us after you feel the heat of a 9/11"? I think thats a foolish remark, considering WW1 & 2 (Hitler, Stalin, etal.) ETO. Comprising of what, an estimated 75 million lost, countless cities destroyed, thousands upon thousands of American lives lost in those conflicts.... When it comes to geographical and lives lost, how does that compare with the World Trade Center and 3,000 (est.) dead. No, I think Europeans understand 'heat'. Your leading with your chin... Ah but thats a bit different don't you think David. The "enemy" was pretty easy to find and was well defined. Quite a bit different that the threat today. The question here is how do you respond to TODAYS threat. Lets see the mood of the general population of Sweden should a 9/11 happen to them. Until then the rest is just smoke.... nah, this enemy wants it ALL yearning for the good ole day's (1400-1600's). No real plan but they're ballsey enough to go for the *brass-ring*. So for now they'll settle for terrorism under a cloak of spiritual warfare w/vestial virgins guiding the way. The minute they take territory (and they do want Europe) they're done. I suspect Bin Laden (if alive) would like to change his offensive tactics. He knows what he's put at risk. Also, the American populace is beginning to understand the KORAN, and what it means: a political manifesto, perhaps? No, the way to clean this Bin Laden (do you suspect he has an overlord, other than Allah of course?) mess up is, make Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, the Gulf States, the *...stans* and Iraq, STATES (51 thru whatever)! We've invested enough in them, ALL of them -- Suspend our constitution, take'em over then nationlisze their assests. With the proceed's we could fund the United Nations, the World Bank and their band of merry thiefs, 100%! (that way cash flow won't stop, we can continue the ridiculous battle on drugs, and in the same sweep of the sword, bring gas prices at the pump back down to $0.25/gallon.....Only problem is, I can't find a NEO-CON to sell the plan to, they're gone, diminishing numbers since the ole Presidential aircraft carrier fly-in, 'Mission Accomplished' debacle.... Where's William Kristol when you need him? evidently nowhere.....
  6. Yea right David...I wonder WHY it is that Ayman al-Zawahiri is begging Islam to stay in the fight? Bin Laden won? Not even close. It's not American's that are 'deluded' David it appears to be you and the rest of the left. But hey, whatever. Come talk to us after you feel the heat of a 9/11. "Come talk to us after you feel the heat of a 9/11"? I think thats a foolish remark, considering WW1 & 2 (Hitler, Stalin, etal.) ETO. Comprising of what, an estimated 75 million lost, countless cities destroyed, thousands upon thousands of American lives lost in those conflicts.... When it comes to geographical and lives lost, how does that compare with the World Trade Center and 3,000 (est.) dead. No, I think Europeans understand 'heat'. Your leading with your chin...
  7. Lets deal with RECENT history. Your "more reasoned response" was a miserable failure. The lack of direct and HARSH action resulted in the attacks of 9/11. Please tell me why more of the same would have changed the current situation? And the fact that others in the world are willing to bury the dead and move on...a sure sign of weakness of will if you ask me...is not our problem. And you are wrong about the what Bin Laden actually got for his efforts and what our response has brought...recent polls of Muslims are finding that they are REJECTING radical Islam in droves. Seems they are less willing to die for the cause now than before we went on the attack. Sorry but your "more of the same" is a proven failed policy. "...lack of direct and HARSH action resulted in...9/11" Perhaps a more measured response (better policy?) would of been a tactical battlefield nuke perhaps? Capital of Saudi Arabia (you guessed it I can't spell it) or Medina, Mecca during the Haj? Certainly would of got the Muslim faith attention as well as the Vatican's -- but that's another story. Not that I disagree with you assessment but I'm curious what those from mid-America, the Christian conservative breadbasket if you will, think about such a alternative response... btw, lobbing 70-90 cruise missles announced BClinton's intentions, I'm sure he was advised by the Joint Chiefs of Staff! These recent polls, who sponsored them? A few nukes would have made an impression to be sure. What exactly were Clintons intentions? A little wag the dog? Bill would have NEVER put boots on the ground. The poll was a Pew poll, and while I'm not a big fan of polls, it was instructional. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19934792/ nukes tactical or otherwise certainly would make an impression. What about those mid-America, conservative breadbasket types, would they buy it? could the GOP-NEOCONS sell it? Those neocons have certainly disappeared from Cable TV (most notably FOX_CRAP-Cable TV) Could they (the breadbasket) or WOULD they consider the thought of one puppies going off in say, Indianapolis, Indiana? Now we know we can light a few off, we understand the consequences, we've done it under wartime conditions. Your impression of where our military could/would we set off a few tactical nukes. And the net positives?
  8. Lets deal with RECENT history. Your "more reasoned response" was a miserable failure. The lack of direct and HARSH action resulted in the attacks of 9/11. Please tell me why more of the same would have changed the current situation? And the fact that others in the world are willing to bury the dead and move on...a sure sign of weakness of will if you ask me...is not our problem. And you are wrong about the what Bin Laden actually got for his efforts and what our response has brought...recent polls of Muslims are finding that they are REJECTING radical Islam in droves. Seems they are less willing to die for the cause now than before we went on the attack. Sorry but your "more of the same" is a proven failed policy. "...lack of direct and HARSH action resulted in...9/11" Perhaps a more measured response (better policy?) would of been a tactical battlefield nuke perhaps? Capital of Saudi Arabia (you guessed it I can't spell it) or Medina, Mecca during the Haj? Certainly would of got the Muslim faith attention as well as the Vatican's -- but that's another story. Not that I disagree with you assessment but I'm curious what those from mid-America, the Christian conservative breadbasket if you will, think about such a alternative response... btw, lobbing 70-90 cruise missles announced BClinton's intentions, I'm sure he was advised by the Joint Chiefs of Staff! These recent polls, who sponsored them?
