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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. That Kilgallen thread by Simkin was something.

    It covered a lot of ground about the intertwining of high profile sex scandals and political power and subterfuge involving JFK and others in high level political positions.

    The current Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking affair is just as intriguing and clearly looks like it goes as deep and as high as any of the JFK era.

    Two of our presidents, a foreign head of state, a royal family member, super wealthy individuals, foreign intelligence, fake passports, corrupt officials and highest position politician entrapment, huge payoffs to cohorts and witnesses, hidden assets and unexplained wealth acquisition...etc., etc.

    Famous high profile lawyer Allan Dershowitz is absolutely freaking out regards his involvement with Epstein as reported in the press.

    He has initiated a mass media blitz campaign of damage control and narrative re-direction so desperately aggressive and manic energy frantic ( unprecedented in his personal history ) it clearly seems too over-the-top relative to his hundred times repeated claims of total innocence in anything illegal in this affair.

    I have a feeling that Dershowitz is worried about much more than just these reported inappropriate sexual interactions with Epstein's girls.

    If only Dershowitz hadn't mentioned getting a hand rub and squeeze massage job in Jeffrey Epstein's sex pad, even if he left his underpants on and his masseuse was an old Russian woman who looked like Rosa Klebb.

    The same probably goes for the rest of the growing number of highly placed others implicated in this Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal.

    Obviously, sex scandal corruption is as highest level deep and permeating today as it was in JFK's days.




  2. 12 hours ago, Michael Cross said:

    Looks like that was never filmed?

    No it wasn't filmed.

    I would've loved to have seen such a JFK mystery thriller especially with someone as talented as Blanchette as the lead character and Mamet writing.

    Wonder what studio heads axed it and why?

    Jack Valenti wasn't around so can't blame him.

  3. Reading Marina Oswald's WC testimony we get her account of Lee Oswald's plans to shoot at General Edwin Walker including his escape and ditching of the gun ( burying this ) until he could get it later.

    Lee's Walker shooting plan was quite detailed and well thought out.

    According to Marina's recollection Lee Oswald did a lot of prep work for this fascist kill mission.

    He took photos of Walker's house ( wonder what camera he used? ) he planned bus travel routes and times and created maps and made entries in a note book. 

    He had a physical escape running route planned until he could find a later evening - farther away city bus to catch home.

    Lee had a gun ditching plan.

    Lee probably did some gun cleaning and scope alignment and even taken some target shooting just before the Walker attempt according to Marina.

    So on 11,22,1963 we have Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly taking on a monumentally much more risky JFK kill effort that he couldn't have had much secure pre-planning for considering the unknowns of his work duties that day, getting the rifle to his work place ( risked Buell Wesley Frazier seeing his wrapped package ) and up to the 6th floor unnoticed just hours before JFK's motorcade passed his work building,  the exact timing of the motorcade and having the 6th floor to himself at just that right brief window of opportunity time period, etc., etc.

    And with the gun kept and wrapped in a blanket at the Paine residence for weeks Lee couldn't have had it available for cleaning and alignment or even practice shooting right up until minutes before he supposedly used this on JFK?  

    And if Oswald did the JFK shooting, he must have known his immediate escape from his 6th floor perch would have been an absolute possible suicide mission.

    This wasn't a well planned General Walker - one shot - patient aiming turkey shoot in the dark cover of night with no eyewitnesses effort.

    The JFK shooting was a hurried one in broad daylight with hundreds of people/witnesses just yards below him and Oswald must have known the powerful gun shot sounds would have drawn someone's sight to his direction and location.

    Maybe when Lee left his wedding ring in Marina's cup before he left the Paine's house that morning he was truly anticipating his death that day?

    But, of course Lee could have had something better planned in an escape attempt imo than waiting for a city bus just blocks away, getting on and off and hailing a cab but still being a Southern gentleman and letting a cab needing women take his first ride.

    And what do we make of the normally tight-fisted Oswald actually tipping the cab driver a whole nickle!?

    Or, was Dallas sheriff Roger Craig correct in IDing Oswald as jumping into a Rambler station wagon just West and in front of the TXSCB Depository? Now that sounds like a planned escape.

