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Stu Wexler

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Everything posted by Stu Wexler

  1. So what is kind of interesting to me: you find this same document in the FBI's Oswald's FBI Mexico file. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=56971&relPageId=60&search="little_rock" AND paine Now, this gets to one of the most interesting and (as far I know) still underdeveloped leads that Newman exposed years ago-- at the same time these things are happening, the FBI is actually investigating Oswald in Mexico *IN MEXICO.* http://www.jfklancer.com/backes/newman/newman_4.html [QUOTE[ "It is important to see. I want you to see this because they have the full story up to this point, when they start investigating this, there's the Woolsey story, we saw it a minute ago, again 1 November, they send it down on 1 November to the FBI Office in Mexico City."And then we see some really interesting stuff. There's a guy by the name of Peck down there, C.B. Peck, who is investigating, this is Oswald's Mexico City file, FBI Mexico City file # 105-3702. And look at this! What's that? He does this on the 4th of November, 1963. And you're not allowed to know what it is. You don't have a need to know."This is on the 6th of November, this is Peck again, 'All Southern informants, including contacts Cuban and Soviet Groups contacted without result.'"They are chasing the Cuban story down in Mexico City on the 6th of November, the FBI is in any event."All contacts with Mexican subversive organizations contacted. 11/6/63.' [UNQUOTE] Was there a connection between the FBI's effort to locate Oswald when they did and the FBI's investigation of Mexico pre-assassination? Regards, Stu
  2. It is my understanding that there are two people leafletting with Oswald. One is Charles Steele. He is the "anglo." I looked into it and he does not appear to be the Alpha 66 guy. The other is unknown. He is he one with the tie. He is not Rafael Cruz. I have some thoughts as to who it might be but a better still of the guy who be helpful if a comparison becomes possible.
  3. Yeah, I am kind of hoping-- perhaps with too much faith-- that we could get a good sharp picture but larger.
  4. This should be an easy one. Can anyone post enlarged and enhanced versions of the unidentified individual in the tie passing out leaflets with Oswald? (the guy who Is NOT Rafael Cruz but was alleged to be) http://www.prayer-man.com/lee-oswald-leafleting-in-new-orleans/
  5. So I am not doing this to brag about my prescience, but I was interested in Leonov as of 2011 and, beyond that, about his possible impersonation as far back as 2015. I dug up emails I sent to Larry H, Bill S and Jeff M today. It included some of the documents referenced in this thread. The major addition for the past year or so are the Mexi photos which clearly show Leonov going into the Cuban consulate. The reason I bring this up is the WHY I was interested in Leonov. Here is what I wrote someone in 2011... "Hi,I have mentioned this to Larry, if for no other reason that on my last archive visit (and I still have to email you a bunch of docs, Larry) I found Church Committee interviews with Angleton where he made a serious effort to raise suspicions about Nikolai Leonov, Che's and possibly even Fidel's KGB case agent, and an operational chief for the KGB in the Western Hemisphere. This triggered a memory, from Jon Lee Anderson's bio of Che. Pages 759-60 have a footnote for page 614 (regarding a visit by Che to Moscow when his pal Leonov was not there, having been transferred to Mexico.) The footnote reads as follows:"In November of 1962, with his habitual knack of meeting historic personalities on the even of momentous events, Leonov came face-to-face with Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald had arrived at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City and asked to speak to an official. According to Leonov, he was called out to deal with him. But when he saw that Oswald was both armed and agitated, Leonov decided he was "psychotic and dangerous," and says he quickly called other embassy personnel to help remove him from the premises. Leonov says he was stunned when, soon afterward, he recognized him as the man who had been arrested in Dallas, accused of murdering the American president. In a conversation about the various JFK assassiantion theories, Leonov dismissed the notion that Oswald might have acted on KGB orders, citing the "psychotic" behavior he had witnessed firsthand, and said that, theoretically speaking- even if the KGB had wanted to kill JFK- it would never have used someone so unbalanced and difficult to control."... I think dates are wrong, but it sounds very similar to the Nechiporenko incident. If this happened, it is fascinating." --- I think we have to factor in Angleton here in a big way. And we also have to ask why three different people-- an ABC journalist spoke at Lancer several years ago detailing a third KGB general giving a nearly identical "I met with Oswald and he lost his xxxx" story as both Nechiporenko and Leonov above-- from the Russian side, all gave the same story but with a different protaganist. I will let you folks gestate on both. -Stu
