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Michael Walton

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Everything posted by Michael Walton

  1. Just want to compliment the LAUGH-IN slideshow. Whoever made did a great job. So hilarious and oh, so true. Truer than any of the s### either of those guys said.
  2. So we are told. You know, if you don't believe ANYTHING you might as well just walk away from the whole thing, or just come up with your own crazy theories. I mean - what's the point? People don't believe what Perry said. They don't believe what John Connally said. They don't believe what Oswald said. Next thing you know, we'll be hearing people on here saying "Oh, he never said 'patsy,' he said 'rat's ass.'" Will the ridiculousness and craziness on this board ever stop?
  3. Beverly Oliver was not there, Steve, so anything she says is bunk.
  4. Cliff, You might as well throw in the towel with this. You're never going to persuade the guy who started this thread that Kennedy was shot in the throat. We've not agreed on a lot on this forum (when you disagree with me and others you tend to call our own theories pet ones). But I agree with you 100% about the throat shot. You can see it in the Z film, and Perry said so. I heard through the grapevine that the guy who started this thread is writing a book about this "no shot in the throat" theory that he says is "factual." If that's not proof of someone believing in something for ulterior reasons, I don't know what is.
  5. Is this youngish-looking woman the same as the camera-holding woman, above? (I believe that she is.) Tom, You can't be serious. The sunglasses woman was up the street before Kennedy turned onto Elm. And if you think she's the same person, why isn't she holding the camera up filming the President when he's mere feet away from her? After all, isn't that why she was there...to film him and see him? The other stockier woman that's been colorized looks much more like the woman seen across the street filming the shooting. I mean, you're all over the place with this thread. Not to be overly critical, but someone recently said you should be respected as a serious researcher. But if you can't determine even basic differences between photos, I really question that.
  6. We don't even know for sure that the backyard photos were ready. Nobody saw them till February 1964. Correction - Oswald saw them or one of them in jail and denied it was him, stating someone pasted his face over another's body. Some don't put a lot of faith in Oswald's "I'm a patsy" statement. I do. I also put faith in his statement of "They're taking me in because I was in Russia."
  7. Yes, there WAS a bullet wound in Kennedy's throat. There WAS. One of entrance. Watch the Z film. It's obvious... Throat Back Head What absolutely blows my mind here is no one - NO ONE - wants to take Perry's word for it. I mean, why? How many gunshot wounds have you, or me, or anyone else, actually seen compared to Perry? And yet here on this thread, people continually want to fudge the record about Perry and others to come up with their own crazy theories.
  8. Yes, that's a big one to me. He was never down there. It was all just part of setting him up to look like the crazy guy, talking to a Russian assassin, and so on. The proof? Even Hoover was recorded talking to Johnson that the man whose photos and voice they had was not the man in the DPD jail. And then it goes on from there... He knew the back yard photos were fake He said he was a patsy He said they arrested him because he was over in Russia He was working all day at JCS when supposedly he walked over a mile to deliver the mail order form A throw down wallet was found at the Tippit scene ...and so on...
  9. Paul, I'm not trying to "pick a fight" with you here. But couldn't your analysis and thoughts on this be biased because you're trying to sell a book that purports that LHO shot at Walker? For me, I've never made a dime from this case. I'm here simply because I want to learn the truth of what happened on 11/22. So my motives are pure. Yes, that's what LHO said about the head pasting onto a body when shown the photos. Remember, he worked at JCS and in addition to making displays for the government, I wouldn't be surprised if he was involved and quite familiar with photography - like he claims. He also said he was a patsy and he also said the only reason why they've picked him up was because he was over in Russia. Think about all of these statements. I mean - wow! Here's a guy whom the government has claimed was some surly, lone nut, left wing kook - and according to them - that's all he was supposed to be. Yet, those three statements alone coming from his own lips hours after the shooting should reveal more than 100 mouthfuls to all researchers of the case. Does it mean he was a complete innocent babe in the woods? I do sometimes wonder about that. On the other hand he knew - KNEW - the jig was up the moment they surrounded him and roughed him up at the theater, as witnessed by his yelling and carrying on as they brought him out to send him down to the station. There are just way too many coincindences in this case to write it off as, "Oh, he did it and the throw down wallet...and the working all day while the mail order was delivered...and..." on and on and on cannot be just shrugged off by those who think he did it.
  10. Doug, I agree with you 100%. I'm not trying to put anyone down here and believe me when I say I am with all of you every step of the way. I want to know too and if I wasn't, I wouldn't be here. I've read a lot of your links and you've posted some good, informative stuff. I just like to err on the side of caution and loathe fake people who claim they were involved when they weren't. I'll admit, too, that I have had my gullible moment in this case, when I used to think for years that the Altgens photo "man in the door way" was Oswald. But now I've finally admitted to myself that, no, it wasn't him, it was Lovelady. All I'm saying is it's important to try to separate fact from fiction. It's equally important to remember that not every single thing you hear or read is gospel.