    The bus taking, leaving, cab taking Oswald's escape plan sounded made up on the spot.

    Lee arming himself once he got to his N. Beckley rooming house sounds like he didn't know earlier that he may have to shoot someone to protect himself if caught. But who?

    His fellow conspirators who he now knew had betrayed him?

    Marina said in her WC testimony that Oswald did like to go to the movies. And mostly went by himself. Maybe Oswald went to the movies just because he wanted to?

    A war movie with Van Heflin would be just the kind of movie Oswald would like it seems.

    Through all this however, it is amazing to me that Oswald ( if he was the shooter ) could have done the 6th floor shooting and made it all the way down through and away from the TXSBD amidst all that heightened police presence and make his way back to his rooming house right after.

    What incredible chutzpa! And logistical luck!

    I think I would have had a major panic or even heart attack at some point in all that risky life and death drama.

  4. Cate Blanchett, Ralph Fiennes tributes New York Film Festival 2013

    Cate Blanchett will star in helmer-scribe David Mamet’s “Blackbird,” a present-day Hitchcockian nailbiter turning on a secret explanation for the 1963 assassination of U.S. president John F. Kennedy.

    Blanchett plays Janet, who travels to Los Angeles for the funeral of her grandfather, a Hollywood visual effects artist who moonlighted for U.S. special ops agencies. Her grandfather’s well-kept secrets become a threat to her, forcing Janet to discover the truth about a man who dedicated his life to making illusion reality.

    Blackbird” is produced by Said Ben Said’s Paris-based SBS Prods., which established a reputation from its 2010 launch for producing films by heavyweight directors aimed at adult audiences: Roman Polanski’s “Carnage,” Brian De Palma’s “Passion,” and David Cronenberg’s upcoming “Maps to the Stars,” starring Julianne Moore, John Cusack and Robert Pattinson, which Ben Said is co-producing with Prospero Pictures’ Martin Katz.


    SBS is handling worldwide sales. It will shoot in Sydney, part financed by Australian tax breaks, Ben Said said.
  5. 8 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    I'll just add this:

    In her HSCA testimony, Marina couldn't remember the first time she saw the rifle.



    Marina's HSCA testimony



    When do you first recall seeing Lee with a rifle in the United States?
    Mrs. PORTER. I cannot pinpoint exact month, you know, date of any kind.

    Mr. McDONALD. Where did you first see it?
    Mrs. PORTER. I do not remember where or when, but I can say that Lee did have a rifle during life in the United States.

    Mr. McDONALD. When you refer to the "closet," what apartment are you referring to? At what apartment are we talking about?
    Mrs. PORTER. I do not recall any apartment, but maybe one in Dallas.
    Mr. McDONALD. The one on Neely Street?
    Mrs. PORTER. Neely Street; yes.

    Mr. McDONALD. Did you ask him where he obtained this rifle?
    Mrs. PORTER. No, I didn't.


    Steve Thomas

    One would think that Marina would have a better recollection of when she first realized Lee had purchased a rifle and when see first saw Lee with it. 


    Several universally young mother shared reasons including family need diverting cost.

    If Lee had just produced a previously unannounced purchase camera, radio or fishing pole one could see Marina perhaps not remembering even a general time period of first seeing such innocuous items, but even something that innocent would probably still initiate a "where'd you get the money for that when Junie needs shoes or doesn't have a crib?"

    But instantly seeing a high powered rifle in your small living space midst would be at least a little scary shocking and surely elicit a much more concerned response from a young mother imo.

    More concern than just the frivolous diversion of family need funds.

    "Uh, Lee , why do you need a gun...and such a big gun?"

    And "why did you not consult me about this?"

    And knowing Marina's at times sarcastic wit - "What are you going to do with this ...shoot us some rabbits to help with our food needs?" "

    "This is not a toy." "Why did you buy this?'

    You'd think Marina would feel very uncomfortable with such a potentially dangerous weapon anywhere near her baby.

    And to see her husband cleaning and mock aiming of his new gun in his spare home time must have made Marina at least wonder where this previously unseen interest of Lee's came from if he had never shown this in the years she had known Lee previously?

