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Michael Walton

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Everything posted by Michael Walton

  1. The one thing I've been puzzled about the front shots are where did they actually come from? The reason is if you look at their pre-shooting seating arrangements seen here: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LFsWb1KFxvI/T9L1xQ-Z_xI/AAAAAAAABoc/eop5u5t3NDc/s1600/Dallas-Motorcade-11-22-63.jpg It will give you a general idea of how they were sitting before everything started and I doubt they moved around much because the Towner film also pretty much shows them in the same position as above. JFK obviously started falling toward his left after he took the neck and back shots and she leaned in to see what was wrong. Based on Speer's research of the mystery photo being an exit wound, especially because that wound shows beveling, the photo you (Robin) posted elsewhere shows that dark round hole on his forehead. I suspect that that is an entrance wound and it exited where the mystery photo shows the beveled hole in the skull. If this is true, then this shot - the one that caused the above wounds and threw him back onto the seat from the force - could not have come from the knoll and had to have come from the underpass. See the animated GIF here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7Hr9Lrku-CxSmNuQnpRVExqQ28 I'm not saying that no shots came from the knoll area because witnesses did report smoke from there and the cop threw his head around to look there so he must have heard something from there to do that. But according to the GIF above, it seems like that's the only plausible location for the back and to the left shot to have hit him, causing the wounds we see in the autopsy photos.
  2. Watch the right rear cop's helmet. Right after the head shot it looks like he immediately swings his head to the right to look at the knoll area.
  3. Bill: speculative. Speculative? For goodness sake, Bill, all detective work and research starts with speculation. I've watched numerous real crime shows on TV and when they interview the case officer or detective who worked the case. I almost always from their mouths, "I just *felt* something was not right. I had a *hunch* that what we were seeing..." blah blah. You make it sound like we're going around with hunches on our backs and you know what? We are. But you're no different. Yes, you want to believe you're doing this in an oh-so-objective way, but you're not.
  4. Is there some kind of significance to these photos, Robin? Just curious. And which Z frame photo matches up with Altgens 6?
  5. P.S. While I have no desire for PM to be Oswald, admittedly I do find the thought intriguing. That has to be one of the odder statements I've ever read from Sandy Larsen.
  6. Micah - I have no idea how to use that link and is it even safe?
  7. Bill There are way too many other issues that exonerate Oswald in this case to easily dismiss the man in the doorway. A few of those greatest hits are: The fake backyard photos which he denied, even understanding how they were made Ruth Paine steering him into the TSBD job Someone going around claiming to be him in the months leading up to 11/22 making outlandish claims so they'd remember him on 11/22 The impostor in Mexico City claiming to be him His intelligence background Getting him to hand out leftist leaflets and get into a fight in NO, all for the benefit of TV cameras - how convenient The throwdown wallet at the Tippit murder scene ...and my favorites. The guy was supposed to be a "dumb" laborer but even he knew what the word "patsy" meant. I guarantee you that my parents, who were also laborers and watched everything on 11/22, had no idea what that word even meant. But he knew, and it was becoming very, very clear to him as the weekend progressed up to his own silencing on 11/24 that he was being set up. ...and his own statement "out front with Shelley." I'm not saying the above events suddenly prove that the man in the doorway was him. But on the other hand, this was not some Tim McVeigh type planning this for months. And this was not some innocent or random event that the government wants everyone to believe. All of us here argue the merits of everything about the case here - from the Z film to PM. Some of us buy into things and some of us don't. But the PM idea is not just some silly idea - *someone* was standing there that day and with all of the other very hard work that Bart and others put into it, especially their spreadsheet showing where everyone who worked in the building was, is especially convincing. Personally, I'll admit I was wrong that the Altgens Oswald man was actually Lovelady, but I do believe now that PM is Oswald. I can imagine he was told to stay inside and wait for a phone call (maybe there was a wall phone or something like that). When the s##t hit the fan, like most humans, he ventured out to see what was up where his image was captured by the news follow up cameras. It's your right to argue the merits of PM but not easy to dismiss the other things listed above and more. If you do, then you might as well believe that LHO was up on the 6th floor performing one of the most incredible bits of marksmanship in world history, and doing so all by himself. And then you'd also have to believe that concerned citizen Jack Ruby, acting out of concern for poor, dear Jackie Kennedy, randomly and on impulse decided to gun down in front of the entire Dallas police force the dastardly murderer of our president. Finally, you'd then also have to believe that Johnson, Hoover and all of their ilk had their heads bowed and shedding a tear for their dear leader who was gunned down in broad daylight, and then decide to honestly aqnd vigorously pursue the full and total truth of what happened. And then, purely for fun here, and as sort of a trivia question - who was the "I didn't know I shouldn't have done that" Hillary Clinton moment in this whole mess in 1963? If you think about what I'm saying here - how a person with great power basically got away with abusing the security of a government agency, where if I or you had done it, our a@@es would have been on the street and in jail - what was the other "Hillary" moment in 1963?