  6. Any chance we can find out who attended these "training" sessions? Disturbing to say the least.
  7. Yeah we need to dig those out while we can still get to Buell. And they need to be "cleaned up" as much as possible.
  8. I confronted-- if you call it that-- Buell Frazier about the excerpts of HSCA testimony that Rob posted a few years ago. He pushed back and insisted he did not say those things or experience them, etc. How clear is the audio? Can anyone clean it up? The latter would be really big. Anyone a sound guy/gal?
  9. To compare completely baseless arguments against Debra Conway to documented and fundamental flaws with Judyth Baker borders on intellectual dishonesty. There are people who say all sorts of nuts things in this case. No one should be legitimizing what Judyth represents-- no one.
  10. I think any documentary with Stone's name behind it that promotes Judyth's story will set the research community back leaps and bounds. It does not matter if it presents any new and worthwhile material. To the contrary: many people will throw the baby out with the bathwater. Or, conversely and counter-intuitively, leave viewers of a documentary that presumably is supposed to be pro-Garrison with the impression that Garrison completely missed a huge story right under his nose, fundamentally misidentifying who was involved in an actual JFK plot.
  11. [If he confirms what he saw]: Did anyone else see what he saw? Who?
  12. A long while back-- and I would love to recover it-- on either alt.assassination.jfk or the moderated version, someone doing a thesis paper asked a question on the group that has always fascinated me. He had found a book written by a historian who also also happened to be an official in the Dominican. Said historian/official wrote something on the lead up to the Trujillo assassination that this poster was hoping someone could explain. Apparently, a CIA officer in the Dominican, one who played a role in the Trujillo assassination, Colonel Lear Reed, had been openly talking about a major change coming in policy in the Carribean shortly before JFK's assassination. If someone can find the quote, and if we could explore that, it might be important.
  13. Someone needs to get Guillon's private papers post-JFK assassination. And Truman's. Would love to know their private thoughts on Nov 22.
  14. I reached Dr. Porto via an intermediary. He is not keen on speaking about the subject. But he told said person that the damage was extensive, but concentrated on the right rear parietal region of the skull. Trying to get more, but I am not confident. -Stu
  15. This has been the subject of two straight Lancer presentations for me. Charles Waters, I am rather confident, was involved with one if not two Oswald impersonations prior to the assassination, including the infamous Bolton Ford impersonation. He becomes even more suspicious as he worked at one point (no earlier than 1962) as a car salesman at Mohr Chevrolet, which happens to be marked (although there is some controversy about it) on Oswald's Dallas map and at another car dealership that happened to be right at the corner where Oswald was dropped off by the cab driver on 11/22/63. Mohr Chevrolet is interesting because it connects, indirectly, to the library card found (supposedly) in Oswald's wallet. The latter was the actual focus of the presentations.
  16. This has many strong arguments-- there are even some, involving blurring and the forward motion of other occupants, not mentioned. The problem is that by raising Z-film alteration, sometimes gratuitously, Dr. Mantik is going to make it very easy to ignore the substantive criticisms of Nalli that address Nalli on his own terms. I wish he had resisted the temptation to do that.
