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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. How does anyone at Beauregard know how many days Oswald" attended school in NYC if they don't even know the name of the NYC school? How does Oswald get a passing grade at Beauregard in a course he didn't even take in NYC? Is this what you call a "valid" interpretation?
  2. Without any evidence whatsoever, Mr. Parnell says Mr. Parker claims that the 89 days in the top “Re-Ad” column of the Beauregard cumulative record includes days Oswald attended PS 44 in New York City. There are no forwarded records from PS 44 in Oswald’s Beauregard file. The only mention of PS 44 in the Beauregard file is in a record that indicates he previously attended “PS #44-Byron Junior High" in New York City. But there is no “Byron Junior High” in New York City and, according to the New York Historical Society, there never was. Since there are PS 44s in at least four of the five New York City boroughs, how would Beauregard have requested information from an incorrectly identified school? And if they had received information, why didn't they know the name of the school? And if they did get information about Oswald's course work in NYC from a school they couldn't identify, why was Oswald in New Orleans given a passing grade in an entirely different course from the NYC courses he supposedly took that very semester? John wrote: “Perhaps a false name for the school was provided so that Beauregard school personnel would be unable to obtain Oswald's New York school transcripts by mail.” H&L critics will tell you they have a better explanation, but they don't. It is abundantly clear that "Oswald's" passing grades in the first semester at Beauregard had nothing to do with New York City. It is also abundantly clear that the very next semester, one Oswald attends Beauregard School in New Orleans and the other Oswald attends Stripling School in Fort Worth, Texas.
  3. Mr. Walton wants us to believe that his melding of Harvey and Lee's faces proves there was only one Oswald but, of course, he has made no such proof. He's wrong, but, for a moment, let's pretend he's right. What would he have proved? Had he been right, he would have shown that Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald pasted his own face on his application for a 1959 passport and not Lee's, as John and I believe. Would that mean there was only one Oswald? Of course not! You would still have one Oswald in the Soviet Union while another was in the U.S., at places such as Bolton Ford Truck center, with Marita Lorenz and Alex Rourke in Miami and the Florida Everglades (as seen in the 8mm film by Robert Tanenbaum, who testified about that at an ARRB hearing). While Harvey was in Russia, Lee also visited the Dumas and Milnes Chevy dealership in New Orleans, at least once and probably two or three times went to Cuba (as J. Edgar Hoover noted immediately after the assassination), was arrested with Celso Hernandez by Charles Noto in New Orleans in the fall of 1961, and so on. There is a lot of evidence for two Oswalds, and the photos are just a tiny part of it. You can't solve this case only by looking at pictures. You have to consider ALL the evidence.
  4. Lee Harvey Who? In 1959, the Fort Worth Star Telegram published this photo in an article about the so-called defection of “Lee Harvey Oswald” to the Soviet Union. Great picture, eh? In it’s files, apparently, Associated Press/Wide World Photos had a clearer copy of that image, which John Armstrong purchased from them nearly a half century later. Here it is: Perhaps one of the H&L critics would like to tell us how the photo above is clearly shows the “one and only” Lee Harvey Oswald. Looks just like Classic Oswald®, eh? Hah! Let’s see how the photo was actually produced. Below is a washed out version of the original image of of American-born Lee Oswald taken in Japan, probably by George “Hans” Wilkens. Next is a clearer image of Wilken’s photo of Lee Oswald. Note that the area around Lee Oswald’s head and shoulders has been retouched to eliminate the background. Before producing the final, highly distorted and then washed out version of Lee Oswald’s face published in his home town newspaper, the nose and forehead areas were altered. Why was all this done? Probably because had the Star Telegram have published Harvey Oswald’s actual portrait, someone in Fort Worth might have noted it wasn’t Lee Oswald. Perhaps Mr. Bojczuk would like to explain again how only “cult” members can believe that images of “Lee Harvey Oswald” have been messed with by U.S. authorities.