    I think Marina was purposely very vague about her first awareness of the rifle and her reactions to Lee's acquiring it to protect herself from any potential self incrimination and culpability on her part.

    How much did Marina personally protest Lee's frivolous purchase of such a potentially deadly weapon or asked Lee about his motivations in acquiring something so scary and illogically unnecessary relative to their family's basic and normal needs?

    And when Lee first told Marina of his using this rifle to actually shoot at and trying to kill someone, even understanding Marina's unique situation of knowing no one who she could trust to reveal such craziness and her fear of what might happen to her and June if she went to the authorities, any half way intelligent young mother ( and Marina was very intelligent ) would have freaked out at such an action by her husband and been in huge fear of the consequences if Lee was caught.

    They would instantly start thinking of ways to get away from such a violent person...in my opinion anyway.

    Maybe Marina was doing and thinking all of these things. Her situation was impossibly compromised by her isolation from anyone she could trust enough to really help her in any significant way.

    Maybe she went to bed every night hoping that this craziness on Lee's part was just a one time thing? We do know that Marina was experiencing deep level depression that culminated in her trying to kill herself during her time with Lee in Texas, no matter how feeble this attempt was.


  6. I had posted a few years ago recounting my experience and thoughts viewing Parkland at one of our local theaters when it came out.

    I tried to find that older thread and repost it but couldn't.

    I remember some of my earlier post.

    I had to talk my wife into going to see the film with me as she is very movie review savvy and she had read that this film was totally panned.

    We went to the afternoon showing and we were two of only three viewers.

    The other audience member was an extremely heavy set, hairy and bearded person wearing a soiled and ill fitting T-shirt.

    Within twenty minutes of Parkland's beginning he had fallen asleep and snored loudly the rest of the film.

    I do still remember my wife sighing many times and struggling to stay watching which she only did for me. She had nothing to say about the film afterwards which is not like her.  She also has no interest in the JFK assassination event.

    Box office Mojo listed the movie tickets sales of Parkland as one of the lowest in decades for a major release film.

    Parkland disappeared from our local theaters the next day after our viewing.

    I think Hanks knew he had a record breaking bomb, and for some reason let it go through production and distribution.

    Maybe this had something to do with giving his son Colin some added exposure as an actor?

    Not too many years ago there was a JFK related film project titled "Black Bird" that had been green lighted and then after a year of publicizing this it was dropped.

    This JFK assassination intrigue film "Black Bird" was to star Kate Blanchette with a script written by David Mamet.

    Too bad this film disappeared and Parkland got made.

  7. 5 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    500 block is further south... which is why most maps cut off at Jefferson...

    where Hill, Croy, Scoggins, and others were ...leading to Tippit. Is a fascinating study...

    and, as mentioned above, also the location of El Chico restaurant.

    ...I believe Vag had a red Falcon... just can’t find the doc


    This guy Vaganov is one intriguing character.

  8. 2 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Don't sell yourself short, Denny.  Your work on the throat wound is superb.  Your critique of my "JFK Conspiracy for Younger Generations" was spot on, and led me to make changes in the presentation of the material.

    You're a top tier poster in my book.

    I second that.

  9. 11 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Don't sell yourself short, Denny.  Your work on the throat wound is superb.  Your critique of my "JFK Conspiracy for Younger Generations" was spot on, and led me to make changes in the presentation of the material.

    You're a top tier poster in my book.

    I second that.

    And relating to Denny's occasional "stepping away" from the forum;

    The JFK assassination story and this forum are so damn stimulating to me that at times I also must take breaks to keep it from becoming more of an obsessive compulsive disorder focus than it already is.

    And semi-regularly I do feel I should go back to being just a reader and letting our resident scholars share their higher level research on this forum unimpeded by less informed (although passionate) postings such as mine.

    And I do. 

    But sometimes I come across a new thread ( or older one ) on the forum that piques my passionate JFK truth seeking interest to such a degree that I can't help but inject my thoughts and questions into the discussion despite my layman research credentialed self-consciousness.

    Forgive me...but this forum is addictive.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Stephanie Goldberg said:

    If we discount Milteer's ability to travel between Dallas and Florida in the specified time, then we discount Donald Adam's ID of the photo. 