  11. If you want to believe every single thing you read - from her saying she was wearing a wig to seeing White on the knoll - then that's your right. But at the same time, it's really truly scary to learn on this forum how it seems like many members have absolutely NO ability to look at things with just an ever-so-slight critical eye. I wore a wig that day = I believe her I saw White up on the knoll = I believe her I've changed my story but that's OK = I believe her You never heard from me for 35-40 years after it happened but that's OK = I believe her I mean, wow! Did anyone not read that second link above of the guy describing his experience with her at the conference? Where she was holding photos up to her chest, one falls, and it was nothing more than a Nix still frame photo? And she still claims it was from her supposed film? And you still believe her? Who was the real one? I don't have the answers. None of us do. Unless we someday see a film or photo that looks like what she could have captured, then we'll know. But to fall for a fraud like Oliver or Baker just because that's what they say is shockingly naive and gullible.
  12. Thanks for sharing your brother's travel channel. Looks like he's very well traveled too. He does a nice job of documenting where he goes. Carly's great - she's from NY so I thought it was a good fit for the copter video I made. Actually 9/11 is the second worst in recent memory and bookends the other one we talk so much about on this forum. I always tell anyone who cares to listen that no matter if you believe in LN or CT, the Kennedy murder truly and disastrously f####ed up the political process of this country and even today we continue to feel its reverberations. I'm not saying he was perfect and he was human like the rest of us. But he had the right to proceed with the normal course of politics and if he did what the country wanted him to, then they would have continued to vote for him. If not, then they would have voted him out. It's as simple as that. Instead, his administration was torn asunder and we got Johnson, a guy who was totally and completely the opposite of what and who Kennedy was. And then it went on from there. I liken it to what happened when Lincoln was murdered. If you read Lincoln's last inaugural address, he was already ready to go about forgiveness of the redneck hillbillies who started the war down there. Can you imagine that happening in today's toxic political environment? I think Reconstruction would have turned out vastly different than it ended up being with Johnson, a southern hillbilly himself. So, yeah, 9/11 was horrible and really a completely ridiculous act when you think about it - it solved absolutely nothing except making the paranoid sector of this country even more paranoid (remember the Alert colors)?
  13. I've met Beverly Oliver and she is a loud brassy lady but she has a lot of support from a lot of well respected researchers. Well-respected? I have no idea who you're talking about, Chris, but I can't imagine any serious researcher thinking Oliver's the real deal. As much as I don't like John McAdams, I have to refer to his website on her and another link as well: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/oliver.htm http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/huntpost.txt Have you seen the photo of the real one during the shooting? Oliver would have been I think 17 years old at the time, and the photo evidence shows none of them look like her. We have to try to keep things realistic and plausible too, Chris. Moorman and Jean Hill actually appeared on television mere hours after the shooting, yet we're expected to believe that NO ONE comes forward claiming to be her, then years later we have Oliver? Please. It doesn't matter if Oliver is loud and brassy nor meek and mild. What matters is she's been lying about herself for years and it's amazing that people still fall for her fake story.
  14. Dave - all good points and thanks for clarifying as I didn't realize they were Drive files vs. YTV files. I agree - I like Drive too and use it all the time as seen from this recent vacation video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7Hr9Lrku-CxZmE3NUVpQ0wyU2M PS - I know you catch a lot of grief on this forum but I do appreciate your video efforts for the JFK case. I just wish you'd take an ever so slight step over to us to see that, yes, this country was and continues to be royally f#### by JFK's death.
  15. Andrej, I agree with you. But you do realize that she's made up this fantastical story that she knew Lee Oswald, which has been completely debunked by others. I don't wish any ill toward her either, but this is a serious thing for someone to pass themselves off as someone who claims they were intimately involved with the person who took the fall for Kennedy's death and there's not a shred of evidence. If I see a photo someday of LHO and her on the beach somewhere all smiles and good times, then I'll eat my words. We never heard from this woman for 20-30 years after the assassination. It would be like me claiming I stowed away on the Eagle LM when Armstrong walked on the moon, then you never hear from me until 40 years after the fact. And now I write books and have a shine of "celebrity" because of what I claimed. And people actually pay money to come and see me speak and get in line afterward for my autograph. The same for Bev, the fake Babushka lady. So I agree, I don't wish anything ill toward her but I think what she's done in relation to this case is despicable and shameful. Of course, like people out there who still believe the world is flat or there's little green men in Area 51, there's always going to be gullible people out there who fall for this stuff.