  5. Sandy, Jack White always said this was a pencil drawing, but I could never see it. I do see what you mean about the eyebrows… but is there anything else that makes you think it is a drawing?
  6. Ah, and in Mr. Laverick's common sense world, Lee Oswald's missing front grows back in Harvey Oswald's cadaver! Thank you for 'splaining "common sense" to all of us!
  7. Mr. B. sure likes to misrepresent things. Nearly 15 years ago, John wrote that the photograph of LEE Oswald was attached to the application for HARVEY Oswald's 1959 passport. It has nothing to do with my "latest post," which makes it sound like a recent attribution On the passport application Oswald listed the birth dates of both his mother and fa­- ther incorrectly and attached a photograph. The photo that was stapled to the 1959 pass­- port application was of Lee Oswald (not Harvey), who is sporting a very short, military­ type crew cut and wearing a suit and tie. 59-21 Oswald's passport, #1733242, was issued by the Los Angeles passport agency six days later, on September 1Oth. [H&L. p. 247]
  8. The H&L critics always mention the mastoidectomy but they always forget to explain how LEE Oswald's missing front tooth regrew in HARVEY Oswald's grave. Why is that?
  9. Only "cult" members would believe the FBI faked evidence about the Kennedy assassination? Really, Mr. Bojczuk? Most people on this forum, with the apparent exception of H&L critics, are undoubtedly aware of how the FBI faked a wide variety of evidence in this case. The short (3 minute) YouTube video below demonstrates quite clearly how the FBI altered the observations of three critical Dealey Plaza witnesses who believed shots may have been taken at JFK from outside of the Texas School Book Depository, thus contradicting the official story. The FBI went to extraordinary lengths to suppress evidence of what CIA accountant James Wilcott called the “Oswald Project,” including sending out agents within hours of the assassination to confiscate original school and teen-aged employment records of “Lee Harvey Oswald.” In the wee hours of the night of Nov 22-23, 1963, the FBI secretly took “Oswald's Possessions” from the Dallas Police Department, transported them to Washington, D.C. altered them, and then secretly returned them to Dallas, only to publicly send them to Washington. D.C. a few days later. Among a great many other alterations, a Minox “spy camera” became a Minox “light meter.” Tax records, not found by Dallas police who said they initialed each scrap of paper, magically appeared without DPD initials. FBI agent James Cadigan inadvertently spilled the bean about the secret transfer during his sworn WC testimony, which was altered by the WC. The FBI falsified so much testimony that it even had a process in place for routinely doing so, including over the objections of Warren Commission attorneys. And, of course, General Counsel J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission was informed in April 1964 that John Heart Ely's assembling of evidence regarding the biography of "Lee Harvey Oswald" would "require material alteration and, in some instances, ommission." For more about how the FBI altered evidence, see this link: Manipulated, Fabricated, and Disappearing Evidence It is clear that the FBI was willing to go to extraordinary lengths to hide the truth about the Kennedy Assassination and “Lee Harvey Oswald.”
  10. Anyone who thinks the two mug shots below are of the same man are free to do so. I've often said that I'm not good with faces, but they don't look the same to me. One thing is perfectly obvious, though. Look at the head of hair on LEE Oswald in the 1959 photo (below left) which was attached to HARVEY Oswald's passport application. Now look at the three pictures below, showing the fast developing widow's peak in LEE Oswald's hair from 1956 to 1958. How did that widow's peak just vanish in 1959? And for anyone who thinks LEE Oswald’s widow’s peak is just an example of a “high and tight” military haircut, as Mr. Parnell would like you to believe, just do a Google image search of the "high and tight" cut. What you’ll find looks like this…. Note how the close buzz cut doesn't end toward the back of the head, as it does with Lee's huge widow's peak in 1956 and 1958 (and still visible with apparently longer hair in 1957). Many of the official photos have been messed with, which is why you can't just look at pictures to understand this case. You have to look at ALL the evidence, and that is a lot more work.
