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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. part of the time-line.... [...] # 1958. Armalite delivers first new rifles, called the AR-15, to the Army for testing. Initial tests display some reliability and accuracy problems with the rifle. # 1959. Late that year Fairchild Co, being disappointed with the development of the AR-15, sold all rights for this design to the Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company. # 1960. Eugene Stoner leaves the Armalite and joins the Colt. The same year Colt demonstrated the AR-15 to the US Air Force Vice Chief of Staff, Gen. LeMay. Gen. LeMay wanted to procure some 8 000 AR-15 rifles for US AF Strategic Air Command security forces to replace ageing M1 and M2 carbines. # 1962. US DoD Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) purchases 1000 AR-15 rifles from Colt and sends those rifles to the South Vietnam, for field trials. Same year brings glowing reports about the effectiveness of the new "black rifle", used by South Vietnamese forces. # 1963. Colt receives contracts for 85 000 rifles for US Army (designated as XM16E1) and for further 19 000 rifles for US Air Forces (M16). The US AF M16 was no more than an AR-15 rifle with appropriate markings. The XM16E1 differed from AR-15/M16 by having an additional device, the so called "forward assist", which was used to manually push the bolt group in place in the case of jams. # 1964. US Air Forces officially adopted new rifle as M16. Same year US Army adopted the XM16E1 as a limited standard rifle, to fill the niche between discontinued 7.62mm [...] or go here... http://world.guns.ru/assault/as18-e.htm
  2. Thanks for posting Thompson's impressive review. I thought this passage was very good: From the very beginning, the event has been left to advocates of one view or another. The Warren Commission put together a case for the prosecution against Oswald. It failed when critics showed its conclusions were not justified by the evidence it considered. The same could be said for the House Select Committee, which reached a conclusion diametrically opposed to that of the Warren Commission. What this case doesn't need is more advocacy on the part of lawyers like Posner and Bugliosi. They squeeze the evidence into one mold or another, offering opinions on this or that, buttressed by whatever they choose to tell us, ignoring the rest. What this case does need is some old-fashioned, historical scholarship. It's a shame and a waste of great time and effort that Bugliosi decided to contribute to the problem and not to its solution. Both Bugliosi in his title "Reclaiming History" and Tink Thompson in his conclusion that "What this case does need is some old-fashioned, historical scholarship" are wrong, in that this case is still legally classified as an unsolved homicide, and not totally in the historic realm, yet. BK the time for scholarship (historical or otherwise) has long passed... Yep! Since virtually every other approach has resulted in failure, perhaps one should try the old: Forensic; ballistic; pathological; & physical fact approach at problem resolution. The resulting answer will no doubt NOT be what many here wish to here. Frankly Tom -- whether or not LHO was a *wittingly or unwittingly* participant means not much to me. It's the OTHERS I'm curious about
  3. Thanks for posting Thompson's impressive review. I thought this passage was very good: From the very beginning, the event has been left to advocates of one view or another. The Warren Commission put together a case for the prosecution against Oswald. It failed when critics showed its conclusions were not justified by the evidence it considered. The same could be said for the House Select Committee, which reached a conclusion diametrically opposed to that of the Warren Commission. What this case doesn't need is more advocacy on the part of lawyers like Posner and Bugliosi. They squeeze the evidence into one mold or another, offering opinions on this or that, buttressed by whatever they choose to tell us, ignoring the rest. What this case does need is some old-fashioned, historical scholarship. It's a shame and a waste of great time and effort that Bugliosi decided to contribute to the problem and not to its solution. Both Bugliosi in his title "Reclaiming History" and Tink Thompson in his conclusion that "What this case does need is some old-fashioned, historical scholarship" are wrong, in that this case is still legally classified as an unsolved homicide, and not totally in the historic realm, yet. BK the time for scholarship (historical or otherwise) has long passed...
  4. Evan Marshall' wrote you jest..... covering up his infidelity (which wasn't covered up for long) obstructed in the investigation of conspiracy, LHO as a Lone Nut? Nonsense! Who you respect regarding fatherhood and husband rating is your business, when it comes to JFK conspiracy possibility, immaterial...