  17. Hi all, Several years ago David Wimp created a gif, which is available in places online, where he zeroes in on each of the limo occupants (Jackie, JFK, JBC, Kellerman) and shows how, from 308 to 320 or so, all of them appear to move forward. In light of this recent article that purports to support a frontal shot, but which ignores issues involving blurring and other movement in the limo, I think this needs to be redone and improved. We have very high quality, deblurred and stablized versions of the Z-film from Dr. John Costella. Plus the Wimp animations were, if anything, too fast. They need to be slowed down even more. I am envisioning something similar to what he did: a 4 quadrant closeup of each occupant simultaneously captured from 308 to 320. Could someone put that together, but again, using the Costella frames and slowing it down even more? Regards, Stu
  18. Thanks Gary, I look forward to it. I am very interested, specifically, in the unedited testimony of Joseph Nicol, the independent firearms/ballistics expert. It relates to my last Lancer conference talk. I very much look forward to hearing you present. -Stu
  19. Jim. I am very interested in that Cadigan material you posted. Where does one find these kind of original, unedited versions of WC testimony? Are there specific boxes that have this? Any kind of index to specific witnesses? Regards, Stu Wexler
  20. I recently read Jim DiEugenio's review of the Caufield/Walker book, and I want to clear some matters up, as Jim referenced the work Larry and I did re Milteer and Somersett. Larry exchanged emails with Jim and then included me in the conversation. I think Jim misunderstood some of what I told him, and it is important that the matter get cleared up. Jim seems to be arguing one of two things re: Milteer/Somersett (or both.) On the one hand, he points out that Somersett was eventually uncovered as an informant by those in the far-right, that Milteer may have used Somersett as a conduit for misinformation. At other times, Jim seems to imply that Somersett was unreliable because, Somersett made things up (on this, I admit, I may be misreading Jim.) Whether Somersett was relaying false information or making up his own stories, it would have serious implications for the Milteer story on JFK. And the Milteer story is fundamental to the Caufield account of the JFK assassination. I have skimmed parts of the Caufield book, and I ultimately agree with Jim about the main thesis. But I do not agree with him about the Milteer story. At the core of my concern is a disagreement over *when* Somersett's duplicity became apparent on a *widespread* basis to those on the far right. There is no doubt that the FBI considered Somersett to be at least a semi-reliable source until 1964, and that the Miami police felt the same way about the informant at least through 1968. On the other hand, as we noted to Jim, J.B. Stoner wrote a letter to fellow radicals in 1962, raising questions about Somersett's loyalty. But these kind of charges are not uncommon in the paranoid world of the far right. The question is: when did others in the far right begin to agree with Stoner? I believe the evidence favors a cut-off point at around 1964-- before that, Somersett still had some credibility with those on the far right; after that, Somersett was used by those on the far right as an unwitting dupe to spread disinformation to government agencies. At no point was Somersett making up wild stories; rather, it is likely he was reporting wild stories that were conveyed to him. John McAdams actually takes a similar tact to Jim in dismissing Somersett. McAdams points out, for instance, that the FBI raised questions about Somersett's reliability and discontinued using him as a source as of 1961. But the discontinuation was not a result of the informant's credibility problems-- the Bureau stopped working with Somersett because he almost exposed another informant. But the FBI did say, in 1963, that Somersett furnished information about the Birmingham bombing (of the 16th Street Baptist Church in September, 1963) that "bordered on the fantastic." Here, there is a hint of truth. Somersett did report information he received from right-wingers related to the Birmingham bombing. But it was neither imagined nor fantastic. Somersett, on behalf of the Miami police, secretly taped a radical right winger, Sidney Barnes, and Barnes told Somersett that several dangerous right-wing radicals met in Birmingham the day before the bombing. After the bombing, they attempted but failed to shoot Martin Luther King, Jr. Besides the tapes themselves (confirming that Barnes did, in fact, relay information on the Birmingham bombing to Somersett), the Miami police took this seriously enough that they actually supplied Somersett with a rifle to provide to Barnes in hopes that they could trace it to future crimes. The FBI investigated the accused men (they were unable to verify anyone's purported alibis for the church bombings) and traced the plot against MLK through 1964. They considered the men Barnes identified (including Barnes himself) as some of the first suspects in the MLK assassination in 1968. Congress, who had additional sources on the 63 Birmingham plot against King, reported it as fact in the HSCA report. But the records make it clear that the FBI "blew" Somersett's cover when they interviewed Barnes about the Birmingham bombing in early 1964. They confronted Barnes with information that only could have