    That is why it is important to determine what is true or not in accounts of Milteer's whereabouts soon after 11,22,1963.

    Milteer lied and lied to whoever questioned him, so his stated accounts are worthless.

  11. A car trip to Jacksonville from Dallas in a day and night's time would be an effort.

    999 miles.   15 and 1/2 hours drive time with few stops.

    The train would probably take longer.

    Other scenarios possible here are flying part ways.

    Or the accounts of Milteer being in certain stated locations so soon after Dallas on 11,22,1963 are made up and planted.

    Milteer was a very sneaky, crafty person.  If he was in Dallas, TX at the big event, you can be sure he would have planned location alibi's and cover stories ahead of time to disprove his presence there.

    This is the guy that according to the Mary Ferrell archives sent a very detailed list of ways for his fellow White Supremacy group members to deal with any FBI interviews that he said might occur because of the JFK assassination.

    This is the guy who had hidden his own little portable tape recorder in his banana bag that Agent Don Adams mistakenly allowed him to keep up to and during part of Adam's interview of Milteer on 11,27,1963.

    In Milteer's secret recorded Miami tape comments to informant Willie Somersett,  we hear Milteer detail well thought out diversion plans for a shooter or shooters using a patsy to take the fall for this.

    Milteer could well have been in Dallas on 11,22,1963 and used any of the above scenarios to cover his on-site presence tracks there.

    Milteer was a deviously clever and dangerous JFK hating individual. And a man with some financial means to carry out his often proposed violent plans to promote his White Supremacy cause.

    Looking back, I don't think JFK and RFK truly understood the real danger they were in physically his entire presidency. Their enemies meant business and murder was never off the table.

    JFK mentioned to Jackie how they were in "nut country" after arriving in Texas for his visit there. More like "killer" country.





  12. Yes, I've read the Mary Ferrell archives.

    To a point, quite revealing as to Milteer's extreme right life and views including his advocating violence many times.

    Dangerous JFK hating man.

    These reports from informant sources are interesting and important.

    But you wonder if the FBI had much more info on Milteer than this.

    If there was one person you would expect to see on a presidential threat list as Agent Hosty of Dallas referred to...it would be Milteer.  Right at the top!

    And starting with JFK's visit in Miami which the agencies chose to alter for sure partly because of Milteer's threat tape to Somersett, you would expect them to keep this specific guy under surveillance until JFK arrived back from this deep South trip.

    Hosty claimed Oswald was not on this list, but would he have had some notice about somebody like Milteer being on it?  Especially after the Miami tape?

    We know now he should have.

    And it appears Guy Bannister could easily have been connected to Milteer in their shared White Rights activities. Bannister attended and spoke to various groups like this across those deep South states. Milteer country.

  13. Stephanie, the single most important obvious question and part of any investigation of Joseph Milteer once Don Adam's hauled him in on 11,27,1963, was Milteer's physical whereabouts and activities from just before JFK was slaughtered in Dallas to the day Adams finally discovered Milteer's presence in Georgia.

    Adams says Milteer was certainly out of his home town for many days during this time as Adam's was constantly monitoring Milteer's known residences the entire time.

    Again, I'm not well research educated so I can't say that there isn't some official documentation that credibly tells us where Milteer was in this time period or disproves Miami police informant Willie Somersett's claims that Milteer inferred to him after the assassination that he was in Dallas when JFK was hit and that Milteer bragged to Somersett about JFK being taken out as he (Milteer) had described to Somersett he would be.

    Anyone would expect an extremely vigorous even all out investigation of Milteer's activities during the assassination time period especially after listening to Milteer's taped ( and incredibly method accurate ) JFK threats made to Somersett in Miami just two weeks prior.

    Wonder where I could find the official FBI's report on their findings of Milteer's whereabouts from before 11,22,1963 to 11,27,1963.

  14. 12 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

             I learn something new every day.  Never realized that John Kennedy, Jr. and I both majored in American Studies at Brown.  (I graduated from Brown in '79, the year John Kennedy, Jr. matriculated.)  Brown had an excellent inter-disciplinary program in American Studies.