  9. not leaving many options -- wound made after death?
  10. even Roland Zavada had to remind ole Len who was in-charge, he wasn't snide either (inside joke)....
  11. Perhaps James Richards or Jack White can help you
  12. 'Michael Hogan wrote: [...] Although the thread follows tendencies and occasionally strays off-topic, there is some very good information posted by members. Robert Charles-Dunne makes some particularly outstanding points about Oswald's wallets. I've missed Robert's participation and insightful analyses of late. I hope he is well. *************** Michael, I was thinking the same thing...
  13. Jack, Thanks for sending that to John. Since John ran a vector analysis on those previous frames, I guess we could treat the CURB as a vector. Watch the shadow angle of Altgen's feet, change on the curb. With the camera movement involved between these two frames, why doesn't the CURB move in accordance? As John stated, I too believe the background and foreground are on different layers. chris Just curious Chris, exactly how do you think the curb SHOULD look based on the amount and direction of the blur? what better spot for a matte line, eh? the grass edge where it meets the curb...If the camera was focused on the limo, the curb become one with the foreground (lower portion of the image, hence same level of blur (perhaps slightly more) and blur direction as the limo....
  14. 'Kathleen Collins' wrote: Well, I know of one person who shouldn't debate Bugliosi: Jim Fetzer. I just saw him interviewed by Bill O'Reilly on youtube.com. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this on the Forum, but he came across like such a pussy! No substance to him! At least try to talk over O'Reilly. He sat there like a mummy. I also think he should have dressed better. Oh, and I was surprised he's a retired Professor. Didn't they throw him out for some reason? Harrassing a woman or something? [...] *************** you're out of line, Kathleen, and don't let the facts get in your way.... Also, when one reaches the age of 65, retirement is certainly a choice, won't you agree?
  15. What is the objective? Conspiracy in the murder of JFK? -or- SBT-LHO did it?
  16. yep, I forgot about Robert... So I'd make my selection to Mark Lane & Robert Charles Dunne (Robert hasn't posted for a while has he?)
  17. David, more propaganda I see? Those few of you that you speak of - are they the same few who think the lawn sprinklers in the plaza are listening devices?? Or would they be he same few who say Altgens 6 is genuine while also saying Moorman and Hill are in the street??? Or would that be the same few who have said that they believe the Zfilm is altered and elsewhere have said that they have seen no proof of alteration???? Yes, I want a letter of recommendation from you alright. Bill Miller just the facts son, just the FACTS! So run along, do something constructive, make a .gif or something... Seeya round the hood, Champ!
  18. Eugene B. Connolly wrote: Miller!! You total waste of space! Why do you continue to expose your absolute stupidity and total lack of intelligence? Are you some sort of masochist or what? [...] EBC ************************ Actually Eugene a few of us think he's vieing for a position at the TSBD! Imagine that, if you will. I graciously noted to Bill Miller some time ago, that I'd write him a letter of recommendation concerning his graphics and composing abilities. I haven't heard back, yet. [sigh] Also, a few years back I told Bill I 'd recommend him for a job with ADOBE (you know, the Photoshop folks), I did some on-camera work with John Warnock, CEO and founder Adobe, Inc., way back in the early Adobe ILLUSTRATOR (Adobe's first image software package) days, what 20 years ago, maybe more.... I could hook him up, alas -- he refused! My good will has run the limit, and I see yours has too! KUTGW! David Healy
  19. My my David, the subject matter IS over your head. Poor boy. I've no need to post anything. I did the work to satisfy Bills material for myself. It seems YOU are the one making all the noise about Bills research. Why not YOU prove him wrong for a change? The work beyond you? I've given you the place to start and heck I'll even give you another clue to move you along. Why not shine a light of truth on the subject for a change. Now if you can prove that Bill is wrong (which would be a major change for you davie) then we can talk. Until then you are irrelevant. ouch..... oh-wee LMAO, you know we CT's don't trust you Lone Nutter any further than we can throw your sorry asses..... Again, if you can't post your proof, you don't have PROOF, period! 53", 58" 64" or higher which is it? Show us the methodolgy, documentation and verification, till then your claims are empty words, like nearly everything you post... Not until THEN, when it comes to the case related pictorial evidence, you are irrelevant. Seeya around the hood, champ!
  20. Whats the matter davie, the subject matter to deep for you? You have been told WHERE to find all of the evidence you need to check Bills claim of the windshield height. Why not do so? I'm not suprised to see you yelping like a rabid dog, seeing that White is going down like a stone in deep water. But as usual LOTS of words from davie but not a bit of work to back up the bluster. just post the 58" evidence Craigster -- regarding your "rabid dog" comment; you do indeed have a magnificent imagination just like most of your postings -- there's no need for hot wind, Craigster, just your proof, please. If you can't post it, you ain't got it... Those NASA photo kids must be handing you your hat, again?
  21. 'Bill Miller' wrote: sharing an TSBD office these day's? LMAO? btw, Why don't you ask Gary Mack about Badgeman, he's the co-creator of Badgeman, who better to ask, than the TSBD museum curator?
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