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Darren Hastings

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  1. So you are dismissing or ignoring Dr Malcolm Perry (the first surgeon who worked on Kennedy at Parkland)?
  2. Nice work Andrej - keep at it. It’s appreciated!
  3. I fully expect that if anything is released it will be thousands of pages of worthless xxxx that further confuses the key issues. I sincerely hope I am wrong.
  4. I've zero doubt that the image of the woman's face on PMs body posted above is a photoshop which has been done intentionally to continue this ongoing debate about nothing. There is no way that face came from any of the original images.
  5. FFS. To me it appears obvious that Prayer Man is not standing at the front of the landing. He appears much further back on the landing than BWF hence all that noise ^^^ regarding his height is null and void. The sooner the 4K/8k scans are available the better. ***EDIT: You need to keep in mind that the dark shape in front of prayer mans left side (right side from our perspective) is the body/dress of a lady. This gives the illusion of being part of Prayer Man which tricks your mind into thinking he is at the front of the landing.
  6. I doubt Duncan seriously believes PP is a woman. Just sayin'
  7. And what, pray tell, are you implying with that remark, Barto? Let me tell you something, oh arrogant son of ROKC. Are you not smart enough to figure out they would burn that film before they ever gave it up, if it had the potential to exonerate LHO? For that matter, they likely burnt the damn thing years ago, along with any other evidence that might upset the apple cart. Do you have any concept at all just who we are dealing with here? Do you not think they are not already twelve steps ahead of your troop of Boy Scouts, and are not the least bit intimidated by anything you do? Get a grip on reality, man! Arrogant? nah not in the least, I learn every day, especially about you! Son of ROKC? I am a mod there nothing more. The very 1st gen copy was used in Stone's JFK The movie accompanying documentary Beyond JFK The Question Of Conspiracy The 6th floor museum, as per message sent to Darren Hastings by Gary Mack and posted on this forum, has this copy. Things like that do not get destroyed, unless of course you have the information and/or evidence that this has happened. So I presume you are speculating and putting up barriers that do not actually exist. But what strikes me mostly as odd Bob is the energy you waste on me and these posts whereas you could have sent Megan Bryant an email by now already. This I just don't understand, you actually wonder why the progress is so slow? This year we got lucky and managed to nail the best image of Prayer Man In Wiegman, it took one of us at ROKC to physically go to NARA and nab it from the Richard E Sprague collection after I found out it was there. It is in the film. Now for the next stage I wish David Lifton would give me a scan of his copy....... You have a good day Bob! Hi Bart, Just for accuracy, the info relayed to me from Gary Mack about the film being in the custody of the 6th floor museum was sent in an email from Gary to myself. It wasn't via this forums PM function. (Not sure if that's what you meant but just wanted to be clear) I'd be happy to email the new curator if you'd be kind enough to share the email address with me (via PM or post here if you like). Cheers, Darren
  8. Best big fact - LHO being shot in police custody on the Sunday.
  9. You're not paranoid. The only explanation (aside from the obvious, fabrication) would be if they all gave their statements together...ie: in the same room, at the same time, to the same person.
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