           As for John, Jr.'s knowledge of the circumstances surrounding his father's death, he must, surely, have learned a great deal from his mother and others.  As I recall, Jackie always believed that LBJ was in on the plot to kill her husband.  She also feared that her brother-in-law, Bobby, would be murdered if he threw his hat in the ring in '68.


  15. 6 hours ago, S.T. Patrick said:

    When Ford asked Rockefeller to consider being VP, Rockefeller was going to take it, but told Ford he'd need a day to "discuss it with his family." Rockefeller came back and, in essence, "pulled a Cheney." He told Ford that he'd need to be an "active vice-president." I think Ford called it a "working vice president." Ford then tells Rockefeller, "I'd like you to do in the domestic field what Henry [Kissinger] is doing in the international field." Richard Nixon had considered choosing Nelson Rockefeller over Ford as VP (for a split second). Nixon basically thought Ford was not bright enough to prove a threat or succumb to the intrigues that were disloyal to the president. Nixon also was dead set against plucking someone from the Eastern Establishment to be a heartbeat away. Rockefeller hasn't been cozy with Nixon, anyway. Nixon snubbed him at the Waldorf-Astoria on election night in 1968, and Nixon had a streak of class/regional envy in him, anyway. So, as Ray Locker points out in the excellent Haig's Coup, Haig works with Ford to secure a pardon as a means by which Ford would be nominated. To extrapolate that out, the pardon also means that the article of impeachment would not go forward. What was in those articles? A to-be investigation of the Moorer-Radford spy ring, which would have led straight to Haig. So, by choreographing the VP replacement, Haig once again saves Al Haig from professional/historical ruin and potentially prison.    

    Very interesting and informative S.T.Patrick.

    Thanks for posting this.

  16. Stephanie, exactly.

    Much of Adam's story is about his being kept in the dark about a person of such interest to his employers that they asked him to focus all his energies on investigating him before 11,22,1963.

    Adam's being ordered to limit his personal interview questions to Milteer on 11,27,1963 to the barest general context is another suspicious action by his employers.

    Adams mentions the warning memo sent to all field office heads shortly before 11,22,1963 regarding threats against JFK during his trip to Dallas. Was this action of warning field office heads of such threats common and therefore generally not reacted to?

    Agent James Hosty ( Dallas office Oswald assigned ) is so security casual during JFK's motorcade trip through his own downtown, he stands and watches JFK drive by and then simply walks into a cafe to have lunch while JFK still has much more huge crowd vulnerable parade travel to finish?

    Shouldn't JFK security minded government personnel have more involved security duties, especially during the vulnerable exposure motorcade itself, besides having a casual lunch in a downtown cafe in the middle of this which seems ridiculously illogical for someone in Hosty's professional capacity?

    Adams seemed appalled regard's Hosty's story of destroying file papers directly connected to Lee Harvey Oswald the day Oswald was shot.

    A destruction of super important evidence that Hosty kept from the Warren Commission during his testimony to them, despite taking an oath to tell "The Whole Truth" before hand in what he and his agency knew about Lee Harvey Oswald before, during and after 11,22,1963.


  17. But the DSA has done a good job especially in going after people like Pelosi. Who, in my view, plays too much pattycake with people like McConnell.  She and the rest of the Dem leadership have gotten too comfortable in that role. AOC is right when she says the Dems do not use the power of the camera or radio to move public sentiment or educate the masses.  its almost like they enjoy being in second place.

    "Patty cake?"  It's worse than that.

    And AOC is right about the Dems neglecting the influence power of the camera and radio in the mass media realm. 

    The Repubs have totally owned the radio waves for decades. And their propaganda minions like Rush Limbaugh have used this medium to an unbelievable successful degree. They are masters of this form of voter manipulation.

    5 or 6 major corporations own 80% to 90% of our main stream media?

    Think about that fact. 

    The corporate wealthy who own these news media are not democratic working class friendly.

    So, even though we are allowed MSNBC as a supposedly liberal viewpoint defending network the other main entities are very much in the right wing political slant realm.

    For years, the 1% Republicans have been bitch slapping the Dems, with many of the abused Dems accepting this without any self respecting protest.