  16. We can talk about the nicked/cut/torn tie from now until rainbow Jesus comes down and says, "You...over here. You...over there." But the facts of the matter related to this thread are this: The Zapruder film shows Kennedy reacting to a shot in his throat, then his body bobs forward from the back shot. That's two shots. Keep in mind that this the same film where people elsewhere on this forum have said this film was shot at 48 FPS, 67% of the frames were removed (for what reason the person posting has no idea why), but some how, some way, the Bad Guys forgot to remove these crucial frames showing the two-shot sequence. Mere minutes after the shooting, before the Bad Guys got to him and after having seen the body himself and worked on it, the Parkland doctor stated at the news conference that the throat wound was one of entry. This is the same doctor who had seen and treated dozens and dozens of gunshot wounds while working on other victims. Sorry but if I'm going to take the word of the guy who started this thread vs. the doctor who saw the wound, I'm going to take the doctor's. The autopsy face sheet - the one with drawings on it and describing the wounds - is the closest thing we have to available evidence before the Bad Guys got to Humes and the others and told them what and what not to say. That sheet says there is a throat wound, a back wound, and a head shot. That's all. The craziness of this thread at the start of it, where the guy who started it says there was some kind of rear shot and the piece of bullet just flew through the body and came out of the throat, is goofy nonsense. BP to AG - "...snide remarks..." Bob - hey, "snide" is my word for you, remember, Bob? Stop stealing my words here. Haha, just teasing ya (wink-wink) BP to SL(?) - "....I don't have the tools to zoom in..." Bob - if you're a serious researcher of the case, maybe you should get some serious tools. You can get the complete Adobe Creative Suite for only (USD) $50 bucks a month. Perhaps by teaching yourself how to use these tools, you can then create diagrams and such for this forum. After you create your first one, I think you'll be amazed and more appreciative of how much effort others have put into the displays on this forum.
  17. David, 1. Why do you have the "full screen" capability turned off? You might want to turn them on so folks can do that direct from your website. It seems odd that when almost every other website from here to China turns that function on you have it turned off? 2. Can you please start turning on the capability of auto close captions when you export to Google? It's far from perfect but with a news show like this, when the on-air talent tends to speak more deliberately, the auto close captions work quite well. Not perfect, mind you, but deaf and hard of hearing people will take whatever they can get vs. hearing folks who take their hearing for granted. And it's not just for me - there are many, many other folks out there who depend on captions and titles to understand what's being said. On this page: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2016/05/cbs-evening-news-november-25-1963.html ...and the 11/25 newscast, here's where the big fudging campaign begins by the Bad Guys in cahoots with their faithful media friends. Start at around 18:20 when good old Danny "I was watching a completely different film...nah just doing what I'm told" Rather "forgetfully" fails to mention the violent back and to the left movement of Kennedy as he reporterly describes the Zapruder film. But never mind that Americans were just too dumb and the Bad Guys decide, then and there, to not show this film to the public and allow them/us be the judge of what we'd be seeing
  18. So this thread is about the fraud Judy Baker and no one yet mentions her here but instead goes off on tangents. Can someone here at least comment on Judy Baker being the fraud that she is?
  19. "I tried for years to get him out. To get him a new trial." Why did you think he deserved a new trial? Harrelson stops, and thinks about it as if for the first time. "I don't know he did deserve a new trial…" This is one of the most despicable things to read. Harrelson is an example of someone with no definable skills who simply knew how to ham it up, got some roles, and made a ton of money as an actor. And that's all. I don't believe his father had anything to do with shooting Kennedy (maybe it's a like father, like son thing of saying such outrageous s###). But his father was convicted in court for killing the judge, and that's all Harrelson has to offer ("Oh, I tried to get him a new trial because...he's my Dad.")? And then at the start of the article, the writer shakes in boots knowing he's going to meet the "great" Woody Harrelson. What a joke.
  20. Judyth Baker is a fraud it's as simple as that. Anyone who believes her fantastical stories might as well believe that Neil and Buzz were on a movie lot on 7/20/69 with cans of Tab at the ready for breaks during the shooting.
  21. I've shrunken his head a little bit on this animated GIF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Hr9Lrku-CxX3NxbUpWdGxHQ1U/view I've always thought the head size looked a little off, as if they needed the head (which Oswald said they did when he saw the photos) to be a little large to cover up the other head. In the above animated GIF, the smaller head size seems to fit his body size.
  22. Jim, Thanks for posting this. I've always thought Tippit was somehow involved (I disagree with him being up on the knoll), and he knew what was going on, but had no idea he himself would be gunned down on the street to further frame Oswald as the crazy communist. And the throw down wallet of Oswald's is the clincher for me (he'd have to be the dumbest murderer in history to have lost his wallet at the crime scene). As for Dale Myers, we all know he's an award-winning fraud. Myers is critical of Tippit's father being "slightly scrambled" in his old age, yet he and the network who allowed him to made his disgraceful, fraudulent and downright comical cartoon based on the Z film (photo from Pat Speers's website):
  23. Doug - In my YouTube interviews and in this topic here I have in the past linked the assassination of JFK to his attempt to build bridges of peace with the Soviet Union. JFK's efforts included a 1963 plan to disclose to the Soviets key aspects of our most vital secret, "The Alien Presence", as told to me by Howard Hunt in 1975 prior to his entering prison for his Watergate crimes. "Alien Presence?" Really, Doug? You do realize that Howard Hunt was a writer of fictional spy novels?
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