  8. Jim, in response to your question about the GIF, I took the so-called mystery photo from the autopsy and combined it with another back of the head autopsy photo. As you probably know, Pat Speer wrote an extensive article on his website about the mystery photo. Some say it shows the front of the skull where the hole is, and some say it shows the back. Based on his writings and my own observations, I think that hole is one of exit on the back of his skull. I think, too, that the photo showing that black circle seen above is the entrance wound from that same shot.
  9. Jim, thanks that's what I'm talking about. If the shot hit him there, then this GIF I made a while back sure lines up as the exit area for that shot: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7Hr9Lrku-Cxdm9ZalJTSWU3cms ...and then Kilduff pointed to the forehead during the death announcement. I have a feeling someone saw that shot hit up close - maybe the Newmans? I know we'll never know for sure 100% but wow... Also, I just happened to come across an execution video and the guy takes a rifle shot right between the eyes and it leaves a clean small hole right where it went in. He was tied to a tree so when the shot hits, his head falls forward you can see a larger hole in the back of his head. There is no gaping wound like JFK because the execution guy was only hit once but I think as witnesses described hearing the boom-boom, I think Kennedy was hit almost simultaneously in the head - I think the rear head shot blew open his head and then 1/2 second later, the forehead shot and the exit you see above. Then of course this second one throws him back hard against the seat. Sorry to sound graphic here and I know this is all nothing new, but it sure sounds plausible, at least to me.
  10. Regarding the "wound on the forehead" I'm assuming you mean the black hole seen here: http://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/displayimage.php?pid=2092&fullsize=1 Do either of you know what that black hole actually is? I don't remember in the autopsy report something ever being mentioned about it or if so, I've just never seen it?
  11. Sandy, that "alias" post up above is incorrect. The pattern you're talking about is moire: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moiré_pattern This can still happen even with the newest and latest technology. If there's a tight pattern of lines and they overlap with another then you'll get the moire pattern. You can see a short movie example at the above link. There's a photo above of the two walking figures and the guy on the left's outfit is quite dark. So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it appears to be Shelley.
  12. David, it does work in the newest and latest IE browser called Edge. Of course, I don't know if it works in the older versions of IE since I don't use the older versions any more. Glad you got them opening in a new window. For reference, a quick and dirty way to create the code for new window openings is: <a href="default.asp" target="_blank"> That target part will do it. Thanks.
  13. I've always been just a little leery about the Oswald double theory but the DJ photo, for me, is really starting to make me change my mind. Every time I look at that, my mind struggles with it's got to be one person vs. the soldier on the right, though looking a lot like the arrested LHO on the left, does have different features. The photo in upper left with marina, too, does look quite different than the one on the right. When I found this photo a few year ago, it, too, got me thinking about this. This look alike does look more like the one on the right, the stockier Oswald one than the arrested one:
  14. SANDY: The plan was initiated by planting the fragment where the shots-from-behind narrative required it to be... ahead of the limo. From Bill Harper's description of where he found the fragment, we can see that it was sufficiently forward that it could be mistaken in no other way. Sandy, I know we agree on some things on EF and others we don't, which is fine. But your above theory - this is where, IMO, we start getting into every gosh-darned thing that happened is a conspiracy. I know I don't have all of the answers - as I stated earlier, perhaps the fragment somehow landed on the trunk and stayed there until it fell off when the car sped on. I mean, I know that sounds really weak. But now, according to your theory, we actually have the bad guys picking up fragments, sneaking them down 90 feet from Z313, looking around, and then dropping them in the grass or wherever? Sorry to say, but as weak as my idea is here, yours is starting to sound like when Oddjob dropped the convenient golfball on the course like in the Bond film. It's starting to get into the silliness section.