    It has been as embarrassing to watch this as it has been humiliating for the slapped.

    Long time establishment Dems like Dianne Feinstein, Biden and other so-called Dem leaders have for decades too often gone along with the Repubs in so many major areas of the most serious of political agenda matters. The Iraq war, the Supreme Court confirmation of Clarence Thomas, and so many more.

    I call them Republicans in Democratic sheep's clothing.

    Now, with Trump, this face slapping humiliation has elevated to a level of bullying abuse and disrespect beyond anything anyone could ever imagine.

    The 1% Repubs have the Senate, the Executive Office and the Supreme Court in their complete control. 

    That's 3 out of the 4 branches of our government ( and include their media control ) with only our Congress left for the Dems to exercise any balance of power fight against this juggernaut of combined power and control.

    I don't understand how the Democrats are seemingly unaware of how out-gunned they are in the balance of power battle that is going on now. They are surrounded on three sides in this battle.

    The Trump White House, incredibly, simply ignores the lawful and balance of power edicts of Congress. The Trump White House does what it wants all the time, never compromising.

    The Trump White House also lies and lies and the main stream media reports this briefly, but never responsibly expresses higher level justified outrage.

    Congress and the Dems in general aren't just bitch slapped anymore by the Republicans and the Trump gang. They are being pummeled!

    The humiliating bullying of them has now elevated to a level of taunting insults, dismissal, ignoring and disrespect that is unprecedented and hard to believe!

    Like they are now being pushed to the ground on a school playground and spit upon and laughed at! And the protectors of this abuse ( judges like school teachers) have taken the side of the bullies!

    I don't see the Democrats ever having equal governing power, respect and dignity in the next few years, if for any reason than they don't seem to comprehend and face how emasculated and totally bullied they are.




  18. Just viewed the entire Don Adams presentation.

    Adams mentioned Milteer's common law ( prostitute? ) wife and how on November 27, 1963 when he and another officer had arrived at her home to arrest Milteer, this woman told them Milteer had left just 15 minutes earlier and had loaded his car and bags with...?

    Adams then raced and caught up with Milteer 50 miles away and pulled him out of his VW bus vehicle.  They hauled Milteer in for questioning and had his vehicle towed back to an impound yard.  Adams never mentioned what they may have found in Milteer's vehicle. Just curious what was found.

    The Miami police were so concerned about Milteer before JFK was to arrive in Miami for a political speech, they set up a tape recorder in a hotel room where Milteer was encouraged to share his thoughts on any assassination attempts on JFK by their informant William Somersett.

    What they heard on this tape recording was so "real threat" serious, they ( other higher agencies ) changed JFK's Miami physical travel itinerary.

    I can't believe after hearing the kinds of threats Milteer was outlining to Somersett that this one hidden tape recording was the last they would do concerning Joseph Milteer.

    One can be sure that a threat of Milteer's seriousness and capabilities ( relatively well off financially and connected to the most violence threatening organizations  )  would have demanded they track, surveil and tape him again.

    So after this mind blowing threat tape of Milteer with Somersett the authorities never tried to secretly record him in private again?  Nuts!

    Adams was on the hunt for Milteer even before 11,22,1963.  He must have looked at countless photographs in so doing.

    He had personal, close up, one-on-one interaction with Milteer after he picked him up on 11,27,1963.

    Adams talked to Milteer and looked at him within a couple of feet.

    Adams could easily and thoroughly see Milteer's entire body, build and facial structure.

    In this talk by Adams, he showed the Milteer look-a-like person photographed on the Houston street sidewalk just as JFK's limo passes in front of him on 11,22,1963 ...and seconds before the shots rang out.

    Adams never once indicated in his talk that he had any doubts at all that this mean expression Milteer look-a-like on Houston street wasn't Milteer.

    Of the many, many persons who for decades have downplayed and dismissed the Houston Street Milteer photo as not Milteer, how many could claim that they had spent close up, face-to-face, one-on-one interaction time with Milteer as Adams did?

    Because of this significant fact, you are kind of forced to give Adam's more credibility on this Milteer in Dealey Plaza picture issue over these naysayers.

