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W. Tracy Parnell

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Everything posted by W. Tracy Parnell

  1. No, you base your opinions on one piece of evidence only. There are several pieces of evidence that point to the file boxes belonging to Ruth and being examined by the Dallas Police, the FBI (2 occasions) and the Warren Commission. Yet you accept Walthers report and dismiss the others.
  2. The Assassination and Mrs. Paine-LHO Would Have Admitted Guilt? ~ W. Tracy Parnell (wtracyparnell.blogspot.com)
  3. The statement reads: "Dozens of files related to the Paines remain classified." Even if he is referring to tax files (which is improper since they cannot be released by law) the statement is false. No files are "classified." They are withheld or redacted.
  4. Thank you for that Pat. Like Denis, I couldn't see anything but maybe it was my old eyes.
  5. JFK Lancer - President John F. Kennedy News and Research (archive.org)
  6. Steve's article predicted what the defense from the CTs would be: "What next? A claim that the initials “ET” were added recently to CE 399, after Hunt, Mantik and Stone noted their absence?" I think the answer is that the initials are small and hard to see. And the people such as Mantik didn't really want to see them. But they were always there as Tammi Long noted in 1996.
  7. You could argue forever about where what was found because there is some ambiguity in the reports. Here is the main point. The seven file boxes belonged to Ruth Paine. They were examined by the Dallas Police, the FBI and Warren Commission personnel including Jenner. The contents were personal correspondence, folk dance records and a projector. There was no information on Cuban or Castro sympathizers in Ruth's files. But there was in the "barrels" that belonged to Oswald. You can believe the numerous reports that support Ruth or the one statement in the one report by Walthers. But then you have to say the Dallas Police, the FBI and Warren Commission were in on the plot. And somehow, Walthers didn't get the memo.
  8. Stone and DiEugenio argue that the alleged absence of Todd's initials is at least one thing that breaks the chain of evidence for 399. That assertion is now debunked. If anyone wants to argue about chain of evidence of 399 based on other assertions, they are free to do so.
  9. Greg has done a great job on this topic, but here is my latest blog article which summarizes the issues: The Assassination and Mrs. Paine-Ruth Surveilled the Left? ~ W. Tracy Parnell (wtracyparnell.blogspot.com)
  10. Washington Decoded: A Single Photograph Disproves Oliver Stone’s Conspiracy Claim
  11. Chapter 16 of The Bishop Hoax is now online: https://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/p/16-second-war-for-independence.html Highlights: Alpha 66 merges with SFNE and MRP to form the Revolutionary Alliance. Plan Omega. For those interested in my series on the film "The Assassination and Mrs. Paine," the next article will be released Monday.
  12. "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" comes out this month - Page 6 - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum (ipbhost.com)
  13. The Assassination and Mrs. Paine-George de Mohrenschildt ~ W. Tracy Parnell (wtracyparnell.blogspot.com)
  14. I would encourage you to take a break and then resume when you're ready. I think a lot of people are listening and the EF needs some dissenting voices so as not to become a mere echo chamber.
  15. Washington Decoded: Bombshell or Dud? Earle Cabell’s CIA Connections
  16. The answer to the Good situation is that he had to be counting tax related records. Which is wrong because, as others have pointed out, they are withheld by federal law and have nothing to do with the JFK ARC and cannot be released under it. Also, Robert Reynolds has noted (and I updated my article to reflect this) that the records are NOT classified-they are withheld (or redacted) pending release. So, Good's statement in the film is way out of whack and he remains silent about it. He wanted to have an Oliver Stone moment (release the files) and he fiddled with the facts to get it. End of story.
  17. Joe Alesi, who is a friend of Ruth's, doubts the slap as well (facebook).
  18. The Assassination and Mrs. Paine-Ruth's Greatest Hits ~ W. Tracy Parnell (wtracyparnell.blogspot.com)
  19. The Assassination and Mrs. Paine-JFK and the CIA ~ W. Tracy Parnell (wtracyparnell.blogspot.com)
  20. The problem is all of these conspiracy books are using each other as sources. And Fonzi's source has to be the same hearsay one I mentioned. But we'll never know because he uses no citations in his book whatsoever. As I said, I can't stop anyone from believing that there was a "large deposit" placed into George's bank account and the CIA did it. But I think the evidence of that is really sketchy. As I said, I will be doing a report but the way the film handled this (which is really the point here) was poor IMO. It was completely one-sided (which is not the case on every issue).
  21. Jim made himself look bad. This whole thing is typical conspiracy book stuff. Jim said in the film that George D. had 300k deposited in his account (I can get the exact quote if you insist). Then he told me his source was Douglass. But Douglass' book said the deal was 285k with "over $200,000" deposited in his bank account. This report of the deposit is a hearsay one from a woman who knew George D. But, as I mentioned, George told the WC the cash amount was only 20k (the rest was given in "shares" in a plantation) and even Mellen says no more than 50k cash. Keep in mind 20k is 183k in today's money so even that is a significant amount. So, the bottom line is if anyone wants to believe the 200k (still other reports say 250k) thing they are free to do so. But the likelihood is that the 20k amount was probably right. I say this because George brought lots of documentation for his WC testimony and seemed concerned about saying the right thing. But what Jim said in the film has no basis in fact regardless of the source he uses (250k is the largest amount mentioned by any conspiracy source I have found so far). I am working on this and will have a report on my blog later. I am waiting for one more book.
  22. As I explained in my original post about this, I think he should try and be very accurate because he is looked up to and people may take what he says to the bank. But the point is de Mohrenschildt told the WC that the amount was $285,000 but only 20,000 of that was in cash. There was a rumor, promoted by conspiracy books, that the amount was 200-250k. That is substantially less than 300k I think you would agree. But even Joan Mellon said that the "probable figure" was only $50,000. So, Jim D's 300k "in the bank" is clearly wrong.
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