  5. Doug, can I repost the above to alt.conspiracy.jfk/alt.assassination.jfk? David Healy Great Zapruder Film Hoax
  6. Exactly how many "General Grade" Officer's is it that have died in Iraq? How About Afghanistan? There are definitive reasons as to why it was often referred to as the "Invisible Empire". Not unlike military service, there are many "dumb-XXXXX" out there who are willing to "die for the cause". Merely because someone else told them what the cause was and they do not have adequate sense to figure our for themselves exactly who's "cause" it is that they are getting killed for. Edited language. wouldn't want to offend late high-school and college/university age students who are certainly old enough to die in uniform, with a few choice swear words that rise to the occasion, eh?
  7. Mr. Simkin, Sorry, but I felt that I could no longer remain silent RE: Jack White's request to sanction Mr. Burton. Since registering at the Education Forum, I was quite enamoured of the site's (fairly) free and open dialogue, which included a variety of personalities and usually intelligent discourse. It is not often that the mix of personalities posting here could be found continuing in polite discourse, over any length of time, without descending into something less than polite conversation, given the topics discussed and the emotional attachment many seem to have. Mr. Burton has, IMO, done very well, as he has been both moderator and an involved discussant in many of these postings. It would be a shame to remove him. Mr. White has on more than one occasion baited threads with seemingly innocent 'questions' about images he posted, only to provoke and on occasion, insult anyone responding. The Political Conspiracy Forum has become dominated with Apollo hoax threads, which do little but descend into open warfare. Many have replied in steamed reposts, but I do sense the hand of Mr. White in provoking at least some of this. Mr. Burton has been amoung the several (including me) who have found the pro-Apollo hoax posts to be specious and provocational, adding little more than a spiral into base arguments without any real merit. I would not deny anyone the opportunity to express their freedom of speech. But the whole baiting, specious claims, lack of cogent defense of claims made, provocations made to anger reposters, descending into childish arguments, and then, when the fruits of such behavior results in such a request as Mr. White has made, it would seem, to me at least, that the whole 'Apollo Hoax' theme must go the way of the slide rule, for a while at least. It is a waste of good dicussion space. I read these threads (for entertainment purposes in a kind of of sensational glee, to see the repostes spiral out of control in some sort of tabloid like caricature) and have realized that the domination of this forum by this topic will certainly condemn the forum to obscurity and marginalization sooner or later. I hope that you keep Mr. Burton as moderator and can figure out something to do concerning the Apollo Hoax threads, before the site becomes terminally infected. Thanks. some how we'll muddle through, either way.....
  8. It's a pleasure reading your material, Tim. I'll be in Silicon Valley in 10 days, on to Oroville-Chico-Paradise area in 3 weeks, back to Quincy July 25 for 7 days -- need anything, drop a note. ...you're not walking alone -- peace friend David Healy
  9. http://select.nytimes.com/preview/2007/05/...21&emc=eta1
  10. Paul, It doesn't matter how many copies Zapruder had made of his film ... how many copies any Federal branch made ... or how many bootlegs Garrison and others made - they all show the same event. And while I too, believe in a free flow of information ... it seems that some folks do not see it as free flowing information when it doesn't support their position. Then what seemingly soon follows with them is a free flow of disinformation. Bill Miller Sounds like your working a apprenticeship at the 6th floor museum
  11. The other day I was looking at a few pictures of the Dealey Plaza 'model' made up for the WCR, I believe the model was entered/shown as evidence, evidence of where the shots occurred/limo location on Elm Street. The 2nd shot as shown on the model appears much closer the Zapruder pedestal than what I see on the Zapruder film. The model indicator, third shot as shown, location appears near direct across from the steps ascending the knoll. Which definitley does NOT appear on the Zapruder film. The model shows strings (one for each of the three shots) are attached to the TSBD 6th floor east window, the other end where the limo was located on Elm Street when the rounds were fired.... (History Matters I think, there were 5-6 photos of the model....) David
  12. Charles, What 'recent' Special Effects (EFX) materials? Thanks, DHealy
  13. probably a contract requirement NOT to broach the subject matter. "We after-all, sell advertising, NOT theories-conspiracies or documentary's..." says the Madison Avenue Ad man!
