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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. Good read. Thanks. One typo (which I couldn't fail but notice): In the link to my article (footnote 55), there's a "#64" at the end of the url that doesn't belong there. It takes the link to footnote 64 ("Ibid").
  2. Yes, Bruce, thanks. And what is it above the window? It looks like a head but there is only wall there. And whatever it is, it isn't in Bell.
  3. Chris, the people at the windows in the Bell clip are above the window where the flash occurs. And there is nothing sticking out of the window in question. That something appears at some point after the limo has passed.
  4. It could be emulsion loss, but what a coincidence that it occurs right at that window, the only one with something sticking out of it, at just the right time.
  5. The fire escape is on the DalTex Building. The Records Building is the white and gray building with the tall thin windows. The jump cut to the later cars at 0:34 is when you see the building (and the flash in the second window on the second floor).
  6. I assume we're talking about the second floor. At least it's the first row of windows up from street level. I don't see any movement, but the second window of the second floor has some irregular shape at its top or just above it, unlike any of the other windows. And it's the same window where the flash occurs. I'm surprised there are not more comments about this. I'm curious as to why David doesn't see the flash.
  7. Here's the direct link to the film: http://emuseum.jfk.org/view/objects/asitem/classification@Films/13/title-asc?t:state:flow=bb340464-a943-4c2e-8cdd-7a7d095129ea The flash occurs at 0:34.
  8. Larry, I'll be sure to get a copy. I grew up on UFOs and Mad Magazine. Donald Keyhoe (Flying Saucers Are Real) was one of my heroes. I was almost even willing to believe George Adamski (Flying Saucers Have Landed) about the beautiful Venusian he met in the desert. (Or was it at a hot dog stand? My memory gets muddled.) Which reminds me of the AF explanation that Capt. Thomas Mantell was chasing the planet Venus when he crashed his plane and was killed. Then as now the idea was that people will believe anything. Or, to quote Jack Nicholson, "You can't handle the truth."
  9. In 1960 the U.S. was not a glorified banana republic. I'm surprised that no colonels are running for prez for VP, since colonels make such good dictators. (Juan Peron, Qadaffi, the Regime of the Colonels in Greece.) I would vote for Colonel Sanders except that he's dead. Maybe DVP can recommend someone to run on the populist slogan "Make Fried Chicken Great Again."
  10. "Rogue agents" would be the CIA's limited hang-out if it had been necessary. The higher-ups at Langley could say, "We don't know exactly who they are but we know that they're out there. This kind of crap comes with the territory."
  11. Larry, The link requires log in. I clicked on "Register," and it wants me to create a blog or website.
  12. And my point is that the bullet, as rare as it was, was planted by somebody. If it was Williams (and David Lifton is certain it wasn't), I have no grounds to dispute what you say about the FBI never having heard of this ammunition. So I think it's safe to say, then, that Williams or whoever it was was given the bullet by someone outside of the FBI.
  13. Gary, You are talking about official FBI records about this kind of ammunition, right? Well, whoever planted the bullet was complicit in the plot. And if the FBI was complicit in the plot (i.e. if Williams was given the bullet by Federal Bogus Investigations to plant in the hospital), then it's not surprising that there is no official record of the FBI ever having or having "heard of" this ammunition. It was all done on the sly, as they say.
  14. Well, whoever planted the bullet had to get it from somewhere. If Williams planted it, I think the answer is easy. He got it from the FBI.
  15. In his HSCA interview, Lt. Lipsey describes going to Bethesda by helicopter, though the body went in a hearse. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/hsca/med_testimony/Lipsey_1-18-78/HSCA-Lipsey.htm
  16. Not that you have to keep everything relative in the Tennessee hills. Once I had a girl on Rocky TopHalf bear, other half catWild as a mink, but sweet as soda popI still dream about that
  17. There's a lot of inbreeding in Tennessee. You might say it's one big happy family.
  18. I think one "proof" that the CIA was involved is Nixon's "smoking gun" tape, in which he told Haldeman to tell the CIA that the FBI investigation could open up "the whole Bay of Pigs thing." When Haldeman told that to Helms, to Haldeman's surprise Helms blew up ("This has nothing to do with the Bay of Pigs!"). Haldeman later concluded they must have been talking about the JFK assassination. Now why would Nixon call it "the Bay of Pigs thing" (a CIA fiasco) unless it could mean big trouble for the CIA? And why did Helms blow up? I think Helms took it, rightly or wrongly, as a veiled threat from Nixon to expose the CIA's role in the assassination. (On another tape Nixon remarked that "that Hunt knows a lot of things." Apparently Nixon knew a lot of things too.)
  19. Hmm. The Russians invade, and Vaganov is born. Sounds like he may have had a Russian father. Though that doesn't mean any later Russian connection.
  20. Yes, thanks. According to Kelly, he was Latvian, not Russian. But he would certainly seem to deserve more attention.
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