  11. Ms. Collins is correct that the photo was "concocted." Here is the actual DoD card found in one of the wallets alleged to belong to HARVEY Oswald. Since the card lists Oswald's height as 71 inches (5'11") it clearly describes 5'11" LEE Oswald, not 5'9" HARVEY. But the picture on the card allegedly found in HARVEY's wallet was of HARVEY, not LEE, as you can see here. Ms. Collins was confused by an image David Josephs prepared to show how the card would have appeared had it contained LEE Oswald's passport photo. She shows the b&w image above, indicating I said it was "Harvey Oswald's Photo." But I said no such thing. The image shown by Ms. Collins is of LEE Oswald--it's actually LEE's photo appearing on HARVEY Oswald's 1959 passport. The "cut" she describes "under the eyes" is actually part of a U.S. Seal embossed on the image. There is a long thread on the Ed Forum in which many people, including Jim DiEugenio, Chris Newton, David Josephs, Sandy Larsen and me, discuss the oddities of the DoD card. I have a lengthy summary of it on page 73 of this thread.
  12. Good grief, how many times do we have to explain the "Smiling Marine Oswald" photo to you? This is the picture of Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald taken near Santa Ana in 1958 as he was preparing for his so-called "defection." You are comparing the teeth of HARVEY Oswald's cadaver with the teeth of HARVEY Oswald at the time he was stationed in California. Of course they look similar. As to the shoulder slope business, John isn't terribly impressed by it either, but I think DJ may be on to something. Anyone can shrug their shoulders and completely change the slope, but in a relaxed, natural position, I think it may be a tell.
  13. It seems to me that most of the missing teeth DJ points out are actually wisdom teeth that had not grown in when Harvey Oswald was in the USMC. He was, after all, a teenager. By 1963, they had grown in. Tooth No. 30 is the mystery here, and so I'm looking forward to your explanation. What can’t be explained, however, is how that missing front tooth Ed Voebel photographed grew back! That’s pretty good proof that the Oswald Ed Voebel photographed was not the same man exhumed in 1981.
  14. I’m not sure what Mr. Walton is trying to show in his “masterpiece.” In the top row of pictures, the shot at left shows Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald after his arrest in New Orleans for the phony pro- Cuba altercation. The photo at right is also of Harvey Oswald, this time in the custody of Dallas police. In the middle animation, the infamous “13 inch head” Marine Corps shot of Lee Oswald is blended with Harvey Oswald’s Dallas mug shot. The two men don’t look the same to me. Note how different the positions of the mouths and chins are in relation to the eyes.
  15. In addition to what Sandy just said, how do you know that no one else mentioned Lee had a false tooth? No one on the Warren Commission asked. The WC didn’t even bother to get the name of the dentist so Lee’s dental records could be checked. Instead, they published “Marguerite’s” dental records! An equally ridiculous example of the WC’s deliberate incompetence is that no one bothered to call the Texas Department of Public Safety License Records Department to see if “Lee Harvey Oswald” had a valid Texas drivers license, despite all the conflicting testimony they had. Guess none of the lawyers knew how to find a Texas phone number, eh? What a fine “investigation” you defend!
  16. What utter nonsense! The evidence clearly shows that the photographic record of "Lee Harvey Oswald" has been altered... dramatically retouched... switched... beyond recognition. You cannot just look at pictures and understand this case.
  17. That's a VERY SILLY QUESTION, Mr. Laverick. Harvey Oswald ended up in Harvey Oswald's grave! A MUCH BETTER QUESTION is, How did Lee Oswald's missing front tooth grow back in Harvey Oswald's grave? So, how did Lee Oswald's missing front tooth grow back in Harvey Oswald's grave?
  18. If memory serves, Tracy Parnell once proclaimed that all the photos reproduced on Jack White’s “THE EVOLUTION OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD” poster were, in his word, “obviously” of the same person. Here are a couple of closeups of the poster I took with my phone camera. Do these really look like the same person to you? In the photos below labeled 23 and 24, compare the necks. Just asking....