    I could see an alliance of JFK hating forces making 11/22/1963 happen in different capacities.

    How many Mafia hits took place right in broad daylight and right downtown in major cities with the shooters not even being caught? We now know that corrupt city police forces made sure they were purposely not in the vicinity to get to these murder scenes in enough time to catch the shooters.

    It's called pulling back protection.

    And to add on the insanely risky Dealey Plaza dog leg at the end of JFK's Dallas motorcade is just another sickeningly suspicious action that was the opposite of normal SS presidential motorcade security protocol.

    Adams does mention the JFK limo inner windshield frame indentation.

    It was deep enough in "solid steel" not to have been made by any bone fragment and a fragment of JFK's head shot bullet would have had to come in from a slightly different angle (more straight on ) from JFK's exploding skull than the actual indentation entry angle which indicated a farther out right to left one.



  19. On 7/8/2019 at 10:30 PM, Joseph McBride said:

    It's revealing that the CIA front Washington Post is now trying to demonize

    Warren the way they did Bernie and before that, Howard Dean,

    whom they set out to destroy and did. The Post did another

    attack job on Warren and picked a closeup photo of her looking

    wild-eyed (read: nutso) just like they liked to do with the other two they hate. The Post doesn't want any

    candidate who might actually start trying to redistribute the wealth. The NY Times

    does not like Bernie but for some reason still seems to respect

    Warren despite the biases that paper holds similar to those of the Post. I could

    tell the Post was out to get Dean early in the campaign when they ran a piece

    emphasizing how he would become so passionate in his speeches that

    he would get red in the face and scream. Then they destroyed him with

    their hyped-up piece on his "scream," which was mostly due to an anomaly with a network microphone.

    That piece, significantly, ran shortly after Dean announced he would break

    up the monopolies of the major media if he became president. It's an old

    media trick to use code words and loaded images to mean "craziness," for which they also use

    the phrase "conspiracy theorist." Another word they use for "crazy" is "rambling."

    If you look back at the 1% media manipulation machine for decades you can actually see patterns of their doings that reveal when they feel truly threatened by serious potential adversarial candidates.

    Howard Dean had just placed a surprising third in the final 2004 Iowa caucus vote.

    Afterwards Dean gave a late night campaign rally speech to his supporters that included an inspired loud "YEAH" yell.

    Within days, I was taken back at how Dean's higher than expected Iowa showing was being not just ignored, but instantly replaced in most of the the main stream media by this weird and hugely exaggerated coverage of Dean's Iowa victory rally speech as somehow revealing of Dean as some raging nut case!

    Medical doctor educated Dean a nut case? What the heck?

    There was an obviously well coordinated, well financed and immediately aggressive nationwide media campaign to plant a destructive mental case image of Dean in the collective societal mind set, centered around nothing more than Dean's late night celebratory speech "YEAH" yell at the end of this.

    This ridiculously baseless and exaggerated Dean nut case charge was given a highly psychologically manipulative marketing sound byte label as ... the "Dean Scream."

    Rush Limbaugh and his fellow Republican propaganda machine minions went into full bore all out attack mode on Dean and the "Dean Scream" which they gleefully replayed hundreds of times on their shows to highlight how insane Dean really was.

    And in the supermarket sensational front cover magazine political propaganda display case as you walk through the checkout line ( National Enquirer, Newsweek, Time, Etc, ) within days I noticed Dean "Nut Case" front covers on several national magazines like Newsweek ( see below) that were shamelessly promoting this new and scary image of Howard Dean as a whacko.

    All born from nothing more than a late night, tired hoarse voiced campaign victory yell.

    But as empty and ridiculously illogical as this Dean candidacy destruction effort was in it's genesis ... it worked!

    Dean immediately started losing his decent Iowa vote showing momentum and traction and never came close to this in the later primaries. 

    That's how successful such hugely financed image destruction mass media campaigns can be.

    That super exaggerated and widely promoted Dean "nut case " destructive image planting campaign made me consider the reality of how very powerful interests groups in this country deal with the political candidates they truly fear.

    Gary Hart and John Edwards were taken out with wide media exposure sex honey trap set ups.