come from someone like Somersett. At one point, Barnes even was recorded as voicing a strong suspicion that someone betrayed him. Ofcourse, Barnes may have have come to the "Somersett is an informant" party later than Milteer and others. Jim suggests this by bringing up other information relayed by Somersett in 1963. On more than one occasion, in fact, Somersett told law enforcement about a right-wing plan to engage in mass assassinations of prominent (mostly Jewish) public figures. Jim seems to think that the sheer number of targets under consideration in Somersett's reports illustrate that Somersett was either gullible or lying (it is hard to tell which Jim favors.) Either way, this would suggest that we should dismiss Somersett as a reliable source at least as of 1963, including before the taped Milteer conversation. But we have to be careful of presentism when evaluating the ambition of the radical right-wing in the 1960s. What seems like bold and crazy assassination plotting to us now was, in fact, par for the course for anti-government, anti-communist (often religious) zealots of the time. Another FBI informant reported very similar plotting (against multiple figures) in 1963. Sam Bowers, the head of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Mississippi, imagined the same type of widespread assassination when he spoke to his fellow racists on the eve of the Mississippi Burning Murders. And the late researcher Bill Turner described seeing detailed note-cards on thousands of potential assassination targets in the headquarters for the right-wing Minutemen in 1966. Law enforcement actually broke up plots to, for instance, put cyanide in the air ducts of the United Nations, and time after time, right wingers were arrested with arsenals worthy of a small army. In short, almost nothing Somersett reported in 1963 was out of the ordinary--- and much of it was actually consistent with what we know was going on. That these plots never materialized on a grand scale has much to do with both their grandeur (there surely was an element of bragaddocio) and the fact that the FBI was excellent at infiltrating these groups and disrupting the radical right. As to the JFK assassination specifically, one such informant did, independently of Milteer, report that Stoner's National States Rights Party was plotting to kill JFK. It is only in 1964 when Somersett starts to relay information, such as assassination plots against LBJ, that are exposed as being false, outlandish or misleading. But if Milteer was relaying honest information to Somersett, does that mean we should buy into Caufield's theory? I communicated with Caufield during our research for the Awful Grace of God, and I have much respect for his depth of research. But then, and now, I do not accept the idea that the ultra-right wing killed JFK. I have little doubt that they wanted to, and have no problem believing that they were in the planning stages. But any good JFK assassination theory has to explain at least a few key events within the same narrative: Oswald's New Orleans shenanigans, the Odio situation, the Mexico City affair, and Oswald's presence in the Texas School Book Depository during the motorcade. A right wing cabal might explain New Orleans, but so do other theories. I do not think the right-wing theory adequately explains the Odio affair and it does almost nothing to explain the odd events in Mexico City. As to Oswald, he had voluminous private writings and none of them suggest he was a right winger. They may not suggest a communist either-- but they do not look anything like the material I have studied for my books on the radical right. The fact that someone occasionally drops the N-bomb after growing up in the south does nothing to convince me that Oswald embraced the far-right agenda. Plenty of even semi-moderate southerners probably used the epithet at one point or another. Whether Oswald was totally framed, part of a conspiracy, etc., the conspirators had to be in a position to manipulate or influence his behavior up until and including November 22 . Milteer, as my colleague Larry Hancock noted in his book Someone Would Have Talked, may have enjoyed relationship with those on the periphery of a Dallas plot-- men from groups who were in a better position to influence Oswald in this way (and who also figure into the oddities of New Orleans, Mexico, etc..) Or maybe Milteer was simply boasting to Somersett. Either way, I ultimately agree with Jim on the radical right's connection (or lack thereof) to the Dallas plot, even if his treatment of Somersett lacks nuance.
  21. Stu Wexler is a teacher of World History, AP Government at Hightstown High School, Hightstown, NJ. He has been a JFK assassination researcher for about fifteen years where he has focused on the issues connected to the chemical analysis of the ballistics material since 2000. Wexler has spoken on the subject at JFK Lancer’s NID twice, at the Wecht conference in 2003, and at the AARC conference in 2004, three of those times opposite Dr. Kenneth Rahn, NAA advocate, from the University of Rhode Island. Wexler has collaborated with chemist Tom Pinkston since approximately 2000 on the same subject matter. Wexler’s other Kennedy interests focus on Oswald, his background and associates leading up to November 22nd. His book, The Awful Grace of God, co-authored with Larry Hancock, on the MLK assassination was published in 2011.
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