  14. 'John Geraghty' wrote: Bruce is right, what he says doesn't mean jack ****. The 911 'Truthers' think Charlie Sheen is the bees knees because he advocates their position, big wow. It isn't celebrities that we need on our side, but rather intellectuals and historians. John ------- MORE status quo? -- bulls**t
  15. This depends on whether you characterize the rifle as being "very carefully hidden" or simply hidden. The former implies taking extra time, thought and effort. The latter suggests a random act. McKnight wasn't there so he doesn't actually know. It could have been either. Searchers had a hard time finding the rifle because they didn't know where to look. If I fired a rifle from that window, the last thing I would want to do is leave the building holding that very rifle. I would place it in a location that was not obvious, and hiding it between boxes is a good choice. Why would Oswald hide the gun? If he fired a shot or shots, he hid the gun because he couldn't escape otherwise. I don't see anything mysterious about it. you weren't there either, nor was I.... what we DO know for sure is, they found the rifle not long before they found Oswald. That being the case, any masterful preparation by Oswald in sniper/killer deception tactics, failed miserably.
  16. Pat, That can't be so easily explained by any debunker since the source is reportedly a security tap on the Bell Hell company phone (where former Nazi Gen. Dornberger was in 'Security') and any attempt to explain the actions of LHO or the actual assassin's psych is lame. It doesn't matter how the Paines or anyone tried to explain it, especially if they haven't been questioned under oath. And David, you can cross post the review if you want to. This review was originally posted by Kenn Thomas at his Steamshovel Press "All Conspiracy - NO Theory" web site when the book was first releasd in 2001. BK Thanks Bill, the content is up, I'll bump the USNET posting and add this threads URL....
  17. thanks Bill.... btw can I post this to acj USNET board?
  18. 'William Kelly' wrote: 'J. Raymond Carroll': quote What we've all been waiting for: Thomas Mallon's review of of Bugliosi's new book: [...] It seems Bugliosi has made one big breakthrough: He demolishes Lee Oswald's explanation for his presence on the second floor when Baker encountered him. ============= Have I posted my review of Mallon's Garage? dgh: not that I know of, when I found out who reviewed daBug's current work, I intended to ask you if you've read Mallon's: Mrs. Paines Garage. If its handy I'd like to see it here, thanks Bill. DHealy BK
  19. John Dolva' wrote: David, thank you for asking. Particularly as you are one person who I've had some exchanges with ever since I first got interested in the Kennedy assassination research community, and from whom I have learnt a lot over the two years. So, I'll try to answer seriously. The Zapruder film, as available to me, is not the Zapruder film I want to study. I have no way of changing that, except to, when the opportunity arises, agitate for a full public release of lossless, unenhanced, full resolution, digital copies(of high quality, ie minimal artefact introduction) of all the transparencies made, and a (same conditions) copy of the SS copies made before the film was taken by LIFE magazine. dgh: thanks John, appreciate your response. High resolution frames would indeed be helpful... we know they exist, exist, in fact at the 6th floor museum (AFTER the film went to LIFE and of possibly some frames BEFORE or nearly at the same time the alleged in-camera original went to LIFE), probably a set or two at NARA and whoknows copies elsewhere. I believe that even if I only had (as specified) frames (to my mind incorrectly numbered by at least 1) at least from 310 to 317 I could make some significant contribution. The rest, particularly four or so frames before stemmons sign to four or so after, would be a bonus. dgh: makes sense... Further, while Tom makes a comprehensive argument for the last shot as being after (IMO wrongly numbered 313) I see no evidence in the film to support it. Muchmore however may, and again the absence of quality material is the problem. dgh: that's the point of a very good composition, take the discerning eye elsewhere, divert attention... Not to forget; the SS/FBI recreations utilized measurements and data supporting 'further down Elm Street'. When discussion occurs, it is often circular, (or non existent) or ends at some point due to various reasons. Breaking the deadlocks are beyond me. ___________ My interest therefore has shifted to a broad study of the period of time roughly from the formation of the FBI in the early twentieth century till the 70's. This can be looked at piecemeal or wholistically. I prefer the wholistic approach, and in there am beginning to see a pattern, with large gray areas, (particlarly the war years + 5 when alot of people were 'disappearing' and/or changing stripes) that lead me to believe that Kennedy's 'New Frontier' was really a revolution that threatened to interrupt a process of Corporatising (in the Fascist sense) and consolidating, a global 'Empire' that threatens the freedom and livelihood of all Americans and all peoples, for the interests of a very tiny, extremely powerful, minority. Unfortunately the crumbs off their table is sufficient to keep a larger minority class in a number of 'developed' nations apathetic. This is a thinking that is probably 'far out there'. dgh: NOTHING is too 'far out there' Nevertheless, the wealth and means exists to dramatically change the lives of the majority on Earth away from starvation and strife to well being. I'm very simplistic. No, is good enough an answer to me to war, nuclear weapons, Fascism, and environmental degradation. At the moment I'm trying to identify just who to say No to. While my interest in graphics (and art) is stll primary it's eclipsed by these more fundamental issues. In standing back and equanimously observing, and commenting when I feel I have something worthwhile to say, I think this Forum and the repository of postings, and the people involved, on the whole, but dotted amongst much smoke, already have the answer. Getting hold of it in a comprehensive, wholistic way is the problem. dgh: the Zapruder film and the man himself have escaped scrutiny for years and years. I don't expect anything to change -- I'm certain there are folks breathing comfortably... ___________ David, you probably got 'more than asked for', but within the answer given is the reason for not doing anything more with the Zapruder film for the present period of time. dgh: hardly, its what I expect from you -- Thanks for your efforts, John!