  15. Very nice. You may want to consider using a Blogspot image gallery app like this: https://www.cincopa.com/media-platform/blogspot-widgets/image-gallery-slideshow#tab=grid-slider It can be annoying when you click on every photo and your large site header appears and then you have to scroll down to see the larger version and then hit the back button to return to the gallery. Just an idea.a Fält
  16. There is no way I piece of bone could have flown that far ahead in front of the limo. No way. I have a video showing a man being shot from behind by a high-powered gun. The muzzle is about 5 feet at most from the back of his head. As soon as the bullet strikes, an eerie thing occurs - a piece of flesh colored bone goes spinning from the back of his head. The execution was filmed in slow motion so you can really see a lot of detail. But this piece of spinning bone flies at most 5-6 feet to the side of the poor man's head. Anyway, I know that every head shot is going to be different, but we're expected to believe that a piece of bone from Kennedy flew 90 feet *ahead* of him? Perhaps this bone landed on the trunk and it was knocked off or somehow deposited in that vicinity when the car sped on.
  17. Tom - in the Hager story you may have missed this line: The person he supposedly had an affair with in Mexico City later claimed the Oswald she slept with was short and blonde, probably the man photographed as Oswald outside the Cuban embassy. I don't think he was actually saying those photos were of LHO. I think he's being sarcastic like yeah right THESE are LHO? ---------- Regarding the Hager article, what a great, great write-up! So many things in it are how I think too - the neat and tidy convenience of it all, including the cartridge cases at the Tippit scene as well as the wallet. "Oswald" would have been the dumbest murderer in history to have done all of this The end though is silly. The Mary Meyer - LSD - and all of the other hokum. It's amazing someone can be so on point at the beginning of a story and veer way off into never land.
  18. I know this thread started off about the throat incision and now it's about the bone fragments. So I'd like to ask my own "body" question. Can someone point me to the autopsy write up or description, or share your own thoughts, on what that dark circle is in the forehead of this photo? I'm sure it's probably not, but it looks almost like a photo anomaly:
  19. Agree with Robin. Unbelievable amount of work and effort David has put into his archive and I think the historical record is better for it. Kudos to David.
  20. Leave it to the Daily Mail to say he's giving a thumbs up. He's not. He's talking to Connally about something "back there" whatever it was.
  21. You might want to read this again Robin. He has too many good points to show it's the back not front - the little hairs, the no need to retract the scalp because it was damaged and so on. http://www.patspeer.com/chapter14%3Ademystifyingthemysteryphoto
  22. Yes, we all know he was set up. He started to put it all together that weekend when he blurted out he was the patsy. To boot: Your link The Paines steering him along until he ends up working at TSBD He never ordered the guns He was at work when supposedly he mailed the gun order They get him to hand out leaflets in NO and even get him on TV down there The throwdown wallet at Tippit's scene The fake man and voice recorded in Mexico (even Hoover didn't have an answer for that) His FBI file His intelligence work while in the military The fake backyard photos (he knew exactly what they did when shown them) His public murder on 11/24 I'm sure there's more. But as Vince Salandria often said when writing about the case - if this was all an "innocent" event - an innocent government vigorously pursuing the truth; a truly crazy loner "innocently" planning this out, then yes, he did it. But all of these things and many more fly completely against the face of true plausibility. Can you imagine the odds for all of these many and varied things to just happen by sheer coincidence? It's impossible.
  23. Pat Speer did a really good analysis of that photo, which shows the back of the head, not the front. The beveled area is an exit wound. Also, that composite posted earlier is a fake - I agree with Sandy on that. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7Hr9Lrku-Cxdm9ZalJTSWU3cms
  24. Bart, I really don't think those are blobs painted onto the movie. If you look at this image below: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7Hr9Lrku-CxQ2tVYzRMUHhOYms I've added some green dots. Look how similar the so-called blobs look. It's simply a matter of an 8mm frame of film, which is the size of a pinky nail, not having enough bandwidth to capture every single detail of the event. Plus, the more contrast there is, the more it's going to stand out. As you know, it was very sunny that day so there is going to be a lot more light and dark between the various parts of the image. Look at the dots on Nellie Connally and her husband - you'd think that the lower dot would be a blob painted on as well but it's actually JBC's body in the shade while Nellie's medium-colored hair also looks like it has a blob. That's not to say that Kennedy did not have a rear head blowout. Just by looking at the above, you can see above the head blob where his hair seems to be blasted outward and upward. By all accounts (Speer mentions this in one of his well-produced movies) the bullet hole in the back as seen in the mystery photo shows beveling, meaning an exit wound (link below is a large animated GIF; give it time to load): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7Hr9Lrku-Cxdm9ZalJTSWU3cms
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