    Dean got the "Nut Case" one.

    Wonder what image destruction plan they will use on Elizabeth Warren.

    Socialist extremist?  Borderline commie?



  20. Years ago I happened to catch a radio interview of former FBI agent James Hosty of the Dallas, TX field office who was assigned the Lee Harvey Oswald file up to the time of 11,22,1963.

    The focus of the interview was Hosty's book "Assignment: Oswald."

    You remember James Hosty?

    He was the agent who when called to testify to the Warren Commission in early 1964, didn't mention his burning of Oswald's FBI file and then flushing this down a toilet upon orders from his superior the day Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby.

    The CHAIRMAN. "Would you raise your right hand, please, and be sworn? Do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give before this Commission shall be THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH ... so help you God?"

    Mr. HOSTY. "I do." 

    When asked later in a public interview why he didn't mention the Oswald file destruction in his  "whole truth" testimony to the Warren Commission that day in early 1964 Hosty smugly chuckled " they didn't ask." 

    Ha, ha, ha.

    Like keeping this unbelievably important Oswald file information destruction action on the part of the Dallas FBI office from the Warren Commission was ... no big deal !

    Like this action would have elicited no more interest and questions from the Commission members than mentioning Oswald's minimal baloney sandwiches and milk dietary preferences.

    Can anyone here imagine the stunned impact look on the Commission member's faces if Hosty had voluntarily mentioned in his testimony this Oswald file destruction action by him on 11,24,1963 on orders from his FBI supervisor?

    That revelation would have ( should have) rocked the investigation to it's preconceived lone gunman core.

    Getting back to this radio interview of Hosty regards his book "Assignment: Oswald"

    Hosty went on and soon enough just blurted out this tid-bit about the Warren Commission and their investigation.

    He told the interviewer "We had three of them. Ford, Russell and ..."

    Hosty seemed to temporarily forget the name of the other Warren Commission member besides Gerald Ford and Richard Russell Jr. who he clearly inferred was working with his employer the F.B.I. in providing them continuous inside information on their investigation.

    Amazingly the interviewer just quickly interrupted Hosty and interjected some other innocuous comment and question about Hosty's book, seemingly oblivious to the importance of what Hosty had just revealed to him and his radio audience regards this admission by Hosty of how compromised the so-called independent Warren Commission was by the FBI.

    And who was this third FBI informant Commission member Hosty was about to identify?

    Ford was so compromised.  His JFK truth loyalty was trumped by his F.B.I. loyalty.

    And my guess is that Ford did what the Rockefeller's ( and Hoover ) told him to do.



  21. When Ford was President I was employed as a gardener ( part of a small crew ) in Pebble Beach, CA.

    Home to the famous "Pebble Beach" public golf course and the lesser known but even more exclusive "Cypress Point" private golf course.

    President Ford would come to play golf during one of the big tournaments there ( A T & T ) and stay at the large estate home of an oil executive by the name of Darius Keaton.

    Just mentioning this in the "Birds Of A Feather" context.

    Darius Keaton Jr.; Oil Executive, Golf Champion


    Darius N. "Dee" Keaton Jr., 76, former oil company executive and champion amateur golfer. Born in Atlanta, Keaton served in France and Germany during World War II, attended Washington State University and graduated from UC Berkeley. He worked with Union Oil Co., Signal Oil and Gas Co. and, with Leonard Firestone, co-owned Edgington Oil Co. Keaton, a director in Santa Fe International Corp., an Alhambra-based oil exploration company, was sentenced in 1987 to two months in prison, five years' probation, 1,000 hours of community service and an $11,000 fine after pleading guilty to two felonies for insider trading. The Securities and Exchange Commission charged him with wire fraud and violating SEC regulations over his trading of stock and stock options in 1981, shortly before Santa Fe was acquired by Kuwait Petroleum Corp. A champion athlete in high school and college, Keaton focused on golf as an adult and played for many years in what is now called the AT&T; Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. With his partner Hale Irwin, he won the tournament in 1976. He was a director and former president of the Monterey Peninsula Golf Foundation, the charitable group that runs that tournament. On Friday in San Francisco.

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