  20. I still can't figure out what this has to do with who killed JFK. I carry mutliple handguns daily based on 20yrs in Detroit AND my perfect knowledge that evil abounds ********************************************************* I guess I must have missed this thread. In fact, I guess I must have missed the whole Virginia Tech Massacre. But, you know what? I didn't, nor could I seem to find it in me, to utter any cry of dismay, nor shed a tear for the losses inflicted on the victims' families. Why? Not because I'm someone you could consider to be cold-hearted. No. The reason I couldn't seem to get caught up behind the whole scene was because of living through 55 years of: watching Mafia lieutenants getting their throats cut in broad daylight on the streets of the Bronx in the early 1950's, watching the film clips of The Holocaust and World War II every year on all the requisite holidays that take place celebrating V-E Day, V-J Day, D-Day, etc., not to mention and along with, the ever-present nuclear testing mushroom clouds of Yucca Flats, NV and White Sands, NM, The Clocktower Incident in Austin, TX [1957 or 59, I believe.], the Freedom Riders and the Freedom Marchers getting the xxxx kicked out of themselves on their way to all points in the Deep South while armed gunman and county law officers trained their sites and their German Shepards and Doberman Pinchers on them in '61 and '62, the South East Asian Monks calmly dousing themselves with gasoline and setting themselves ablaze in '62 - '63, Civil Rights workers being fire-hosed and tear-gas bombed, beaten, and blown up, JFK gunned down at high noon in Dallas, LHO gunned down on national TV less than two days later, the VietNam War [brought to you in living color on the 6:00 Evening News right in time for dinner], Mississippi Burning, the Warren Commission LIE in '64, the Chicago Democratic National Convention and the resultant mob brutality that ensued, MLK gunned down in cold blood on the balcony of a Memphis hotel, RFK gunned in the prime of his life in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles in '68, body bags, body counts, body bags, and more body counts, Kent State "FOUR DEAD IN O-HIO," Nixon, the fall of Saigon, the return of G.I.'s with little or no re-hab afforded them, dumped back into the ranks of a society they no longer recognized, Watergate, the Pentagon Papers, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Ruby Ridge, Clinton, Waco, Kosovo/Slovenia, White Watergate, Monicagate, Bush, 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Columbine, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Katrina, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq. And, you expect me to bat an eyelash at Virginia Tech, located in what is also known as, "The Old Dominion?" You know, back during the anti-war demonstrations we used to march in, during the late 60's and early 70's, when we'd get heckled by the redneck-peckerwoods yelling, "America. Love it or leave it." Or, "My Country. Right or wrong." I used to yell back, "Hell No! We won't go!" "Hell No! You can go!" Well, the thought just occurred to me to create my own slogan with regard to The Second Amendment. "My guns and the right to bear them. Right or wrong!" Because you can bet your sweet ass that as long as guns can be easily obtained illegally, through the penal system's black market, and behind prison walls, by the criminals serving time there, you'd better believe I will NEVER agree to any gun control laws, especially since the state of California has enough of them on the books already, to choke a horse. It would be just like during "Prohibition," with as many cheap, badly made guns as there was cheap, badly distilled liquor. It'll never fly, here in the states. Now, it may be doable in a small area like the British Isles, or the continent of Europe, which is smaller than the Louisiana Purchase, but not on this continent, and not in your lifetime. Not unless you expect to see a potentially bloodier war take place than The Civil War ever was, that is. We will not go quietly into the night. Not as long as Barrett's is open for business in Murfreesboro, TN. YOU go girl! Including; holding onto your weapons! Btw, it was 1963 the first Saigon Buddhist Self-Immolation
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