  19. From Phillips to Ruby ... KLIF radio founder Gordon McLendon was a former Naval Intelligence officer who was a close friend and confidant of CIA officer David Atlee Phillips. Jack Ruby called McLendon’s unlisted phone number the day of the assassination. Ruby was overheard that very afternoon saying he could be reached at KLIF, and he continued writing letters to McLendon even from prison. In 1975 McLendon and David Atlee Phillips formed the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO). The two men had known one another since childhood. And it was Phillips who was spotted by Antonio Veciana talking to LEE Oswald at the Southland building in Dallas in the summer of 1963. And so we are starring at a direct chain of command from CIA’s David Atlee Phillips to former intel officer Gordon McLendon to McLendon’s close friend Jack Ruby. From Harvey and Lee: Around 1:15 am KLIF radio announcer Russ Knight approached the entrance to the police station and asked if anyone had seen District Attorney Henry Wade. Jack Ruby, who was milling around talking to people said, "I'll show you" and escorted Knight to the basement. Before reaching the basement Ruby asked Knight, twice, to ask District Attorney Wade if he thought Oswald was "insane." After reaching the base­- ment Ruby once again approached Wade and told him that radio announcer Russ Knight wanted to speak with him.142 As Knight began talking with Wade, Dallas Police Lieutenant James Gilmore saw Ruby and asked him what he was doing at the police station after midnight. Ruby told Gilmore that he was passing out sandwiches and planning to deliver sandwiches to KLIF radio, the station owned by Gordon McLendon.143 NOTE: Jack Ruby listed Gordon McLendon, the owner of Dallas radio station KLIF, as one of his six closest friends. McClendon had known career CIA officer David Atlee Phillips since both men were in their teens and attended school in Fort Worth. In the 1970's McLendon joined Phillips to form the Association of Former Intelligence Offic- ers (AFIO). .... Jack Ruby-1:30 am to 6:00am After Russ Knight finished talking with Henry Wade he and Ruby walked out of the police station. Ruby asked Knight if he needed a ride to the KLIF station, but Knight declined and walked to KLIF, while Ruby walked to his car.147 About 1:45am Ruby arrived at KLIF with sandwiches and soft drinks and again talked with Knight. At 2:00am, with Ruby nearby, Knight went on the air and told ra­- dio listeners, "Through a tip from a local nightclub owner I asked Mr. Wade the ques- tion of Oswald's insanity." Around 2:15am, following the radio broadcast, Knight and Ruby left the radio station. On the steps of the building Ruby handed Knight the text of a speech called "Heroism" from H.L. Hunt's LIFE Line radio program, broadcast on radio station KRLD. Ruby told Knight there were elements such as Hunt's in Dallas that hated Presi­- dent Kennedy. Knight remembered the late night incident and said, "Ruby had the speech but he didn't seem to be cognizant fully of what the speech was or actually what side that he stood on ..... just mentioned like there is an element here that hates, that hated Mr. Kennedy." When Knight asked Ruby if he meant the Hunt's, Ruby said nothing.148 NOTE: After Ruby shot Oswald, Knight began to think about the "Heroism" speech that Ruby gave him and said, "It seemed to me like too much of a coincidence that he should be carrying a speech called 'Heroism' and then for him to shoot Oswald on Sunday mormng...."149 --From Harvey and Lee, pp. 904-905, Copyright © 2003 by John Armstrong. All rights reserved.
  20. Isn't it AMAZING how Mr. Laverick always forgets to mention LEE Oswald's MAGIC tooth?
  21. Also to moderators.... If above doesn't seem advisable, would any of you suggest a neutral site, and perhaps a moderator, for the debate?
  22. Question for Ed Forum moderators: A number of members here have expressed interest in seeing a debate between myself and Greg Parker. Would it be possible to have Mr. Parker un-banned, at least temporarily, so he could participate in a one-on-one debate with me?
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